Saturday, October 10, 2020

T. rex and Pteranodon coloring pages









There are 

no fees

and no




is of

a T. rex

or Tyranosaurus rex

turning as 

a Pteranodon

swoops down.  

T. rex Turns

(new drawing today)

This is a new drawing of a Tyrannosaurus rex.  T. rex was the among the biggest land predators to ever live.  It was not as big as Spinosaurus, but Spinosaurus probably mostly ate fish.  It may be slightly shorter than Giganotosaurus, but we are not sure if it was lighter.  

T. rex was around 40 feet long.  It may have weighed up to 9 tons or 18,000 lbs.  That is 12 meters long and  8165 kg. of mass.  T. rex had incredibly powerful jaws.  It could crush bones of its prey.  It was very heavily built as an adult.  It is thought that the young were more lightly built and therefore the young or sub-adult Tyrannosaurs were probably the prey chasers.  Then the parents would jump out of the trees and crunch the neck of the prey.  

The Pterosaur is a Pteranodon.  Pteranodon are a Genus of flying reptiles or Pterosaurs that lived in the Cretaceous.  T. rex also lived in the late Cretaceous Period.  Pteranodons were large Pterosaurs.  They had a wingspan of 23 feet or about 7 meters.  They probably ate primarily fish.  

In fact, the first Pteranodon fossilized skeleton was found in Kansas at what was the Interior Cretaceous Seaway back in the Cretaceous Period.  It was found in 1870 by Othniel Charles Marsh.  When a later specimin was found and it included the skull, it was discovered that Pteranodons were toothless.  So, like a pelican, it is thought that Pteranodons ate fish.  

The flowers you see are Magnolias.  New discoveries show that flowering plants appeared way back in the Jurassic Period, or maybe even before.  Magnolias were some of the first of the ancient flowering plants.  

NOTE:  This new drawing, along with the below drawings, are all found in printable form by clicking on the Paleontology Button up top.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for this new drawing.  There are other older drawings from older posts below this last paragraph.  All the drawings on this post today have both a T. rex and a Pternodon.  There are hundereds of dinosaur drawings to print and color under the "Paleontology" button. 

T. rex Adult and Pteranodon Adult (inspired by) D. Train

Tyrannosaurus rex with Iguanodon and Pteranodon

Tyrannosaurus ignoring a Volcano while Hunting

Pteranodon, T. rex, and Triceratops Friends

Tyrannosaurus rex with Blood Python Pattern

T. rex Predator or Scavenger

T. rex with Eggs

T. rex Mother with 3 Chicks

T. rex Juvenile with Pteranodon Friend

T. rex Parent caring for Chicks

T. rex Mother and Chick among the Flowers

T. rex Baby and Pteranodon Baby from D. Train

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