Thursday, September 29, 2022

Even MORE Dinosaur Coloring Pages

This is a free coloring pages blog.

There are over 2000 drawings that you can print and color. 

Today is different from most days.  

Today I am posting several dinosaur drawings.  

Some of the drawings are simple and cartoon style and 

some are more realistic.  But not super-realistic. 

Triceratops among the Cycads

This is a 30 feet long Triceratops feeding on cycads.  Triceratops lived in the dangerous Cretaceous Period.  It may have used its horns to defend itself from T. rex.  The horns also might have been used for courtship rituals.  This Triceratops is feeding on and among some cycads.  Cycads can be tall cycad trees or small cycad plants.  There is grass in the is drawing too... because new research shows that grass may have first evolved 100 million years ago.   Some research done by Dr. John Horner in Montana suggests that the fully adult Triceratops had  little bones on the edge of their frill as they grew up but no bones on the edge of their frill as fully grown adults.  The little bones were absorbed. .  And Triceratops' horns curved forward... IF they were full sized adults - liie this one. 

Mommy T. rex with Male Chick

Notice that the chick does not have its stripes or spots yet.  I thought that maybe the stripes or spots came me in later - like how Dalmations get their spots a few weeks after they are born.  By the way, T. rex lived 60-65 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period.  

Mommy T. rex with Female Chick

Notice that these two drawings are the same except for eyelashes on the chick.  .   . and one other thing is added.  Can you find it?  Putting eyelashes on an animal is a cartoon trick to make the animal female. Since crocodiles carry their young in their mouth it is speculated that Theropod dinosaurs, like Tyrannosaurus rex, may also have carried their young in their mouths.  It is funny to think of the animal with the most powerful bite of all animals could gently carry their young in that same deadly mouth. 

Allosaurus Hunting with Rhamphorhynchus in the Air

Allosaurus was also a large predatory Theropod dinosaur  It lived in the Jurassic Period 155-145 million years ago.  It had larger arms than T. rex and it had three fingers on each hand. It had a smaller head than T. rex, but some Allosaurs got to be 40 feet long... so it was almost as long as T. rex.was 43 or so feet long but was much heavier than an Allosaurus.  These two dinos never met in life.  Allosaurus scientific name is:  Allosaurus fragilis.

Supersaurus, Castorocauda, & Rhamphorhynchus

Supersaurus was a very long mid Jurassic Sauropod dinosaur.  It could reach lengths of up to 120 feet or 36.6 meters long.  It was the largest of the Diplodocid Sauropods.  

Castorocauda has a beaver-like mammal of the mid Jurassic.  It was the largest mammal of the Jurassic Peroid.  It was 17 inches or 43 cm. long.  It had a rather flat beaver-like tail. 

Rhamphorhynchus was a pterosaur with a 4.1 feet or 1.81 meters wingspan.  It had a long tail and also was a mid Jurassic animal. 

Young Triceratops vs Young T. rex

Young Parasaurolophus in the Nest

Parasaurolophus was a Cretaceous Hadrosaur or duck-billed dinosaur.  It had a large hollow crest that may have been used to communicate and to create a loud sound to drive off Tyrannosaurs. 

NOTE:  The printable versions are found by clicking on the Paleontology button up top then scrolling down to the bottom of the Mesozoic part of the list.  Have fun coloring.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


 Welcome back to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's newest drawing is of a new find...

a duck-billed dino.


Brachylophosaurus was a duck-billed dinosaur Hadrosaur.  It had a bit of a crest on its snout.  It lived in the Cretaceous Period.  It was 36 feet or 11 meters long.  It lived in what is now North America. It is thought that perhaps the crest was used in pushing contests by males to compete for mates. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Paleontology" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the Mesozoic section of the list. New drawings are at the bottom of the list. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Kelsea the Mermaid coloring page

Welcome back.  This is a second post today on this, 

my free coloring pages blog.  

This post is of a Mermaid named Kelsea.

Kelsea the Mermaid

Kelsea is a Mermaid.  She lives in the Pacific Ocean.  Like many Mermaids, she has pointy ears like Fairies and Elves.  Most good magical creatures have pointed ears.  A good magical creature is called a "Being of Light."  Although I said, "creature" you need to realize that Mermaids are fully as intelligent as mortals... or humans.  Kelsea is clearly a Being of Light.  

Mermaids have concealed cities and they also have some magical ability to prevent humans from spotting their underwater civilization. Because of their magical qualities, merpeople can come on land and magically obtain legs.  They do this from time to time.  SOME merpeople actually choose to stay on land.  They almost always marry a mortal or human.  Then their offspring are mortals but have excellent swimming ability and a deep love of water. 

In this drawing, Kelsea is sunning herself on a rock that is just about at the ocean surface during low tide.  Do you see the brain coral by the rock?  

Merpeople don't wear clothing on their scaly tail.  But they DO wear clothing of sorts on their top half.  They prefer organic clothing... kind of like many Fairies.  So Kelsea is wearing a top made from kelp. I did not say "plant-based" clothing because kelp is not a plant.  Kelp IS plant-like, but kelp is a member of Kingdom:Protista.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled:  "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" and then scrolling to the bottom of the list.  I am adding below a few other Mermaid drawings from previous posts.  Some of these drawings were done when I first started this blog and I think that my drawing skills have improved.  I may draw a few Mermaids in the next couple of weeks. Watch for them.  In the mean time...  Have fun coloring!  

Mermaid at the Reef

This is more of a cartoon drawing of a little girl Mermaid.

Mermaid surfaces amid the Seabirds

Merilee the Merrow the Irish Mermaid

She is pictured in human form.

Mermaid Denverie

Unicorn and Mermaid

Mermaid in Kelp Forest

やまと&ヤマトサウルスのぬりえのページを日本語で表示しています。Yamato & Yamatosaurus coloring pages in Japanese









English viewers, this was posted in English yesterday.  

Just scroll down a bit to see this post in English.

IJN Yamato


大日本帝国海軍の大和は、これまでに建設された最大の戦艦でした。 それは863フィートまたは263メートルの長さでした。 それは137フィートまたは39メートルの梁または幅を持っていた。 重さは71,000トンを超えた。 重量は23,000トンで、艦の25インチまたは65.5cmの厚さの装甲であった。 それは多くの小さな対空砲で装甲され、9つの巨大な主要武器を持っていました。 これらの砲は18インチまたは46cmの口径を持っていた。 アメリカの船はパナマ運河を通過することができなければならなかったので、彼らはアメリカ海軍の戦艦のどの銃よりも大きかった。 そのため、大和は18インチ砲を持つのに十分な広さである可能性があります。 米海軍の船は、そのような巨大な銃を運ぶのに十分な広さではありませんでした。 その結果、18インチ砲の射程がアメリカの戦艦よりも長かったため、アメリカの戦艦が反撃する前にヤマトがアメリカ海軍の船に発砲した可能性があ

しかし、この飛行機は第二次世界大戦で現代の海軍兵器であることが証明され、戦艦はいくつかの点で時代遅れでした。 しかし、ヤマトはいくつかのアメリカ海軍の船と交戦し、小さな護衛空母を沈めるのを助けた。 しかし、空母の飛行機はヤマトの運命であることが判明しました。

その後、ヤマトは数隻の護衛艦を伴って沖縄に送られた。 それは、米海軍潜水艦と捜索機によって発見されました。 その後、それは米海軍の飛行機の100sによって攻撃されました。 これらの飛行機には、急降下爆撃機、魚雷爆撃機、戦闘機が含まれていました。 アメリカ海軍の飛行機の周りに日本の戦闘機がなかったので、対空砲火を抑制するために最初に船を機銃掃射しました。 その後、空母ベースの急降下爆撃機と魚雷爆撃機は大和に深刻な損傷を与え、転覆している間に前方弾薬雑誌が爆発したように見えます。 火の玉は小さな核兵器のように見え、まだ攻撃している米海軍の飛行機のいくつかを破壊しました。 戦艦は武装した航空機にはマッチしませんでした。 それは人生の恐ろしい損失でした。

私は戦闘中ではなく、技術的な図面でヤマトを描くことを選択しました。 私は私の絵の中で船をかなり単純化しました。



ヤマトサウルス(Yamatosaurus)は、原始的なハドロサウルス類またはアヒルの頭をした恐竜である。 ランベオサウルスに関連していた。 ランベロサウルスの祖先であった可能性がある。 ランベロサウルスのような紋章を持っていなかったようです。 それは多くのHadrosaursよりも小さく、23-26フィートまたは7-8メートルの間でした。 それは4-5メートルトンの間の重量を量った。 それはアジアゾウと同じくらい大きくなります。 3倍の重さのハドロサウルス類がいた。

私の義理の息子は、ヤマトがこれまでに建てられた最大の戦艦だったので、この驚くべき名前は竜脚類のような巨大な恐竜のためのものでなければな ちなみに、この恐竜のフルネームはYamatosaurus izanogiiです。 ヤマトは日本の古代の名前であり、イザノギは日本神話の創造神です。

注:これらの図面は、印刷可能な形式で、2つの異なる場所で発見されています。 戦艦大和の図面は、ボタンのラベルをクリックすることによって発見されます:"車両と軍用車両。"その後、印刷可能なページのリストの一番下までスクロールダウンします。 (あなたは最後のタイトルをクリックする必要があります、それはタイトルが言う場合です:"IJN Yamato。"

大和サウルスの図面は、"古生物学"ボタンをクリックし、中生代の動物セクションの下部にスクロールすることによって発見されます。 それは"Yamatosaurus"と言う場合は、タイトルをクリックしてください。"

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Imperial Japanese Navy Battleship Yamato & Yamatosaurus coloring pages in English

 Welcome or welcome back to my free coloring pages blog.

Today there are two new drawings. 

I am a military history enthusiast and a dinosaur enthusiast. 

So when I heard that there was a dinosaur named Yamatosaurus I 

decided to draw the huge Japanese battleship called the Yamato.

I also drew this new duckbilled dinosaur named after the ship.

It is called Yamatosaurus. 

Note to English readers:  I will be getting this translated into Japanese. 

IJN Yamato

The Imperial Japanese Navy Yamato was the biggest battleship ever constructed.  It was 863 feet or 263 meters long.  It had a beam or width of  137 feet or 39 meters.  It weighed over 71,000 tons.  23,000 tons of the weight was the ship's 25-inch or 65.5 cm thick armor.  It was armored with many smaller anti-aircraft guns and it had 9 huge primary weapons.  These guns had an 18-inch or 46 cm bore.  They were bigger than any guns on US Navy battleships because American ships had to be able to go through the Panama Canal. So the Yamato could be wide enough to have 18-inch guns.  US Navy ships could not be wide enough to carry such huge guns.   The result is that the Yamato could have fired on US Navy ships before the American battleships could even fire back - because the range of the 18-inch guns was longer than any American battleship.  

However, the plane proved to be the modern naval weapon in World War II and battleships were in some ways obsolete.  However, the Yamato did engage some US Navy ships and even helped sink a small escort carrier.  But carrier planes proved to be the doom of the Yamato.  

Later the Yamato was sent with a few escort vessels to Okinawa.  It was spotted by a US Navy sub and by search planes.  Then it was attacked by 100s of US Navy planes.  Those planes included dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and fighter planes.  Since there were no Japanese fighter planes around the US Navy planes strafed the ships first to suppress the antiaircraft fire.  Then the carrier-based dive bombers and torpedo bombers severely damaged Yamato and it appears that as it was capsizing its forward ammunition magazines exploded.  The fireball looked like a small nuclear weapon and even destroyed some of the still-attacking US Navy planes.  The battleship was no match for armed aircraft.  It was a terrible loss of life. 

I have chosen to draw the Yamato in a technical drawing, rather than when it was in battle.  I have simplified the ship in my drawing quite a bit.  


Yamatosaurus was a primitive Hadrosaur or duck-billed dinosaur.  It was related to Lambeosaurus.  It may have been an ancestor to Lamberosaurus.  It seems to not have had a crest like Lamberosaurus.  It was smaller than many Hadrosaurs and between 23-26 feet or 7-8 meters.  It weighed between 4-5 metric tons.  That makes it as big as an Asian Elephant. There were Hadrosaurs that weighed 3 x as much.  

My son-in-law said that this amazing name should be for a gigantic dinosaur like a Sauropod since the Yamato was the biggest battleship ever built.  By the way, the full name for this dinosaur is Yamatosaurus izanogii.  Yamato is an ancient name for Japan and Izanogi is a creation god in Japanese mythology.  

NOTE:  These drawings are found, in printable form, in 2 different places.  The Battleship Yamato drawing is found by clicking on the button label:  "Vehicles and Military Vehicles."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for the printable page. (You have to click on the last title, that is if the title  says:  "IJN Yamato."

The drawing of Yamatosaurus is found by clicking on the "Paleontology" button and then scrolling to the bottom of the Mesozoic Animals section.  Then click on the title if it says "Yamatosaurus."

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Taliawyn a Female Rider of Rohan

Welcome back to my free coloring pages blog.

Today we have a new drawing of another female 

Rider of Rohan.  Her name is Taliawyn

Taliawyn a Female Rider of Rohan

Female Riders of Rohan were once quite rare.  But ever since Eowyn killed the Witch King then Female Riders have become far more accepted.  Taliawyn is one of the Female Riders of Rohan who has qualified to be one of the elite group that rides with the king.  Taliawyn is beautiful but she worries more about being capable as a Rider and being loyal and kind to the other Rohirrim.  She knows that her physical beauty is secondary to her spiritual beauty. 

In this drawing Taliawyn is leading her horse, Rocco.  She got the name from the Elves.  Rocco means horse in one or more of the Elvish languages. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for this picture.  Then have fun coloring!  

Friday, September 16, 2022

Daniellia the Stream Fairy

 Welcome back to my blog!

This is a free coloring pages blog!

Today's drawing is of a beautiful Stream Fairy.

Daniellia the Stream Fairy

Daniella is a beautiful Stream Fairy.  Stream Fairies protect streams, creeks, and small waterways.  She is seen here in mortal size because all Fairies can transform into mortal size.  Their natural state is about 5 inches long. 

Daniella is seen here sitting on a fallen log.  You may notice her Baltaus Volantum or flying belt.  Most Fairies wear these pieces of  Fairy Tech to allow them to fly for long distances.  They can, of course, fly without the flying belt, but they can not fly at great speed for long distances with just their wings.  

Daniellia is working here, watching out for the stream and all the organisms that depend on it.  She works these shifts 2 times a week and actually stays home to care for her children the rest of the time, except when she travels.  Fairies live in underground villages that are located under and sometimes IN large trees.  Of course,, they are Fairy size when they are at home.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll to the bottom of the list to get your printable page.  New drawings are found at the bottom of the drop-down menu or list.  By the way, Daniella is also a Native American Fairy and she has a sister named Dania.  And Dania is a Pond Fairy. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Torvosaurus vs a Feathered Theropod

Welcome back to my free coloring pages blog!

Sorry I have not posted in a few days. 

Today's new drawing is of a Jurassic dinosaur called Torvosurus.

The Torvosaurus is facing off with a smaller, but still large Theropod that has feathers.

Torvosaurus vs Feathered Theropod

Torvosaurus was a large predator of the Late Jurassic Period.  It lived around 165 = 148 million years ago.  Around 100 million years ago Yutyrannus was a smaller but feathered Theropod and it lived in the Early to Mid Cretaceous Period.  I imagined a smaller ancestor to Yutyrannus facing off against the Allosaur-like Torvosaurus.

Torvosaurus was perhaps a type of Allosaur, but it was far more robust than Allosaurus.  So its bones were thicker.  It had a much larger skull.  I have a paleontologist friend who is working on a dig of a Torvosaurus and the Torvosaurus they are excavating has a head almost as large as a T. rex. 

Torvosaurus had a mass of up to 4500 kg. or a weight of almost 10,000 lbs.  It was 10 meters or about 33 feet long.  The new find might be even bigger than that.  Torvosaurus may well have been the apex or top predator of the Late Jurassic. 

Yutyrannus was an Early Tyrannosaur that was found in China.  It was around 9 meters or 30 feet long.  It was clearly covered in feathers.  Coelurosaurs were the dinosaurs that produced feathers and the first birds.  This includes T. rex and Yutyrannus.  Allosaurs like Torvosaurus did not belong to this group.  Torvosaurus was a Carnosaur and most likely did NOT have feathers.  

Again, this is a drawing of a supposed ancestor of Yutyrannus so it is smaller than a Yutyrannus.  Since Yutyrannus lived 100 million years ago then this drawing is set at around 148 million years ago. 

NOTE:  This drawing is found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology" and then scrolling down to the end of the Mesozoic section of that page.  This will give you a better page to print.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Water Nymph with Frog

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing comes from an old painting.

It is a Water Nymph with a Frog.  

My version is a coloring page and has many differences

but it was inspired by a painting called 

"Nymph and the Frog."

Water Nymph and Frog

Edward Eggleston painted his Nymph with Frog painting in 1930.  I came across it the other day.  It is in the public domain and it is a widely sold print.  It even is seen on coffee mugs, towels, etc.  I was amazed at this talented painter's work.  Look up the original if you wish.  I draw primarily for kids and although I think human (or Nymph) bodies are beautiful, I don't draw nudes for posting on this site. My version of this drawing is very different.  Besides having plant-based clothing, my Water Nymph has pointed ears because Water Nymphs are related to Fairies, Elves, & Hobbits (who all have pointed ears or pointy ears).

Water Nymphs get a bad rap in mythology.  In reality, they are much like Mermaids. Mermaids live in ocean environments but Water Nymphs are freshwater sentient beings.  Water Nymphs are not all evil murderers of humans.  In the past some Wagter Nymphs were murderers... and a very few are murderers in our modern era.  But most water nymphs are peace-loving.  There ARE male Water Nymphs but they prefer to avoid humans.  Because of this, the female Water Nymphs are what have been seen by mortals.  

Water Nymphs are able to breathe water.  That means that they have unique lungs that can extract oxygen from the water.  Water Nymphs can also breathe air.  Merpeople have very similar lungs.

Surprisingly, some female Water Nymphs are known to fall in love with a mortal man and thus they abandon their aquatic life for happiness with a mortal.  This makes them live a much shorter time.   But to a Water Nymph in love, it is 100% worth it.  Many of our Olympic swimmers descended from a marriage of Water Nymph and mortal.  That is why they are such excellent swimmers. But unlike their pure-blooded Water Nymph ancestor, the "mortal" swimmers can't breathe water.  However, many of the great swimmers have a long torso and long arms, and shorter legs.  So when you look at this Water Nymph, whose name is Flumenia, you may notice that she has legs that are a bit short but quite long arms AND a longer torso.  Many of the great mortal swimmers are built like that... in many cases, because they had a Water Nymph ancestor. 

 NOTE  The printable version is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus button located at the top of this page.  Then scroll to the bottom to get the PDF file picture. 

 By the way, I improved the drawing and added more of the reflections in the water so it more closely mirrors the land plants.  I also fixed a couple of other things.  I refer you to the quote by Leonardo Davinci who said, "An artist does not complete a work, we abandon it."  So, I felt like I abandoned this work of art too soon. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Apostle Paul in Roman Custody

Welcome back to my free coloring pages blog. 

I have not posted in a while because we went on vacation 

and came back to a broken printer/scanner.  

So we ordered a new HP printer and we just finished setting it up.

Today's new drawing was done at church last Sunday. 

It is a drawing of Paul the Apostle in Roman custody.

Paul in Roman Custody

The tradition has it that Pual was martyred in Rome.  The Holy Bible does not say exactly how Paul died.  It is possible that he was beheaded by the corrupt Emperor Nero in Rome in Nero's vendetta against Christians.  

Paul was perhaps the greatest missionary for Christianity that the world has ever known.  His epistles are a very important part to the New Testament.  They were written to the Christians in cities where Paul had preached. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious" and scrolling to the bottom of the New Testament part of the list.  For now somehow both the PNG and the PDF file print together.  I am trying to fix that.