This page has the printable pages of Bird Drawings. . I will also include drawings of the more bird-like dinosaurs. There is a view that living birds are actually Avian Dinosaurs. I will start by posting my new drawing of a Blue Heron.
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Swan on Lake flapping Wings
- Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
- Swan swimming
- Tom Turkey in the Wild
- Turkey Cartoon to Color
- Dormornis stirtoni
- Australian Pelicans
- Jabiru in River
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Crested Pigeon
- Robins of Australia 2 of 49 species
- Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring
- Budgerigar or Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Emu in the Outback
- Cassowary
- Quoll in the Outback
- Kookaburra in Gum Tree
- Flamingo from Riverbanks Zoo
- Black Swan in River
- Wood Duck Mates
- Bowerbirds
- Swan and Cygnet
- Mallard Ducks
- Bald Eagle fishing for King Salmon
- Bald Eagle flying over Southeast Alaska
- The Ugly Duckling swimming alone
- The Ugly Duckling getting bullied
- The Ugly Duckling in the Winter
- The Ugly Duckling finds out he is a Swan
- Swan Realistic
- Canadian Goose
- Short Eared Owl
- Little Blue Heron
- American Robin
- Gentoo Penguins
- Great-tailed Grackle
- Swan with Cygnet
- Swan Looking at Its Reflection
- Swan with Cygnet
- More Realistic Swan
- Microraptor Flying Through Forest
- Velociraptor in Desert
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Sandhill Cranes at the Green River
- The next three drawings are Fantasy drawings, but the birds in the drawings are real.
- Tania the Wildlife Fairy
- Fairy Family with Hummingbird
- Mermaid with a Waved Albatross
- Jonny and Eagle at the Lake
- Mermaid surfaces amid the Seabirds (Frigate Birds & Albatross)
- Ginevra in her Natural Mermaid Form (Black Gull)
- Ginevra the Mermaid in Mortal Form with Seagull Friend (Black Gull)
- Barefoot She-Elf with Mute Swan and Brown Trout
- Wild Turkeys
- Australian Frilled Lizard & Wedge-Tailed Eagle
- Aardvark with Buttonquail in the Congo Jungle (Buttonquail are birds.)
- Mandia the Pet Fairy (This drawing also has a Mallard Duck.)
- Legend of the European Robin
- Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay
- Groundhog in the Early Fall with a Black-Capped Chickadee
- Tree Fairies - Herlindia the Mangrove Tree Fairy (with a Great Blue Heron)
- Clark's Grebe
- Dead Sea Sparrow in Olive Tree
- Aurina the Barefoot Fairy running in the Forest sees a Red-legged Partridge
- Yolanda the Stream Fairy with Black-chinned Hummingbird Friend
- Sloanniah the Mermaid with a Pigeon Guillemot Friend
- Swan Mother with Cygnets
- Gannets - Mated Pair
- Black Swan in River
- Bird Fairy named Robin with a robin
- Owl Cartoon
- F-15EX Eagle II (with a Bald Eagle)
- Frigate Birds
- McKennia the Seagull Mermaid with a California Gull
- Trumpeter Swan with Cygnets
- Tundra Swans on a Pond
- Mute Swan on a Forest Pond
- Trumpeter Swan with River Fairy
- Old Time Sailing Ship (Frigate ship with Frigate Bird at the Stern)
- Mother Grebe & Grebettes
- Wood Duck Mother & Duckling
- American Robin Mother with Chicks
- Little Blue Heron in a Pond
- Mother Swan & Cygnets and Mother Duck & Ducklings
- Owl Mother & Owlet
- Beach Fairy named Alikiah (with a Black Headed Gull)
- Mermaid named Reagania with Frigate Birds
- Shannonia the Lake Fairy with Mallard Ducks
- Harp Seal Mother and Pups (with Black-headed Gull)
- Flamingo Family
- Swallow-tailed Kite
- Blue-Footed Boobies Doing Mating Dance
- Jesus' First Fishing Miracle (with Turtle Dove, Black-headed Gull, and Herring Gull)
- Beaver Pond with Beaver and Waterfowl
- Thanksgiving Multicolored Turkey
- Jesus with Swans
- Gray Whale Mother and Calf
- Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds
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