NOTE: Newer drawings are at the bottom of the category.
Just click on the title to see the printable coloring page you want.
Timeline of History of Life on Earth and Geologic Sandwich
Animals From the Cenozoic Era (The age of Mammals)
Note: there is aseparate button for living animal drawings.
- Smilodon near the Forest
- Smilodon fatalis
- Smilodon on a Cliff
- Giant Ground Sloth
- Terror Bird and Mesohippus Prey
- Hagerman Horse
- Marsupial Lion
- Zaglossus
- Diprotodon
- Diprotodon with Joey
- Procoptodon the Giant Short Faced Kangaroo
- Megalania prisca vs Aboriginal Hunter
- Aboriginal Warrior vs Megalania prisca
- Mireya the Science Fairy studying Lemurs (Drawing includes Elephant Birds.)
- Baioconodon
- Carsioptychus
- Taeniolabis
- Eoconodon
- Cave Bear in the Spring
- Smilodon resting in the Forest
- Teloceras the North American Rhino
- Wooly Rhino on the Steppe
- Dinohyus the Terrible Pig
- Hoplophoneus vs Mesohippus
- Terror Bird hunting Mesohippus
- Glyptodon Mother and Pup
- Woolly Mammoth Mother and Calf
- Hagerman Horse Mare and Foal
- Steppe Mammoth the Biggest Mammoth
- Columbian Mammoth in a Valley
- Woolly Mammoth at the Ecotone
Animals from the Mesozoic Era or Mesozoic Life (Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Marine Reptiles, etc.)
- T-rex with baby
- T-rex with eggs
- My Favorite Dinosaur--Triceratops (realistic)
- My Favorite Dinosaur--Triceratops (cartoon)
- Parasauralophus--Duck-Billed Dinosaur (realistic)
- Parasaurolophus--Duck-Billed Dinosaur(cartoon)
- Microraptor Flying Through Forest
- Velociraptor in Desert
- Mother T.rex carries chick
- Spinosaurus Swimming
- Allosaurus with Stripes
- T.rex with Spots
- T.rex with Hatching Chick and Pteranodon
- Spinosaurus with Hatching Chick
- Spinosaurus Close-up
- Spinosaurus fishing with Young
- Spinosaurus for Young Children
- Spotted Spinosaurus
- Apatosaurus Cracking the Whip
- Brachiosaurus OLD Theory
- Apatosaurus Feeding
- Brachiosaurus Feeding on Cycad Tree
- Sauroposeidon Tallest Dinosaur
- Brachiosaurus for Small Children to color
- Apatosaurus for Small Children to color
- Diplodocus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Protoceratops
- Zuniceratops
- Montanoceratops
- Centrosaurus
- Machairoceratops
- Styracosaurus
- Triceratops with her Calf
- Triceratops vs T.rex with Labels
- Yutyrannus hauli
- Velociraptor with Young
- Tyrannosaurus rex vs Didelphodon vorax
- T. rex on the Prowl
- Triceratops with Bulls eye pattern
- Feathered Tyrannosaurus rex
- Teratophoneus with young
- Tylosaurus with Snake-like Tail
- Tylosaurus with Tail Fluke
- T. rex with Stripes
- T. rex with Spots
- Utahraptor
- Pteranodon fishing
- Woolly Mammoth Hunt
- Indricotherium
- Woolly Mammoth & Indricotherium comparison
- Allosaurus Mommy
- Sauropod and Pteranodon Friend
- T.rex, Triceratops, and Pteranodon
- Mother Triceratops feeding the Kids
- Raven with Wolf Cub
- Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site
- Dinosaurs in a Mixed Herd
- Ceratosaurus on the Prowl
- Velociraptor Fluffed out for Display
- Sarcosuchus vs Carcharodontosaurus
- Triceratops Mother with two calves
- Triceratops teen or Juvenile
- Triceratops full sized adult (bull)
- T. rex drawing from Skull
- Tylosaurus with Pteranodon
- Parasaurolophus swimming lessons
- Shonisaurus
- Plesiosaurus surfacing
- Liopleurodon
- Tylosaurus... shark... and several Ammonites
- T. rex Mommy
- Torvosaurus with Rhamphorhynchus
- Torvosaurus vs Allosaurus
- Pteranodon Dad giving son flying lessons
- Pteranodon Dad giving daughter flying lessons
- Grandpa T. rex and grandson
- Pahasapasaurus
- Parasauarolophus Feeding Time
- Daspleteosaurus on the Prowl
- Albertavenator curiei by a river
- Troodon in the Forest
- Patagotitan
- Sauroposeidon and Ornithocheirus
- T. rex and Pteranodon Babies fan art
- T. rex Baby fan art
- Realistic T. rex Baby and Parent
- Triceratops and Brachiosaurus babies fan art
- T. rex and Pteranodon adults fan art
- Triceratops cartoon fan art
- Apatosaurus fan art
- Triceratops with Calf realistic
- Bruhathkayosaurus eating Palm Leaves
- Corythosaurus Grazing
- Triceratops Grazing
- Supersaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Cryolophosaurus The Elvis Dinosaur
- Coelophysis vs Sphenodont
- Big Al the Allosaurus
- Brasilichnium and a New Pterosaur
- Centrosaurus Duel
- Monoclonius rubbing on Cycad tree
- Pteranodon over a Lambeosaurus
- Pteranodon evading Tylosaurus
- Pteranodon fishing over a Tylosaurus
- Ouranosaurus
- Baryonyx the Spinosaur
- Styracosaurus feeding on ferns
- Happy New Year T. rex Style
- Happy New Year Duck Bill Dino Style
- Hakszkaraptor the swimming raptor
- T. rex Hunts with Offspring
- T. rex Parent caring for Chicks
- Spinosaurus Hunting with Young
- Parasaurolophus Female
- T. rex Baby in Nest
- Lythronax the Gore King
- Ouranosaurus... Cronopio... and Mythunga
- Torvosaurus on the Prowl
- Torvosaurus as a Feathered Theropod
- Argentinosaurus and Argentinadraco
- Edmontosaurus & Pteranodon
- Edmontosaurus vs T. rex size comparison
- Edmontosaurus & T. rex running from the Doomsday Meteorite
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Mommy T. rex with her female chick
- Utahraptor Family
- Allosaurus Caring for her Chick
- Rainbow Dinosaur Caihong juji realistic
- Rainbow Dinosaur Caihong juji cartoon
- Brontomerus feeding with Young
- Brontomerus defending her Young
- Maiasaura peeblesorum
- Maiasaura at Nesting Site simple drawing
- Velociraptor in the Gobi Desert
- Tyrannosaurus rex Mother in the Spring
- Spinosaurus from New Theories
- Archaeopteryx Pair in the Forest
- Jurassic Forest
- Yi qi & Shunisaurus
- Half Feathered T. rex and Qetzalcoatlus
- Stygimoloch and Dawndraco
- Ankylosaurus vs T. rex
- Grave Robber mammal Necrolestes
- T. rex before the Meteorite Strike
- T. rex runs from the Pyroclastic Flow
- Triceratops Sleeping
- Tyrannosaurus rex Sleeping
- T rex sleeping and Didelphodon hunting
- T. rex mommy at Hatching Time
- T. rex Mommy teaches her Young to Hunt
- T. rex mother and Pteranodon mother with Offspring
- Triceratops feeding on Ferns near a Volcano
- Big Al the Allosaurus with Rhamphorhynchus
- Dreadnoughtus feeding on Cycads
- Mansourasaurus and Alaqa
- Lambeosaurus by a Pond
- Tyrannosaurus rex vs Triceratops horridus
- Tyrannosaurus rex ignoring a Volcano
- Eoraptor from Dinosaur Train
- Eoraptor male and chick similar to Dinosaur Train
- Appalachiosaurus
- T. rex chicks getting Breakfast
- Carcharodontosaurus
- T. rex mother with three Chicks
- Utahceratops grazing
- Vegaceratops
- Spinosaurus after a Sawfish
- Velociraptor Hunting Lessons
- Oviraptor at Nest
- Apatosaurus Herd Migration
- Triceratops Parenting
- Allosaurus Parenting
- Spinosaurus taking a Swim
- T. rex Mommy with her Two Chicks
- Lythronax with Cynodont Friend
- Triceratops coming at You
- Prorotodactylus
- Plateosaurus
- Eocarcharia and Pterodactylus
- Dilong
- Hatzegopteryx
- Quetzalcoatlus
- Quetzalcoatlus with Giraffe for height comparison
- Pinocchio rex
- Sauropods in Scotland
- Suchomimus at Hatching Time
- Vegaceratoops by a Pond
- Iguanodon and DerCmodactylus
- Parasaurolophus Mates
- Baryonyx fishing at a River
- Cretaceous Friends
- Ammonites and Shonisaurus
- Volgatitan
- T. rex with Unique Pattern
- Achelousaurus
- Borealopelta markmitchellii a new Nodosaur from Canada
- Deinonychus and Bennettazhia
- Dynamoterror dynastes
- T. rex chick in Nest
- Teratophoneus curriei
- Bajadasaurus pronuspinax
- Giant Thunderclap Dinosaur at Dawn
- Lythronax with Protofeathers
- Moros intrepidus or wee rex
- Austroposeidon
- Triceratops calf with Kids . . . an Homage to Dinotopia
- Velociraptor vs Protoceratops
- Galleonosaurus and Aussiedraco
- Antarctopelta
- Young Tyrannosaur
- Eoraptor lunensis
- Gigantoraptor vs Sonidosaurus
- Imperobator on the Prowl
- (NOTE, the Diluvicursor below is not landscape, but it should still print fine.)
- Diluvicursor
- Parasaurolophus at the Watering Hole
- T. rex named Scotty
- Mapusaurus with Young
- Triceratops with two Calves
- Ankylosaurus feeding on Ferns
- Tyrannosaurus rex with Blood Python Pattern
- Dilophosaurus emerging from the Forest
- T. rex mother with one chick in Nest
- Spinosaurus eating a Sawfish
- Diamantinasaurus matildae
- Muttaburrasaurus
- Australovenator
- Cooper and George Titanosaurs
- Vespersaurus
- Vespersaurus with Feathers
- Belemnite about to be eaten by a Plesiosaur
- Elasmosaurus mother and calf
- Kronosaurus hunting Plesiosaurs
- Eric the Umoonasaurus
- Suchomimus by a River
- T. rex with Pteranodon in front of Volcano
- Parasaurolophus in front of Volcano
- Giganotosaurus on the Prowl
- Mommy Giganotosaurus hunts with her Chick
- T. rex Male Chick hangs out with his Mommy cartoon coloring page
- Kamuysaurus japonicus
- Pentaceratops in the Jungle
- Tylosaurus with Large Scales
- Allosaurus vs Apatosaurus
- T. rex jevenile with Pteranodon Friend
- T. rex with a Triceratops in the Distance
- Ferrisaurus the Iron Dinosaur
- Tratayenia rosalesi
- Velociraptor and Huge New Pterosaur of Gobi Desert
- T. rex runs from Pyroclastic Flow
- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus after a Sawfish
- Suchomimus feeding her Young
- Baryonyx juvenile by a River
- Slightly Feathered T. rex
- Saurolophus and a new Giant Pterosaur
- Mary Anning with Dimorphodon
- Ichthyosaur
- New Stegosaur Adratiklit boulahafa
- Mary Anning and 3 species She Discovered
- Ichthyosaurus anningae
- Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
- Mosasaur and Calf
- Brachiosaurus found in Utah
- Pinocchio rex swimming
- Allosaurus fragilis close up
- Guanlong the early Tyrannosaur from China
- Allosaurus jimmadseni
- Torvosaurus juvenile chasing Othniela
- Reaper of Death Thanatotheristes
- T. rex Mother with Chick in her mouth
- Dineobellator
- Repenomamus the Mammal that ate Dinosaurs
- Volaticotherium the first flying Mammal
- Zhangheotherium the Mammal with the Poisonous Spur
- Pliosaur Rhomaleosaurus
- Borealopelta the Dinosaur Mummy
- Mother T. rex flees the Volcano
- Mother Triceratops and Calf on a Hill
- Tremor the Sparkly Space X Dinosaur
- Triceratops Calf and Dad..and... Pteranodon Chick and Mom
- Deltadromeus the River Delta Runner
- Batrachopus grandis the Bipedal Crocodile
- Cryodrakon boreas the Ice Dragon
- Tyrannosaurus vs T riceratops
- 2 Triceratops species
- 2 Triceratops species
- Giganotosaurus by a River
- Giganotosaurus Skull
- Triceratops prorsus near a Volcano
- Wulong bohaiensis the Dancing Dragon
- Sauroposeidon comparison with two Jr. High Kids
- Olorotitan Mother with Calf
- Gigantosaurus (the original)
- Gigantosaurus cartoon
- Giganotosaurus & Argentinadraco
- Gigantosaurus on the Prowl cartoon
- Ceratosaurus walking in a Riverbed
- Carcharodontosaurus & Coloborhynchus near a River
- Early Jurassic Sea
- Vectaerovenator and a Tapejarid from the Isle of Wight
- Titanosaur Hatchling with Nose Horn
- Teratophoneus Sub-Adult feeding
- Schleitheimia schutzi and Caelestiventus hanseni
- Soriatitan the New European Brachiosaur
- T. rex Turns
- Drepanosaur Climbing Tree with Caelestiventus flying in the Background
- Cryolophosaurus with Feathers
- Trinisaura an Antarctic Herbivorous Dinosaur
- Sauropodomorphs from Antarctica
- Antarctica's Huge Pterosaur
- Antarctic's Mosasaur Taniwhasaurus Antarcticus
- Juvenile Pamparaptor and Adult Argentinosaurus
- Targaryendraco
- Dawndraco flying over a River
- Dilophosaurus with Frill
- Dilophosaurus in the Forest
- Globidens the Shell-Crushing Mosasaur hunting Ammonites
- Allosaurus vs Stegosaurus
- Albertosaurus by a Stream
- Cynodont in the Triassic
- Gunakadiet the Thalatosaur a Triassic Marine Reptile from Alaska
- Suchomimus and Ornithocheirus
- Teratophoneus from Natural History Museum of Utah
- Nasutoceratops
- Brontopodus by a River
- Mommy T. rex and Chicks
- Apatosaurus Alpha Female welcomes Juvenile into the Herd
- Kimmerosaurus Hunting Sharks
- Barosaurus just laid Eggs
- Dino Friends Para, Trike, and Beaky
- Pterodaustro
- Gavialimimus the New Fish Eating Mosasaur
- Parasaurolophus Chick Hatching
- Brachiosaurus Sub-Adult feeding on a Cycad Tree
- T. rex Chicks hatching
- Llukalkan alocranianus a new Dinosaur that caused Fear
- Tarbosaurus vs Deinocheirus
- Supersaurus Mother laying Her Eggs
- Teratophoneus Mother and Chick at an Overlook
- T. rex with Pteranodons, Triceratops, & a Didelphodon vorax
- Young T. rex vs a Wildfire
- T. rex Mommy takes her Chick for a Walk
- Nasutoceratops in a Cretaceous Tropical Forest
- Kosmoceratops Mother and Calf
- Nothronychus the very unusual Theropod Dinosaur
- Dracorex hogwartsia
- T rex Bad Time for Hatching
- Sauropod from the Isle of Skye
- Anatotitan and Pteranodon
- New Sauriopod Dinosaur from China Silutitan
- Triceratops Mother with Calf near a Volcano
- Claosaurus the Broken Duck-billed Dinosaur
- Ceratosaurus near the Forest
- Titanosaur Mother and Calf
- Sauropod Hatchling
- Gastonia and Pteranodon
- T. rex Mom & Juvenile
- Stegouros the Saw-tailed Ankylosaur
- Torvosaurus at a Desert Overlook
- Brightstoneus and Radiodactylus
- Carnotaurus on the Prowl
- Spinosaurus Mother caring for Her Young Chick
- Giganotosaurus at an Overlook
- Iguanodon Mother with Calf and Pteranodon near Volcano
- Majungasaurus the Unicorn Dinosaur
- T. rex loses to Tricratopos
- Proceratosaurus without feathers
- Proceratosaurus with feathers
- Alamosaurus feeding near a Volcano
- T. rex Mom hunting by a River with Chick
- Tarbosaurus attacks Saurolophus
- Juvenile Allosaurus
- Diabloceratops feeding on Ferns
- Parasaurolophus by a River
- Allosaurus on the Prowl
- Guemesia ochoai Adult
- Guemesia ochoai Juvenile
- Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia
- Courageous Didelphodon vs Raptor
- Brave Didelphodon takes on a Troodon Raptor
- Dakotaraptor intimidated by a Courageous Didelphodon
- Austroposeidon (realistic)
- Austroposeidon with Young (cartoon)
- Triceratops with Calf near a Volcano
- Stegosaurus with Calf
- T. rex Mother and Chick by a Cycad Tree
- Mommy T. rex with Chick
- Ouranosaurus and Camposipterus
- Barbaridactylus the Pterosaur with Antlers
- Therozinosaurus searching for Food
- Daspletosaurus at an Overlook
- Brachiosaurus with Stripes
- Albertosaurus Mommy with her Chicks
- Ceratrosuchops inferodios
- Leptostomia & Jakapil
- Leptostomia & Jakapil ink drawing
- Torvosaurus vs Feathered Theropod
- Yamatosaurus
- Brachylophosaurus
- Triceratops among the Cycads
- Mommy T. rex with Male Chick
- Mommy T. rex with Female Chick
- Allosaurus hunting with Rhamphorhynchus in the Air
- Supersaurus, Castorocauda, & Rhamphorhynchus
- Young Triceratops vs Young T. rex
- Young Parasaurolophus in the Nest
- Thanatosdrakon the Dragon of Death
- Daspletosaurus teaching Her Chick to Hunt
- Acuetzpalin the Water Lizard
- Pegomastax the small but Strong Jawed Dinosaur
- Serpentisuchops the Snaky Crocodile-Faced Marine Reptile
- Torvosaurus Mother teaching Her Young to Hunt
- Triassic Animals: Mbiresaurus, Caelestiventus, & Adelobasileus
- Notocollosus and Aerotitan from South America
- Kronosaurus vs Plesiosaur
- Maip macrothorax the Biggest Raptor Dinosaur
- Viavenator the Road Hunter Dinosaur
- Nevadadromeus the Nevada Runner Dinosaur
- Afrovenator the African Hunter Dinosaur
- Velociraptor without Feathers
- Velociraptor with Feathers
- Spinosaurus aegypticus about to go Fishing
- Baryonyx about to go Fishing
- Natovenator the Swimming Dinosaur
- Eubrontes giganteus
- Triceratops horridus feeding
- Repenomamus and Sauropod are Friends
- Majungasaurus near a Volcano
- Regaliceratops the Royal Horned Dinosaur
- Giraffatitan by a River
- Dilophosaurus of the Early Jurassic
- Diichtodon killed by Postosuchus
- Ichthyotitan the Biggest Marine Reptile
- Mosasaur hunting Plesiosaur
- Pliosaur hunts an Ichthyosaur
- Baryonyx near Two Marine Reptiles
- Triceratops ignoring Volcano
- Triceratops horridus Mother and Calf
- Utahraptor teaching Offspring to Hunt
- Utahceratops Bull
- Utahceratops Cow and Calf
- Nyasasaurus
- Lokiceratops
- Fona herzogae the Burrowing Dinosaur
- Alamosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Spotted Plesiosaurus Mommy with Male Calf
- Spotted Plesiosaurus Mommy with Female Calf
- Semi-feathered T. rex and Chick
- Triassic Sea
- Traditional T. rex at an Overlook
- Gnatalie the Sauropod Dinosaur
- Qunksaura
- Nesting Ornithocheirus
- Magyarosaurus the Smallest Sauropod
- Acrocanthosaurus and Sauroposeidon by a River
- Featherless T. rex and Chick
- Lightly-Feathered T. rex with Full-Feathered Chick
- Fully-Feathered T. rex and Chick
Animals from the Paleozoic Era (weird animals from before the dinosaurs)
- Dimetrodon of the Permian Period NOT a dinosaur!
- Anomalocaris first Super Predator
- Edaphosaurus feeding on Flowers
- Gorgonopsid in the Desert
- Scutosaurus in the Permian Desert
- Ichthyostega
- Sea Scorpion catching a Placoderm
- Scutosaurus and Gorgonopsid
- Gorgonopsid Fur or Hair
- Ordosipterus Fishing
- Dimetrodon the Mammal-like Reptile
- Edaphosaurus chased by Dimetrodon
- Nesting Ornithocheirus
Animals from the Precambrian Era (I just learned about these so I am adding this category)
Scientists who specialized in Paleontology or/and Geology
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