Sunday, May 31, 2020

Alma vs Amlici in Battle - Book of Mormon coloring page Re-posting

Alma vs Amlici in the Battle at the River Crossing

This is Alma the Younger.  He was elected Chief Judge of the Nephite Nation.  A wicked man wanted to re-establish a kingdom.  The father of Alma's friends, namely King Mosiah, had eliminated the monarchy in favor of a republican form of government.  So the Nephites elected judges.  And Alma the Younger was elected to be the Chief Judge.  The Chief Judge was kind of like a president or prime minister.  

It appears that at the start of this republic they had their Chief Judge lead the army as well.  Later on, the Nephites had more specialized military leaders... like Captain Moroni.  

Amlici wanted to reinstate the monarchy with HIM as king. Amlici was a wicked man and he wanted to take away the people's freedoms.  Amlici also wanted to destroy the church.  Allowing a king was put to a vote by the people and the people said "no king."  But Amlici and his followers still anointed him king and basically, this led to civil war against the supporters of the republic.  

Alma led his people into battle against Amilici and the followers of Amilici.  There was a battle on a hill by the capital city of Zarahemla and Amlici's forces were defeated and fled.   Then the remaining Amlicites joined up with an army of Lamanites.  Nephite spies found out about the combined armies of Lamanites and Amlicites and that they were attacking and approaching the Nephite capital of Zarahemla.  

The Nephite army, under the command of Alma, quickly headed home.  On the way, they were attacked as they crossed the river... probably the River Sidon.  From what I can gather, (from the account in Alma chapter 2 in The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Christ)...  during the battle, Alma was injured, but being a great man of faith he asked God to strengthen him and he was able to slay Amlici.  Alma's army, made up of faithful and righteous men, defeated the combined Lamanite and Amlicite armies.  The result was a decisive victory for Alma and his people.  

Soon after the Lamanites sent another army but Alma, with his wound, could not go at the head of the armies.  The Nephites were strengthened in both battles and defeated the Lamanites again.  From then on the Cheif Judge must have appointed a man to be the military leader. 

The drawing is of only Alma and Amlici with a couple of their guards.  The battle actually involved thousands of soldiers on both sides.  It is important to note that the Nephites were greatly outnumbered, but the Nephites prayed to the Lord and received the strength to defeat their enemies.  
The dead were around 6000 Nephites and around 12,000 Lamanites in the battle on the hill by Zarahemla.  The casualties in the other battles were too great to count.  

Some good people did die in this war, but the Book of Mormon tells us that good people who die are received into the arms of Jesus.  But the Lord also strengthened the good people so that they could defeat their wicked enemies.   

The drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled . . . . Religious.

This is a re-posting of the original post. 

Alma vs Amilci-Livro de Mórmon página a cor (Portuguese) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici - Battle at the River Crossing
Alma contra Amlici-batalha na travessia do Rio

Esta é a Alma, a jovem. Ele foi eleito Juiz-Chefe da nação nefita. Um homem mau queria restabelecer um reino. O pai dos amigos de Alma, O Rei Mosiah, havia eliminado a monarquia em favor de uma forma republicana de governo. Assim, os nefitas elegeram juízes. E Alma, a jovem, foi eleita para ser a juíza-chefe. O juiz-chefe era uma espécie de presidente ou primeiro-ministro.

Parece que no início desta República eles tinham o seu juiz-chefe a liderar o exército também. Mais tarde, os nefitas tinham líderes militares mais especializados... como o Capitão Moroni.

Amlici queria restabelecer a monarquia com ele como rei. Amlici era um homem mau e queria tirar as liberdades do povo. Amlici também queria destruir a Igreja. Permitindo que um rei fosse posto a votação pelo povo e o povo disse: "nenhum rei."Mas Amlici e seus seguidores ainda ungiram-no rei e, basicamente, isso levou à guerra civil contra os partidários da República.

Alma levou seu povo para a batalha contra Amilici e os seguidores de Amilici. Houve uma batalha em uma colina pela capital de Zarahemla e as forças de Amlici foram derrotadas e fugiram. Então os Amlicitas restantes juntaram-se com um exército de lamanitas. Espiões nefitas descobriram sobre os exércitos combinados de lamanitas e Amlicitas e que eles estavam atacando e se aproximando da capital nefita de Zarahemla.

O exército nefita, sob o comando de Alma, rapidamente foi para casa. No caminho, foram atacados quando atravessaram o rio... provavelmente o rio Sidon. Do que eu posso reunir, (do relato em Alma Capítulo 2 no Livro de Mórmon, Outro Testamento de Cristo)... durante a batalha, Alma foi ferida, mas sendo um grande homem de fé, ele pediu a Deus para fortalecê-lo e ele foi capaz de matar Amlici. O exército de Alma, composto de homens fiéis e justos, derrotou os exércitos combinados lamanita e Amlicita. O resultado foi uma vitória decisiva para Alma e seu povo.

Pouco depois os lamanitas enviaram outro exército, mas Alma, com sua ferida, não podia ir à cabeça dos Exércitos. Os nefitas foram fortalecidos em ambas as batalhas e derrotaram os lamanitas novamente. A partir daí, o juiz Cheif deve ter nomeado um homem para ser o líder militar.

O desenho é de apenas Alma e Amlici com alguns dos seus guardas. A batalha envolveu milhares de soldados de ambos os lados. É importante notar que os Nephites estavam em grande desvantagem numérica, mas os Nephites oraram ao Senhor e receberam a força para derrotar seus inimigos.

Os mortos eram cerca de 6000 nefitas e cerca de 12.000 lamanitas na batalha na colina por Zarahemla. As baixas nas outras batalhas foram demasiado grandes para contar.

Algumas pessoas boas morreram nesta guerra, mas o Livro de Mórmon nos diz que as pessoas boas que morrem são recebidas nos braços de Jesus. Mas o Senhor também fortaleceu o povo bom para que pudesse derrotar seus inimigos perversos.

O desenho pode ser encontrado, em forma de impressão, clicando no botão etiquetado . . . .

معركة عند معبر النهر Battle at the River Crossing (Arabic)

معركة عند معبر النهر

هذه (ألما) الصغرى وانتخب رئيسا للقضاة في أمة الكفايت. رجل شرير أراد إعادة بناء مملكة والد أصدقاء (ألما) ، وهو الملك (موسى) ، قد قضى على الملكية لصالح شكل جمهوري من الحكومة. إذا ، فقد انتخب أبناء الكلية قضاة و (ألما) الصغرى انتخبت لتكون رئيسة القضاة رئيس القضاة كان نوعا ما مثل الرئيس أو رئيس الوزراء

يبدو أنه في بداية هذه الجمهورية كان لديهم رئيس القضاة بقيادة الجيش أيضا. وفي وقت لاحق ، كان لدى أبناء الكف قادة عسكريين أكثر تخصصا... مثل الكابتن موروني.

أراد (أميليسي)إعادة الحكم الملكي معه كملك كان (أميليسي)رجلا شريرا و أراد أن يسلب حريات الشعب (أميليسي)أراد أيضا تدمير الكنيسة السماح لملك طرح للتصويت من قبل الشعب وقال الشعب " لا ملك. لكن (أميليسي)وأتباعه مازالوا يمسحونه بالملك وهذا أدى أساسا إلى حرب أهلية ضد أنصار الجمهورية

قاد (ألما) شعبه إلى المعركة ضد (أميليتشي) وأتباعه من (أميليتشي) كانت هناك معركة على تلة من قبل عاصمة زرهيملا وقوات أميليسي هزمت وهربت. ثم انضم بقية الأمليكيين مع جيش من لامانيتس. Nephite الجواسيس اكتشفت جيوش مجتمعة Lamanites و Amlicites وأنهم كانوا يهاجمون وتقترب Nephite عاصمة Zarahemla.

جيش الـ (نيفيت) ، تحت قيادة (ألما) ، توجه بسرعة إلى المنزل. وفي الطريق ، هوجموا وهم يعبرون النهر... ربما نهر صيدا. مما يمكنني جمعه (من حساب ألما الفصل الثاني في كتاب المورمون ، وصية أخرى للمسيح)... أثناء المعركة ، أصيب (ألما) ، لكن كونه رجلا مؤمنا كبيرا ، طلب من الله أن يقويه ، وكان قادرا على قتل (أميليسي). جيش (ألما) ، المؤلف من رجال مخلصين و صالحين ، هزم جيوش (لامانيت) و (أميليسيت) المشتركة. وكانت النتيجة انتصارا حاسما لألما وشعبه.

بعد أن أرسل (لامانيت) جيشا آخر ، لكن (ألما) ، بجرحه ، لم تتمكن من قيادة الجيوش. تم تعزيز "نيفيتس" في المعارك وهزموا "لامانيتس" مرة أخرى منذ ذلك الحين لابد أن قاضي شيف عين رجلا ليكون القائد العسكري

الرسم لـ (ألما) و (أميليسي) فقط مع اثنين من حراسهم المعركة في الواقع شملت الآلاف من الجنود على كلا الجانبين. ومن المهم أن نلاحظ أن عدد أبناء الكف كان أكبر بكثير ، ولكن أبناء الكف صلوا إلى الرب وتلقوا القوة لهزيمة أعدائهم.

وكان القتلى حوالي 6000 نيفي وحوالي 12 ، 000 لامانيتي في المعركة على التل من قبل زاراهيملا. الخسائر في المعارك الأخرى كانت كبيرة جدا للعد.

بعض الناس الطيبين ماتوا في هذه الحرب لكن كتاب المورمون يخبرنا أن الناس الطيبين الذين يموتون لكن الرب أيضا عزز الناس الطيبين حتى يتمكنوا من هزيمة أعدائهم الأشرار

ويمكن العثور على الرسم ، في شكل قابل للطباعة ، بالنقر على الزر المسمى . . . . Religious

Alma vs Amilci - Libro de Mormón para colorear (Spanish) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici at the Battle of the River Crossing
Alma vs Amlici en la batalla en el cruce del río

Este es Alma el hijo. Fue elegido Juez Principal de la Nación Nefita. Un hombre malvado quería restablecer un reino. El padre de los amigos de Alma, a saber, el rey Mosíah, había eliminado a la monarquía a favor de una forma republicana de gobierno. Así que los nefitas eligieron jueces. Y Alma el hijo fue elegido para ser el juez principal. El juez jefe era algo así como un presidente o primer ministro.

Parece que al comienzo de esta república también tenían a su Juez Principal que dirigía el ejército. Más tarde, los nefitas tenían líderes militares más especializados... como el Capitán Moroni.

Amlici quería restablecer la monarquía con ÉL como rey. Amlici era un hombre malvado y quería quitarle las libertades de la gente. Amlici también quería destruir la iglesia. Permitir que un rey fue sometido a votación por el pueblo y el pueblo dijo "ningún rey." Pero Amlici y sus seguidores todavía lo ungieron rey y, básicamente, esto llevó a la guerra civil contra los partidarios de la república.

Alma llevó a su pueblo a la batalla contra Amilici y los seguidores de Amilici. Hubo una batalla en una colina por la ciudad capital de Zarahemla y las fuerzas de Amlici fueron derrotadas y huyeron. Entonces los amlicitas restantes se unieron a un ejército de lamanitas. Los espías nefitas se enteraron de los ejércitos combinados de lamanitas y amlicitas y que estaban atacando y acercándose a la capital nefita de Zarahemla.

El ejército nefita, bajo el mando de Alma, se dirigió rápidamente a casa. En el camino, fueron atacados al cruzar el río... probablemente el río Sidón. De lo que puedo recoger, (del relato de Alma capítulo 2 en El Libro de Mormón, Otro Testamento de Cristo)... Durante la batalla, Alma resultó herido, pero siendo un gran hombre de fe le pidió a Dios que lo fortaleciera y pudo matar a Amlici. El ejército de Alma, compuesto por hombres fieles y justos, derrotó a los ejércitos combinados lamanitas y amlicitas. El resultado fue una victoria decisiva para Alma y su pueblo.

Poco después los lamanitas enviaron otro ejército, pero Alma, con su herida, no pudo ir a la cabeza de los ejércitos. Los nefitas se fortalecieron en ambas batallas y derrotaron nuevamente a los lamanitas. A partir de entonces, el Juez Cheif debe haber nombrado a un hombre para ser el líder militar.

El dibujo es solo de Alma y Amlici con un par de sus guardias. La batalla en realidad involucró a miles de soldados en ambos lados. Es importante señalar que los nefitas fueron superados en número, pero los nefitas oraron al Señor y recibieron la fuerza para derrotar a sus enemigos.

Los muertos eran alrededor de 6000 nefitas y alrededor de 12,000 lamanitas en la batalla en la colina por Zarahemla. Las bajas en las otras batallas fueron demasiado grandes para contar.

Algunas personas buenas murieron en esta guerra, pero el Libro de Mormón nos dice que las personas buenas que mueren son recibidas en los brazos de Jesús. Pero el Señor también fortaleció a las personas buenas para que pudieran derrotar a sus enemigos inicuos.

El dibujo se puede encontrar, en forma imprimible, haciendo clic en el botón etiquetado... Religious.

Alma vs Amilci - Buch Mormon Malvorlagen (German) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici bei der Schlacht an Der Flussüberquerung

Das ist Alma, die Jüngere. Er wurde zum obersten Richter der nephitischen Nation. Ein böser Mann wollte ein Königreich wieder aufbauen. Der Vater von Almas Freunden, König Mosia, hatte die Monarchie zugunsten einer republikanischen Regierungsform beseitigt. So wählten die Nephiten Richter. Und Alma der Jüngere wurde zum Obersten Richter gewählt. Der Oberste Richter war irgendwie wie ein Präsident oder Premierminister.

Es scheint, als hätten Sie zu Beginn dieser Republik Ihren Obersten Richter auch die Armee führen lassen. Später hatten die Nephiten spezialisiertere militärische Führer... wie Hauptmann Moroni.

Amlissi wollte Wiedereinführung der Monarchie mit IHM als König. Amlici war ein böser Mann und er wollte die Freiheiten des Volkes wegnehmen. Amlissi wollte auch die Kirche zu vernichten. Ein König wurde vom Volk zur Abstimmung gestellt und das Volk sagte: "kein König."Aber Amlici und seine Anhänger salbten ihn immer noch zum König und im Grunde führte dies zu einem Bürgerkrieg gegen die Anhänger der Republik.

Alma führte sein Volk in den Kampf gegen Amilici und die Anhänger von Amilici. Es gab eine Schlacht auf einem Hügel bei der Hauptstadt Zarahemla und Amlicis Truppen wurden besiegt und flohen. Dann schlossen sich die restlichen Amliziten einer Armee von Lamaniten an. Nephitische Spione erfuhren von den kombinierten Armeen der Lamaniten und Amliziten und dass Sie die nephitische Hauptstadt Zarahemla Angriffen und näherten.

Die nephitische Armee ging unter dem Kommando von Alma schnell nach Hause. Auf dem Weg wurden Sie angegriffen, als Sie den Fluss überquerten... wahrscheinlich der Fluss Sidon. Aus dem, was ich sammeln kann, (aus dem Bericht in Alma Kapitel 2 im Buch Mormon, Ein anderes Testament Christi)... während der Schlacht wurde Alma verletzt, aber als ein großer Mann des Glaubens bat er Gott, ihn zu stärken und er konnte Amlici töten. Almas Armee, bestehend aus treuen und Gerechten Männern, besiegte die kombinierten Lamaniten und Amliciten Armeen. Das Ergebnis war ein entscheidender Sieg für Alma und sein Volk.

Bald darauf schickten die Lamaniten eine andere Armee, aber Alma konnte mit seiner Wunde nicht an die Spitze der Armeen gehen. Die Nephiten wurden in beiden kämpfen gestärkt und besiegten die Lamaniten erneut. Von da an muss der Cheif-Richter einen Mann zum Militärführer ernannt haben.

Die Zeichnung ist von nur Alma und Amlici mit ein paar Ihrer Wachen. An der Schlacht waren tatsächlich Tausende Soldaten auf beiden Seiten beteiligt. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Nephiten in der Unterzahl waren, aber die Nephiten beteten zum Herrn und erhielten die Kraft, Ihre Feinde zu besiegen.

Die Toten waren rund 6000 Nephiten und rund 12.000 Lamaniten in der Schlacht auf dem Hügel bei Zarahemla. Die Opfer in den anderen Schlachten waren zu groß, um zu zählen.

Einige gute Menschen starben in diesem Krieg, aber das Buch Mormon sagt uns, dass gute Menschen, die sterben, in die Arme Jesu aufgenommen werden. Aber der Herr stärkte auch die guten Leute, damit Sie Ihre bösen Feinde besiegen konnten.

Die Zeichnung kann in druckbarer form durch klicken auf die beschriftete Schaltfläche gefunden werden . . . . Religious.

הקרב במעבר הנהר (Hebrew) Battle at the River - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici In The Battle at The River Crossing

זו אלמה הצעירה. הוא נבחר לשופט העליון של אומת הנפילים. איש רשע רצה להקים מחדש ממלכה. אביו של חבריו של אלמה, כלומר המלך מוזייה, ביטל את המונרכיה לטובת צורה רפובליקנית של הממשלה. אז הנפילים בחרו שופטים. ואלמה הצעירה נבחרה להיות השופטת הראשית. השופט הראשי היה כמו נשיא או ראש ממשלה.

נראה כי בתחילתה של הרפובליקה הזאת היה להם השופט הראשי שלהם להוביל את הצבא גם כן. מאוחר יותר, היו לנפילים מנהיגים צבאיים מיוחדים יותר... כמו קפטן מורוני.

אמליצ ' י רצה להחזיר את המלוכה אליו כמלך. אמליצ ' י היה איש רשע והוא רצה לגזול את חירותם של האנשים. אמליצ ' י גם רצה להרוס את הכנסייה. לאפשר למלך הוצב להצבעה ע "י העם והעם אמר:" אין מלך."אבל אמליצ' י וחסידיו עדיין משחו אותו למלך, ובעצם, זה הוביל למלחמת אזרחים נגד תומכי הרפובליקה.

אלמה הובילה את אנשיו לקרב נגד אמיליצ 'י וחסידיו של אמיליצ' י. היה קרב על גבעה על ידי עיר הבירה זרהמלה וכוחותיה של אמליצ ' י הובסו וברחו. ואז שאר העמלקים הצטרפו לצבא של לאמנים. מרגלי נפילים גילו על הצבאות המשולבים של הלמנטים והאמליציטים ושהם תקפו והתקרבו לבירה של זרהמלה.

צבא הנפילים, תחת פיקודו של אלמה, במהירות חזרו הביתה. בדרך, הם הותקפו כשהם חצו את הנהר... כנראה הנהר Sidon. ממה שאני יכול לאסוף, (מהחשבון באלמה פרק 2 בספר המורמונים, עוד צוואה של ישו)... במהלך הקרב, אלמה נפצעה, אך בהיותה אדם מאמין גדול הוא ביקש מאלוהים לחזק אותו והוא הצליח להרוג את אמליצ ' י. צבאה של אלמה, המורכב מאנשים נאמנים וצדיקים, הביס את צבאות הלאמניט והאמליציטים המשולבים. התוצאה הייתה ניצחון מכריע לאלמה ולאנשיו.

זמן קצר לאחר שהלמאנים שלחו צבא אחר, אבל אלמה, עם פציעתו, לא יכלה ללכת בראש הצבאות. הנפילים התחזקו בשני הקרבות והביסו את הלמנטים שוב. מאז על שופט Cheif חייב מינה אדם להיות המנהיג הצבאי.

הציור הוא רק של אלמה ושל אמליצ ' י עם כמה שומרים. הקרב כלל למעשה אלפי חיילים בשני הצדדים. חשוב לציין שהנפילים היו בנחיתות מספרית גדולה, אך הנפילים התפללו לאל וקיבלו את הכוח להביס את אויביהם.

המתים היו כ-6000 נפילים וכ-12,000 לאמנים בקרב על הגבעה על ידי זרהמלה. הנפגעים בקרבות האחרים היו גדולים מכדי לספור.

כמה אנשים טובים באמת מתו במלחמה הזאת, אבל ספר המורמונים אומר לנו שאנשים טובים שמתים מתקבלים לזרועותיו של ישו. אבל האל חיזק גם את האנשים הטובים כדי שיוכלו להביס את אויביהם הרעים.

ניתן למצוא את הציור בצורה הניתנת להדפסה, על ידי לחיצה על הכפתור המסומן . . . . Religious

阿尔玛vs Amilci-摩门教着色页的书 (Chinese) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici at the Battle of the River Crossing
阿尔玛vs Amlici在过河的战斗

这是小艾尔玛 他当选为尼泊特民族的首席法官。 一个邪恶的人想要重建一个王国。 阿尔玛的朋友的父亲,即国王Mosiah,已经消除了君主制,favor之的是共和党形式的政府。 所以尼泊特人选出了法官。 小艾尔玛当选为首席法官 首席法官有点像总统或总理。

看来,在这个共和国开始时,他们有他们的首席法官领导军队。 后来,Nephites有更专业的军事领导人。.. 就像莫罗尼上尉一样

Amlici想恢复君主制,他作为国王。 Amlici是一个邪恶的人,他想夺走人民的自由。 Amlici也想摧毁教堂。 允许国王被投票由人民和人民说:"没有国王。"但是Amlici和他的追随者仍然膏他的国王,基本上,这导致了对共和国的支持者的内战。

阿尔玛带领他的人民对抗阿米利奇和阿米利奇的追随者。 在首都Zarahemla的一座小山上发生了一场战斗,Amlici的部队被击败并逃离。 然后剩下的亚利西人与拉曼人的军队联合。 Nephite间谍发现了拉曼人和Amlicites的联合军队,他们正在攻击并接近Zarahemla的Nephite首都。

在阿尔玛的指挥下,尼斐特军队迅速回家。 在路上,他们过河时遭到袭击。.. 可能是西顿河 从我可以收集,(从阿尔玛第2章中的帐户摩门经,基督的另一个约)。.. 在战斗中,阿尔玛受伤了,但作为一个有信仰的伟人,他请求上帝加强他,他能够杀死Amlici。 阿尔玛的军队,由忠实和正义的人组成,击败了拉曼和Amlicite的军队。 其结果是阿尔玛和他的人民的决定性胜利。

不久之后,拉曼派遣另一支军队,但阿尔玛,他的伤口,不能去在军队的头上。 Nephites在两场战斗中都得到了加强,并再次击败了Lamanites。 从那时起,Cheif法官必须任命一个人担任军事领导人。

这幅画只有Alma和Amlici和他们的几个警卫。 这场战斗实际上涉及双方数千名士兵。 需要注意的是,Nephites的人数远远超过了这一点很重要,但Nephites向主祷告并获得了击败敌人的力量。

在Zarahemla山上的战斗中,死者大约有6000Nephites和大约12,000Lamanites。 其他战斗中的伤亡太大,无法计算。

一些好人确实在这场战争中死去,但摩门教的书告诉我们,谁死的好人被接收到耶Jesus的怀抱。 但耶和华也加强了善良的百姓,使他们能够打败他们邪恶的仇敌。

通过点击标记的按钮,可以以可打印的形式找到图纸。 . . . Religious.

Alma vastaan Amlichi taistelussa joen ylityspaikalla (Finnish) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici in the Battle at the River Crossing
Alma vastaan Amlichi taistelussa joen ylityspaikalla

Tässä on Alma Younger. Hänet valittiin Nefiittien päätuomariksi. Paha mies halusi palauttaa valtakunnan. Alman ystävien isä, kuningas Mosiah, - oli eliminoinut monarkian republikaanien hyväksi. Nefiitit valitsivat tuomarit. Alma nuorempi valittiin päätuomariksi. Päätuomari oli kuin presidentti tai pääministeri.

Tasavallan alussa heidän Päätuomarinsa johti armeijaa. Myöhemmin Nefiteillä oli erikoisempia sotilasjohtajia... kuten Kapteeni Moroni.

Amlici halusi palauttaa monarkian kuninkaaksi. Amlici oli paha mies ja hän halusi viedä ihmisten vapaudet. Amli halusi myös tuhota kirkon. Kansa äänesti kuninkaasta, ja kansa sanoi: "ei kuningasta.""Mutta Amlici seuraajineen nimitti hänet kuninkaaksi. se johti sisällissotaan tasavallan kannattajia vastaan."

Alma johti kansansa taisteluun Amilicia ja Amilicin seuraajia vastaan. Zarahemlan pääkaupunki taisteli kukkulalla. Amlicin joukot kukistettiin ja pakenivat. Sitten loput Amlikiitit liittyivät yhteen Lamaniittiarmeijan kanssa. Kuten sanoin, vakoojia selville yhdistetyt armeijat Lamanilaiset ja Amlisilaiset, ja että he olivat hyökkää ja lähestyy Nefiläisten pääoman Sarahemlan.

Nefiittiarmeija, Alman komennossa, suuntasi nopeasti kotiin. Matkalla heidän kimppuunsa hyökättiin, kun he ylittivät joen... luultavasti sidonvirran. Kuulemani perusteella (Alman luvun 2 tililtä Mormonin kirjasta, Kristuksen toinen testamentti)... taistelun aikana Alma loukkaantui, mutta koska hän oli suuri uskon mies, hän pyysi Jumalaa vahvistamaan häntä ja pystyi surmaamaan Amlicin. Alman armeija, joka koostui uskollisista ja oikeamielisistä miehistä, kukisti Lamaniittiarmeijat ja Amlikiittiarmeijat. Tuloksena oli ratkaiseva voitto Almalle ja hänen kansalleen.

Pian sen jälkeen, kun Lamanilaiset on lähettänyt uuden armeijan, mutta Alma, hänen haava, ei voinut mennä kärjessä armeijat. Nefiitit vahvistuivat molemmissa taisteluissa ja voittivat taas Lamaniitit. Siitä lähtien Cheifin tuomari on nimittänyt miehen sotilasjohtajaksi.

Piirros on Almasta ja Amlicista parin vartijan kanssa. Taistelussa oli mukana tuhansia sotilaita molemmin puolin. On tärkeää huomata, että Nefiläiset olivat alakynnessä, mutta Nefiläiset rukoilivat Herralta ja sai voimaa voittaa heidän vihollisensa.

Kuolleet olivat noin 6000 Nefiläiset ja noin 12000 Lamanilaiset taistelussa mäellä, jonka Sarahemlan. Muiden taistelujen tappiot olivat liian suuret laskettavaksi.

Jotkut hyvät ihmiset kuolivat tässä sodassa, - mutta Mormonin kirjan mukaan hyvät ihmiset, jotka kuolevat, otetaan Jeesuksen syliin. Mutta Herra myös vahvisti hyviä ihmisiä, - jotta he voisivat kukistaa pahat vihollisensa.

Piirustus on tulostettavissa olevassa muodossa napsauttamalla painettua painiketta . . . .Religious.

Alma vs Amilci-Livre de Mormon coloriage (French) Alma vs Amlici - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici in the Battle at the River Crossing
Alma vs Amlici dans la bataille à la traversée de la rivière

C'est Alma La Jeune. Il a été élu juge en chef de la Nation néphite. Un homme méchant voulait rétablir un royaume. Le père des amis D'Alma, à savoir le roi Mosiah, avait éliminé la monarchie au profit d'une forme de gouvernement républicain. Ainsi, les Néphites ont élu des juges. Et Alma La jeune fut élue juge en chef. Le Juge en Chef était un peu comme un président ou un premier ministre.

Il semble qu'au début de cette république, ils avaient aussi leur juge en chef à la tête de l'armée. Plus tard, les Néphites avaient des chefs militaires plus spécialisés... comme le capitaine Moroni.

Amlici voulait rétablir la monarchie avec lui comme roi. Amlici était un homme méchant et il voulait enlever les libertés du peuple. Amlici voulait aussi détruire l'Église. Permettant un roi a été mis aux voix par le peuple et le peuple a dit "pas de roi."Mais Amlici et ses disciples l'ont encore oint roi et fondamentalement, cela a conduit à la guerre civile contre les partisans de la République.

Alma a mené son peuple dans la bataille contre Amilici et les disciples D'Amilici. Il y a eu une bataille sur une colline près de la capitale de Zarahemla et les forces D'Amlici ont été vaincues et ont fui. Puis les Amlicites restants se sont joints à une armée de Lamanites. Les espions Néphites ont découvert les armées combinées des Lamanites et des Amlicites et qu'ils attaquaient et approchaient de la capitale Néphite de Zarahemla.

L'armée Néphite, sous le commandement D'Alma, rentra rapidement chez elle. Sur le chemin, ils ont été attaqués comme ils ont traversé le fleuve... probablement la rivière Sidon. D'après ce que je peux recueillir (d'après le récit du Chapitre 2 D'Alma dans le Livre de Mormon, un autre Testament du Christ)... pendant la bataille, Alma a été blessé, mais étant un grand homme de foi, il a demandé à Dieu de le renforcer et il a pu tuer Amlici. L'armée D'Alma, composée d'hommes fidèles et justes, a vaincu les armées lamanites et Amliciennes combinées. Le résultat fut une victoire décisive pour Alma et son peuple.

Peu de temps après, les Lamanites envoyèrent une autre armée, Mais Alma, blessé, ne put passer à la tête des armées. Les Néphites ont été renforcés dans les deux batailles et ont vaincu à nouveau les Lamanites. À partir de là, le Chef Juge doit avoir désigné un homme pour être le chef militaire.

Le dessin est de seulement Alma et Amlici avec un couple de leurs gardes. La bataille fait impliqué des milliers de soldats des deux côtés. Il est important de noter que les Néphites étaient beaucoup plus nombreux, mais les Néphites ont prié le Seigneur et ont reçu la force de vaincre leurs ennemis.

Les morts étaient environ 6000 Néphites et environ 12 000 Lamanites dans la bataille sur la colline de Zarahemla. Les pertes dans les autres batailles étaient trop grandes pour compter.

Certaines bonnes personnes sont mortes dans cette guerre, mais le Livre de Mormon nous dit que les bonnes personnes qui meurent sont reçues dans les bras de Jésus. Mais le Seigneur a aussi renforcé les bonnes personnes afin qu'elles puissent vaincre leurs méchants ennemis.

Le dessin peut être trouvé, sous forme imprimable, en cliquant sur le bouton étiqueté . . . .Religious.

Alma vs Amlici in Battle - Book of Mormon coloring page

Alma vs Amlici in the Battle at the River Crossing

This is Alma the Younger.  He was elected Chief Judge of the Nephite Nation.  A wicked man wanted to re-establish a kingdom.  The father of Alma's friends, namely King Mosiah, had eliminated the monarchy in favor of a republican form of government.  So the Nephites elected judges.  And Alma the Younger was elected to be the Chief Judge.  The Chief Judge was kind of like a president or prime minister.  

It appears that at the start of this republic they had their Chief Judge lead the army as well.  Later on, the Nephites had more specialized military leaders... like Captain Moroni.  

Amlici wanted to reinstate the monarchy with HIM as king. Amlici was a wicked man and he wanted to take away the people's freedoms.  Amlici also wanted to destroy the church.  Allowing a king was put to a vote by the people and the people said "no king."  But Amlici and his followers still anointed him king and basically, this led to civil war against the supporters of the republic.  

Alma led his people into battle against Amilici and the followers of Amilici.  There was a battle on a hill by the capital city of Zarahemla and Amlici's forces were defeated and fled.   Then the remaining Amlicites joined up with an army of Lamanites.  Nephite spies found out about the combined armies of Lamanites and Amlicites and that they were attacking and approaching the Nephite capital of Zarahemla.  

The Nephite army, under the command of Alma, quickly headed home.  On the way, they were attacked as they crossed the river... probably the River Sidon.  From what I can gather, (from the account in Alma chapter 2 in The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Christ)...  during the battle, Alma was injured, but being a great man of faith he asked God to strengthen him and he was able to slay Amlici.  Alma's army, made up of faithful and righteous men, defeated the combined Lamanite and Amlicite armies.  The result was a decisive victory for Alma and his people.  

Soon after the Lamanites sent another army but Alma, with his wound, could not go at the head of the armies.  The Nephites were strengthened in both battles and defeated the Lamanites again.  From then on the Cheif Judge must have appointed a man to be the military leader. 

The drawing is of only Alma and Amlici with a couple of their guards.  The battle actually involved thousands of soldiers on both sides.  It is important to note that the Nephites were greatly outnumbered, but the Nephites prayed to the Lord and received the strength to defeat their enemies.  
The dead were around 6000 Nephites and around 12,000 Lamanites in the battle on the hill by Zarahemla.  The casualties in the other battles were too great to count.  

Some good people did die in this war, but the Book of Mormon tells us that good people who die are received into the arms of Jesus.  But the Lord also strengthened the good people so that they could defeat their wicked enemies.   

The drawing can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled . . . . Religious.  

A note to my English readers... I am posting this in multiple languages. I will then repost it in English. 

Tremor the Sparkly SpaceX Dinosaur coloring page

Tremor the Sparkly Space X Dinosaur

My wife and I were thrilled to watch the Space X Falcon Rocket blast off yesterday.  Then we went fishing.  This morning I learned about Tremor, the sparkly stuffed dinosaur taken along for the ride. 
Both astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, have sons who are, like me, way into dinosaurs.  So the boys got all their toy dinosaurs together and chose Tremor to take the ride into space.  

This drawing, since it IS of a dinosaur, is found, in printable form, under the button labeled "Paleontology."  Scroll down to the bottom for this new drawing.  However, since you can see that I drew some of the inside of the Space X capsule, that they named Endeavor, I am also putting a printable coloring page under the "Vehicles" button.   

Friday, May 29, 2020

Kelp Forest Mermaids

Laminaria the Kelp Forest Mermaid

Some mermaids and mermen live in the kelp forests of the oceans.  They care for the kelp forests and they also harvest the kelp for food.  This first drawing is new today.  It is of a teen-age Kelp Forest Mermaid.  She is named Laminaria.  Her name comes from the scientific order for kelp:  Order: Laminariales.  

Below are some other mermaid drawings from previous posts. All these drawings are found, in printable form by clicking on the top button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  New drawings are at the end of the list.  

Mermaid named Krisna

Bailey the Mermaid

Mermaid in Kelp Forest

Mermaid Denverie

Kelp Forest photo

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops Coloring Pages

These are my two newest dinosaur drawings.  They were done while I waited for my surgery at the hospital two days ago.  I had to have my stent in my trachea replaced.  

The first drawing is of a T. rex mother about to flee from an erupting volcano.  T. rex lived at the end of the Cretaceous Period and there was an upsurge of volcanic activity those last five million years of the Cretaceous Period.  

The latest studies on T. rex say that it may have been as heavy as 19,500 lbs.  That is about 9.5 tons.  One specimen, nicknamed Scotty, was a Tyrannosaurus rex that was that big.  It had injuries consistent with fighting with other T. rex.

It also had bone growth rings that indicated that it was 28 years old when it died.  That makes it the oldest. . . and the biggest T. rex ever found.  

This T. rex drawing is of a mother with two chicks in her mouth.  Evidence suggests that Theropod dinosaurs were hatched in more or less a helpless form.  So adult dinosaurs of their species had to care for them. This led to the idea that T. rex was probably a gentle and caring parent.  

Like crocodilians, perhaps T. rex parents carried their chicks in their mouth.  My surgeon, at the University of Utah Hospital, saw this drawing and my Triceratops drawing and he made copies for his grandchildren to color.  

Triceratops was no helpless victim to T. rex, although the Triceratops WERE preyed upon by T. rex.  There are fossilized feces called coprolites that came from a T. rex and they have pieces of Triceratops bone in them.  I myself have some Tyrannosaur coprolite with pieces of bone embedded in it.  

But Triceratops had huge horns as long as broom handles.  Triceratops had a shield or frill protecting his or her neck.  This made a front-facing Triceratops a formidable opponent.  In fact, Triceratops even had a ball joint connection of skull to body.  So Triceratops could whip its head around and wield those big brow horns like a double sword.   

Triceratops was a Ceratopsian dinosaur and there is considerable evidence that Ceratopsians lived and traveled in herds.  So, since there is ALSO evidence that T. rex lived and hunted in packs, it is quite possible that T. rexes, if they wanted to feat on Triceratops meat, had to isolate one animal from the herd.  Modern wolves to this with bison or buffalo.  

So, here are the two dino drawings, that I did in ink while waiting for my surgery.  By the way, the surgery went great so I will be drawing and posting more coloring pages for a while yet.   (God willing.)  

Mother T. rex flees the Volcano
(new drawing)

This Triceratops calf can be altered to be a female by just drawing in a few eyelashes.  This is a cartooning trick.  You just add eyelashes to make the animal a female.  

Mother Triceratops and Calf on a HIll
(new drawing)

NOTE:  These drawings can be found by clicking on the category buttons up top.  Click on Paleontology or All Printables.  Newer drawings are found at the bottom of the correct list.   Now, I am going to also post some other older drawings of Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) and Triceratops.  

T. rex before Meteorite Strike
(Some scientists believe that T. rex had at least some feathers.)

T. rex runs form the Pyroclastic Flow

Triceratops Grazing

Triceratops Mother feeding the Kids

Triceratops Adult with forward facing Horns

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Grass Fairies and Flower Fairies and a few other Fairies Coloring Pages

This is a free coloring pages blog.  There are no ads and no fees.  Scroll down to see recent posts.  You will find the drawings, in printable form, by clicking on the category buttons up top.  New drawings are found at the bottom of the correct list.  These drawings are under the "Fantasy, Myths and Circus" buttons.  Anyone can print these pages for coloring.   They are not to be used for profit, but businesses can print them for kids to color... (like for their waiting room).  Museums, schools, daycares, assisted living homes, etc.can print them for kids or adults to color.  And of course, people at home can print them as well.  Copyright Robin A. Lyman 2016-2020.

I know that this is rather personal, but many of you are coming here regularly to print coloring pages... and I thought you might like to know. I had surgery yesterday.  While waiting to go into the operating room (I had to wait almost three hours)... so I did a few drawings for this coloring pages blog.  These first two drawings were done yesterday at the University of Utah Hospital Surgery prep area.  

By the way, my care was excellent.  My surgeon even made copies of my drawings for his grandkids.  I also drew a picture for my certified nursing assistant.  It was a picture of Jesus outside of Jerusalem.  And I am home now and recovering nicely.  

My surgery was a T-tube stent replacement... if you are wondering.  It is a type of tracheotomy.  I get a lot of pain because my trachea had mesh sewed into it 14 years ago to try and keep my trachea from collapsing... (It didn't work and the mesh cuts me all the time) . . . so I USED to take pain meds, now when I am in pain I draw a dinosaur, or a Fairy, or an animal, etc. etc.  Drawing is now my pain meds.  So, I owe this rather awful condition of my trachea for the existence of this free coloring pages blog.  I think I'm at around 1,000 printable drawings on this blog now.   

Now, about Grass Fairies.  They are a type of Fairy that prefers to stay Fairy size... or about 5 inches or about 13 cm tall.  These Fairies are beautiful, but since they rarely go mortal size you usually have to look closely to see their beauty.  However, they often are nocturnal Fairies... so the Nocturnal Grass Fairies, (like this one),  have especially big (and beautiful) eyes.  

This first Grass Fairy that I drew is a little girl Fairy named Marzena.  So she would be only about 2 1/2 inches tall... or 6.35 cm tall.  Or maybe I should say 2 1/2 inches small.  My beautiful little granddaughter was the model for this little girl Fairy.  But the drawing is done with the oversized eyes like some Grass Fairies have.  

The second drawing is of a Flower Fairy named Marigold.  She is actually visiting a Marigold.  Flower Fairies are important pollinators.  However, there are other Fairies that contribute to pollination.  That includes Forest Fairies, River Fairies, and even some Mushroom Fairies.  

Marzena the little girl Grass Fairy

Flower Fairy named Marigold

Below are several more Fairy drawings from previous posts. 

Karlie Kloss as a Grass Fairy

Auburn Fairy and a Robin

Forest Fairy on a Blue Mushroom

Fairy among the Roses

Fairy by a Stream Diminutive Size

River Fairy kneeling

Pollination Fairy with Butterfly

Fairy on Leaf with Butterfly and Caterpillar 

Grace the Swallowtail Fairy

Flower Fairy visits a Rose

Fairy playing in the Garden

Fairy named Celeste

French Fairy named Madi

River Fairy relaxing

Fairy on a Lily Pad

Fairy Laurentia with Box Elder Beetle

Maryn the Night Fairy

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day Salute 2020 Coloring Pages

Thank you goes out to our troops and veterans.  We owe so much to our soldiers and their families.  I have family in the military and my own father was a B-24 Bomber pilot during World War II.  My father taught me to respect the military.  He was in college when Pearl Harbor was bombed.  My dad volunteered for pilot training with his two best friends.  Those two friends died in their planes and never came home to live a long life. 

My dad felt terrible about killing other people.  He used to say that he should be teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those people down there, not bombing them.  He survived the war and went to medical school.  He brought thousands of babies into the world and saved many lives as a family doctor in a small town in rural Utah, USA.  

I watched as my son in law had to leave his young family for a year-long deployment overseas.  We were there for our daughter but it was a difficult year for her with two young children and her husband on the other side of the world.  

So, again, kudos to all you men and women in uniform...and to your families.  I did ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) for 3 years but I got thrown out for sleepwalking (of all things).  I wanted to fly helicopters or be in the Chemical Corps.  In the end, I became a Science Teacher and I loved that.  

About this vehicle just below.  This is a Self Propelled Howitzer called a Paladin.  It weighs 63,600 lbs.  It is 32 feet long.  It is about 10 feet 7 inches tall.  It is 10 feet 4 inches wide.  

Paladins shoot a 155 mm shell.  That is around 6 inches wide.  The Paladin can shoot a shell accurately over 18 miles... with rocket-propelled rounds.  Those are called assisted rounds.  

This is a new drawing. . . so it is available, in printable form, by clicking on the "Vehicles" button at the top of the page.  Then scroll down to the bottom of new drawings.  

Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer

This drawing is available by clicking on "All Printables" or clicking on "Vehicles."  Below are more drawings that are related to our military.  They are from previous posts.  The Paladin is the only new drawing today.  Remember that new drawings are at the bottom of the lists.

B 24 J Liberator
(This was the type of plane that my father flew in World War II.)

P-51 Mustang on D-Day
(My father told me that this US Army Air Corps fighter plane saved his life.)

Devastator TBD Torpedo Bomber
(At the battle of Midway many of these were shot down, but that distracted the Japanese Zero fighter planes so that the American Dive Bombers could target and sink the Japanese Aircraft Carriers.

F4F Wildcat Fighter Plane
This was an American Carrier-Based fighter.

F-16 Fighter-Bomber
Also called the Falcon, this is a fighter bomber aircraft.  Personally, I think it is a beautiful plane.

F-35 Fighter-Bomber Jet Aircraft
This plane is the replacement for the F-16.  The F-35 is a stealth plane that is basically invisible to radar.  The local squadron did a fly-over a week or two ago to say thanks to the
first responders and hospital staff who are dealing with the COVID 19 virus pandemic.  I was so impressed that I immediately drew this picture.

Fort and M60 Patton Tank
This was the USA main battle tank during the Cold War.  It had a 105 mm cannon.  It was replaced by the M-1 Abrams Tank.  (I haven;t drawn that one yet.)

World War I era Destroyer
(During the early years of World War II the USA gave 50 of these to Great Britain to help protect convoys from German submarines.)

Destroyer and Submarine  simple drawing

Destroyer from World War II
(This is a Fletcher Class Destroyer.)

Guided Missle Destroyer

Destroyer Latest and Greatest
This is a Stealth destroyer that is pretty much invisible to radar.