Here is the templates for my business cards for this free site:
NOTE: Newer drawings are at the bottom of the category.
Just click on the title to see the printable coloring page you want.
My drawings improved over time. So, the later or newer pics are better. So scroll down.
Timeline of History of Life on Earth and Geologic Sandwich
Animals From the Cenozoic Era (The age of Mammals)
Note: there is a separate button for living animal drawings.
Animals from the Mesozoic Era (Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Marine Reptiles etc.)
General Religious
Rabbi and the Soap Maker
A Great Woman is Welcomed into Paradise
Jesus with a welcoming gesture
Saint Nicholas in plain robes
Saint Nicholas in ornate robes
Cheetahs stalking Top
You are never alone in the boat of life. Jesus returns to the Earth in Clouds of Glory Jesus Portrait
Old Testament
Restoration or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint topics including Book of Mormon
NOTE: The animals below include both extinct and living Australian species. I also have some Homo sapiens from Australia. The people who I drew and posted here are ALL Australians. . . and technically, humans are in the Animal Kingdom.
By the way, while in Australia I drew many more animals that I am working on getting finished and posted over the next few weeks. I drew these pictures with a pencil while on a moving bus and I have to ink them in or darken the pencil lines in order to scan them. Notice that some of these animals below are extinct and some are still around. . . but ALL of them live or lived in Australia.
Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and of course watercraft as well
NOTE: Newer drawings are at the bottom of the list. I will be doing more
transportation drawings. (including cars, trucks, ships, boats, more planes etc.)
F-16 Fighter Bomber
Devastator TBD Torpedo Bomber
F4F Wildcat Fighter Plane
Star Spangled Banner inspirational moment
Jumbo takes on the Train Dauntless Dive Bomber
B-24 J Bomber
Fort and M-60 Tank
Deuce and a Half 2 1/2 Ton Truck
Troop Transport Ship US Navy 1950
Wooden Sailing Ship in Bristol Harbor
(NOTE: The below Trains at Promontory drawing is not landscape but it should still print fine.)
Trains at Promontory
P-51 Mustang on D-Day
Destroyer and Submarine simple drawing
Destroyer from World War II
Guided Missle Destroyer
Destroyer, Latest & Greatest
World War I Era Destroyer
F-35 Lightning Fighter-Bomber Aircraft
Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer
Front End Loader pulling a Wagon
Stanley the Steam Shovel helps dig up a Dinosaur
Haul Truck at a Mine Excavator by a Date Palm Tree F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter B-1 Lancer and F-15 Eagle Aircraft F-111 Aardvark Fighter-Bomber Lt. Melvin A. Lyman B-24 Bomber Pilot Lt. Lyman and B-24 Spitfire near the White Cliffs of Dover B-17 Flying Fortress M-4 Sherman Medium Tank USS Arizona at Sea F-117 Nighthawk Futuristic Space Shuttle visits Mimas the Death Star-like Moon of Saturn Futuristic Spaceplane visits Ganymede the largest Moon of Jupiter F-15EX Eagle II F/A-18F Super Hornet NGAD Fighter Jet NGAD Fighter with no Verticle Stabilizers F-18 Hornet with Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier F-14 Tomcat Fighter North American B-25 Mitchell A-10 Thunderbolt F-4 Phantom II Old Time Sailing Ship M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank & AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter NGAD #3 NGAD #4 NGAD #5 Paladin Alpha 7 F-15STL Possible Stealth Fighter F-16STL Possible Stealth Fighter F-23SE Possible Stealth Fighter TBD Torpedo Bomber Devastator TBD Torpedo Bomber new scan F-86 Sabrejet M10 Booker Combat Vehicle AH-64 Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Bradley Fighting Vehicle RMS Titanic just before hitting the Iceberg M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle in the Desert M3 Stuart Light Tank USS Salt Lake City Heavy Cruiser (CA-25) USS Iowa
Paleontology and Biology Readings and Worksheets
Paleontology and Biology Readings and Worksheets
Timeline of History of Life on Earth and Geologic Sandwich
Animals From the Cenozoic Era (The age of Mammals)
Note: there is a separate button for living animal drawings.
- Smilodon near the Forest
- Smilodon fatal
- Smilodon on a Cliff
- Giant Ground Sloth
- Terror Bird and Mesohippus Prey
- Hagerman Horse
- Marsupial Lion
- Zaglossus
- Diprotodon
- Diprotodon with Joey
- Procoptodon the Giant Short Faced Kangaroo
- Megalania prisca vs Aboriginal Hunter
- Aboriginal Warrior vs Megalania prisca
- Mireya the Science Fairy studying Lemurs (Drawing includes Elephant Birds.)
- Baioconodon
- Carsioptychus
- Taeniolabis
- Eoconodon
- Cave Bear in the Spring
- Smilodon resting in the Forest
- Teloceras the North American Rhino
- Wooly Rhino on the Steppe
- Dinohyus the Terrible Pig
- Hoplophoneus vs Mesohippus
- Terror Bird hunting Mesohippus
- Glyptodon Mother and Pup
- Woolly Mammoth Mother and Calf
- Hagerman Horse Mare and Foal
- Steppe Mammoth the Biggest Mammoth
- Columbian Mammoth in a Valley
- Woolly Mammoth at the Ecotone
Animals from the Mesozoic Era (Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Marine Reptiles etc.)
- T-rex with baby
- T-rex with eggs
- My Favorite Dinosaur--Triceratops (realistic)
- My Favorite Dinosaur--Triceratops (cartoon)
- Parasauralophus--Duck-Billed Dinosaur (realistic)
- Parasaurolophus--Duck-Billed Dinosaur(cartoon)
- Microraptor Flying Through Forest
- Velociraptor in Desert
- Mother T.rex carries chick
- Spinosaurus Swimming
- Allosaurus with Stripes
- T.rex with Spots
- T.rex with Hatching Chick and Pteranodon
- Spinosaurus with Hatching Chick
- Spinosaurus Close-up
- Spinosaurus fishing with Young
- Spinosaurus for Young Children
- Spotted Spinosaurus
- Apatosaurus Cracking the Whip
- Brachiosaurus OLD Theory
- Apatosaurus Feeding
- Brachiosaurus Feeding on Cycad Tree
- Sauroposeidon Tallest Dinosaur
- Brachiosaurus for Small Children to color
- Apatosaurus for Small Children to color
- Diplodocus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Protoceratops
- Zuniceratops
- Montanoceratops
- Centrosaurus
- Machairoceratops
- Styracosaurus
- Triceratops with her Calf
- Triceratops vs T.rex with Labels
- Yutyrannus falls
- Velociraptor with Young
- Tyrannosaurus rex vs Didelphodon
- T. rex on the Prowl
- Triceratops with Bulls eye pattern
- Feathered Tyrannosaurus rex
- Teratophoneus with young
- Tylosaurus with Snake-like Tail
- Tylosaurus with Tail Fluke
- T. rex with Stripes
- T. rex with Spots
- Utahraptor
- Pteranodon fishing
- Woolly Mammoth Hunt
- Indricotherium
- Woolly Mammoth & Indricotherium comparison
- Allosaurus Mommy
- Sauropod and Pteranodon Friend
- T.rex, Triceratops, and Pteranodon
- Mother Triceratops feeding the Kids
- Raven with Wolf Cub
- Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site
- Dinosaurs in a Mixed Herd
- Ceratosaurus on the Prowl
- Velociraptor Fluffed out for Display
- Sarcosuchus vs Carcharodontosaurus
- Triceratops Mother with two calves
- Triceratops teen or Juvenile
- Triceratops full sized adult (bull)
- T. rex drawing from Skull
- Tylosaurus with Pteranodon
- Parasaurolophus swimming lessons
- Shonisaurus
- Plesiosaurus surfacing
- Liopleurodon
- Tylosaurus... shark... and several Ammonites
- T. rex Mommy
- Torvosaurus with Rhamphorhynchus
- Torvosaurus vs Allosaurus
- Pteranodon Dad giving son flying lessons
- Pteranodon Dad giving daughter flying lessons
- Grandpa T. rex and grandson
- Pahasapasaurus
- Parasauarolophus Feeding Time
- Daspleteosaurus on the Prowl
- Albertavenator curiei by a river
- Troodon in the Forest
- Patagotitan
- Sauroposeidon and Ornithocheirus
- T. rex and Pteranodon Babies fan art
- T. rex Baby fan art
- Realistic T. rex Baby and Parent
- Triceratops and Brachiosaurus babies fan art
- T. rex and Pteranodon adults fan art
- Triceratops cartoon fan art
- Apatosaurus fan art
- Triceratops with Calf realistic
- Bruhathkayosaurus eating Palm Leaves
- Corythosaurus Grazing
- Triceratops Grazing
- Supersaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Cryolophosaurus The Elvis Dinosaur
- Coelophysis vs Sphenodont
- Big Al the Allosaurus
- Brasilichnium and a New Pterosaur
- Centrosaurus Duel
- Monoclonius rubbing on Cycad tree
- Pteranodon over a Lambeosaurus
- Pteranodon evading Tylosaurus
- Pteranodon fishing over a Tylosaurus
- Ouranosaurus
- Baryonyx the Spinosaur
- Styracosaurus feeding on ferns
- Happy New Year T. rex Style
- Happy New Year Duck Bill Dino Style
- Hakszkaraptor the swimming raptor
- T. rex Hunts with Offspring
- T. rex Parent caring for Chicks
- Spinosaurus Hunting with Young
- Parasaurolophus Female
- T. rex Baby in Nest
- Lythronax the Gore King
- Ouranosaurus... Cronopio... and Mythunga
- Torvosaurus on the Prowl
- Torvosaurus as a Feathered Theropod
- Argentinosaurus and Argentinadraco
- Edmontosaurus & Pteranodon
- Edmontosaurus vs T. rex size comparison
- Edmontosaurus & T. rex running from the Doomsday Meteorite
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Mommy T. rex with her female chick
- Utahraptor Family
- Allosaurus Caring for her Chick
- Rainbow Dinosaur Caihong juji realistic
- Rainbow Dinosaur Caihong juji cartoon
- Brontomerus feeding with Young
- Brontomerus defending her Young
- Maiasaura peeblesorum
- Maiasaura at Nesting Site simple drawing
- Velociraptor in the Gobi Desert
- Tyrannosaurus rex Mother in the Spring
- Spinosaurus from New Theories
- Archaeopteryx Pair in the Forest
- Jurassic Forest
- Yi qi & Shunisaurus
- Half Feathered T. rex and Qetzalcoatlus
- Stygimoloch and Dawndraco
- Ankylosaurus vs T. rex
- Grave Robber mammal Necrolestes
- T. rex before the Meteorite Strike
- T. rex runs from the Pyroclastic Flow
- Triceratops Sleeping
- Tyrannosaurus rex Sleeping
- T rex sleeping and Didelphodon hunting
- T. rex mommy at Hatching Time
- T. rex Mommy teaches her Young to Hunt
- T. rex mother and Pteranodon mother with Offspring
- Triceratops feeding on Ferns near a Volcano
- Big Al the Allosaurus with Rhamphorhynchus
- Dreadnoughtus feeding on Cycads
- Mansourasaurus and Alaqa
- Lambeosaurus by a Pond
- Tyrannosaurus rex vs Triceratops horridus
- Tyrannosaurus rex ignoring a Volcano
- Eoraptor from Dinosaur Train
- Eoraptor male and chick similar to Dinosaur Train
- Appalachiosaurus
- T. rex chicks getting Breakfast
- Carcharodontosaurus
- T. rex mother with three Chicks
- Utahceratops grazing
- Vegaceratops
- Spinosaurus after a Sawfish
- Velociraptor Hunting Lessons
- Oviraptor at Nest
- Apatosaurus Herd Migration
- Triceratops Parenting
- Allosaurus Parenting
- Spinosaurus taking a Swim
- T. rex Mommy with her Two Chicks
- Lythronax with Cynodont Friend
- Triceratops coming at You
- Prorotodactylus
- Plateosaurus
- Eocarcharia and Pterodactylus
- Dilong
- Hatzegopteryx
- Quetzalcoatlus
- Quetzalcoatlus with Giraffe for height comparison
- Pinocchio rex
- Sauropods in Scotland
- Suchomimus at Hatching Time
- Vegaceratoops by a Pond
- Iguanodon and DerCmodactylus
- Parasaurolophus Mates
- Baryonyx fishing at a River
- Cretaceous Friends
- Ammonites and Shonisaurus
- Volgatitan
- T. rex with Unique Pattern
- Achelousaurus
- Borealopelta markmitchellii a new Nodosaur from Canada
- Deinonychus and Bennettazhia
- Dynamoterror dynastes
- T. rex chick in Nest
- Teratophoneus curriei
- Bajadasaurus pronuspinax
- Giant Thunderclap Dinosaur at Dawn
- Lythronax with Protofeathers
- The fearless Moros or wee king
- Austroposeidon
- Triceratops calf with Kids . . . an Homage to Dinotopia
- Velociraptor vs Protoceratops
- Galleonosaurus and Aussiedraco
- Antarctopelta
- Young Tyrannosaur
- Eoraptor lunensis
- Gigantoraptor vs Sonidosaurus
- Imperobator on the Prowl
- (NOTE, the Diluvicursor below is not landscape, but it should still print fine.)
- Diluvicursor
- Parasaurolophus at the Watering Hole
- T. rex named Scotty
- Mapusaurus with Young
- Triceratops with two Calves
- Ankylosaurus feeding on Ferns
- Tyrannosaurus rex with Blood Python Pattern
- Dilophosaurus emerging from the Forest
- T. rex mother with one chick in Nest
- Spinosaurus eating a Sawfish
- Diamantinasaurus matildae
- Muttaburrasaurus
- Australovenator
- Cooper and George Titanosaurs
- Vespersaurus
- Vespersaurus with Feathers
- Belemnite about to be eaten by a Plesiosaur
- Elasmosaurus mother and calf
- Kronosaurus hunting Plesiosaurs
- Eric the Umoonasaurus
- Suchomimus by a River
- T. rex with Pteranodon in front of Volcano
- Parasaurolophus in front of Volcano
- Giganotosaurus on the Prowl
- Mommy Giganotosaurus hunts with her Chick
- T. rex Male Chick hangs out with his Mommy cartoon coloring page
- Kamuysaurus japonicus
- Pentaceratops in the Jungle
- Tylosaurus with Large Scales
- Allosaurus vs Apatosaurus
- T. rex jevenile with Pteranodon Friend
- T. rex with a Triceratops in the Distance
- Ferrisaurus the Iron Dinosaur
- Tratayenia rosalesi
- Velociraptor and Huge New Pterosaur of Gobi Desert
- T. rex runs from Pyroclastic Flow
- Spinosaurus aegyptiacus after a Sawfish
- Suchomimus feeding her Young
- Baryonyx juvenile by a River
- Slightly Feathered T. rex
- Saurolophus and a new Giant Pterosaur
- Mary Anning with Dimorphodon
- Ichthyosaur
- New Stegosaur Adratiklit boulahafa
- Mary Anning and 3 species She Discovered
- Ichthyosaurus anningae
- Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
- Mosasaur and Calf
- Brachiosaurus found in Utah
- Pinocchio rex swimming
- Allosaurus fragilis close up
- Guanlong the early Tyrannosaur from China
- Allosaurus jimmadseni
- Torvosaurus juvenile chasing Othniela
- Reaper of Death Thanatotheristes
- T. rex Mother with Chick in her mouth
- Dineobellator
- Repenomamus the Mammal that ate Dinosaurs
- Volaticotherium the first flying Mammal
- Zhangheotherium the Mammal with the Poisonous Spur
- Pliosaur Rhomaleosaurus
- Borealopelta the Dinosaur Mummy
- Mother T. rex flees the Volcano
- Mother Triceratops and Calf on a Hill
- Tremor the Sparkly Space X Dinosaur
- Triceratops Calf and Dad..and... Pteranodon Chick and Mom
- Sydnia the Mushroom Fairy Sorceress
- Deltadromeus the River Delta Runner
- Batrachopus grandis the Bipedal Crocodile
- Cryodrakon boreas the Ice Dragon
- Tyrannosaurus vs Triceratops
- Giganotosaurus by a River
- Giganotosaurus Skull
- Triceratops is not far from the Volcano
- Wulong bohaiensis the Dancing Dragon
- Sauroposeidon comparison with two Jr. High Kids
- Olorotitan Mother with Calf
- Gigantosaurus on the Prowl cartoon
- Gigantosaurus (the original)
- Gigantosaurus cartoon
- Giganotosaurus & Argentinadraco
- Carcharodontosaurus & Coloborhynchus near a River
- Ceratosaurus walking in a Riverbed
- Early Jurassic Sea
- Vectaerovenator and a Tapejarid from the Isle of Wight
- Titanosaur Hatchling with Nose Horn
- Teratophoneus Sub-Adult feeding
- Schleitheimia Schutzi and Caelestiventus hanseni
- Soriatitan the New European Brachiosaur
- T. rex Turns
- Drepanosaur Climbing Tree with Caelestiventus flying in the Background
- Cryolophosaurus with Feathers
- Trinisaura an Antarctic Herbivorous Dinosaur
- Sauropodomorphs from Antarctica
- Antarctica's Huge Pterosaur
- Antarctic's Mosasaur Taniwhasaurus Antarcticus
- Juvenile Pamparaptor and Adult Argentinosaurus
- Targaryendraco
- Dawndraco flying over a River
- Dilophosaurus with Frill
- Dilophosaurus in the Forest
- Globidens the Shell-Crushing Mosasaur hunting Ammonites
- Allosaurus vs Stegosaurus
- Albertosaurus by a Stream
- Cynodont in the Triassic
- Suchomimus and Ornithocheirus
- Teratophoneus from Natural History Museum of Utah
- Nasutoceratops
- Ordosipterus Fishing
- Brontopodus by a River
- Mommy T. rex and Chicks
- Apatosaurus Alpha Female welcomes Juvenile into the Herd
- Kimmerosaurus Hunting Sharks
- Barosaurus just laid Eggs
- Dino Friends Para, Trike, and Beaky
- Pterodaustro
- Gavialimimus the New Fish Eating Mosasaur
- Parasaurolophus Chick Hatching
- Brachiosaurus Sub-Adult feeding on a Cycad Tree
- T. rex Chicks hatching
- Llukalkan alocranianus a new Dinosaur that caused Fear
- Tarbosaurus vs Deinocheirus
- Supersaurus Mother laying Her Eggs
- Teratophoneus Mother and Chick at an Overlook
- T. rex with Pteranodons, Triceratops, & a Didelphodon vorax
- Young T. rex vs a Wildfire
- T. rex Mommy takes her Chick for a Walk
- Nasutoceratops in a Cretaceous Tropical Forest
- Kosmoceratops Mother and Calf
- Nothronychus the very unusual Theropod Dinosaur
- Dracorex hogwartsia
- T rex Bad Time for Hatching
- Sauropod from the Isle of Skye
- Anatotitan and Pteranodon
- New Sauriopod Dinosaur from China Silutitan
- Triceratops Mother with Calf near a Volcano
- Claosauruss the Broken Duck-billed Dinosaur
- Claosaurus the Broken Duck-billed Dinosaur
- Ceratosaurus near the Forest
- Titanosaur Mother and Calf
- Sauropod Hatchling
- Gastonia and Pteranodon
- T. rex Mom & Juvenile
- Stegouros the Saw-tailed Ankylosaur
- Torvosaurus at a Desert Overlook
- Brightstoneus and Radiodactylus
- Carnotaurus on the Prowl
- Giganotosaurus at an Overlook
- Iguanodon Mother with Calf and Pteranodon near Volcano
- Majungasaurus the Unicorn Dinosaur
- T. rex loses to Triceratopos
- Proceratosaurus without feathers
- Proceratosaurus with feathers
- Alamosaurus feeding near a Volcano
- T. rex Mom hunting by a River with Chick
- Tarbosaurus attacks Saurolophus
- Juvenile Allosaurus
- Diabloceratops feeding on Ferns
- Parasaurolophus by a River
- Allosaurus on the Prowl
- Guemesia octai Adult
- Guemesia ochoai Juvenile
- Early Tyrannosaur from Uzbekistan Timurlengia
- Courageous Didelphodon vs Raptor
- Brave Didelphodon takes on a Troodon Raptor
- Dakotaraptor intimidated by a Courageous Didelphodon
- Austroposeidon (realistic)
- Austroposeidon with Young (cartoon)
- Triceratops with Calf near a Volcano
- Stegosaurus with Calf
- T. rex Mother and Chick by a Cycad Tree
- Mommy T. rex with Chick
- Ouranosaurus and Camposipterus
- Barbaridactylus the Pterosaur with Antlers
- Therozinosaurus searching for Food
- Daspletosaurus at an Overlook
- Brachiosaurus with Stripes
- Albertosaurus Mommy with her Chicks
- Ceratrosuchops inferodios
- Leptostomia & Jakapil
- Leptostomia & Jakapil ink drawing
- Torvosaurus vs Feathered Theropod
- Yamatosaurus
- Brachylophosaurus
- Triceratops among the Cycads
- Mommy T. rex with Male Chick
- Mommy T. rex with Female Chick
- Allosaurus hunting with Rhamphorhynchus in the Air
- Supersaurus, Castorocauda, & Rhamphorhynchus
- Young Triceratops vs Young T. rex
- Young Parasaurolophus in the Nest
- Thanatosdrakon the Dragon of Death
- Daspletosaurus teaching Her Chick to Hunt
- Acuetzpalin the Water Lizard
- Pegomastax the small but Strong Jawed Dinosaur
- Serpentisuchops the Snaky Crocodile-Faced Marine Reptile
- Torvosaurus Mother teaching Her Young to Hunt
- Triassic Animals: Mbiresaurus, Caelestiventus, & Adelobasileus
- Notocollosus and Aerotitan from South America
- Kronosaurus vs Plesiosaur
- Maip macrothorax the Biggest Raptor Dinosaur
- Viavenator the Road Hunter Dinosaur
- Nevadadromeus the Nevada Runner Dinosaur
- Afrovenator the African Hunter Dinosaur
- Velociraptor without Feathers
- Velociraptor with Feathers
- Spinosaurus aegypticus about to go Fishing
- Baryonyx about to go Fishing
- Natovenator the Swimming Dinosaur
- Eubrontes giganteus
- Triceratops horridus feeding
- Repenomamus and Sauropod are Friends
- Iani the Early Iguanodontian from Utah
- Majungasaurus near a Volcano
- Regaliceratops the Royal Horned Dinosaur
- Albertaceratops a Horned Dino from Alberta
- Young Carcharodontosaurus
- Baryonyx with Chick
- Torosaurus
- Iani the Early Iguanodontian from Utah
- New Huge Pliosaur from the Jurassic Coast
- Triceratops near an erupting Volcano
- Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis
- Ichthyotitan the Biggest Marine Reptile
- Lokiceratops
- Fona herzogae the Burrowing Dinosaur
- Alamosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
- Spotted Plesiosaurus Mommy with Male Calf
- Spotted Plesiosaurus Mommy with Female Calf
- Semi-feathered T. rex and Chick
- Triassic Sea
- Traditional T. rex at an Overlook
- Gnatalie the Sauropod Dinosaur
- Qunksaura
- Nesting Ornithocheirus
- Magyarosaurus the Smallest Sauropod
- Acrocanthosaurus and Sauroposeidon by a River
- Featherless T. rex and Chick
- Lightly-Feathered T. rex with Full-Feathered Chick
- Fully-Feathered T. rex and Chick
- Animals from the Paleozoic Era (weird animals from before the dinosaurs)
- Dimetrodon of the Permian Period
- Anomalocaris first Super Predator
- Edaphosaurus feeding on Flowers
- Gorgonopsid in the Desert
- Scutosaurus in the Permian Desert
- Ichthyostega
- Sea Scorpion catching a Placoderm
- Scutosaurus and Gorgonopsid
- Gorgonopsid Fur or Hair
- Dimetrodon the Mammal-like Reptile
Animals from the Precambrian Era (I just learned about these so I am adding this category)
Scientists who specialized in Paleontology or/and Geology
- Mary Anning and 3 species she Discovered
- William Smith and his Geological Map of the UK
- Charles Darwin on board HMS Beagle
Fantasy and Mythological (This includes some modern fictional characters.)
NOTE: All newer drawings are placed at the bottom of the list.
Click on the title to get the free printable coloring page.
NOTE: All newer drawings are placed at the bottom of the list.
Click on the title to get the free printable coloring page.
- Unicorn and Squirrel
- Unicorn and Mermaid
- Unicorn at Sunrise
- Unicorn by a River
- Unicorn on a Hill
- Bastet the Cat Goddess
- Egyptian Relics
- Bastet as part Lioness
- Battle of the Centaurs
- Battle of the Centaurs
- Centaur Girl
- Lion of Saint Marks
- Sphinx Female
- Optimus Prime in truck form
- Transformer? Mobile Missile Launcher
- Paw Patrol fan art
- Dragon Female flying over a Castle
- Dragon Mates flying over a Castle
- Another Unicorn with Squirrel friend
- Fairy, wasp and flowers
- Unicorn being friends with a Squirrel
- Unicorn, Elf and Fairy
- Elegant Fairy Sorceress and her Dragon
- A Fairy with her Unicorn Friend
- Paint Unicorn
- Country Bunny little girl bunny
- Country Bunny kids doing the dishes
- Country Bunny delivering eggs
- Tori the Elf Warrior Princess
- Ulysses Unicorn and Sammy Squirrel
- Clydesdale Unicorn
- Cute Little Unicorn
- Unicorn Mare at Sunrise
- Unicorn Stallion by a Palm Tree
- Unicorn and Fairy
- Unicorn at Sunrise by a River
- Unicorn with Brownie Woman
- Unicorn and Fairy
- Unicorn at Sunrise by a River
- Unicorn with Brownie Woman
- Unicorn in the Hills
- Unicorn near the Mountains at Sunrise
- Unicorn with 2 Faires
- Pygmy Ponies in Love
- Tug the Ranger Horse
- Nike or Victory
- Auburn Fairy
- Eros Rescues Psyche
- Psyche Collects Golden Wool from Briers
- Psyche gets help from eagle of Zeus
- Circus Performers
- Trapeze Artist female
- Water Dragon from Mythology
- Sea Monster swimming by a ship
- Nike or Victory with Holly as the Model
- Ringmaster and Circus Performers from The Greatest Showman
- Jumbo with Fans
- Jumbo takes on the Train
- Fairy holding a Crystal Ball while riding a Unicorn
- Trapeze Artist 2 from Greatest Showman
- Trapeze Artist redo
- Bearded Lady Tattooed Man and Little General
- Unicorn Traditional Look
- Knight Errant
- Wizard and Pet Dragon
- Unicorn Mare cartoon drawing at sunrise
- Unicorn Stallion cartoon drawing at sunrise
- Hippocamp
- Unicorn with Fairy by a River
- Phoenix Family
- Phoenix in a Tree
- Phoenix bursting into Flames
- Phoenix Baby reborn from the Ashes
- Wizard Self Portrait Potions Master
- Leprechaun dancing with his Gold
- Unicorn Cat Leprechaun Cat and Fairy
- Desert Fairy
- Mermaid chasing a Fish
- Dragon over a Forest
- The Ugly Duckling swimming alone
- The Ugly Duckling getting bullied
- The Ugly Duckling in the Winter
- The Ugly Duckling finds out he is a Swan
- Swan Realistic
- Fairy Princess shares and Apple with her Unicorn Friend
- Unicorn by a Lake
- Robin Hood out Hunting
- Fairy named Celest
- Starship Enterprise NCC 1701 D
- Unicorn with Friend Squirrel at Sunrise
- Gracie the Forest Fairy
- Gracie the Forest Fairy portrait
- Avery as the Playful Fairy Twins
- Eden as a Mermaid
- Eden as Hamadryad
- Unicorn with Dark Fairy
- Mermaid Denverie
- Crystal the Fairy hatching a Dragon Egg
- Kitty the Mermaid says Hello
- Unicorn drawn in 5 minutes
- Unicorn Stallion at an Overlook
- Unicorn...Flower Unicorn makes a new Fairy Friend
- Cloudjumper or Stormcutter
- Optimus Prime standing
- Optimus Prime truck form
- Flower Fairy restoring her Wand to the Tree
- Flower Fairy bestowing her Gifts
- Dryad named Madeline
- Tree Fairy or Dryad named Sara
- Mermaid named Krishna
- Lolo the Flower Fairy
- Trooping Fairy
- Fairy greets a Unicorn
- Flower Fairy visits a Rose
- Dragon with Smoking Nostrils
- Eleanor the Fairy Queen with her Mini Dragon
- Tree Fairy with Sword and Shield
- Tree Fairy with Spear
- Forest Fairy Couple
- Dryad named McKayla
- River Fairy kneeling
- River Fairy swimming
- Chance the Circus Clown
- Happy Little Mermaid
- Mermaid at the Reef
- Wizard enchants and befriends a Young Dragon
- 3 Female Cat Humanoids
- Mermaid in Kelp Forest
- Fairy Child with Aunt
- Fairy with Squirrel
- Alisha and Kameron Forest Fairy Wedding
- Fairy named Tru among the Roses
- Bailey the Mermaid
- Young Dragon on First Flight
- Unicorn for young children to Color
- Spot from Put Me In The Zoo
- Vixen the Reindeer
- Eirikur & Michaela engaged Fairies
- Fairy kneeling by a River
- Fairy with a Praying Mantis
- Gardening Fairy
- Fairy by Stream... Diminutive Size
- Fairy sitting on a Mushroom
- Karlie Kloss as a Grass Fairy
- Fairy Guard Jess with Mouse Ally
- Fairy Laurentia with Box Elder Beetle
- Fairy named Madi
- Wizard Self Portrait
- Snow Elf and Spring Fae
- Fairy on a Lily Pad
- Fairy on a Leaf with Butterfly and Caterpillar
- Fairy leans on a Tree
- River Fairy Relaxing
- Tree Fairy named Megan
- Desert Fairy with Kangaroo Rat
- Fairy Couple Meets
- Fairy Shannon with Unicorn Foal
- Bunyip
- Princess out enjoying the Spring
- Young Flower Fairy at Work
- Fairy named Arley
- Fairy Arley with Bobcat Friend
- Inspired by Link
- Cute Pony and Fairy
- Jackson and Alissa the Elf Warriors
- Tree Nymph protects her Tree during a Flood
- Fairy Twins Asteria & Celeste and their Unicorn Friend
- Forest Fairy on a Blue Mushroom
- Fairy levitates an Apple for her Unicorn Friend
- Chick Fairy in a Tree caring for Chicks
- Chick Fairy with a Cockatoo
- Chick Fairy with a Little Corella
- Griffin
- Shan the Mermaid
- Unicorn with Male Fairy Friend
- Spanish Fairies
- Polynesian Mermaid
- Opal Fairy
- Unicorn gets Apple from her Fairy Friend
- Fairy Healer named Brooklyn
- Unicorn and Fairy Male Friend
- Maryn the Night Fairy
- Kourtney the Night Fairy
- Kailey the Woodland Elf Warrior
- Mariah the Aussie Fairy
- Allison the Impressive Weather Fairy
- Party Unicorn 1
- Party Unicorn 2
- Party Unicorn 3
- Party Unicorn 4
- Party Unicorn 5
- Party Unicorn 6
- Party Unicorn 7
- Party Unicorn Monster Truck
- Party Unicorn 8
- Unicorn Mommy & Filly
- Unicorn Filly with Fairy Friend finding Flowers
- Hippocamp Unicorn and Sea-unicorn
- Mireya the Science Fairy studying Lemurs (Drawing includes Elephant Birds.)
- Halloween Beautiful Young Witch
- Stevoni and Allie the Elf Warriors
- Jessica the Grass Fairy
- Clavelita the Carnation Fairy
- Diminutive Wood Elves and Friendly Dragon
- Jeholornis from China... One of the First Birds
- Short-Neck Dragon
- Stream Fairy with a Robin
- Brittany the Pet Fairy
- Dragon escorted by Fairies
- Congaree Fairy
- Fairy and Unicorn at a Lookout
- Medusa Dragon
- Signal Dragon
- Fire Dragon
- Corina the Music Fairy
- Bird Fairy named Violeta
- Bird Fairy named Jocelynia
- Bird Fairy named Charlenia
- Ana and Jim
- Tessinia the Mushroom Fairy
- Delania the Puppy Fairy
- Unicorn with Fairy Friend at Overlook
- Winter Unicorn
- Boreal Forest Fairy training a Baby Dragon
- Mountain Dragon
- Mountain Dragon with Male Fairy Friend
- Night Flower Fairy with Firefly
- Female Beach Fairy
- Male Beach Fairy
- Young Unicorn and Fairy Friend
- Unicorn Guard vs a Troll
- Flower Unicorn decorative Coloring Page
- Fairy with a Unicorn at an Overlook
- Alien Family from Wycliffe Well
- Pollination Fairy with Butterfly
- Wizard and Witch Couple conjuring up some Love
- Alicorn takes a Flight
- Forest Dragon flies over the Forest
- Fairy with a Cardinal
- Adriani the Mushroom Fairy
- Serenity the Fairy Princess on a Unicorn
- Fairy Kaitlynn riding a Pony Unicorn
- Zel and Will are Elves on Patrol
- Marigold Fairy
- Ugly Duckling being yelled at by his Foster Mom
- It's a bag
- Ella the teen Alicorn Fairy
- Ella the Alicorn Fairy as an Adult
- Another Flower Fairy
- Tahoe Nessie attacks a Boater and his Dog
- Eraak and MyKaala Rohirrim, Riders of the Mark
- Water Dragon Fairy
- Not so sick Little Peggy Ann McKay
- Gracee the Swallow-tail Fairy
- Fairy Warrior Evee of the Wolf Frollick-with a Unicorn
- Airee the Fairy Warrior of the Wolf Frollick-on a Wolf
- Barefoot She-Elf with Spear
- Unicorn Stallion with Squirrel Friend
- Unicorn Mare with Fairy Friend
- Young Unicorn by a River
- Unicorn Filly at an Overlook
- Unicorn Filly looks out over a Valley
- Bird Fairy kneeling by a Stream
- Star Destroyer by a Gas Giant
- Dragon Trainer Wizard with Dragon
- Savania the Mountain Fairy
- Savania the Mountain Fairy above the Trees (revised drawing)
- Marzena the little girl Grass Fairy
- Flower Fairy named Marigold
- Laminaria the Kelp Forest Mermaid
- Night River Fairy on Pollination Patrol
- Dragon Fairy charms a Dragon
- Forest Fairy Climbing a Tree
- Charitee the Tree Fairy
- Mermaid with her Seal Friend
- Bat Fairies
- Centaur Couple Chancitor and Anniah
- Coriander the Desert Fairy with her Friend the Kangaroo Rat
- Stream Fairies
- Norwegian Pond Fairy
- Viking Woman training with Sword
- Unicorn with a Dwarf Friend
- Laura Wells the Eco Fairy
- Mushroom Fairy standing on a Mushroom
- Mushroom Fairy with a Mayfly
- Night Fairy with Moon Flowers
- Unicorn with Cutie Mark
- Cammie the Mushroom Fairy
- Alicorn cartoon fan art
- Barefoot Elves Family
- Snail Fairy riding a Snail
- Lindy the Oak Fairy
- Kily the Farm Fairy
- Emilia the Elm Fairy
- Tree Fairies - May the Narrow-Leaf Cottonwood Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Rubino the Cottonwood Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Box Elder Tree fairy riding a Box Elder Beetle
- Tree Fairies - Birch Tree Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Birch Tree Fairy (full dress version)
- Tree Faires - Willow Tree Fairy with Hummingbird Egg
- Tree Fairies - Apple Tree Fairy
- Tania the Wildlife Fairy
- Fairy Family with Hummingbird
- Tania the Wildlife Fairy
- Fairy Family with Hummingbird
- Mermaid with a Waved Albatross
- Tree Fairies - Golden Rain Tree Fairies
- Tree Fairies - Juniper Fairy with wings internalized
- Tree Fairies - Juniper Fairy with extended wings
- Tree Fairies - Juniper Fairy in Native American patterned dress
- Flower Fairies - May the Poppy Fairy
- Mermaid surfaces amid the Seabirds
- Ginevra in her Natural Mermaid Form
- Ginevra the Mermaid in Mortal Form with Seagull Friend
- Tech Fairy named Falou
- Norwegian Grass Fairy named Rachel
- Allison the Very Impressive Weather Fairy
- Dragon hovering over the Kingdom
- Azhdar the Persian Dragon
- Azhdar in the Sea
- Kaylia the Outdoors Fairy
- Pony Unicorn on a Cliff
- Pony Unicorn and Pony Alicorn
- Pony Unicorn with Fairy Queen and her Entourage
- Barefoot She-Elf with Mute Swan and Brown Trout
- Robin Hood as a Youth
- Fen the Young Wood Elf
- Piasa the Bird-Dragon
- Josephus the Young Wildlife Fairy
- Jessalyn the Barefoot She-Elf Warrior
- Unicorn Foal magicking her Doggy Friend
- Wildlife Fairy Serenia with her Mouse Friend
- Wildlife Fairy Abelle with her Bee Friend
- Native American Horned Serpent
- Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands
- Mushroom Fairy with Two Wands simplified
- Bluecap Fairies
- Bluecap Fair magically moving a Minecart
- Desert Night Mushroom Fairy with Kangaroo Rat
- Mandia the Pet Fairy
- Jupiter and Saturn with a Spaceship
- Damselfly Fairy
- Mavina the Butterfly Fairy
- Night Unicorn with Cutie Marks
- Mandilyn the Archer Elf from Rivendell
- Nia and Ya'eel
- Keannia one of the Tooth Fairies
- Tree Fairy at Her Tree
- Firewatch Fairy
- Leprechaun Couple burying their Pot of Gold
- African Butterfly Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Elnia the Elm Tree Fairy on a Branch
- Fairy Paper Doll
- Fairy Paper Doll enlarged version
- Tree Fairies - Herlindia the Mangrove Tree Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Magnolia Tree Fairies
- Maginia the Waterfall Fairy
- Dragonfly Fairy on Elm Tree Branch
- Moth Fairy on a Mushroom
- May Day Fairy with Tulips and a Bee Hummingbird
- Starship Battle
- Tiger Swallowtail Fairy in a Willow Tree (Drawing includes a Fairy but also a butterfly.)
- Savaniah the Healer Fairy gathers Watercress
- Aurina the Barefoot Fairy who wears Boots
- Aurina the Barefoot Fairy running in the Forest sees a Red-legged Partridge
- Sheryl Crow as a Music Fairy
- Fairy gives a Unicorn an Apple
- Kymarah a Young Desert Fairy
- Reef Mermaid Nikolosinia with a Parrotfish
- Unicorn Mother and Foal get an Apple from a Fairy Friend
- Ivania the Stream Fairy with Brook Trout Friend
- Yolanda the Stream Fairy with Black-chinned Hummingbird Friend
- Lindsey Stirling as a Music Fairy
- Mermaid with Black-headed Gull
- Unicorn on a Cliff meets Fairy Friend
- Corallia the Mermaid by some Giant Coral
- Katariniah the Mermaid comes to the Beach
- Tree Fairies - Catalpa Tree Fairy
- Fairy with Unicorn Filly
- Fairy with Unicorn Mare
- Tree Fairies - Chinese Elm Tree Fairy named Yushu
- Elena of Avalar and Jaquin - fan art
- Tree Fairies - Mistletoe Fairy
- Idalissia the Fairy Healer
- Tree Fairies - Madelyn the Pear Tree Fairy & Healer Fairy
- Shelbia the Healer Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Cheylia the Plum Tree Fairy & Healer Fairy
- Annia the Arizona Desert Fairy
- Hallia the Healer Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Lania the Narrow-leaved Willow Tree Fairy
- Rachellia the Unicorn Fairy
- Bird Fairy named Robin with a robin
- Butterfly Fairy named Zinnia
- Young Dragon flying over the Kingdom
- Queen of the Hawaiian Fairies with a Hawaiian Monarch Butterfly
- Flower Fairy named Lilac
- Caddisfly Fairy
- Young Firefly Fairies
- Unicorn looking over Hidden Valley
- Young Creek Fairy by a Creek
- Male Firefly Fairy
- Mushroom Fairy kneeling on a Mushroom
- Young Mushroom Fairy gathering Mushrooms
- Grain Fairies Couple
- Fairy on a resting Unicorn
- Young Male Fairy fishing with His Dog
- Flower Fairy named Lilieae
- Futuristic Space Shuttle visits Mimas the Death Star-like Moon of Saturn
- Futuristic Spaceplane visits Ganymede the largest Moon of Jupiter
- Ranaiya the Frog Fairy
- Owl Fairy and Owl
- Firefly Fairy with Firefly and a Deer Mouse
- Laurielle the Firefly Fairy
- Amberlia the Heart Healing Fairy
- Merrow the Irish Mermaid
- Merilee the Merrow or Irish Mermaid
- Snail Fairy in the Garden
- Butterfly Fairy by a River
- Leprechauns in Mortal Size
- Young Barefoot She-Elf
- Flower Fairies - Aurora the Sunflower Fairy
- May the Mud Fairy
- May the River Fairy all cleaned up
- Unicorn & Fairy at Southern Utah Desert Overlook
- Unicorn with Fairy Friend under a Tree
- Grass Fairy taking Flight
- Carolia the Jelly Bean Fairy
- Bee Fairy named Latreille
- Thumbelina's Daughter
- Oriana the Tropical Rainforest Fairy
- Mushroom Fairy from Hawaii named Neolani
- Spotted Unicorn with Fairy
- Butterfly Fairy on a Hilltop
- Puppy Fairy Rachelia with Dandy close up
- Puppy Fairy Rachelia with Dandy from a distance
- Lexia the Puppy Fairy (Also with Dandy)
- Young Farm Fairies
- Meikelia the Water Nymph rescues a Puppy
- Kennedia the Healer Fairy with Puppy
- Pet Fairy with Micro Mini Goldendoodle
- Amia the Mountain Fairy
- Tuckeroo the Woodland Elf
- Kaleia the She Elf Warrior
- Bequia the Woodland Fairy Healer
- Hannia the She-Elf Warrior
- Alexixia a Female Rider of Rohan
- Mother Dragon carries her Wyrmling
- Wyvern Dragon flies over the Kingdom
- Drake Dragon flies over the Kingdom
- Meikelia the Mermaid
- Bia the Damselfly Fairy
- Abigalia the Swallowtail Fairy
- Unicorn Foal at a Valley Overlook
- Unicorn Female with Squirrel Friend
- Unicorn Male with Squirrel Friend
- Madilia the Forest Fairy Healer
- Kristenea the Beach Fairy Healer
- Cassea the River Flower Fairy
- Cassea the River Flower Fairy with Externalized Wings
- Cassea the River Flower Fairy with Externalized Wings
- Malawyn the Young Rider of Rohan
- Water Nymph with Frog
- Daniellia the Stream Fairy
- Looking at the Female Rider of Rohan
- Kelsea the Mermaid
- Alia the Pet Fairy with Kodiak
- Big Horned Unicorn
- Unicorn with Elderly Fairy
- Alyssiana the Rose Fairy
- Dandy the Micro Mini Goldendoodle with 2 Fairies
- Natalia the Night Fairy with a Flying Squirrel
- Ranianna the Artist Fairy
- Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy
- Dania the Native American Fairy
- Nikalo the Warrior Elf
- McKennia the Mermaid transformed into Mortal Form
- Luciole the Young Mountain Firefly Fairy
- Jument the Unicorn Mare Fairy
- Flower Fairies - Dianthus the Carnation Fairy
- Sir Jacobus Lindhart the Young Dragon Slayer
- Kathewyn and Jesentor Newlywed Riders of Rohan
- Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Rose Fairy
- Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Sugar Plum Fairy
- Breannia the Dirt Bike Fairy
- Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May and the Rose Fairy with Wings
- Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Arabian Dancer
- Hanawyn an Elf Mother with Her Son Glenoraborn
- Rylia the Healer Fairy
- Darlia the Healer Fairy gathering Watercress
- Baylia the Healer Fairy gathering Watercress from a River
- Unicorn with Fairy and Glowing Apple
- Unicorn & Male Fairy with Apple
- Unicorn with swooping Tartan Fairy
- Unicorn with Sparkling Apple Fairy
- Unicorn with Male Apple Fairy
- Lost Unicorn Foal found by Unicorn Fairy
- Unicorn Pilly with an Apple Fairy
- Forest Fairy with Unicorn Friend
- Racheliah the River Fairy
- Tree Fairy on a Branch
- Young Dragon Fairy calls a Mini Dragon
- Loriah the Brine Fairy at the Great Salt Lake
- Alexawyn and Tomagorn
- Lexsea the Mermaid
- Flumenia the River Fairy
- Lilium the Lilypad Fairy
- Amnis the Stream Fairy
- Cataractia the Waterfall Fairy
- Night Fairy that is a Bat Fairy
- Night Fairy that is a Moth Fairy
- Marigilda the Hobbit Healer
- Laurelei the Laurel Fairy
- Laniah the Centaur Warrior
- Bailiah the Elven Sheriff
- Wise Kind Old Grandfather Bunny awards the Little Gold Shoes
- Vanessia the Healer Fairy
- Daniol the Dragon Taming Wizard
- Robinia the Healer Mermaid
- Unicorn at Sunrise on Cliff
- Alyssiah the Water Dragon Fairy
- Caritas the Warrior Elf
- Wizard on a Mountaintop
- Emilia the Butterfly Fairy
- Unicorn Filly by a Forest River
- Danli and Emiwyn get Married
- Rosalina and her Dog Violet
- Unicorn in Southern Utah
- Ali the Spotted Mermaid
- Unicorn vs Forest Troll
- Dragon Taming Fairy with Dragon
- Singapore Dragon Fairy
- Jayrendil the Elf & Mintelian the Goldendoodle
- Tree Fairies - Ariana the American Elm Tree Fairy
- Divya the Bee Fairy from India
- Kayia the Mermaid
- Fairy greeting a Young Unicorn
- Fairy gifts an Apple to a Unicorn
- Beach Fairy named Alikiah
- Nicholsina the Parrotfish Mermaid
- Kenidiya the Dolphin Mermaid
- Kayia the Shark Mermaid
- Marinia the Mangrove Fairy
- Licorneah the Young Unicorn Fairy
- Ciela the Sky Fairy
- Alexequusia the Unicorn Fairy
- Alexequusia with Lace Wings
- Alexequusia with Butterfly Wings
- Naomia the Sunflower Fairy
- Leah the Ghanaian Butterfly Fairy
- Unicorn & Fairy #1
- Unicorn & Fairy #2
- Unicorn & Fairy #3
- Unicorn & Fairy #4
- Unicorn & Fairy #5
- Unicorn & Fairy #6
- Unicorn & Fairy #7
- Unicorn & Fairy #8
- Unicorn & Fairy #9
- Unicorn & Fairy #10
- Unicorn & Fairy #11
- Barefoot Elf named Andreia
- Karissiah the Good Witch
- Nova the Dragon Witch
- Gentrinia the River Witch
- Unicorn Wizard
- Klinta the Cliff Fairy
- Katalynia the Swallowtail Fairy
- Simeon the Young Male Barefoot Elf
- Sydnia the Healer Elf
- Madelynia a Healer Fairy gathering Watercress
- Megiowynn She-Elf Warrior & Healer at Rivendell
- Nikolia the Sloth Fairy
- Rositica The Crocodile Fairy
- Racheliah the Elephant Fairy
- Jakobi the Dunedain Ranger
- Macquenzia the Stream Fairy
- Macquenzia Stream Fairy with Externalized Wings
- Alexiandriah the Healer Fairy
- Lexionia the Pet Fairy
- Shannonia the Lake Fairy with Mallard Ducks
- Afua the African Mushroom Fairy
- McKayliah the Unicorn Fairy
- Katewynn the Fairy Princess
- Skarlawynn the Elf Princess & Zakarin the Dwarf Warrior
- Rilia the Mushroom Fairy
- Skarlawynn the Woodland Elf Princess
- Modern Mermaid at a Rock
- Emmiah the Lotus Fairy
- Lexinieve the Winter Fairy at Night
- Muad'Dib the Dune Kangaroo Rat
- Mountain Unicorn at Sunrise
- Moon Fairy
- Royal Ranger Marries Elven Princess
- Young Mother Fairy and Baby
- Mother's Day Card with Mother Rock Fairy and Daughter
- European Dragon vs Dragon Taming Wizard
- Jessia the Mushroom Dragon Fairy (with Dragon wings)
- Chinese Dragon with Dragon Taming Fairy
- Wyvern Dragon
- Fairy and Her Pet Dragon
- Butterfly Wings on Jessia the Mushroom Dragon Fairy
- Elizawynn the Elven Princess
- Centaur Couple on Patrol by a Forest River
- Young Mermaid swimming near a Coral Reef
- Mountain Butterfly Fairy
- Water Nymph or Naiad with Swan
- Cruising Mermaid Navis
- Lily the Sea Turtle Mermaid
- Anniah the Maple Fairy
- Marilyssa the Cruise Mermaid
- Annah the Reef Mermaid
- Captain Trenton the Pirate with his Parrot Azul
- Alia the Tooth Fairy
- Firefly Fairy Children
- Niya the Fairy Princess
- Caytlynia She-Elf Warrior in Willow Tree
- Cydnia the Even Princess
- Woodie the Hobbit Warrior
- Unicorn Mare with Squirrel Doe Friend
- Unicorn Stallion with Buck Squirrel Friend
- Mini-Dragon Fairy
- Tree Fairies - Oakleigh the Oak Tree Fairy
- Rosannia the Mushroom Fairy
- Garmenia the Grass Fairy with Vole Friend
- Kinsey the Stream Fairy gathering Watercress
- Kenria the Stream Fairy with Bird Friends
- Rosanneah the River Fairy
- Jocelynia the River Fairy
- Mermaid on the Beach
- Wizard enchanting Red Rock Dragon
- Elven Princess, Dwarf, and Hobbit
- Brittnia the Cruise Mermaid with Sandpiper
- Rose Fairy Rositia
- Lexi the Puppy Fairy (with a mico mini Goldendoodle)
- Addia the Healer Fairy gathering Watercress
- Talinee the Healer Fairy in a Willow Tree
- Bioluminescent Fairy with Click Beetle
- Desert Night Fairy with Kangaroo Rat
- Boy River Fairy with Praying Mantis
- Mountain Fairy with American Pika
- Dragon Fairy with Enchanted Knife
- Night Mushroom Fairy with Fireflies and Moth
- Arelia the Night Fairy
- Alexiah the Unicorn Fairy
- Chantelle the Mushroom Fairy
- Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds
- Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds
Animals of the World
NOTE: The newest animal drawings are at the bottom of the list.
These are all drawings of LIVING animals. For extinct animals,
you will need to click on the Paleontology button. Some of the below
animals we have seen in South America, the Galapagos Islands,
and in Europe. Some of these drawings are cartoon-style.
NOTE: The newest animal drawings are at the bottom of the list.
These are all drawings of LIVING animals. For extinct animals,
you will need to click on the Paleontology button. Some of the below
animals we have seen in South America, the Galapagos Islands,
and in Europe. Some of these drawings are cartoon-style.
- Swan Looking at Its Reflection
- Swan with Cygnet
- More Realistic Swan
- Pit Bull Puppy with Squirrel Friend
- Tabby Cat on the Lawn
- Bichon with Mouse Friend
- Kitten on the Lawn
- Stallion in Desert
- Tug the Ranger Horse
- Horse in a Meadow
- Paint Pony by a River
- Pony with Squirrel Friend
- Mother Pony and Filly
- Blue Footed Boobies
- Red Footed Boobies
- Horse in a Meadow
- Paint Pony by a River
- Pony with Squirrel Friend
- Mother Pony and Filly
- Mother Shetland Pony with Foal
- Shetland Pony with Poofy Mane
- Pony between Trees
- Paint Pony & Friend
- Pygmy Ponies in Love
- Swan with Cygnet
- Calico Tabby Cross
- Great-tailed Grackle
- Land Iguana on Log
- Agouti or Guatusa
- Howler Monkey
- Spider Monkeys
- Bottlenose Dolphin swimming
- Mother Dolphin with Calf
- Male Dolphin with Friend
- Female Dolphin with Friend
- Flying Fish
- Young Flying Fish
- Flying Fish cartoon male
- Flying Fish cartoon female
- Narwhal under the Ice
- Kangaroo Rat in the Desert
- Kangaroo Rat realistic
- Doggy and Kitty
- Ellie Dog Inside
- Ellie Dog Outside
- American Robin
- Gentoo Penguins
- Raven with Wolf Cub
- Paint Pony and Filly
- Mule Deer
- Whitetail Deer
- Bull Elk
- Bull Moose
- American Alligator
- Toddler with Stuffed Animals
- Sperm Whale vs Giant Squid
- Short Eared Owl
- Little Blue Heron
- Pipes the Kitten going into the pipes
- Pipes being dug out by Kurt
- Pipes the adult cat
- Suzie the Horse
- Cougar on a Mountaintop
- Mountain Lion walking
- Black Widow Spider
- Rabid Dog
- Wild Mustang with Paint Pattern
- Paw Patrol fan art
- Cat on a Stump
- Quarter Horse close up
- American Paint Horse
- Pronghorn Antelope
- Canadian Goose
- Georgie Racclooney by a River in CO
- Icelandic Horse 1
- Icelandic Horse 2
- Icelandic Horse 3
- Icelandic Horse from Refrigerator Magnet
- Icelandic Horse by a Stone Wall
- Three Toed Tree Sloth
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Poison Dart Frogs
- Gentoo Penguin
- Australian Water Dragon
- African Elephant on the Serengeti
- Jumbo takes on the Train
- Caiman by a River
- Jaguar attacking a Caiman
- Jumbo with Fans
- Orca vs Great White Shark
- Quack Quack duckling
- Deer Mouse
- Kangaroo Mother and Joey cartoon
- Buckskin Horse with cartoon eye
- Buckskin Horse with realistic eye
- Mallard Ducks
- Bald Eagle fishing for King Salmon
- Bald Eagle flying over Southeast Alaska
- The Ugly Duckling swimming alone
- The Ugly Duckling getting bullied
- The Ugly Duckling in the Winter
- The Ugly Duckling finds out he is a Swan
- Swan Realistic
- Inchworm measuring the Marigolds
- Thunder the Mustang Horse in the Desert
- Thunder the Mustang by a line of Trees
- Mother Cat and Kitten for Mother's Day
- Elephant Mommy with Calf for Mother's Day
- Go Dog Go worksheet
- Go Dog Go tribute page
- Carousel with Granddaughter
- Dogs on the Go
- Daintree Rain Forest
- Coral Pink Sand Dunes Plants and Animals 1
- Coral Pink Sand Dunes Plants and Animals 2
- Labradoodle Helix
- Lion Family
- American Alligator Mother with Hatchlings
- Hyena Cub
- Cooper the Yorkie
- Red Deer
- Bowmouth Guitarfish
- Butterflies at Shenandoah National Park
- Hedgehog
- Cougar by a Pine Tree
- Hope the Doggy
- Whitetail Deer Buck and Doe
- Bumblebee Bat
- Horse and Squirrel
- Spot from Put Me In The Zoo
- Vixen the Reindeer
- Swan and Cygnet
- Georgie II on Bed
- Kangaroos in the Australian Bush
- Butterflies from Butterfly Biosphere
- Kodiak Bear Cub
- Polar Bear Mother and Cubs
- Honeybee near Milk Thistle Flower
- Farm Girl holding Baby Goat
- Wallaby and Joey
- Koala in Gum Tree
- Marley the Bordoodle
- Bowerbirds
- Zaglossus
- Wambat in Shrubland
- Procoptodon the Giant Short Faced Kangaroo
- Fairy Arley with Bobcat Friend
- Flying Foxes
- Apollo the English Setter
- Kookaburra in Gum Tree
- Flamingo from Riverbanks Zoo
- Black Swan in River
- Wood Duck Mates
- Bunny among the Flowers
- Pikas in the Mountains
- Emu in the Outback
- Cassowary
- Quoll in the Outback
- Dingo
- Tasmanina Tiger
- Western Grey Kangaroo
- Barred Bandicoot
- Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring
- Budgerigar or Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Wallaby
- Red Kangaroo Mother with Joey out of Pouch
- Robins of Australia 2 of 49 species
- Brush Tail Possum
- Red Kangaroo in South Australia
- Dormornis stirtoni
- Australian Pelicans
- Jabiru in River
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Crested Pigeon
- Wambat Out and About
- River the Swiss Shepherd
- Young-adult Buffalo
- Tiger in the Jungle
- Tom Turkey in the Wild
- Turkey Cartoon to Color
- Red Necked Wallaby
- Brinkley the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- River the nice old Dog
- Fox Kit in the Snow
- Vixen feeds Orphaned Koala
- Swan swimming
- Dhole the Asian Wild Dog
- Chinese Hare (juvenile) A.K.A. Baby Bunny
- Cheetahs stalking Top
- Lion laying down with the Lamb
- Red Squirrel in Oak Tree
- Daisy, a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel puppy
- Leopard in a Tree
- Pangolin in the Desert
- Swan on Lake flapping Wings
- Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
- Chica the Paint Horse
- Dolphin rubs on Soft Coral
- China the Doggy and her Beautiful Master
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Black Bear Mother & Cub
- Grizzly Bear fishing for Salmon
- Fuzzy Fuzzy Little Fawn song parody (about a Mule Deer Fawn)
- Cobra in semi-arid Desert
- Aardvark with Buttonquail in the Congo Jungle
- Zebra on the African Savannah
- Asian Elephant
- Hummingbird Fairy playing a Harp
- Joy the Goldendoodle Puppy
- Bunny with an Easter Egg
- American Rabbit by a Pond
- Bunny under a Bush (older drawing)
- Bunny among the Flowers (older drawing)
- Bunny on Easter Morning
- Yellow-bellied Marmot
- Flower the Jenny Turkey in a Narrow-leaf Cottonwood Tree
- Cougar on a Fallen Tree
- Ring-tailed Lemur
- Lamb by a Stream
- Filly with a Butterfly
- Cygnet in a Lake
- Swan Mother with Cygnets
- Gannets - Mated Pair
- Horse that is a Shire Gypsy cross named Paint or Piper
- Annia the Arizona Desert Fairy (pictured with a Kangaroo Rat)
- Mule Deer Doe and Fawn
- Paint Mustang in the West
- Young Squirrel on Branch in Spring
- Baby Squirrel in Hollow Tree Nest in Winter
- Sea Turtle Swimming
- Ranaiya the Frog Fairy (with Common Frog)
- Owl Cartoon
- Juvenile Sloth climbing a Tree
- American Badger takes on a Sub-Adult Grizzly Bear
- Dandy and Duncan
- Mustang Foal at Valley Overlook
- Dandelion the Dandy Doggy
- Sophie the Pomeranian Dog
- Black Bear vs Young Bison
- Swan on Pond with Cygnet
- Black-necked Swan with Cygnets
- Dandy the Micro Mini Goldendoodle with 2 Fairies
- Black Bear vs Young Bison
- Blue Whale
- Bunny Family
- Nuget and Yoda the Little Doggies
- Daisy Doggy the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Mommy Rabbit and Baby Bunny
- Chinchilla in the Mountains
- Frog on a Lilypad in a Pond
- Garden Bunny Rabbit
- Muad'Dib the Dune Kangaroo Rat
- Crocodile Mommy and Son
- Long Necked Galapagos Tortoise
- Sea Turtle Hatchlings cartoon drawing
- Forest Snakes cartoon drawing
- Utah Banded Gecko
- Two-Headed California King Snake
- Black & White Stripes on 2-Headed California King Snake
- Paint Mustang Mare
- Beaver Pond with Beaver and Waterfowl
- Lexi the Puppy Fairy (with a mico mini Goldendoodle)
- Blue-Footed Boobies Mother and Chick
- Gray Whale Mother and Calf
- Blue the Hava-Goldendoodle Puppy
General Religious
- New Years Prayer
- Martin Luther and his Wife
- Troop Transport Ship US Navy 1950
- Harry in the Spirit World
- Harry at Bryce Canyon National Park
- Angel playing Harp
- Lauren McCluskey Our Angel
- Let Your Light So Shine... Mother and Children
- Lion laying down with the Lamb
- Judith Ann with The Savior in the Spirit World
- Jesus in our Premortal Life
- Princess Angel
- Jesus Portrait
Old Testament
- Jesus Creates the Earth
- Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
- Noah preaching to the People
- Moses with the Ten Commandments
- Elijah Goes to Heaven in a Fiery Chariot
- David and Goliath
- Three Hebrew Children in the Fiery Furnace
- Moses at the Burning Bush on Mt. Horeb
- Ruth Gleaning the Fields
- Elijah vs Priests of Baal
- Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with an Angel
- Jesus with Mary and Martha
- Moses Parts the Red Sea
- David vs Goliath Before the fight
- Goliath with a Philistine Helmet
- Esther Before the King
- Abraham is stopped by an Angel
- Moses meets Jehovah at the Burning Bush
- Moses sees the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf
- Joseph meets his Brothers
- Abraham and Isaac The Binding
- Noah begins to Welcome the first animals to the Ark
- Elijah is fed by the Ravens
- Hezekiah
- Joshua at the Battle of Jericho
- David vs Goliath
- Adam and Eve with Forbidden Fruit
- Samson brings down the Temple of Dagon
- Isaiah writes Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus
- David's Stone is about to kill Goliath
- King David Dances before the Lord
- Balaam and his Talking Donkey
- Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden
- Esther the Queen before King Ahasuerus
- Jonah being swallowed by the Whale
- Jonah about to be rescued by the Whale
- Young David playing the Harp
- King David plays the Harp
- Enoch and His City
- Daniel is saved from the Lions
- Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem
- Consider Your Ways
- Goliath vs David
- David slays the Lion
- The Unselfish Rebecca at the Well
- Noah starts building the Ark with His Sons
- Angel Appears to the Shepherds
- Nativity
- Mary and Baby Jesus
- Jesus is Baptized
- Jesus teaches the people
- Jesus heals a sick man
- Jesus with a small girl
- Jesus suffering in Gethsemane
- Jesus comforts a sad woman
- Jesus Greets a Little Boy
- Jesus calls his Apostles
- Crucifixion outside of Jerusalem
- 25 Year old Jesus
- Jesus with Dark Haired Little Girl
- Jesus with Light Haired Little Girl
- Jesus with Little Boy
- Jesus appears to his Apostles
- Angel Appears to the Shepherds
- Nativity
- Mary and Baby Jesus
- Jesus is Baptized
- Jesus teaches the people
- Jesus heals a sick man
- Jesus with a small girl
- Jesus comforts a sad woman
- Jesus suffering in Gethsemane
- Crucifixion outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus in the Spirit World
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Jesus Ascending into Heaven
- Young Jesus at the Temple
- Jesus as a Young Man near Jerusalem
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Joseph with Jesus in Carpentry Shop
- Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem
- Jesus in Hebrew robes near Jerusalem
- Jesus in Robes near Jerusalem
- Jesus Calls His Apostles by the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus Creates the Earth and fills the Seas with Comets
- Jesus by the Sea of Galilee with a fishing boat
- Jesus Teaches About Forgiveness
- Jesus went up into a mountain
- Jesus with Mary and Martha
- Jesus At His Second Coming
- Apostle Andrew
- Apostle Matthew
- Apostle Thomas and Apostle Bartholomew
- Luke the Physician
- Jesus portrait outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus making a Joke
- Jesus cuddles a Lamb
- Jesus teaches about Hypocrisy
- Jesus in the Clouds
- Feed My Sheep
- Jesus in Ancient Rural Israel
- Jesus giving advice on Taxes
- Good Samaritan
- Jesus raises Jarius' Daughter
- Jesus visits a Leper Colony
- Jesus outside Jerusalem after His Resurrection
- Jesus as a Young Man outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus walking on Water
- Jesus talks to Two Children
- Jesus in the Old World near Jerusalem
- Jesus reads from the Torah
- Jesus walking along the beach at the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus delivers Furniture
- Jesus by the River Jordan
- Prodigal Son Returns
- Jesus with a pair of Children
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- Jesus walks on the water during a Storm
- Jesus sitting on a wall with Nicodemus
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection
- Jesus heals the Man born Blind
- Jesus with a Songbird
- Zacchaeus meets Jesus
- The Five Wise Virgins from the Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Jesus outside of Jerusalem with a view of the Temple
- Isaiah writes Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus
- Jesus visits Animals in the Rocky Mountains
- Jesus laments over Jerusalem
- Jesus walking in the Mountains
- Jesus going for a walk in a Valley
- Jesus on the Beach by the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus, after His resurrection, among the Flowers
- Jesus in the Celestial Kingdom
- Annunciation of Mary
- Mary and Baby Jesus (revised)
- Nativity 2019
- Resurrected Jesus leaves the Tomb
- First Ascension of Jesus
- Baby Jesus in the Manger Hay
- Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem
- Jesus Begins to Pay the Price for our Sins in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus in Capernaum
- Jesus holds a Fig
- Jesus Comes to Jerusalem
- Jesus Outside the Walls of Jerusalem Shortly After His Resurrection
- Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus as a young man close to Jerusalem
- Jesus before Pilate
- Jesus ordains His Apostles
- Female Shepherd meets Baby Jesus and Mary
- Jesus outside His Carpentry Shop
- Female Shepherd meets Baby Jesus and Mary
- Angels at the First Christmas
- Baby Jesus says Thank You to the Donkey
- Female Shepherd with Baby Jesus
- Jesus Profile Picture
- Jesus returns to the Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Jesus on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee
- Two Angles declare He is Risen
- A Resurrected Jesus appears to His Disciples at the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus comforts the Woman caught in Adultery
- Jesus in the Mountains of Judea
- Jesus by a Wall
- Jesus close to Jerusalem
- A Resurrected Jesus about to call to his Apostles who are Fishing
- Jesus about to clear the Temple
- A Resurrected Jesus about to visit Jerusalem
- Paul in Roman Custody
- Angel Swears that there shall be Time No Longer
- Jesus on a Mountain Top praying to His Father
- Baby Jesus in a Manger (In Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph near)
- Jesus with a Dove
- Jesus at His Carpentry Shop
- Jesus begins to call His Disciples
- Female Shepherd with Baby Jesus
- Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem
- Nativity 2022
- Christmas Singing Angel
- Jesus near Jerusalem
- Simple Portrait of Jesus
- Jesus says to His Father, "Thy will be done."
- Jesus Has Risen
- Jesus comes to Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Jesus with a Dove of Peace
- Jesus as the Good Shepherd or Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Jesus heals a Blind Man by anointing his Eyes with Clay
- Zacchaeus climbs a Tree to see Jesus
- Another Simple Portrait of Jesus Christ
- Jesus raises Lazarus
- Paul teaches King Agrippa
- Paul before Agrippa, Berenice, & Festus
- Jesus before calling His Apostles
- Jesus ordains one of His Apostles
- Jesus praying at an Olive Press in Gethsemane
- Resurrected Jesus outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus in the Mountains
- Silver and Gold Have I None
- Jesus without the Walls of Jerusalem
- Nativity 2023
- Jesus close up at the Sea of Galilee
- Goliath vs David
- Jesus is resurrected from the Tomb after 3 Days
- Jesus outside Jerusalem near the Temple
- Jesus Prays on a Mountaintop
- Jesus with Mary after His Resurrection
- Nativity Baby Jesus in a Wooden Manger
- Jesus walking along the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus Praying and Communing with God
- Jesus as an Itinerant Preacher
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene directly after His Resurrection
- Jesus says Hello to a Little Boy
- Jesus Ordains one of His 12 Apostles
- Jesus heals Blind Bartimaeus
- Jesus greets a Little Girl in the Hills of Galilee
- Jesus holding a Little Girl
- Jesus at the Sea of Galilee to call His Disciples
- Paul is reprimanded by the Resurrected Jesus for persecuting the Church of Christ
- On The Cross Jesus gives His Life for Us
- Jesus by Jerusalem in the Sunshine
- Woman who touched the Hem of Jesus' Robe
- Jesus begins His Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus' First Fishing Miracle
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene right after His Resurrection
- Nativity 2024
- Joseph holds Baby Jesus
- Jesus Portrait
- Jesus before Pilate Behold the Man
Restoration or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint topics including Book of Mormon
- Jesus visits His People in the Americas
- Joseph Smith listens to a Minister
- Joseph Smith studies the Bible
- Joseph Smith has his First Vision
- Joseph Smith visited by the Angel Moroni
- Joseph Smith translates the Golden Plates
- Elijah Restores the Sealing Power
- Brigham Young says, "This is the right place..."
- The Saints cross the plains and the valleys of Wyoming
- Handcart Pioneers crossing the Plains
- Family at the Temple
- Righteous Resurrected
- Together in the Celestial Kingdom
- Plan of Salvation
- Premortal Life
- A New Star in the Americas
- Jesus in the Spirit World
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Handcart Pioneer Family Crossing the Plains
- Handcart Pioneer in the Snow
- Heleman Leads the young Ammonite Wariors
- Jesus in the Americas
- Jesus At His Second Coming
- Thomas S. Monson as a Paperboy
- Peter and the vision of unclean beasts
- Apostle James Martyrdom
- Apostle John The Beloved sees a Vision of a Fiery Mountain hit the Sea
- Three Nephite Disciples in a Den of Jaguars
- Abraham and Angel vs Priest of Elkenah
- Joyce gets to Heaven
- Truman G. Madsen at the Jerusalem Center
- Pat Cook being thanked in the Spirit World
- King Benjamin teaches his People
- Wooden Sailing Ship in Bristol Harbor
- Amasa Mason Lyman
- Lydia Partridge Lyman
- Amasa M. Lyman
- Jesus in the New World . . . somewhere
- President and Sister Nelson
- Captain Moroni as a Mound Builder
- Captain Moroni if the Nephites were the Mississippian Culture
- Heleman with a few of his Stripling Warriors
- Can you hear your Ancestors?
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- Samuel the Lamanite
- Jesus ordains one of His Disciples in the New World
- Joseph Smith near Nauvoo Temple
- Ammon vs the Robbers
- Ammon teaches the King
- Judith Ann in the Spirit World
- The Brother of Jared sees the Finger of the Lord
- Joseph Smith in Nauvoo
- Baptismal Font in Temple
- Mike & Tracy Wedding drawing
- King Benjamin teaches his people from the Tower
- Mary and Baby Jesus re-done
- Joseph Smith's First Vision of the Father and the Son
- Jesus at the Tree of Life
- James Barnet Cole rescues Lucy Ward
- Enos prays All Day and into the Night
- Joseph Smith with an Adolescent Young Man playing Stick Pull
- Joseph Smith surveys his Farm while riding a Pony
- Ammon before King Limhi
- Abinadi teaches King Noah and the Wicked Priests
- Alma baptizes in the Waters of Mormon
- Angel appears to Alma the Younger and his Friends
- Alma and Amulek teaching in Ammonihah
- Captain Moroni prays with the Title of Liberty
- The Prophet Nephi praying on his Garden Tower
- Prophet Nephi prays for his People
- Mormon's Lament for His People
- Moroni buries the Golden Plates in the Hill Cumorah
- Brother of Jared sees the Lord's Finger
- Joseph Smith sees the Father and the Son
- Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon in a Canoe
- Couple Together in the Celestial Kingdom
- Joseph Smith as a Boy walking by a River
- Jesus returns to Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Joseph Smith Writing a Letter in Liberty Jail
- Joseph Smith the Prophet portrait
- Captain Moroni near a Nephite City
- Jesus descends from Heaven to visit His People in the New World
- Abraham saved by an Angel
- Alma the Younger is Zapped by an Angel
- Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail
- Captain Moroni by a Fortified City
- Nephi & Lehi sons of Heleman
- Nephi Son of Lehi on the Ship with the Liahona
- Alma the Younger teaches about Faith
- Nephi son of Nephi praying for the Believers
- Jesus praying during His Visit to the Americas
- Council in Heaven
- Jesus welcomed to Paradise by Heavenly Parents
- Joseph Smith portrait
- Mormon Abridging the Book of Mormon
- Angel helps Handcart Pioneer
NOTE: The animals below include both extinct and living Australian species. I also have some Homo sapiens from Australia. The people who I drew and posted here are ALL Australians. . . and technically, humans are in the Animal Kingdom.
By the way, while in Australia I drew many more animals that I am working on getting finished and posted over the next few weeks. I drew these pictures with a pencil while on a moving bus and I have to ink them in or darken the pencil lines in order to scan them. Notice that some of these animals below are extinct and some are still around. . . but ALL of them live or lived in Australia.
- Kangaroos in the Australian Bush
- Bajadasaurus pronuspinax
- Austroposeidon
- Tree Fairy named Megan
- Galleonosaurus and Aussiedraco
- Wallaby and Joey
- Koala in Gum Tree
- Bowerbirds
- Marsupial Lion
- Zaglossus
- Diprotodon
- Bunyip
- Diprotodon with Joey
- Wambat in Shrubland
- Procoptodon the Giant Short Faced Kangaroo
- Antarctopelta
- Flying Foxes
- Bunny on Easter Morning
- Eoraptor lunensis
- Gigantoraptor vs Sonidosaurus
- Kookaburra in Gum Tree
- Flamingo from Riverbanks Zoo
- Imperobator on the Prowl
- Black Swan in River
- Bunny among the Flowers
- Emu in the Outback
- Mapusaurus with Young
- Cassowary
- Quoll in the Outback
- Dilophosaurus emerging from the Forest
- First Animals on Earth . . . Found in Australia
- Megalania prisca vs Aboriginal Hunter
- Aboriginal Warrior vs Megalania prisca
- Dingo
- Tasmanina Tiger
- Western Grey Kangaroo
- Spinosaurus eating a Sawfish
- Diamantinasaurus matildae
- Muttaburrasaurus
- Australovenator
- Cooper and George Titanosaurs
- Barred Bandicoot
- Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring
- Budgerigar or Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Red Kangaroo Mother with Joey out of Pouch
- Wallaby
- Robins of Australia 2 of 49 species
- Earth Sanctuary Host Joey
- Earth Sanctuary Guide #1 Dan
- Earth Sanctuary Guide #2 Tommy
- Earth Sanctuary Outback Fairy and Hostess
- The next three drawings ARE fantasy drawings, but the model was a beautiful young Australian woman. . . so I posted the drawings here as well as the Fantasy section.
- Chick Fairy in a Tree caring for Chicks
- Chick Fairy with a Cockatoo
- Chick Fairy with a Little Corella
- Brush Tail Possum
- Red Kangaroo in South Australia
- Belemnite about to be eaten by a Plesiosaur
- Elasmosaurus mother and calf
- Kronosaurus hunting Plesiosaurs
- Eric the Umoonasaurus
- Saltwater Crocodile in the Outback
- Dormornis stirtoni
- Australian Pelicans
- Jabiru in River
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Crested Pigeon
- Wambat Out and About
- River the Swiss Shepherd (The breed orignated in Switzerland, but I met River in Australia.)
- Red Necked Wallaby
- Fox Kit in the Snow
- Vixen feeds Orphaned Koala
- Aboriginal Warrior with Spear (and war club)
- Australian Frilled Lizard & Wedge-Tailed Eagle
- Quokka in the Outback
- Bird Fairy named Robin with a robin
- Ciela the Sky Fairy
- Walrus Mother and Calf
- Escargot and Plush Bunny
Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and of course watercraft as well
NOTE: Newer drawings are at the bottom of the list. I will be doing more
transportation drawings. (including cars, trucks, ships, boats, more planes etc.)
- Zentangle 4 Hearts
- Zentangle Seaside View
- Zentangle Paisley
- Zentangle Flower
- Zentangle Heartstrings
- Zentangle Heartweave
- Zentangle Flower in Dreamcatcher
- Zentangle Large Flower Shape
Paleontology and Biology Readings and Worksheets
- White Tip's Journey - Reading
- White Tip's Journey - Reading as scanned PDF
- White Tip's Journey - Worksheet
- Little Das' Hunt Rdg.
- Little Das' Hunt wksheet Pg. 1HLittle Das' Hunt wksheet Pg. 2
- Little Das' Hunt Wksheet Pg. 3
- Alpha's Egg supplemental Rdg.
- Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 1
- Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 2
- Pod's Travels Rdg. Pg. 1
- Pod's Travels Rdg. Pg. 2
- Pod's Travels Wksheet
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Rdg. Pg. 1
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Rdg. Pg. 2
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 1 & 2
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 3
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 4
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Rdg. Pg.2
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Wksheet Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Wksheet Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Classification DVDs Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Classification DVDs Rdg. Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Insect worksheet
- Eyewitness Butterfly and Moth worksheet
- Eyewitness Fish worksheet
- Eyewitness Amphibian
- Eyewitness Reptile
- Eyewitness Dinosaur
- Eyewitness Bird
- Eyewitness Mammal
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 3
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 1 & 2
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 3 & 4
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 5 & 6
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pg. 7
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 3
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 3
- Dichotomous Key for Some Members of the Cat Family worksheet
- Dichotomous Key for Some Members of the Cat Family illustrations
Holiday Pictures:
NOTE: The newest drawings are at the bottom of the correct list.
NOTE: The newest drawings are at the bottom of the correct list.
- Wampanoag Man & Woman
- Pilgrim with Native American Friend
- Turkey Cartoon to Color
- Wild Turkeys
- Tom Turkey in the Wild
- Pilgrim Couple in Plymouth Colony
- Thanksgiving Turkey BEFORE the Big Day
- Thanksgiving Multicolored Turkey
- Santa says thanks!
- Santa in the Snow by his North Pole
- Santa out feeding an apple to a reindeer
- Saint Nicholas in plain robes
- Saint Nicholas in ornate robes
- Santasaurus with a Candy Cane
- Santa says thanks!
- Angel Appears to the Shepherds
- Nativity
- Mary and Baby Jesus
- A New Star in the Americas
- Vixen the Reindeer
- Santa & Mrs. Claus by a Christmas Tree
- Dickens Festival Young Female Sales Clerk
- Dickens Festival Scrooge and Marley
- Mary & Baby Jesus with Stone Manger
- Santa decorating one of his Outside Christmas Trees
- Ebenezer Scrooge at his Counting House
- Fred nephew of E. Scrooge
- Char Woman
- Ghost of Christmas Past
- Ghost of Christmas Present
- Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come
- Jacob Marley as a Ghost
- Annunciation of Mary
- Mary and Baby Jesus (revised)
- Rudloph the Red Nosed Reindeer
- Nativity 2019
- Legend of the European Robin
- Christmas Bells Wreath
- Baby Jesus in the Manger Hay
- Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem
- Baby Jesus says Thank You to the Donkey
- Santa and Mrs. Claus in a Giant Christmas Ornament
- Reindeer Elf training a Young Reindeer
- Elf Family working on Toys
- Female Shepherd with Baby Jesus
- Baby Jesus in a Manger (In Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph near)
- Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem
- Nativity 2022
- Christmas Singing Angel
- Christmas Gingerbread Man
- Christmas Gingerbread Woman
- Christmas Gingerbread Santa
- Nativity 2023
- Santa giving Seeds to a Reindeer
- Nativity Baby Jesus in a Wooden Manger
- Nutcracker
- Nativity 2024
- Santa Feeding Baby Rudolph
- Angel appears to Family of Shepherds
- Sugarplum Fairy with Sugarplums
- Baby Clarice the Reindeer Toy
- Rudolph the Young Reindeer Fawn
Valentine's Day
- Honeymoon at Daniel Summit
- Valentine Fairies Will Be Fairy Sad...
- Valentine Unicorns Lets Be One...
- Valentine Bees BEE My Valentine
- Valentinosaurus
- Valentine T. rex female Roar'n to be your Valentine
- Valentine T. rex male Roar'n to be your Valentine
- Unicorn Cat Leprechaun Cat and Fairy
- Leprechaun with Fairy
- Leprechaun with Gold
- Leprechaun Couple burying their Pot of Gold
- Leprechaun Couple with their Pots of Gold
- Country Bunny little girl bunny
- Country Bunny kids doing the dishes
- Country Bunny delivering eggs
- Country Bunny Husband and Daddy
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection
Bunny on Easter Morning- Grandfather Bunny in the Palace of Easter Eggs
- Country Bunny White Bunnies with their Fine Houses
- Resurrected Jesus leaves the Tomb
- Country Bunny with long-legged Jackrabbits
- First Ascension of Jesus
- Country Bunny Getting Married
- Country Bunny Sweeping Bunnies
- Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny
- Country Bunny style Female Easter Bunny
- A Resurrected Jesus appears to His Disciples at the Sea of Galilee
- Wise Kind Old Grandfather Bunny awards the Little Gold Shoes
- Wise Kind Old Grandfather Bunny awards the Little Gold Shoes
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection
- Little Girl Bunny with Easter Eggs
- Little Boy Bunny with Easter Eggs
Paul Revere's Ride
Fifth of May or Cinco de Mayo
Father's Day
Independence Day, USA, 4th of July
Pioneer Day
Independence Day, USA, 4th of July
- Battle of Brooklyn escape
- Star Spangled Banner inspirational moment
- Battle of Baltimore, Fort McHenry
- George Washington on Blueskin
Pioneer Day
- The Saints cross the plains and the valleys of Wyoming
- Handcart Pioneers crossing the Plains
- Handcart Pioneer Family Crossing the Plains
- Handcart Pioneer in the Snow
- Amasa M. Lyman
- Amasa Mason Lyman
- Lot Smith
Mother's Day
- Mother's Day Card with Flowers and Poem
- Albertosaurus with Leopard Print Mother's Day Card
- Mother's Day Card with Dog and Puppy
- Mother's Day Card with Cat and Kitten
- Mother's Day Card with Apataosaurus
- Mother Cat and Kitten for Mother's Day
- Kangaroo Mother and Joey cartoon
- Flowers for Mother's Day
- Elephant Mommy with Calf for Mother's Day
- Mother's Day Card with Mommy Swan and Ugly Duckling
- Mother's Day card with Mommy T. rex and a Chick in Nest
- Mother's Day Card with Mother Unicorn and Filly
- Mother's Day Card with Mother Unicorn and Colt
- Mother's Day Card with Boy with Flowers
- Mother's Day Card with Girl Angel
- Mother's Day card 2022 Allosaurus and Chick
- Mother's Day card 2022 Tyrannosaur with Chicks
- Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Dragon and Wyrmling
- Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Swan and Cygnet
- Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Stegosaurus and Calf
- Mother's Day card 2022 Mother Duck and Duckling
- Mother's Day card 2023 Mother Grebe and Grebettes
- Mother's Day Card 2023 Mother Wood Duck & Duckling
- Mother's Day Card 2023 Little Blue Heron
- Mother's Day Card 2023 Mother Robin with Chicks
- Mother's Day Card 2023 Mother Swan & Mother Duck
- Mother's Day Card 2023 Mother Owl & Owlet
- Young Mother Fairy and Baby
- Mother's Day Card with Mother Rock Fairy and Daughter
- Halloween Ghosts
- Halloween Witch
- Halloween Friendly Frankie
- Halloween Black Cat on Jack O Lantern
- Halloween Jack O Lantern
- Halloween Boy in Bear Costume
- Halloween Girl in Bear Costume
- Halloween Boy in Ghost Costume
- Halloween Girl in Sailor Costume
- Halloween Boy in Sailor Costume
- Halloween Family in Unicorn Costumes
- Halloween Girl in Dinosaur Costume
- Halloween Teen Girl in Dinosaur Costume
- Halloween Teen Boy in Dinosaur Costume
- Halloween Young Witch with Familiar
- Halloween Wizard
- Halloween Wizard Trick or Treating
- 3 Female Cat Humanoids
- Halloween Beautiful Young Witch
- Halloween Young Vampire
- Halloween Friendly Monster
- Halloween Witch Out and About
- Halloween Wizard Out and About
- Halloween Lovely Witch with Baby Dragon
- Barefoot Elf named Andreia
- Karissiah the Good Witch
- Nova the Dragon Witch
- Gentrinia the River Witch
- Unicorn Wizard
- Little Girl Witch Trick-or-Treating
- Roof View of Haunted House
- Happy Jack-O-Lantern
- Halloween Black Cat
- Halloween Spider Close-up
New Years Day
April Fools Day
Birds as well as some of the Avian Dinosaurs.
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Swan on Lake flapping Wings
- Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
- Swan swimming
- Tom Turkey in the Wild
- Turkey Cartoon to Color
- Dormornis stirtoni
- Australian Pelicans
- Jabiru in River
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Crested Pigeon
- Robins of Australia 2 of 49 species
- Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring
- Budgerigar or Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Emu in the Outback
- Cassowary
- Quoll in the Outback
- Kookaburra in Gum Tree
- Flamingo from Riverbanks Zoo
- Black Swan in River
- Wood Duck Mates
- Bowerbirds
- Swan and Cygnet
- Mallard Ducks
- Bald Eagle fishing for King Salmon
- Bald Eagle flying over Southeast Alaska
- The Ugly Duckling swimming alone
- The Ugly Duckling getting bullied
- The Ugly Duckling in the Winter
- The Ugly Duckling finds out he is a Swan
- Swan Realistic
- Canadian Goose
- Short Eared Owl
- Little Blue Heron
- American Robin
- Gentoo Penguins
- Great-tailed Grackle
- Swan with Cygnet
- Swan Looking at Its Reflection
- Swan with Cygnet
- More Realistic Swan
- Microraptor Flying Through Forest
- Velociraptor in Desert
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Sandhill Cranes at the Green River
- Jonny and Eagle at the Lake
- Aardvark with Buttonquail in the Congo Jungle (Buttonquail are birds.)
- Legend of the European Robin
- Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay
- Tree Fairies - Herlindia the Mangrove Tree Fairy
- Clark's Grebe
- Black Swan in River
- Dead Sea Sparrow in Olive Tree
- Swan Mother with Cygnets
- Gannets - Mated Pair
- Owl Cartoon
- F-15EX Eagle II (with a Bald Eagle)
- Frigate Birds
- McKennia the Seagull Mermaid with a California Gull
- Trumpeter Swan with Cygnets
- Tundra Swans on a Pond
- Mother Grebe & Grebettes
- Wood Duck Mother & Duckling
- Beach Fairy named Alikiah (with a Black Headed Gull)
- Mermaid of Baja California with Belted Kingfisher and Frigate Birds
Paleontology and Biology Readings and Worksheets
- White Tip's Journey - Reading
- White Tip's Journey - Reading as scanned PDF
- White Tip's Journey - Worksheet
- Little Das' Hunt Rdg.
- Little Das' Hunt wksheet Pg. 1HLittle Das' Hunt wksheet Pg. 2
- Little Das' Hunt Wksheet Pg. 3
- Alpha's Egg supplemental Rdg.
- Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 1
- Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 2
- Pod's Travels Rdg. Pg. 1
- Pod's Travels Rdg. Pg. 2
- Pod's Travels Wksheet
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Rdg. Pg. 1
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Rdg. Pg. 2
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 1 & 2
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 3
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America Wksheet Pg. 4
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Rdg. Pg.2
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Wksheet Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Natural Disasters Wksheet Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Classification DVDs Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Classification DVDs Rdg. Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Insect worksheet
- Eyewitness Butterfly and Moth worksheet
- Eyewitness Fish worksheet
- Eyewitness Amphibian
- Eyewitness Reptile
- Eyewitness Dinosaur
- Eyewitness Bird
- Eyewitness Mammal
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Life Rdg. Pg. 3
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 1 & 2
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 3 & 4
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pgs. 5 & 6
- Eyewitness Life Wksheet Pg. 7
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Volcano Reading Pg. 3
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 1
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 2
- Eyewitness Volcano Worksheet Pg. 3
- Dichotomous Key for Some Members of the Cat Family worksheet
- Dichotomous Key for Some Members of the Cat Family illustrations
- Circle for Life Cycle of Frog
- Major Sector of a Circle
- Mini Life Cycle of Frog pictures
- Zack
- Lt. Melvin A. Lyman B-24 Bomber Pilot
- Lt. Lyman and B-24
- Judith Ann with The Savior in the Spirit World
- Jonny and Eagle at the Lake
- Lauren McCluskey Our Angel
- Harry in the Spirit World
- Harry at Bryce Canyon National Park
- A Great Woman is Welcomed into Paradise
- Thomas S. Monson as a Paperboy
- Judith Ann in the Spirit World
- Joyce gets to Heaven
- Truman G. Madsen at the Jerusalem Center
- Pat Cook being thanked in the Spirit World
- Amasa Mason Lyman
- Lydia Partridge Lyman
- Amasa M. Lyman
- President and Sister Nelson
- Martin Luther and his Wife
- Abraham Lincoln
- Egyptian Princess with Cat
- Queen of Egypt with Jerboa and Poached Egg Daisy
- Prince of Egypt near a Pyramid
- Prince of Egypt in the Egyptian Desert
- Queen of Egypt with Poached Egg Daisies
- Queen of Egypt near a Pyramid with Jerboa
- Stylized cartoon Queen of Egypt
- Princess of Egypt sitting with Her Cat
- Adison the Young Wyoming Cowgirl
- Lot Smith
- Ukrainian Mother the Heroine
- George Washington on Blueskin
Coloring Pages having to do with Sports:
Newest drawings are at the bottom of the list.
I WILL be adding more sports drawings.
Olympic Alpine Ski Racer
Olympic Slalom Skier
Chloe Kim Snowboarding Trick
Chloe Kim sees her Halfpipe Score
Baseball and Mitt
Newest drawings are at the bottom of the list.
I WILL be adding more sports drawings.
Olympic Alpine Ski Racer
Olympic Slalom Skier
Chloe Kim Snowboarding Trick
Chloe Kim sees her Halfpipe Score
Baseball and Mitt
This page has the printable pages of Bird Drawings. . I will also include drawings of the more bird-like dinosaurs. There is a view that living birds are actually Avian Dinosaurs. I will start by posting my new drawing of a Blue Heron.
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Swan on Lake flapping Wings
- Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
- Swan swimming
- Tom Turkey in the Wild
- Turkey Cartoon to Color
- Dormornis stirtoni
- Australian Pelicans
- Jabiru in River
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Crested Pigeon
- Robins of Australia 2 of 49 species
- Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring
- Budgerigar or Parakeet
- Cockatoo
- Emu in the Outback
- Cassowary
- Quoll in the Outback
- Kookaburra in Gum Tree
- Flamingo from Riverbanks Zoo
- Black Swan in River
- Wood Duck Mates
- Bowerbirds
- Swan and Cygnet
- Mallard Ducks
- Bald Eagle fishing for King Salmon
- Bald Eagle flying over Southeast Alaska
- The Ugly Duckling swimming alone
- The Ugly Duckling getting bullied
- The Ugly Duckling in the Winter
- The Ugly Duckling finds out he is a Swan
- Swan Realistic
- Canadian Goose
- Short Eared Owl
- Little Blue Heron
- American Robin
- Gentoo Penguins
- Great-tailed Grackle
- Swan with Cygnet
- Swan Looking at Its Reflection
- Swan with Cygnet
- More Realistic Swan
- Microraptor Flying Through Forest
- Velociraptor in Desert
- Great Blue Herons flying
- Sandhill Cranes at the Green River
- The next three drawings are Fantasy drawings, but the birds in the drawings are real.
- Tania the Wildlife Fairy
- Fairy Family with Hummingbird
- Mermaid with a Waved Albatross
- Jonny and Eagle at the Lake
- Mermaid surfaces amid the Seabirds (Frigate Birds & Albatross)
- Ginevra in her Natural Mermaid Form (Black Gull)
- Ginevra the Mermaid in Mortal Form with Seagull Friend (Black Gull)
- Barefoot She-Elf with Mute Swan and Brown Trout
- Wild Turkeys
- Australian Frilled Lizard & Wedge-Tailed Eagle
- Aardvark with Buttonquail in the Congo Jungle (Buttonquail are birds.)
- Mandia the Pet Fairy (This drawing also has a Mallard Duck.)
- Legend of the European Robin
- Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay
- Groundhog in the Early Fall with a Black-Capped Chickadee
- Tree Fairies - Herlindia the Mangrove Tree Fairy (with a Great Blue Heron)
- Clark's Grebe
- Dead Sea Sparrow in Olive Tree
- Aurina the Barefoot Fairy running in the Forest sees a Red-legged Partridge
- Yolanda the Stream Fairy with Black-chinned Hummingbird Friend
- Sloanniah the Mermaid with a Pigeon Guillemot Friend
- Swan Mother with Cygnets
- Gannets - Mated Pair
- Black Swan in River
- Bird Fairy named Robin with a robin
- Owl Cartoon
- F-15EX Eagle II (with a Bald Eagle)
- Frigate Birds
- McKennia the Seagull Mermaid with a California Gull
- Trumpeter Swan with Cygnets
- Tundra Swans on a Pond
- Mute Swan on a Forest Pond
- Trumpeter Swan with River Fairy
- Old Time Sailing Ship (Frigate ship with Frigate Bird at the Stern)
- Mother Grebe & Grebettes
- Wood Duck Mother & Duckling
- American Robin Mother with Chicks
- Little Blue Heron in a Pond
- Mother Swan & Cygnets and Mother Duck & Ducklings
- Owl Mother & Owlet
- Ciela the Sky Fairy
- Mermaid named Reagania with Frigate Birds
- F-16V Fighting Falcon Jet drawing includes a Prarie Falcon.
- Harp Seal Mother and Pups (with Black-headed Gull)
- Swallow-tailed Kite
- Blue-Footed Boobies Doing Mating Dance
- Jesus' First Fishing Miracle (with Turtle Dove, Black-headed Gull, and Herring Gull)
- Beaver Pond with Beaver and Waterfowl
- Thanksgiving Multicolored Turkey
- Gray Whale Mother and Calf
Very fun!