NOTE: All newer drawings are placed at the bottom of the correct category.
Just click on the title and you will see the printable version of the drawing.
General Religious
- New Years Prayer
- Martin Luther and his Wife
- Troop Transport Ship US Navy 1950
- Harry in the Spirit World
- Harry at Bryce Canyon National Park
- Angel playing Harp
- Lauren McCluskey Our Angel
- Let Your Light So Shine... Mother and Children
- Lion laying down with the Lamb
- Judith Ann with The Savior in the Spirit World
- Jonny and Eagle at the Lake
- Legend of the European Robin
- Jesus in our Premortal Life
- Jesus with Swans
Old Testament
- Jesus Creates the Earth
- Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
- Noah preaching to the People
- Moses with the Ten Commandments
- Elijah Goes to Heaven in a Fiery Chariot
- David and Goliath
- Three Hebrew Children in the Fiery Furnace
- Moses at the Burning Bush on Mt. Horeb
- Ruth Gleaning the Fields
- Elijah vs Priests of Baal
- Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with an Angel
- Jesus with Mary and Martha
- Moses Parts the Red Sea
- David vs Goliath Before the fight
- Goliath with a Philistine Helmet
- Esther Before the King
- Abraham is stopped by an Angel
- Moses meets Jehovah at the Burning Bush
- Moses sees the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf
- Joseph meets his Brothers
- Abraham and Isaac The Binding
- Noah begins to Welcome the first animals to the Ark
- Elijah is fed by the Ravens
- Hezekiah
- Joshua at the Battle of Jericho
- David vs Goliath
- Adam and Eve with Forbidden Fruit
- Samson brings down the Temple of Dagon
- Isaiah writes Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus
- David's Stone is about to kill Goliath
- King David Dances before the Lord
- Balaam and his Talking Donkey
- Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden
- Esther the Queen before King Ahasuerus
- Jonah being swallowed by the Whale
- Jonah about to be rescued by the Whale
- Young David playing the Harp
- King David plays the Harp
- Enoch and His City
- Daniel is saved from the Lions
- Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem
- Consider Your Ways
- David slays a Bear
- David slays Goliath
- David slays the Lion
- The Unselfish Rebecca at the Well
- Noah starts building the Ark with His Sons
- Angel Appears to the Shepherds
- Nativity
- Mary and Baby Jesus
- Jesus is Baptized
- Jesus teaches the people
- Jesus heals a sick man
- Jesus with a small girl
- Jesus suffering in Gethsemane
- Jesus comforts a sad woman
- Jesus Greets a Little Boy
- Jesus calls his Apostles
- Crucifixion outside of Jerusalem
- 25 Year old Jesus
- Jesus with Dark Haired Little Girl
- Jesus with Light Haired Little Girl
- Jesus with Little Boy
- Jesus appears to his Apostles
- Angel Appears to the Shepherds
- Nativity
- Mary and Baby Jesus
- Jesus is Baptized
- Jesus teaches the people
- Jesus heals a sick man
- Jesus with a small girl
- Jesus comforts a sad woman
- Jesus suffering in Gethsemane
- Crucifixion outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus in the Spirit World
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Jesus Ascending into Heaven
- Young Jesus at the Temple
- Jesus as a Young Man near Jerusalem
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Joseph with Jesus in Carpentry Shop
- Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem
- Jesus in Hebrew robes near Jerusalem
- Jesus in Robes near Jerusalem
- Jesus Calls His Apostles by the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus Creates the Earth and fills the Seas with Comets
- Jesus by the Sea of Galilee with a fishing boat
- Jesus Teaches About Forgiveness
- Jesus went up into a mountain
- Jesus with Mary and Martha
- Jesus At His Second Coming
- Apostle Andrew
- Apostle Matthew
- Apostle Thomas and Apostle Bartholomew
- Luke the Physician
- Jesus portrait outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus making a Joke
- Jesus cuddles a Lamb
- Jesus teaches about Hypocrisy
- Jesus in the Clouds
- Feed My Sheep
- Jesus in Ancient Rural Israel
- Jesus giving advice on Taxes
- Good Samaritan
- Jesus raises Jarius' Daughter
- Jesus visits a Leper Colony
- Jesus outside Jerusalem after His Resurrection
- Jesus as a Young Man outside of Jerusalem
- Jesus walking on Water
- Jesus talks to Two Children
- Jesus in the Old World near Jerusalem
- Jesus reads from the Torah
- Jesus walking along the beach at the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus delivers Furniture
- Jesus by the River Jordan
- Prodigal Son Returns
- Jesus with a pair of Children
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- Jesus walks on the water during a Storm
- Jesus sitting on a wall with Nicodemus
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection
- Jesus heals the Man born Blind
- Jesus with a Songbird
- Zacchaeus meets Jesus
- The Five Wise Virgins from the Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Jesus outside of Jerusalem with a view of the Temple
- Isaiah writes Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus
- Jesus visits Animals in the Rocky Mountains
- Jesus laments over Jerusalem
- Jesus walking in the Mountains
- Jesus going for a walk in a Valley
- Jesus on the Beach by the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus, after His resurrection, among the Flowers
- Jesus in the Celestial Kingdom
- Annunciation of Mary
- Mary and Baby Jesus (revised)
- Nativity 2019
- Resurrected Jesus leaves the Tomb
- First Ascension of Jesus
- Baby Jesus in the Manger Hay
- Jesus, as a young man outside the walls of Jerusalem
- Resurrection of Jesus from the Tomb
- Jesus Begins to Pay the Price for our Sins in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus in Capernaum
- Jesus holds a Fig
- Jesus Comes to Jerusalem
- Jesus Outside the Walls of Jerusalem Shortly After His Resurrection
- Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus as a young man close to Jerusalem
- Jesus before Pilate
- Jesus ordains His Apostles
- Female Shepherd meets Baby Jesus and Mary
- Jesus outside His Carpentry Shop
- Female Shepherd meets Baby Jesus and Mary
- Angels at the First Christmas
- Baby Jesus says Thank You to the Donkey
- Female Shepherd with Baby Jesus
- Jesus Profile Picture
- Jesus returns to the Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Jesus on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus teaches the Parable of the Fig Tree
- Jesus said to not hide our Candle under a Bushel
- Two Angles declare He is Risen
- A Resurrected Jesus appears to His Disciples at the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus comforts the Woman caught in Adultery
- Jesus in the Mountains of Judea
- Jesus by a Wall
- Jesus close to Jerusalem
- A Resurrected Jesus about to call to his Apostles who are Fishing
- Jesus about to clear the Temple
- A Resurrected Jesus about to visit Jerusalem
- Paul in Roman Custody
- Jesus right after His Resurrection
- Jesus heals a Blind Man
- Jesus prays by an Olive Press in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Angel Swears that there shall be Time No Longer
- Jesus on a Mountain Top praying to His Father
- Baby Jesus in a Manger (In Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph near)
- Jesus with a Dove
- Jesus at His Carpentry Shop
- Jesus begins to call His Disciples
- Female Shepherd with Baby Jesus
- Nativity 2022
- Christmas Singing Angel
- Jesus near Jerusalem
- Simple Portrait of Jesus
- Jesus says to His Father, "Thy will be done."
- Jesus Has Risen
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection
- Jesus comes to Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Jesus with a Dove of Peace
- Jesus as the Good Shepherd or Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Jesus heals a Blind Man by anointing his Eyes with Clay
- Zacchaeus climbs a Tree to see Jesus
- Another Simple Portrait of Jesus Christ
- Paul teaches King Agrippa
- Paul before Agrippa, Berenice, & Festus
- Paul sees Jesus on the road to Damascus
- Jesus in the Mountains
- Silver and Gold Have I None
- Jesus without the Walls of Jerusalem
- Nativity 2023
- Jesus close up at the Sea of Galilee
- Goliath vs David
- Jesus is resurrected from the Tomb after 3 Days
- Jesus outside Jerusalem near the Temple
- Jesus Prays on a Mountaintop
- Jesus with Mary after His Resurrection
- Nativity Baby Jesus in a Wooden Manger
- Jesus walking along the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus Praying and Communing with God
- Jesus as an Itinerant Preacher
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene directly after His Resurrection
- Jesus says Hello to a Little Boy
- Jesus Ordains one of His 12 Apostles
- Jesus heals Blind Bartimaeus
- Jesus greets a Little Girl in the Hills of Galilee
- Jesus holding a Little Girl
- Jesus at the Sea of Galilee to call His Disciples
- Paul is reprimanded by the Resurrected Jesus for persecuting the Church of Christ
- On The Cross Jesus gives His Life for Us
- Jesus by Jerusalem in the Sunshine
- Woman who touched the Hem of Jesus' Robe
- Jesus begins His Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus' First Fishing Miracle
- Jesus with Mary Magdalene right after His Resurrection
- Nativity 2024
- Joseph holds Baby Jesus
- Jesus Portrait
- Jesus before Pilate Behold the Man
including Book of Mormon drawings
- Jesus visits His People in the Americas
- Joseph Smith listens to a Minister
- Joseph Smith studies the Bible
- Joseph Smith has his First Vision
- Joseph Smith visited by the Angel Moroni
- Joseph Smith translates the Golden Plates
- Elijah Restores the Sealing Power
- Brigham Young says, "This is the right place..."
- The Saints cross the plains and the valleys of Wyoming
- Handcart Pioneers crossing the Plains
- Family at the Temple
- Righteous Resurrected
- Together in the Celestial Kingdom
- Plan of Salvation
- Premortal Life
- A New Star in the Americas
- Jesus in the Spirit World
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Handcart Pioneer Family Crossing the Plains
- Handcart Pioneer in the Snow
- Heleman Leads the young Ammonite Wariors
- Jesus in the Americas
- Jesus At His Second Coming
- Thomas S. Monson as a Paperboy
- Peter and the vision of unclean beasts
- Apostle James Martyrdom
- Apostle John The Beloved sees a Vision of a Fiery Mountain hit the Sea
- Three Nephite Disciples in a Den of Jaguars
- Abraham and Angel vs Priest of Elkenah
- Joyce gets to Heaven
- Truman G. Madsen at the Jerusalem Center
- Pat Cook being thanked in the Spirit World
- King Benjamin teaches his People
- Wooden Sailing Ship in Bristol Harbor
- Amasa Mason Lyman
- Lydia Partridge Lyman
- Amasa M. Lyman
- Jesus in the New World . . . somewhere
- President and Sister Nelson
- Captain Moroni as a Mound Builder
- Captain Moroni if the Nephites were the Mississippian Culture
- Heleman with a few of his Stripling Warriors
- Can you hear your Ancestors?
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- Samuel the Lamanite
- Jesus ordains one of His Disciples in the New World
- Joseph Smith near Nauvoo Temple
- Ammon vs the Robbers
- Ammon teaches the King
- Judith Ann in the Spirit World
- The Brother of Jared sees the Finger of the Lord
- Joseph Smith in Nauvoo
- Baptismal Font in Temple
- Mike & Tracy Wedding drawing
- King Benjamin teaches his people from the Tower
- Mary and Baby Jesus re-done
- Joseph Smith's First Vision of the Father and the Son
- Jesus at the Tree of Life
- James Barnet Cole rescues Lucy Ward
- Enos prays All Day and into the Night
- Joseph Smith with an Adolescent Young Man playing Stick Pull
- Joseph Smith surveys his Farm while riding a Pony
- Ammon before King Limhi
- Abinadi teaches King Noah and the Wicked Priests
- Alma baptizes in the Waters of Mormon
- Angel appears to Alma the Younger and his Friends
- Alma and Amulek teaching in Ammonihah
- Captain Moroni prays with the Title of Liberty
- The Prophet Nephi praying on his Garden Tower
- Prophet Nephi prays for his People
- Mormon's Lament for His People
- Moroni buries the Golden Plates in the Hill Cumorah
- Brother of Jared sees the Lord's Finger
- Joseph Smith sees the Father and the Son
- Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon in a Canoe
- Couple Together in the Celestial Kingdom
- Joseph Smith as a Boy walking by a River
- Jesus returns to the Earth in Clouds of Glory
- Jesus raises Lazarus
- Jesus before calling His Apostles
- Jesus ordains one of His Apostles
- Jesus praying at an Olive Press in Gethsemane
- Resurrected Jesus outside of Jerusalem
- President and Sister Nelson
- Joseph Smith Writing a Letter in Liberty Jail
- Joseph Smith the Prophet portrait
- Captain Moroni near a Nephite City
- Jesus Christ in the Americas
- Jesus descends from Heaven to visit His People in the New World
- Abraham saved by an Angel
- Alma the Younger is Zapped by an Angel
- Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail
- Captain Moroni by a Fortified City
- Nephi & Lehi sons of Heleman
- Nephi Son of Lehi on the Ship with the Liahona
- Alma the Younger teaches about Faith
- Nephi son of Nephi praying for the Believers
- Jesus praying during His Visit to the Americas
- Council in Heaven
- Jesus welcomed to Paradise by Heavenly Parents
- Joseph Smith portrait
- Mormon Abridging the Book of Mormon
- Angel helps Handcart Pioneer
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