Sunday, April 28, 2019

Brother of Jared sees the Finger of the Lord

Brother of Jared sees the Finger of the Lord

In the Book of Mormon there is a story about a great prophet named the Brother of Jared.   His name was so long that they used the term "Brother of Jared" in order to avoid carving such a long name.  Joseph Smith revealed that his name was actually Mohonrioriancamr.   

Anyway, the Brother of Jared and Jared, his brother and their friends and all their families came from the Tower of Babel.  They traveled overland a long ways until they came to the ocean.  Here they were commanded to build some barges to take the people across the great waters (ocean) to the promised land (New World or Western Hemisphere).  The barges were shaped a bit like an almond.   The Brother of Jared knew that they would have trouble using candles or oil lamps because the barges were totally enclosed.  So when the Brother of Jared asked the Lord what to do the Lord asked him what he though he should do.  

Then the Brother of Jared obviously thought it out and he used some obvious blacksmithing skills to molten out 16 small clear stones and he prayed and asked the Lord to touch them so that they would glow and provide light for the people in the barges.  

Then to the Brother of Jared's surprise the Lord, who had been talking to him from a cloud, reached out his finger to touch each of the 16 clear stones.   .    .  and the stones started to glow.  The Brother of Jared was shocked because he did not know that God had a hand and fingers etc.  In fact the Brother of Jared did not know that God had a body.  

The God was Jehovah or Jesus Christ in his pre-earth life form.  He next revealed all of himself to the Brother of Jared and explained that he, Jesus, would take upon Himself a body of flesh and blood but right then He had His Spirt Body.  

Jesus Christ was our eldest brother in the Pre-mortal Life.  He volunteered to pay the eternal price for our sins to make repentance possible for us.  Because of this (His Atonement) we can return cleansed from all our sins into the presence of our Heavenly Father one day.  In fact, if we repent, and keep God's commandments, we will one day be living with both our Heavenly Parents and our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, and our spouse and family.   We members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints call that place The Celestial Kingdom.

NOTE:  My nephew, Kolby,  helped me out by drawing the finger and hand of the Lord.  I was having a hard time with it.  I definitely need to work on improving my drawing of hands and feet.
The printable versions of this drawing are found by clicking on the buttons up top labeled:
    All Printabes . . . . . . . or  . . . . . . .  Religious.   Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the correct list because all new drawings are at the bottom of the lists.  

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Apollo the English Setter puppy

Apollo the English Setter puppy

Apollo is actually a full grown English Setter dog.  But I drew him as a half grown puppy.  Apollo lives with family members of mine.  He is a very nice dog.   English Setters are known for their sweet temperament. . . and Apollo certainly hits that mark.  English setters are also known for being very attractive dogs.  Apollo is that too.  His eye spot is a reddish brown and his main fur is white.  His other spots are a lighter reddish brown.  

The spot pattern is unique to this breed of dog.  It is called belton and in Apollo's case it is liver colored spots... or maybe orange.  English Setters get along with both other dogs and people.  We stayed with Apollo's people before and when we came in to the house on this visit he was all doggy smiles and waggly tail.  

The family also has a female English Setter with a black spot pattern.  She is also very friendly.   One of the unique things my wife and I have noticed is that both dogs are incredibly soft.  Their fur feels a lot like a very young puppy's fur.   This makes them fun to pet.  And they love being petted.   

Inspired by Link from The Legend of Zelda video game

Inspired by Link

I have grand-nephews who play the video game:  Legend of Zelda.  We are staying with some of our relatives in South Carolina right now.  The room we are occupying belongs to one of the young adult sons of the family.  He had what I thought was just a figurine of Link, from the video game Legend of Zelda.  It turns out that it is an Amiibo or a game add on.   It is nicely made and it inspired the above drawing.  This is not a drawing of Link, but it is very similar to that character.  I prefer to think of it as an Elf Warrior relaxing between battles.  The Link on the Amiibo is playing a musical instrument called the Ocarina.   It has holes in it that you cover with your hand or fingers.   You blow into it so it is like a flute in that respect.  It would probably sound more like a recorder.  

Again, I thought the character looks like an Elf Warrior.   He has his sword and shield on his back. . .
and he is playing a musical instrument. . . a wind instrument.   We have been staying with this family of gamers for almost two weeks.  The sophistication and creativity in today's video games is absolutely amazing.

NOTE:  This new drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button up top labeled either: All Printables     or      Fantasy, Myths and Circus.          Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  New drawings are at the bottom of the lists.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Gigantoraptor vs Sonidosaurus

Gigantoraptor vs Sonidosaurus

Gigantoraptor was a surprising find.  It was a clear relative to Oviraptor, but it was hundreds of times larger.  It was big.  35 times bigger than any other Oviraptorian.  In fact, its huge eggs were found first.  No one knew that a Oviraptorian could get that big.   

Gigantoraptor was 26 feet or 8 meters long.  It weighed around 1,400 kg or 3,086 lbs.  AND the holotype or first fossil found of this monster was thought to be a sub-adult.  So Gigantoraptor was probably at least somewhat larger.  .   .  possibly 30 feet long or more.  No evidence was found of feathers on Gigantoraptor, but since the smaller members of its family had feathers it is thought that it possibly had feathers or at least arm feathers for sexual display.  

Sonidosaurus was a Titanosaur, but a smaller one.  It was only about 30 feet or 9 meters long.  This is much smaller than other Sauropods or the Titanosaur Family.  Sonido means sound so the name Sonidosaurus means "sound lizard" or maybe "sound reptile."  So I was thinking that maybe they thought that it was still big enough to make a pretty big boom when it walked. . . or maybe the paleontologist that named it thought it could whip its tail to make a loud cracking sound like a whip.   At least that is what I thought.  Then I found out that Sonidosaurus was found in the Banner of Sonid in Mongolia.  A sonid is an administrative district.   Personally, I liked my explanation better.  But the truth is that the fossils were found in the Banner of Sonid.
Gigantoraptor and Sonidosaurs lived in what is now Mongolia and they did indeed live at the same time.  That time period would be the late Cretaceous around 80 million years or so.  A funny story about these two dinosaurs. . . Xu Xing, who had discovered Sonidosaurus, was re-enacting the discovery for a TV show and was surprised that the bone he pulled out of the quarry while being filmed was of a huge raptor.   They stopped the filming to secure the new find, but the discovery of Gigantoraptor is now probably the only discovery of a dinosaur fossil of a new species of dinosaur to ever be filmed.

As you look at this drawing consider that the dinosaurs are not in the foreground.  They are a bit further back.  Remember that these were both about 30 feet or 9 meters long.  

NOTE:  Remember that the printable version of the drawing will be found by clicking on the buttons up top:  Paleontolory button . . .  or . . . . All Printables button.   

Eoraptor lunensis

Eoraptor lunensis

Eoraptor lunensis was quite possibly the very first dinosaur.  It lived in the late Triassic period in what is now South America.  Of course at the time there was only ONE continent.  Eoraptor was only about a yard or a meter or so long.  It had teeth that indicated that it possibly was omnivorous. . . it ate both meat and plants.  That would make sense because over millions of years its decendants evolved into both Theropods or carnivores and the many types of herbivores.   Of course there is a possibility that Eoraptor was just the ancestor of the Theropods.  That would be the case if the herbivore line had already branched off.

An interesting fact is that it had five fingers on each hand.  The presence of five digits is evidence of evolution.  It had not yet evolved to have just two or three fingers.  But notice that the last two fingers are noticeably smaller.  This indicates that those fingers were evolving away.   Most (but not all) of the later Theropod dinosaurs had just two or three fingers on each hand.

My wife and I are visiting family in South Carolina, USA.  We went to Clemson's University's Bob Campbell Geology Museum in Clemson, South Carolina.  This drawing was inspired by an excellent sculpture there at the museum.  It was done by R. Spears. 

Eoraptor Sculpture from Bob Campbell Geology Museum at Clemson University by R. Spears

NOTE:  This drawing is available in printable form by clicking on the buttons up top labeled either:
All Printables . . . . or . . . . Paleontology.   Remember to scroll down because the newer drawings are at the bottom of the lists of drawings.  

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter!

Bunny on Easter Morning
(This is a new drawing from today.) 

Happy Easter everyone!  I decided to draw a simple bunny on Easter Morning.  I kind of like to think that this is how we humans see the bunnies, but really she looks more like this:  

Country Bunny little girl bunny

The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes

Grandfather Bunny in the Palace of Easter Eggs
(New Drawing for this Easter) 

Grandfather Bunny lives in the Palace of Easter Eggs.  He chooses the five swiftest, and wisest, and kindest bunnies in the whole world to be one of the five Easter Bunnies.  Those bunnies must do more work on the night before Easter than all the other bunnies in the whole world.  Mommy bunnies will tell their children to eat their vegetables so that maybe one day they can grow to be big and strong and be chosen by Grandfather Bunny to be one of the Five Easter Bunnies.  

In the book, "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes" we read the story of a little girl Country Bunny with big ambitions.  She was made fun of, and yet she went on to be both a successful mother and one of the Five Easter Bunnies.   

I recommend the book, "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes" to ALL parents.  It is an empowering story and it is sweet too.  It was written in the 1930s and I think it was way before its time.   I read it to my grandchildren this past week.   It is usually available at some bookstores (Like Barnes and Nobel) around Easter.  It is always available on Amazon as well.   

(Below are some older drawings that I did for previous Easters.  These drawings will be
found under the Holiday button. . . or on the All Printables button up at he top of
this blog.  The newer drawings are always at the bottom of the lists.) 

Country Bunny little girl bunny
Country Bunny as a little girl bunny had a goal to one day grow up to be one of the Easter Bunnies.  She was made fun of but she just told the mean bunnies, "Wait and see!"

Country Bunny kids doing the dishes
The little girl country bunny grew up, got married, and had 21 children.  She trained her children to
work had and take care of things at home.  She was kind and wise.   She also must have exercised with her children because she was also very swift. 

Country Bunny delivering eggs
True to her word, Country Bunny became one of the Easter Bunnies.  She hurt her leg trying to deliver eggs to a sick little boy who lived on top of a mountain.  Grandfather Bunny gave her some little gold (magic) shoes to help her complete her task.  I think that in this sense, Grandfather Bunny is like God.  Heavenly Father gave us tasks to complete while here on Earth.  When we have trials
He will help us out by strengthening us to be able to complete our tasks her on Earth.  He also comforts us and sometimes removes the trials when we have learned enough.  

Country Bunny Husband and Daddy
Country Bunny's husband is mentioned but not featured in the book. . .
 so I drew him here teaching a couple of his children how to garden properly.  

Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection

Jesus with Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection

Mary Magdalene had a special relationship with Jesus.  He ate at her house.  She was one of His loyal followers.  She helped prepare His body for burial.  She also went to the tomb to anoint the body three days after His crucifixion.  There she saw the empty tomb and was in the garden crying when Jesus spoke to her.  She probably did not even look up . . . or through her tear filled eyes thought that He was the gardener and she asked where they had taken Jesus . . . meaning Jesus' body.  

Jesus spoke to her and said one word,  "Mary." 

She realized it was the Lord and he had to tell her to not touch Him until he had ascended to His Father.  Then he told her to go tell the Apostles or Disciples what she had seen.  This is a singular honor to be the first mortal to view the resurrected Christ.  
Some people have speculated that maybe Mary was married to the Savior.  This is speculation and not in the Holy Bible, so we do not know this to be fact.  We DO know that Mary Magdalene was a righteous woman who followed the Savior.  At one time Jesus had cast several devils out of her.  There is also speculation and tradition that she was once a prostitute.  This is also not written in the Holy Bible.  

Some people and some religions I suppose think it is sacrilege to imply that Jesus may have been married.  Personally, I have never felt that way.  I view marriage as a sacred covenant with God and my wife.  So IF Jesus were married while on Earth I would have no problem with that.  Of course, like I said before, some people do.  
Honestly, whether Mary Magdalene was once lived an immoral life or not is NOT the point.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ says that when we repent and change our ways we are forgiven of our sins.  That is a hopeful though for all of us.  Jesus came to Earth to pay the eternal price for our sins.  

Our task is to believe in him.  Have faith in Him, and repent of our sins.  We ALL sin in our lives.  So we all fall short of the Glory of God.  The eternal price for our sins was paid by our Savior.  Since he was then resurrected three days later, we can all be resurrected one day with perfect bodies.  That means a lot to those of us living with severe health challenges.  (I have a bad heart and a messed up trachea or throat so I live with a tracheotomy tube.)  

Our eternal home is based on how we did in this test called mortal life.  If we keep God's commandments and repent when we fail to keep the commandments then the Atonement of Jesus Christ pays the eternal price for our sins.  Then if we stay faithful, and receive the ordinances of Salvation like Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, etc. we will get to live with our Heavenly Parents for all Eternity.  We will also be with our families if we have been sealed for time and all eternity in one of God's Holy Temples.  

I also should add that keeping God's commandments is more than the "thou shalt nots."   We need to remember that we serve God best by serving our fellow beings.  That includes being kind to our fellowman and even being humane and kind to animals. . . in my opinion.  After all, animals are part of God's creations.  That does not mean I am a vegetarian, but I do believe humane treatment of animals is important.  It is even more important to be kind to our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. . . and we should even be kind to strangers.  

I want all to know that I love my Savior Jesus Christ and that I do know that he was and is my Savior and your Savior.  I have felt the cleansing power of the Atonement in my life and for that I am eternally grateful.  

NOTE:   Printable drawings are found by clicking on the buttons up top.  For today's drawing click on:    Religious,   or     Holidays,   or      All Printables.         Scroll down because new drawings are at the bottom of the correct list.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Flying Fox

Flying Fox

The Black Flying Fox is among the biggest of bats.  It is indeed a bat, not a fox.  It has a long snout that makes it look rather fox-like.  Its big pointy ears also look fox-like.  They don't use echo location but they ARE active at night.  They eat nectar, fruit, and pollen.   In their search for their vegetarian diet they range up to 50 km or 30 miles from home.  This makes them excellent seed dispersers when they have eaten fruit . . . seeds and all.   

They are black and brown or maybe blackish brown over the majority of their body.  The nape of the neck is more of a lighter reddish-brown color.   They live in costal areas of Australia.  Their wingspan can exceed 3 feet or about a meter.  They are great tourist attractions because they roost during the day and they quarrel and squabble frequently.  

The two other species of Flying Foxes are the Gray-headded Flying Fox. . . and. . . 
the Spectacled Flying Fox.  The Spectacled Flying Fox has a wingspan of 1.2 meters or 4 feet.  .  .  making it the largest in Australia.  There is a larger species in Asia over to the Phillipines

The Gray-headed Flying Fox is the most common species of bats that is seen frequently by Man.  

NOTE:  This is a drawing of two Black Flying Foxes.  It is early evening and one of the bats is leaving the roost to go looking for food.  A group of Flying Foxes is called a "camp."  They often roost in Eucalyptus trees.  The Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney has a camp of over 20,000 bats or Gray-headed Flying Foxes during the summer.

Remember that new drawings like this one are at the bottom of the lists.  The lists are found under the buttons up top.  These drawings are found under the buttons:  All Printables . . . and  . . . Animals. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Judith Ann no mundo spiritual

Judith Ann no mundo spiritual

Judith Ann é uma amiga nossa. Ela morreu há uma semana. Judith Ann foi conselheira acadêmica da BYU. (Isso é Brigham Young University.) Ela tinha um sinal em sua mesa que dizia:

Seja sempre gentil.
Todo mundo está lutando uma dura batalha

Judith Ann acreditava em estar a serviço de seus semelhantes. Ela estava frustrada por sua incapacidade de servir aos outros quando sua saúde tornou impossível para ela sair e servir. Ela era uma esposa maravilhosa e uma mãe maravilhosa.

Judith Ann também foi missionária quando jovem. Ela aprendeu a falar francês e foi para Montreal Canadá em sua missão. Uma das coisas surpreendentes no funeral hoje foi que uma das famílias que ela apresentou ao Evangelho de Jesus Cristo veio. O patriarca da família falou em francês com um tradutor. Ele explicou como vários de seus filhos também serviram em missões e ele e alguns de seus filhos são líderes na Igreja. Isso mostra quanto bem pode ser feito por um servo de Cristo que se esforça para compartilhar o Evangelho

Acreditamos, como membros da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias, que quando morremos, nosso espírito deixa nosso corpo. Então nosso espírito vai para o Mundo Espiritual para continuar a servir e aprender. Estamos reunidos com nossos entes queridos que nos precederam através do véu. Enquanto no Mundo Espiritual nós ensinamos aos outros sobre o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo também. No mundo espiritual, estamos livres de dores e doenças mortais. Nós permanecemos no Mundo Espiritual até que Jesus retorne à Terra em Sua glória. Nós somos então ressuscitados e recebemos nossos corpos de volta. . . mas em um estado imortal glorificado e aperfeiçoado.

Então, pelos próximos 1.000 anos, vivemos com nosso Salvador e nosso cônjuge e nossas famílias

Terra em um estado paradisíaco. Em seguida, somos abençoados por voltar a viver com o nosso Salvador, o Seu e os nossos Pais Celestiais por toda a eternidade. Isso será em uma Terra glorificada e perfeita.
Assim, embora sentiremos a falta de Judith Ann, também nos consolarão de que ela está bem e feliz no Mundo Espiritual e sabemos que um dia, por causa da expiação de Jesus Cristo, nós a veremos novamente.

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                                                 (All Printables . . . . .ou . . . . . Religious)

Judith Ann dans le monde des esprits

Judith Ann dans le monde des esprits

Judith Ann est une de nos amies. Elle est morte il y a une semaine. Judith Ann était conseillère pédagogique à l'université BYU. (C'est l'université Brigham Young.) Elle avait sur son bureau une pancarte qui disait:

Toujours être gentil.

Tout le monde mène une dure bataille

Judith Ann croyait être au service de ses semblables. Elle était frustrée par son incapacité à servir les autres quand sa santé lui rendait impossible la tâche de sortir et de servir. Elle était une épouse et une mère merveilleuses.

Judith Ann était aussi missionnaire quand elle était jeune. Elle a appris à parler français et s'est rendue à Montréal, Canada, en mission. Une des choses étonnantes à l’enterrement aujourd’hui a été la venue d’une des familles qu’elle a initiées à l’Évangile de Jésus-Christ. Le patriarche de la famille a parlé en français avec un traducteur. Il a expliqué comment plusieurs de ses enfants ont également servi dans des missions et que certains de ses enfants et lui sont des leaders dans l'Église. Cela montre tout le bien que peut faire un serviteur du Christ qui s'efforce de partager l'évangile

En tant que membres de l'Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours, nous croyons que, lorsque nous mourons, notre esprit quitte notre corps. Ensuite, notre esprit se rend dans le monde des esprits pour continuer à servir et à apprendre. Nous sommes réunis avec nos proches qui nous ont précédés à travers le voile. Dans le monde des esprits, nous enseignons aussi l’évangile de Jésus-Christ à d’autres personnes. Dans le monde des esprits, nous sommes libérés des douleurs et des maladies mortelles. Nous restons dans le monde des esprits jusqu'à ce que Jésus revienne sur la terre dans sa gloire. Nous sommes ensuite ressuscités et nous retrouvons nos corps. . . mais dans un état immortel glorifié et perfectionné.

Ensuite, pendant les mille prochaines années, nous vivons avec notre Sauveur et notre épouse, ainsi que nos familles

Terre dans un état paradisiaque. Ensuite, nous sommes bénis de retourner vivre avec notre Sauveur et ses parents célestes pour toute l'éternité. Ce sera sur une Terre glorifiée et perfectionnée.

Ainsi, bien que Judith Ann nous manque, nous sommes également réconfortés par le fait qu’elle va bien et est heureuse dans le monde des esprits et nous savons qu’un jour, à cause de l’expiation de Jésus-Christ, nous la reverrons.

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cliquez sur le bouton intitulé: Tous les imprimables. . . . ou . . . .Religieux.

{All Printables . . . . .   ou . . . . Religious)

e m'excuse pour les erreurs de traduction. J'utilise Google Traduction.

Джудит Энн в мире духов

Джудит Энн в мире духов

Джудит Энн - наш друг. Она умерла неделю назад. Джудит Энн была научным консультантом в УБЯ. (Это Университет Бригама Янга.) У нее на столе была табличка с надписью:

Всегда будь добр.

Все борются за тяжелую битву

Джудит Энн верила, что она служит своим собратьям. Она была разочарована своей неспособностью служить другим, когда ее здоровье не позволило ей выйти и служить. Она была замечательной женой и замечательной матерью.

Джудит Энн также была миссионеркой, когда была маленькой. Она научилась говорить по-французски и отправилась в Монреаль, Канада, с миссией. Одна из удивительных вещей на сегодняшних похоронах состояла в том, что пришла одна из семей, которые она представила Евангелию Иисуса Христа. Семейный патриарх говорил по-французски с переводчиком. Он объяснил, как некоторые из его детей также служили на миссиях, и он и некоторые из его детей являются лидерами в Церкви. Это показывает, как много хорошего может сделать слуга Христа, стремящийся делиться Евангелием

Как члены Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней, мы верим, что когда мы умираем, наш дух покидает наше тело. Тогда наш дух отправляется в Духовный Мир, чтобы продолжать служить и учиться. Мы воссоединились с нашими любимыми, которые предшествовали нам через завесу. Находясь в Духовном Мире, мы также учим других Евангелию Иисуса Христа. В Духовном Мире мы свободны от смертельных болей и болезней. Мы остаемся в Духовном Мире, пока Иисус не вернется на Землю в Своей славе. Затем мы воскрешаемся и получаем наши тела обратно. , , но в прославленном и усовершенствованном бессмертном состоянии.

Затем в течение следующих 1000 лет мы живем с нашим Спасителем, нашим супругом и нашими семьями

Земля в райском состоянии. Затем мы получаем благословение вернуться на вечную жизнь с нашим Спасителем, Его и нашими Небесными Родителями. Это будет на прославленной и усовершенствованной Земле.

Поэтому, хотя мы будем скучать по Джудит Энн, мы также утешены тем, что она прекрасна и счастлива в Духовном мире, и мы знаем, что однажды, благодаря искуплению Иисуса Христа, мы увидим ее снова.

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Judith Ann en el Mundo Espiritual

Judith Ann en el Mundo Espiritual

Judith Ann es una amiga nuestra. Ella murió hace una semana. Judith Ann fue consejera académica en BYU. (Eso es la Universidad Brigham Young). Tenía un cartel en su escritorio que decía:

Siempre se amable
Todos luchan en una dura batalla.

Judith Ann creía en servir a sus semejantes. Estaba frustrada por su incapacidad para servir a los demás cuando su salud le impedía salir y servir. Ella era una esposa maravillosa y una madre maravillosa.

Creemos, como miembros de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, que cuando morimos nuestro espíritu abandona nuestro cuerpo. Luego nuestro espíritu va al mundo de los espíritus para continuar sirviendo y aprendiendo. Nos reunimos con nuestros seres queridos que nos precedieron a través del velo. Mientras que en el mundo de los espíritus, también enseñamos a otros sobre el Evangelio de Jesucristo. En el mundo de los espíritus estamos libres de dolores y enfermedades mortales. Nos quedamos en el mundo de los espíritus hasta que Jesús regrese a la tierra en su gloria. Entonces somos resucitados y recibimos nuestros cuerpos de vuelta. . . Pero en un estado inmortal glorificado y perfeccionado.

Luego, durante los próximos 1,000 años, vivimos con nuestro Salvador y nuestro cónyuge, y nuestras familias en

La Tierra en un estado de Paraíso. Luego, tenemos la bendición de volver a vivir con nuestro Salvador y los Suyos y nuestros Padres Celestiales por toda la eternidad. Esto será en una tierra glorificada y perfeccionada.

Entonces, aunque extrañaremos a Judith Ann, también nos consuela que esté bien y feliz en el Mundo de los Espíritus y sabemos que un día, debido a la expiación de Jesucristo, la volveremos a ver.

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Judith Ann in the Spirit World

Judith Ann in the Spirit World

Judith Ann is a friend of ours.  She died a week ago.  Judith Ann was an academic counselor at BYU.  (That's Brigham Young University.)  She had a sign on her desk that said:  

Always be kind. 
 Everybody is fighting a hard battle

Judith Ann beleived in being of service to her fellowmen.  She was frustrated by her inability to serve others when her health made it impossible for her to get out and serve.  She was a wonderful wife and a wonderful mother. 

Judith Ann was also a missionary when she was young.  She learned to speak French and went to Montreal Canada on her mission.  One of the amazing things at the funeral today was that one of the families she introduced to the Gospel of Jesus Christ came.  The family patriarch spoke in French with a translator.  He explained how several of his children also served missions and he and some of his children are leaders in the Church.  That shows how much good can be done by a servant of Christ striving to share the Gospel

We believe, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that when we die our spirit leaves our body.  Then our spirit goes to the Spirit World to continue to serve and learn.  We are reunited with our loved ones who preceeded us through the veil.  While in the Spirit World we teach others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well.  In the Spirit World we are free from mortal pains and sicknesses.  We stay in the Spirit World until Jesus returns to the Earth in His glory.  We are then resurrected and receive our bodies back. . . but in a glorified and perfected immortal state.  

Then for the next 1,000 years we live with our Savior and our spouse, and our families on  
Earth in a Paradise state.  Next we are blessed to return to live with our Savior and His and our Heavenly Parents for all eternity.  This will be on a glorified and perfected Earth.   

So although we will miss Judith Ann, we are also comforted that she is fine and happy in the Spirit World and we know that one day, because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, we will see her again.

NOTE:  The printable version of this drawing is found by clicking the correct button up top. . . either
click the button labled:    All Printables . . . .   or . . . .Religious.  

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ammon teaches King Lamoni

Ammon teaches King Lamoni

Started drawing this yesterday and finished it today.  I previously posted a drawing of Ammon facing off against a band of robbers who were seeking to steal the king's flocks.  I am going to repost that drawing now:  

Ammon vs the Robbers
(This happened first BEFORE Ammon taught the King.)

The story of Ammon is my favorite story in the Book of Mormon.  Ammon was a prince among the Nephites.  Along with the prophet's rebellios son he went around trying to destroy the Christian Church.  This gang was visited by an angel to give them a chance to stop what they were doing and repent.  All of these young men took the opportunity to repent.  

Later, Ammon, and all of his brothers, refused the crown and instead went on a mission to try and convert the Lamanites to Christ.  The Lamanites were enemies to the Nephites.  The princes' father, King Mosiah, prayed and the the Lord told him to let his sons go on their mission and He, the Lord, would protect them and they would bring many people to the truth.  

When they got to the Lamanite lands the princes and their friends split up and Ammon went to the sub-kingdom of Ishamael.  The king, King Lamoni, was a king of that part of the Lamanite lands.  His father was king over the entire country.  

Ammon was captured and taken before the king.  Ammon told the king that he, Ammon, would like to remain with the Lamanites, perhaps until the day he died.  (He did in fact stay among them all the rest of his life)...   Anyway, as I was saying... The king even offered one of his daughters to Ammon to be his wife.  Ammon declined but said he would be King Lamoni's servant.  

Then the king put him in a rather tough job.  Ammon was sent to tend the king's flocks.  That was a tough job because a large band of robbers would scatter the flocks and then steal some of the animals.  (By the way, we don't know what the animals were.  We just know they are described as a flock.  I am guessing turkeys and that is why I drew turkeys in the drawing.)  

When flocks were stolen the king would punish the servants for letting the animals get stolen.  The punishment was excecution... making the job of tending the king's flocks the worst job in the world.  
Maybe King Lamoni thought Ammon could do a better job defending his flocks.  Or maybe he was offended because Ammon did not want to marry his daughter.  We don't know.  

In any case, when the robbers inevitably scattered the flocks the other servants started panicking that they would be killed.  But Ammon got them to round up the animals and he took on the robbers.  Then first the robbers and Ammon threw stones at each other with a sling.  Ammon hit a few and the robbers all missed him.  So the robbers rushed Ammon with clubs.  

Now, remember that Ammon had prepared himself.  He was a prince among the Nephites and he certainly would have had combat training.  Still, he SHOULD have been clubbed to death.  But instead he was operating with the promise of the Lord (made to his father) that he would not be killed.  So Ammon killed the leader of the robbers with hsi sword, and any robber who tried to club him got their arm chopped off.  

Afterwards Ammon's fellow servants took the chopped off arms in to the king to prove that Ammon must be an un-killable god.   King Lamoni was scared to talk to Ammon at first.  But eventually Ammon came to see the king and was able to teach him the Gospel.  

Ammon started with the scripture based story of Adam and Eve and went on to discuss other prophets etc. and the future coming of Jesus Christ to the world.  Ammon explained how Jesus made repentence possible.  King Lamoni believed, prayed and repented and eventually all his household.  In fact, most, if not all his people eventually believed.  

There is much more to the story.  Read about it in the Book of Mormon.  Alma chapter 17-27.  This is actually the reference for the story of both Ammon and his brothers' and thier friends' missions to the Lamanites.  As promised by the Lord... none of these missionaries were killed by the Lamanites, although some were put in prison and abused, starved, etc.  This is an amazing story of how people can repent and turn their lives around and go on to do great things in their lives.  First these young men, who were rebelling against God and seeking to destroy His church repented.  Then they endeavered to repair the wrongs they had done among their own people. . . then they volunteered to bring the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their enemies.  They could not bear the thought of anyone not knowing about the Atonement of Jesus Christ that makes repentence possible.

If you are interested in the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the General Conference of the Church was on the weekend of  April 6 and 7, 2019.  It is available online at 

The outfits and weapons are from the Mississippian Culture . . . AKA Mound Builders.  We don't know for certain where in the Americas that the Book of Mormon events took place.  But one possbility is the Mississipian Mound Builders in the center of North America.  The Mississippian culture had swords of obsidian and other swords of wood with sharp stones placed along one or two sides to form a sword.  They also had clubs of wood witha round rock at the far end.  
In THIS drawing you can see the king's daughter standing back a ways from the throne.  The arms that Ammon chopped off are to the king's right or our left looking at the king.   You can see that Ammon is carrying his obsidian sword at his waist.  The princess's dress and King Lamoni's crown and outfit are based on a Mississippian Nobleman.  The Soldiers or other servants' outfits and weapons are also based on the Mississippian or Mound Builders culture.

Printable versions of the drawing are found under the Religions button up top . . . 
or the  All Printables button up top.  

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Fairy named Arley with her Young Bobcat Friend

Fairy named Arley with Bobcat Friend

I spoke with Arley's parents.  I found out that like any good Fairy, she loves animals.   In particular, she loves cats.    I also noticed that when I looked at the photo I used for the drawing, that Arley had on spotted cat ears.  So I added a Bobcat to the drawing.  After all, a Bobcat is a spotted cat that lives around here.  This is NOT a full grown Bobcat, it is an adolescent  or a kitten, but it is more than half grown.  

Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are very successful animals.  They live in North America, from Southern Canada to Southern Mexico and in every state in the USA.  They are adapted to many habitats.  
They prefer to hunt rabbits but they will go after squirrels and other small game like rodents and birds.  Some Bobcats will even hunt deer.  

Bobcat males are bigger than the females.  A full grown male will be 19-49 inches long.  That is 48-125 cm.  The "bobbed" tail is where the Bobcat gets its name.  The short tail adds 4-8 inches or 10-20 cm.  The adult males weigh in at around 40 lbs.   That is 18 kg.  

Bobcats don't particularly LIKE water, but they are good swimmers when they have to be.  They are very secretive and it is kind of hard to see one in the wild.  Of course, Fairies make friends with animals so they see them more.  In fact, most Fairies can talk to animals.  The Fairies think that althogh animals are not as smart as Fairies or even mortal people, they are smarter than mortals think they are.

NOTE:  The printable versions of this drawing are under one of the three buttons:  All Printables. . .
Animals. . . or . . . Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.   The new drawings like this one are at the bottom of the list.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Fairy named Arley

Fairy named Arley

Arley is a  beautiful young Fairy.  She is a little girl Fairy in fact.  Still, although she is young, she can turn to mortal size when she wants to.  She is mortal size in this drawing.  She seen here playing in a meadow near the forest.  Her wings resemble the wings of the butterfly I saw at the Thanksgiving Point Butterfly Biosphere in Lehi, Utah.  

Red-orange Flower from Butterfly Biosphere. . . notice the large butterfly on the left.

NOTE:  Printable version of the drawing are found under the All Printables button and or the
 Fantasy, Myths, and Circus button.  Buttons are at the top of this page.  New drawings are found
at the bottom of the correct list.  So this drawing of the young Fairy will be at the bottom of the list.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Молодой тираннозавр и другие тираннозавры

Young Tyrannosaur

Молодой тираннозавр

Это рисунок молодого тиранозавра. Ей около 6 лет. Это делает ее такой же большой, как большая лошадь. Есть свидетельства того, что T. rex понадобилось около 18 лет, чтобы стать взрослым. Но они продолжали расти после того, как достигли половой зрелости. Самым большим было около 30 лет или около того, когда они умерли. Было несколько типов или видов тираннозавров. Тиранозавры включают Daspletosaurus, Teratophoneus, Bistahieversor, Tarbosaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Zhechengtyrannus и Tyrannosaurus. Альбертозавр и горгозавр также тесно связаны между собой. Был также Yutyrannus, Lythronax и Moros intrepidus. Некоторые из них были маленькими ранними тиранозаврами. Некоторые были почти такими же большими, как король. , , Тиранозавр Рекс.

Eto risunok molodogo tiranozavra. Yey okolo 6 let. Eto delayet yeye takoy zhe bol'shoy, kak bol'shaya loshad'. Yest' svidetel'stva togo, chto T. rex ponadobilos' okolo 18 let, chtoby stat' vzroslym. No oni prodolzhali rasti posle togo, kak dostigli polovoy zrelosti. Samym bol'shim bylo okolo 30 let ili okolo togo, kogda oni umerli. Bylo neskol'ko tipov ili vidov tirannozavrov. Tiranozavry vklyuchayut Daspletosaurus, Teratophoneus, Bistahieversor, Tarbosaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Zhechengtyrannus i Tyrannosaurus. Al'bertozavr i gorgozavr takzhe tesno svyazany mezhdu soboy. Byl takzhe Yutyrannus, Lythronax i Moros intrepidus. Nekotoryye iz nikh byli malen'kimi rannimi tiranozavrami. Nekotoryye byli pochti takimi zhe bol'shimi, kak korol'. , , Tiranozavr Reks.

Ниже приведены другие рисунки тиранозавра, которые являются более старыми рисунками

Moros intrepidis or wee rex

Albertosaurus with Leopard Pattern Spots


Daspletosaurus on the Prowl

T. rex chicks getting Breakfast

T. rex chick in the Nest

T. rex vs Didelphodon

T. rex baby in Nest

Моим русским друзьям: извиняюсь, если перевод не идеален Я использовал переводчик гугл. Я немного знаю русский язык.

Young Tyrannosaur and other Tyrannosaurs

Young Tyrannosaur

This is a drawing of a young Tyrannosaur.  She is around 6 years old.  That makes her as big as a large horse.   There is evidence that it took a T. rex about 18 years to become an adult.  But they cotinued to grow after they reached sexual maturity.  The biggest were probably around 30 years old or so when they died.  There were several types or species of Tyrannosaurs.  The Tyrannosaurs include Daspletosaurus, Teratophoneus, Bistahieversor, Tarbosaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Zhechengtyrannus, and Tyrannosaurus.   Albertosaurus and Gorgosaurus are also closely related.  There was also Yutyrannus, Lythronax, and Moros intrepidus.  Some of these were small early Tyrannosaurs.  Some were almost as big as the King. . . Tyrannosaurus rex

(The above new drawing is found in printable form under the All Printable buttons or under the Paleontology Button.  The older drawings are at the bottom of the correct list. I am added older drawings below of some of these Tyrannosaurs that I mentioned.  Older drawings in printable form are not at the bottom of the correct list.  They are located further up the lits.  

Lythronax the Gore King

Moros intrepidis or wee rex

Daspletosaurus on the Prowl

T. rex vs Didelphodon

(This was a feathered Tyrannosaur from China. . . 
In fact, we may find out someday that 
ALL or MOST Of the Tyrannosaurs had feathers.)
Albertosaurus with Leopard Pattern Spots
(This was for a Mother's Day Card.)

T. rex chicks getting Breakfast

T. rex baby in Nest

T. rex chick in the Nest

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ammon vs the Robbers who were Enemies of King Lamoni

Ammon vs the Robbers

The story of Ammon is my favorite story in the Book of Mormon.  Ammon was a prince among the Nephites.  Along with the prophet's rebellious son, he went around trying to destroy the Christian Church.  This gang was visited by an angel to give them a chance to stop what they were doing and repent.  All of these young men took the opportunity to repent.  

Later, Ammon, and all of his brothers, refused the crown and instead went on a mission to try and convert the Lamanites to Christ.  The Lamanites were enemies to the Nephites.  The princes' father, King Mosiah, prayed and the Lord told him to let his sons go on their mission and He, the Lord, would protect them and they would bring many people to the truth.  

When they got to the Lamanite lands the princes and their friends split up and Ammon went to the sub-kingdom of Ishamael.  The king, King Lamoni, was a king of that part of the Lamanite lands.  His father was king over the entire country.  

Ammon was captured and taken before the king.  Ammon told the king that he, Ammon, would like to remain with the Lamanites, perhaps until the day he died.  (He did, in fact, stay among them all the rest of his life)...   Anyway, as I was saying... The king even offered one of his daughters to Ammon to be his wife.  Ammon declined but said he would be King Lamoni's servant.  

Then the king put him in a rather tough job.  Ammon was sent to tend the king's flocks.  That was a tough job because a large band of robbers would scatter the flocks and then steal some of the animals.  (By the way, we don't know what the animals were.  We just know they are described as a flock.  I am guessing turkeys and that is why I drew turkeys in the drawing.)  

When flocks were stolen the king would punish the servants for letting the animals get stolen.  The punishment was execution... making the job of tending the king's flocks the worst job in the world.  
Maybe King Lamoni thought Ammon could do a better job defending his flocks.  Or maybe he was offended because Ammon did not want to marry his daughter.  We don't know.  

In any case, when the robbers inevitably scattered the flocks the other servants started panicking that they would be killed.  But Ammon got them to round up the animals and he took on the robbers.  Then first the robbers and Ammon threw stones at each other with a sling.  Ammon hit a few and the robbers all missed him.  So the robbers rushed Ammon with clubs.  

Now, remember that Ammon had prepared himself.  He was a prince among the Nephites and he certainly would have had combat training.  Still, he SHOULD have been clubbed to death.  But instead, he was operating with the promise of the Lord (made to his father) that he would not be killed.  So Ammon killed the leader of the robbers with his sword, and any robber who tried to club him got their arm chopped off.  

Afterward Ammon's fellow servants took the chopped off arms into the king to prove that Ammon must be an un-killable god.   King Lamoni was scared to talk to Ammon at first.  But eventually, Ammon came to see the king and was able to teach him the Gospel.  

Ammon started with the scripture-based story of Adam and Eve and went on to discuss other prophets etc. and the future coming of Jesus Christ to the world.  Ammon explained how Jesus made repentance possible.  King Lamoni believed, prayed and repented, and eventually all his household.  In fact, most, if not all his people eventually believed.  

There is much more to the story.  Read about it in the Book of Mormon.  Alma chapter 17-27.  This is actually the reference for the story of both Ammon and his brothers' missions to the Lamanites.  As promised by the Lord... none of them were killed by the Lamanites, although some were put in prison and abused, starved, etc.  This is an amazing story of how people can repent and turn their lives around and go on to do great things in their lives.   

If you are interested in the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the General Conference of the Church is going on this weekend (April 6 and 7, 2019.  It is available online at or on many cable systems. . . on BYUtv.  

The outfits and weapons are from the Mississippian Culture . . . AKA Mound Builders.  We don't know for certain where in the Americas that the Book of Mormon events took place.  But one possibility is the Mississippian Mound Builders in the center of North America.  The Mississippian culture had swords of obsidian and other swords of wood with sharp stones placed along one or two sides to form a sword.  A similar wood-stone sword existed in Central America.   

Printable versions of the drawing are found under the Religions button up top . . . 
or the  All Printables button up top.