Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tahoe Nessie Attacks Boater and his Dog April Fools Day coloring page

Tahoe Nessie attacks a Boater and his Dog

Back in 1992 I was a teacher in Kings Beach California.  On April 1st I saw this unbelievable story in the local morning paper.  The paper was the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza.   The story told of how a man was boating with his dog when a monster emerged from the lake, (Lake Tahoe) and then the "lake monster" smashed his boat.  Then, with the boater and his dog in the water, the lake monster swallowed his dog whole.  

Note the date... It was April 1st.   So this was an April Fools Joke.  I was at the counter, talking to the school secretary about the great April Fools prank article when another teacher walked in.  She was all upset.  She said, "I'm never going into the lake again!"  so I reminded her that it was April Fools Day.  She when, "Whoo!  That had me worried!"  To this day I don't know if she was faking it or seriously upset.   
The picture of Tahoe Nessie is found, in printable form, by clicking on the button up top labeled ....
. . . . . .. All Printables . . . . . or . . . . .Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.. . . . and . . . Holidays.
Sorry, but the paleontologist in me just couldn't put it in the Paleontology list of drawings.

In any case, I decided to draw the scene from the article.   This is just a quick cartoon, not a detailed drawing.  So Happy April Fools Day! 

Here is a link to the article too:  

Also... here are some older drawings I have done of Plesiosaurs, Mosasaurs, and Ichthyosaurs... these are real... or they WERE real millions of years ago.   These were all the Marine Reptiles that I think that the Loch Ness Monster and Tahoe Nessie are based upon.  These drawings below are found by clicking on the top buttons labeled either . . . . All Printables . . . or . . . Paleontology.  

Plesiosaur macrocephalus hunting a Fish
(Plesiosaurs had long necks.)

Plesiosaurus surfacing
(These are NOT swimming dinosaurs.)

Eric the Umoonosaurus
Mosasaur mother and calf

Tylosaurus with Tail Fluke
(Some paleontologists think that some Mosasaurs may have had tail flukes.)

Tylosaurus with Snake-like Tail
(But maybe all the Mosasaurs had long snake-like tails.)

Tylosaurus with Ammonites
(Tylosaurus is the biggest known Mosasaur.)

Tylosaurus with large Scales
(Its scales were probably smaller than this.  But it was fun to draw it this way.)
(Tylosaurus was possibly 55 feet or 17 meters long!)

Ichthyosaurus anningae hunting Ammonites
(Named after the great fossilist Mary Anning)

Shonisaurus Feeding
(This one was 70 feet or 23 meters long!)

And finally, a drawing of Mary Anning, the great Fossilist.   We were supposed to be traveling to Lyme Regis, England to see where she found a bunch of Marine Reptiles.   Alas the virus has forced us to cancel our trip.  (the virus or me getting sick)

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