Monday, July 27, 2020

Олоротитан Утконосый динозавр из России и ламбеозавр раскраска (Russian) Olorotitan ...

Это бесплатный блог раскраски.

У меня есть более 1000 рисунков

сделано, и все они свободны для печати.

Сегодняшний новый рисунок состоит из

Гадрозавр или Утконосый

Динозавр из России.

Он является родственником североамериканских

Утконосый Динозавр

называется ламбеозавр.









У меня есть


над головой


так что

чертежи или

фотографии будут

быть свободным

на главной

страница блога

Olorotitan Mother and Calf
Олоротитан мать с лосенком

Олоротитан-первый (и единственный) Утконосый динозавр из линз Ламберозавра, который был обнаружен за пределами Северной Америки. Он был по меньшей мере 28 футов длиной. Это примерно 8,5 единицы. Однако, по некоторым оценкам, он достигал почти 40 футов в длину. Это более 12 единиц в длину. Вес был оценен примерно в 3 тонны, но это оценка веса, если он был только 28 футов длиной. Если бы он был 39 футов длиной,или почти 12 единиц... тогда Олортитан весил бы гораздо больше.

Олоротитан жил в конце мелового периода, на территории нынешней России. Это было примерно тогда, когда метеорит уничтожил всех не-птичьих динозавров. Птерозавр, или летающая рептилия, которую вы видите летящей над лесом, - это птерозавр, который также является Позднемеловым животным из России. Он называется Ашдархо. Он был около 6 футов высотой с размахом крыльев около 15 футов, или около 4,6 единицы.

Эти рисунки в печатном виде можно найти, нажав на кнопку палеонтологии в верхней части страницы и прокрутив вниз. Новый рисунок, олоротитан, находится в самом низу списка. Приведенный ниже Рисунок взят из предыдущего поста. Это ламбеозавр, близкий, североамериканский родственник олоротитана. Более старые рисунки находятся дальше по списку. Новые рисунки всегда находятся в нижней части списка.

Если вы знаете, как скопировать рисунки на этой главной странице блога, и вы можете вставить его в другую программу, чтобы распечатать его... тогда вы получите лучший отпечаток рисунка. Печатные страницы сохраняются в формате PDF, и это не так хорошо, как формат PNG. Рисунки на этой странице представлены в формате PNG, поэтому они лучше. Но если вы хотите сделать это простым способом... просто нажмите на кнопку с надписью . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paleontology.

Lamberosaurus by a Pond

Olorotitan the Duck-Billed Dinosaur from Russia & Lambeosaurus coloring page

This is a free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 1000 drawings that I have 

done and all are free to print. 

Today's new drawing is of 

a Hadrosaur or Duck-Billed 

Dinosaur from Russia.  

It is a relative of the North American 

Duck-Billed Dinosaur 

called Lambeosaurus.









I have 

to type

above the


so that 

the drawings or 

pictures will

be unobstructed 

on the main

blog page.

Olorotitan Mother with Calf

Olorotitan is the first (and only) Duck-billed Dinosaur of the Lamberosaur Family that has been discovered outside of North America.  It was at least 28 feet long. That is about 8.5 meters.  However, some estimates put it at almost 40 feet long.  That is over 12 meters long.  The weight has been estimated at around 3 tons, but that is a weight estimate if it was only 28 feet long.  IF it was 39 feet long, or almost 12 meters... then Olortitan would have weighed much more.  

Olorotitan lived in the Late Cretaceous Period, in what is now Russia.  It was around when the meteorite took out all the non-avian dinosaurs.  The Pterosaur, or flying reptile, that you see flying over the forest is a Pterosaur that is also a Late Cretaceous animal from Russia.  It is called Ashdarcho.  It was about 6 feet tall with a wingspread of around 15 feet, or about 4.6 meters.

These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the Paleontology button at the top of the page and scrolling down.  The new drawing, the Olorotitan, is at the bottom of the list.  The below drawing is from a previous post.  It is Lambeosaurus, a close, North American relative of Olorotitan.  Older drawings are further up the list. New drawings are always at the bottom of the lists.  

If you know how to copy the drawings on THIS main blog page, and you can paste it into another program to print it... you will then get a better print of the drawing.  The printable pages are saved in PDF format and it is not as good as the PNG format.  The drawings on this page are in PNG format so they are better.  But if you want to do it the easy way... just click on the button labeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paleontology.


Sauroposeidon and other Brachiosaur coloring pages

Sauroposeidon comparison with two Jr. High Kids

(In this drawing are two Junior High children to help you compare how tall Sauroposeidon was. 
The children are around 5 feet or 1.5 meters tall.  I did not draw stripes or spots etc. on this drawing so look at the drawings of other Brachiosaurs below to get ideas if you want to draw in unique markings.  Or just color it as it is.  Also... no junior high humans lived at the same time as Sauroposeidon.  The kids are here for comparison so you can see how truly tall this dinosaur may have been.  Have fun coloring the picture.  More Brachiosaurs drawings are below.  This top drawing is the only NEW drawing from today's post.  The below drawings are from previous posts.)

Sauroposeidon was the tallest of all known dinosaurs.  It was a type of Brachiosaur. . . so it had its nostrils on the top of its head. Sauroposeidon was 60 feet tall!  That is over 18 meters tall!  The scientific name is Sauroposeidon proteles.  The Genus name is from the Greek God of the sea, Poseidon.  You may ask why the paleontologist named it after an ocean god so I will explain.  Poseidon is also the god of earthquakes.  This dinosaur was so big that it probably felt like an earthquake was happening when it walked.  

Sauroposeidon weighed in at around 66 short tons or 60 metric tonnes. It is estimated that Sauroposeidon was able to grow to the length of up to 112 feet or about 34 meters.  Sauroposeidon remains were found in the states of Texas, New Mexico, and Wyoming.  New material from Wyoming is starting to suggest that maybe Sauroposeidon was more closely related to Titanosaurs than Brachiosaurs.  If this turns out to be true then this Sauroposeidon length, height, and weight estimates may be inaccurate.  It is fascinating to realize that IF Sauroposeidon turns out to be a Titanosaur, that it means that there WERE giant Titanosaurs in North America.  Right now we only know for certain of gigantic Titanosaurs in South America.  

Brachiosaurs, like maybe Sauroposeidon was, were the giraffes of the Mesozoic Era. One of them is even named Giraffatitan.  Giraffatitan was smaller than Sauroposeidon, but bigger than Brachiosaurus.  Brachiosaurs fed on tall trees like cycad trees and pine trees.  These dinosaurs are a type of Sauropod, but Brachiosaurs had much longer front legs than back legs.  This was unique compared to other Sauropods.  Brachiosaurs did not have peg-like teeth like Diplodocus.  Brachiosaurs had spoon-like teeth.  They may have even stripped bark from trees to eat it.  But it seems certain that they ate leaves and pine needles. (Did you know that pine needles ARE a type of leaf?)  

Brachiosaurs have been found in both the Old World (Tanzania and Algeria in Africa & Portugal in Europoe) and in North America.  The first was found in the state of Colorado, USA.  A Brachiosaur was even found fairly recently here in my home state of Utah, USA.

Below are some other Brachiosaur drawings.  Remember that if it turns out that Sauroposeidon was a Titanosaur, it will look quite different from a Brachiosaurus.  All these drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the "Paleontology" button at the top of this blog page.  Scroll down to get to the new drawing.  IF you know how to copy and paste then print from the drawings on THIS blog page you will get a little better quality drawing.  You'll need to paste it on another program like Microsoft Word or something.  Then print it from there. 

Sauroposeidon prutelus the Tallest Dinosaur
(I think I spelled the species name wrong here, but it's too late to change it.)

Sauroposeidon feeding on a Cycad Tree

Sauroposeidon and Ornithocheirus

Brachiosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree

Brachiosaurus for small children to color

Brachiosaurus found in Utah

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Night Fairies coloring pages

Night Fairy with Moon Flowers

The above drawing is of a Night Fairy.  They are important pollinators.  They are usually active only at night.  They pollinate flowers that bloom in the evening or at night.  The two flowers you see are part of a vine and they are called "Moon Flowers."  They are also called "White Moon Flower.  Another name for these flowers is "Tropical White Morning-Glory."  The vine is also called a "Moon Vine."  

The White Moon Flower or Moon Vine grows in subtropical and tropical flowers in much of the New World.  So they can be found from Northern Argentina... in South America... up through Central America.  They can bee seen in Mexico and even in Florida.  Since the flower is rather round and white... and blooms at night, it got the name Moon Flower.

Look carefully at this Night Fairy.  She is wearing a flying belt.  Night Fairies... and almost all Fairies, use their advanced tech to be able to fly at faster speeds and for longer distances.  All Fairies CAN fly without a flying belt, but they usually prefer to have the flying belt assistance.

You may have noticed that many of the Night Fairies have wings that resemble a moth's wings.  The other type of wings is lacewings -  that are much like some Mayfly wings.

NOTE:  This free coloring pages blog has no ads and there is no fee to print a drawing.  There are buttons up top to click on to get to the printable drawings.  After clicking on the button labeled
"Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" then scroll down to get to this top drawing.  New drawings are always at the bottom of the list.  Below are a couple of other older Night Fairy drawings.  Finally, if you know how to capture the drawings found on this... the main blog page...and then you can paste it into something like Microsoft Word... you can print it from there... and the drawing quality will be better.  The "printable" versions are saved as a PDF.  The drawings seen on this, the main blog page... are PNG files and they are of a better quality.

Night Fairy

Night Flower Fairy with a Firefly

Maryn the Night Fairy

Kourtney the Night Fairy

Night River Fairy on Pollination Patrol

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mushroom Fairies and Mayflies coloring pages

This is a free coloring pages blog.  There are no ads and no fees to print coloring pages.
For today's drawings, just click on the button labeled: "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."
Then scroll down for the new drawings.  You will need a printer to print the drawings.
If you can find a way to copy and print the drawings directly from this page
you will get a better quality drawing.
But the drawings under the buttons are
already printable.

Mushroom Fairy standing on a Mushroom

Mushroom Fairies are known for being very intelligent.  They can identify many different types of fungus.  Mushrooms are a type of fungus.  But some fungi are dangerous.  Here in Utah, the toadstools that grow in the grass (when you water too much) are actually deadly.  The ones that grow in the lawn in Arizona are also deadly.  

Fairies eat a lot of mushrooms, so having a Mushroom Fairy or two in the Fairy village is very important.  Mushroom Fairies gather mushrooms and bring them back to the village.  Sometimes they only cut out a piece of the mushroom.  You can't see it in the drawing, because the Fairie's wand is tucked into her flying belt... on her other side.

You may not know that most Fairies like wearing a flying belt.  The flying belt allows them to fly faster and farther than just using their wings.  Of course, all Fairies can fly for short distances with their wings only.  By the way, speaking of wings, this Mushroom Fairy is also a Lacewing Fairy. She has wings that are similar to a Mayfly.  Interesting enough, Mushroom Fairies often are particularly friendly with Mayflies, although that is a short friendship since Mayflies live only a short time.  Below is a photo I took of a Mayfly near the Provo River, in Utah. 

Mayfly near Provo River

I got to thinking and I decided to draw a Mayfly to add to this drawing...
In other words, I added a Mayfly to the Mushroom Fairy drawing.
If you don't like insects, print the above drawing instead.
I used the Mayfly photo above as one of my references for the drawing.

Mushroom Fairy with a Mayfly

There are over 3,000 species of Mayflies throughout the world.  They have different names, even in English.  They are called up-wing flies, shadflies, and fishflies.  They are related to damselflies and dragonflies.  All three have lacewings.  There is also a lacewing fly.  Mayflies have long tails of two to three strands.  They grow up in their immature stage as nymphs or naiads.  Then they have a subimago stage with wings.  That stage morphs into a true, sexually mature adult.  The adults are called imago. 

While growing up the Mayfly may live for several years in the water.  Their presence is evidence of a non-polluted, and healthy stream.  Some Mushroom Fairies will moonlight as Eco Fairies to check out the local Mayfly nymph populations. These Fairies (both Eco Fairies and Mushroom Fairies) care a great deal about the environment.  As adults, Mayflies live for only between 24-72 hours.  So like I said before, the Mushroom Fairies that befriend Mayflies have a rather short-lived friendship.

P.S. For those of you who are Star Trek TNG fans, the model for the drawing is the character Rivan from the episode called "Justice." The actress is named Brenda Bakke. I am a big Star Trek fan... AKA "Trekkie." When I was watching Star Trek, The Next Generation yesterday I thought the Rivan character would make a great Fairy. So I drew her as a Fairy.

Now if you look down below there's a few more Mushroom Fairy drawings from previous posts.

French Fairy named Madi

Fairy sitting on a Mushroom

Friday, July 24, 2020

Happy Pioneer Day 2020 coloring pages

Today is Pioneer Day in Utah.  It is a state holiday. 
It commemorates the arrival of the Mormon Pioneers 
in the Salt Lake Valley, 173 years ago today. 
Amasa M. Lyman
(This is Amasa as a younger man.)

Amasa Mason Lyman
(This is Amasa as a middle-aged man.)

These drawings above are of Amasa Mason Lyman.  He is my great great grandfather.  He joined the church as a young man and was thrown out by his uncle for doing so.  He went on seveal missions and he was an Apostle and he was with Brigham Young and the first pioneer company that arrived in Salt Lake Valley 173 years ago.  Amasa actually arrived first.  He was here a day before the main company and he was planting potatoes.  I know this because I read his journal in the BYU or Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library - Special Collections.  Amasa had also gone south and picked up the sick people who had been with the Mormon Batallion.  Amasa Lyman went on to settle San Bernadino, California. 

Lydia Partridge Lyman
(She was Amasa's 8th wife.  I am descended from her.  
Lydia's father was the first bishop of the church.)

By the way, "Mormon" is a nickname, but the actual name of the church is:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am a member of that church.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives me great comfort in my trials.  

So far this holiday I have not drawn any new Pioneer drawings.  But I am posting some older ones right now.  I am thinking about drawing Brigham Young.  But below is a drawing of him as he arrived at the Salt Lake Valley.  He was ill and riding in a bend in a wagon.  He sat up and saw the valley... that he had seen in vision previously... and he said, "This is the right place, drive on." 

Brigham Young enters the Salt Lake Valley

The Saints cross the Plains and the Valleys of Wyoming

Most of the Mormon Pioneers crossed the plains and the mountains and valleys of Wyoming with the aide of oxen and or horses or mules.  Some later immigrants from Europe and Great Britain crossed the plains using handcarts.

I had another ancestor, Lucy Ward, who was with a handcart company that was caught in the snow and had to be rescued by men who came from Salt Lake City by horseback and wagon.  She was 19 when, as an orphan, she came over to America to join the Saints.  She had to work for a while as a hatter in New York City.  She had a green veil that her father had given her before he died... back in England.  She also had a fur coat.  She cut the bottom of the long fur coat to make a kind of hat to keep her head warm... and she tied the piece of fur on with her green veil.  

One of the Latter-Day Saint rescuers named James Cole had a dream one night on the way to the rescue.  He dreamed that he saw a beautiful woman in a green veil... and she said to him, in the dream, "If you rescue me, I will be your bride."  

Jame's  Cole fellow rescuer, a man named Kimball, told him that there were no beautiful women in green veils, only starving saints.  

As it turned out, when James and Brother Kimball rode over the ridge and saw the trapped handcart pioneers... Lucy Ward saw them an stood up.  The wind caught the ends of the veil and it blew in the wind.  Brother Kimball said, "Well, Brother Cole, there's your dreamgirl."  

Jame and Lucy were married within two days and had to stay at Fort Bridger until the spring thaw, because Lucy had to have all her frozen toes amputated.  Lucy and James went on to settle in Utah and they had 11 children.  I am one of their descendants.  

James Barnett Cole rescues Lucy Ward
(the beautiful woman in the green veil)

Handcart Pioneers crossing the Plains

Handcart Pioneer Family

Handcart Pioneer in the Snow

NOTE:  All these drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the top button labeled:  Pioneers.  You will need to scroll down an look for the drawings under "Pioneer Day."

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Laura Wells the Eco Fairy coloring page

This is a free coloring pages blog.  
There are no ads and it is free to print the drawings. 

Laura Wells the Eco Fairy

You may have heard of Laura Wells.  She is, in my opinion, an amazing person.  She is a plus-size model... which is to say, she is normal size (size 14) and not half-starved like some models are. Of course, I think all body types are beautiful in their own way.  I think Laura is very beautiful, but she is more than just her physical beauty.  She is an advocate for positive body image.  

Laura Wells is also highly educated and uses her knowledge to promote environmental issues.  She has a degree in Law and another degree in Biology.  She is now studying for a third degree in Paramedical Science.  She also has studied Environmental Management Systems.  She is a marine biologist.  

Laura is from Australia where she is one of their top plus-size models.  In fact, she is one of the top plus-size models in the world.  I think that she is impressive in her scientific work, her achievements in education, and in her efforts to promote a better world through her environmental work.  

Her efforts to promote positive body image is so important, in my opinion.  We all need to feel comfortable in our own skin.  We should take care of our bodies, but we don't need to always be comparing ourselves with others.  

Now let me tell you about Eco Fairies.  First of all, Fairies live underground or underwater.  They are secretive to keep their existence from we mortals.  Fairies DO have magic, but they also have advanced technology that far outdistances what we mortals possess.  Fairies integrate their magic with their technology.  

Fairies have their own education system.  It is quite advanced.  SOME Fairies choose to also go into the mortal world and get additional education from a mortal perspective.  I think that this is what Laura Wells had done.  Yes, I suspect that she is a Fairy.  Fairies are known for their impressive beauty.  Fairies do not conform to mortal views of only one body type being beautiful. 

Another reason I suspect Laura Wells of being a very well educated Fairy is her Eco Work.  She has traveled to Antarctica and many other places and she is an ambassador for change to help mortals stop doing some of the things we do that harm our planet... such as dumping plastics into the ocean, etc.  Fairies who choose to move into the mortal world always strive to share some of their "Planet Friendly Philosophy" with us mortals.  

In this drawing, Laura is standing in a shallow part of the ocean, near land, and she is holding onto a branch of a mangrove tree.  If you look closely you will notice that there is a Humpback Whale breaching out in the nearby ocean.  Laura has worked with and studied whales in her work as a marine biologist.  

If you wonder about her wings... first of all know that Fairies can internalize their wings and put a concealment charm on their pointed ears.   Laura is from Australia, and she is from near the ocean.  She therefore has wings similar to a Mangrove Buckey Butterfly.  That is a type of butterfly that live among the mangroves of Florida, USA.  

As far as her clothing... she is wearing a bathing suit.  Sometimes she will wear a Fairy outfit or swimwear, or other articles of clothing, made from woven leaves or some other natural, plant-based material, but since she works in the mortal world, Laura needs to wear mortal clothing.  

When I draw a celebrity I prefer to draw someone who is making a difference in the world.  So Laura, if you ever read this, thanks for your contributions!  

Also, drawing a beautiful person for a coloring page will not get even close to capturing their true physical beauty.  But, of course, Laura Wells, understands that true beauty is more than just our body. 

NOTE:  To get to the printable version of this drawing click on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button at the top of the page.  Then scroll down to the bottom.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list.  There are no fees to print and anyone who wants to print a page to color, they have my permission.  The DON'T have permission to print a coloring book and sell it.  IF you want a little better drawing to color, if you have a snipping tool then copy the drawing from THIS page and paste it into something like Microsoft Word and print it from there.  (You might need to resize it first.)  The problem is that the printable pages had to be done in PDF format and it is not as nice as the PNG format... as far as the quality of the picture.   Have fun cooling!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Unicorn with a Friend coloring page

This is a free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is 

of a Unicorn and her Dwarf Friend.

There are no ads and no fees to print 

drawings to color. 

There are over 1000 drawings 

to print and color.  

You WILL need a printer. 

This is NOT coloring online. 

Printable drawings are found by clicking on the correct category 

button up at the top of the page.  Then scroll down through

the list.  Today's new drawing is at the bottom of the 

"Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" list.  

New drawings are always at the bottom of the correct list. 

Unicorns are magical animals but they are more than

mortal animals.  The Unicorn is sentient and has human

intelligence.  They are NOT like a horse in their 

intelligence level.  In fact, Unicorns are often friends 

with other magical beings.  Unicorns should be properly 

called magical beings, not creatures.  beingThe below young 

Unicorn is with her friend, a friendly Dwarf... who is giving her 

an apple. 

Unicorn with a Dwarf Friend

Monday, July 20, 2020

Wulong bohaiensis the Dancing Dragon and Microraptor the Flying Dinosaurs coloring pages

This is a free coloring pages blog. 
The new drawing today is a
flying dino called Wulong bohaiensis.

Scroll down to the new coloring page drawing 

of Wulong bohaiensis.  

Wulong bohaiensis is a fairly new discovery in the 

Paleontology world.  The name means "Dancing Dragon" because 

the complete fossil shows a small flying dinosaur that 

looks like it is dancing.  

Photo of Wulong fossil, via Wikipedia

This flying dinosaur is NOT a type of Pterosaur or Pteradactyl.  

It is a true, feathered flying dinosaur.  

It is assigned to the Microraptor Family. 

It was small, only just bigger than a crow.  But it had a long tail 

that stuck out a long ways behind the body.  

One of the interesting things is the one fossil they found of Wulong 

was a juvenile... yet it had long, mature feathers.  This is different 

from how birds mature.  A modern bird has the great majority of 

its grown BEFORE it starts getting mature feathers.  So these 

"bird dinos"... that WERE the ancestors of our modern birds,

matured differently that thier decendants.  Wulong lived in the 

early Cretaceous Period... about 120 million years ago. 

Wulong bohaiensis the Dancing Dragon
(This is the new drawing today.)

Below is an additonal older 
drawing of another flying dinosaur. 
These drawings both can be found, in printable form, 
by clicking on the Paleontology button up at the 
top of the page.  Then scroll down to the bottom 
for the new drawing.  The older drawing will be
found further up the list.  

Microraptor flying through the Forest

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Swans coloring pages

This is a free coloring pages blog. 
Today's new drawing is of a Swan

Scroll down to see the new swan 
drawing and some older 
swan drawings. 

Swans are the largest of waterfowl.  They are related to ducks and geese, but swans are bigger.  A larger male swan, of the species Mute Swan, Trumpeter Swan, or Whooper Swan... can be 59 inches or 1.5 meters long.  That is 150 cm.  

The swan is among the largest of the flying birds.  A large swan
can weigh up to 33 lbs or 15 kg.  Their wingspan can be 10 feet or 3.1 meters wide.  That is huge!  

Baby swans are called cygnets.  In fact, the constellation of Cygnus is a swan flying down the Milky Way.  It is visible now at night... if you get away from bright city lights it is high up in the sky at first darkness.  

I saw a swan take off from the water at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge near Brigham City, Utah, USA.  It was beautiful.  

My wife and I also saw Black Swans that had escaped someone's estate when we were at the mouth of the Columbia River in Western Oregon, USA.  

We did not see wild  Black Swans on our trip to Australia.  They are actually native to that part of the world.  We have seen both Black Swans and White Swans in zoos and aviaries.  Swans are native to most temperate climates all over the world.  They are rarer in the tropics.  

To me, swans are the most beautiful of all birds.  Plus they are sooooo fun to draw!  Below are some swan drawings that I have done over the years of having this blog.  The first drawing here is new.  I finished it tonight.  It is of a swan on a lake with his or her wings open.  It is some species of White Swan.  

All the drawings, in printable form, can be found by 
clicking on the button labeled "Animals."
Then scroll down to the
bottom of the list of drawings 
to get to the title of the NEW drawing. 

HOWEVER... I have found that if you can copy the drawing on the main blog page and pasted it into Microsoft Word... and enlarge it...
you can then print a better drawing.  The "Printable" drawings
are saved in PDF format and it is not quite as good as PNG format.
The drawings here on this main blog page are PNG format. 

Swan on a Lake flapping Wings
(new drawing today)

(Below are drawings from previous posts.)

Black Swan swimming in River
(Be sure to color this one black.)

Swan with Cygnet

Swan realistic

Swan swimming

Swan and Cygnet

Swan 2