Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022 coloring pages

Happy Halloween everyone!  
Here are some new drawings to print and color for Halloween!

Halloween Witch's Cat
A cat is a witch's familiar.

Halloween Lovely Young Witch on Her Broom

I was watching the old TV show called Bewitched.  It is about a beautiful witch
who is married to a mortal.  It was one of my favorite shows as a kid. 
In this episode, Samantha, the witch, was offended by how witches
are usually portrayed in the mortal world.  She said that witches looked just
like regular mortals, and to portray them all as ugly was unfair. 
So I was inspired to draw another pretty witch.  Admittedly I have done traditional drawings of ugly old witches before.  But I have also drawn beautiful witches. 

These next pictures are of members of a Friendly Monster Family.  
My 2-year-old granddaughter helped me draw the hair on most of these.

Halloween Friendly Monster Daddy

Halloween Friendly Monster Mommy

Friendly Monster Teen Daughter

Halloween Little Boy Monster

YES, Monsters live in families. 
These drawings are found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled: "Holidays."
Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  Have fun coloring and
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Jesus praying on a Mountain Top to His Father

 English Readers:  This is a re-posting of the original post that was done in English. 

 If you scroll down you will find this post in several languages.  

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

The New Testament in the Holy Bible tells of how Jesus, the Son of God, often went out into Nature to be with God or to commune with God.  He went up into the mountains to pray all night - right before He called his 12 Disciples.  He also went up into the mountains for 40 days where he commune with His Father.  At the end of that 40 days, He was tempted by Satan.  Of course, Jesus passed the test.  Because He did not yield to temptation, Jesus was able to be the pure and perfect sacrifice to pay the eternal price for our sins.  He could also do this because He was the Son of God.  Because of the Atonement of Christ, we can all be forgiven of our sins IF we repent and strive to do better.  If we do repent, and also receive the ordinances of Salvation, we can return to live with our Heavenly Parents and our Elder Brother - Jesus. 

This drawing represents the three members of the Godhead.  There is the voice and light coming from Heaven.  That is God the Father.  There is Jesus standing on the mountaintop.  And the Holy Ghost is seen in the form of a Dove. Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost - also called the Holy Spirit, are three separate and distinct individuals.  We also have a Heavenly Mother.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled:  "Religious." Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  New drawings are found at the bottom of the list. So, as I said before.  Click on "Religious."

एक पहाड़ पर यीशु अपने पिता से प्रार्थना कर रहा था (Hindi) Jesus on a Mountaintop prays to His Father


एक पहाड़ पर यीशु अपने पिता से प्रार्थना कर रहा था

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

पवित्र बाइबल में नया नियम बताता है कि कैसे यीशु, परमेश्वर का पुत्र, अक्सर प्रकृति में भगवान के साथ रहने या भगवान के साथ कम्यून करने के लिए बाहर जाता था । वह पूरी रात प्रार्थना करने के लिए पहाड़ों में गया - ठीक पहले उसने अपने 12 शिष्यों को बुलाया । वह 40 दिनों के लिए पहाड़ों में भी गया जहां उसने अपने पिता के साथ कम्यून किया । उस 40 दिनों के अंत में, वह शैतान द्वारा परीक्षा में था । बेशक, यीशु ने परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की । क्योंकि वह प्रलोभन के आगे नहीं झुकता था, यीशु हमारे पापों की अनन्त कीमत चुकाने के लिए शुद्ध और सिद्ध बलिदान होने में सक्षम था । वह ऐसा इसलिए भी कर सकता था क्योंकि वह परमेश्वर का पुत्र था । मसीह के प्रायश्चित के कारण, हम सभी अपने पापों को क्षमा कर सकते हैं यदि हम पश्चाताप करते हैं और बेहतर करने का प्रयास करते हैं । यदि हम पश्चाताप करते हैं, और उद्धार के नियम भी प्राप्त करते हैं, तो हम अपने स्वर्गीय माता - पिता और अपने बड़े भाई-यीशु के साथ रहने के लिए वापस आ सकते हैं ।

यह चित्र देवत्व के तीन सदस्यों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है । स्वर्ग से आवाज और प्रकाश आ रहा है । वह है गॉड फादर। यीशु पर्वत की चोटी पर खड़ा है । और पवित्र आत्मा को कबूतर के रूप में देखा जाता है । स्वर्ग में पिता, यीशु मसीह, और पवित्र आत्मा-जिसे पवित्र आत्मा भी कहा जाता है, तीन अलग और अलग व्यक्ति हैं । हमारे पास एक स्वर्गीय माता भी है ।

नोट: यह ड्राइंग, प्रिंट करने योग्य रूप में, लेबल वाले बटन पर क्लिक करके पाया जाता है: "धार्मिक । "फिर सूची के नीचे स्क्रॉल करें । नए चित्र सूची के नीचे पाए जाते हैं । तो, जैसा कि मैंने पहले कहा था । "धार्मिक" पर क्लिक करें । "Religious"

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father (Hebrew) ישו על פסגת הר מתפלל לאביו


ישו על פסגת הר מתפלל לאביו

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

הברית החדשה במקרא הקדוש מספרת כיצד ישוע, בן האלוהים, יצא לעתים קרובות לטבע כדי להיות עם אלוהים או לתקשר עם אלוהים. הוא עלה להרים להתפלל כל הלילה-ממש לפני שהתקשר ל -12 תלמידיו. הוא גם עלה להרים במשך 40 יום שם התייחד עם אביו. בסוף אותם 40 יום, הוא התפתה על ידי השטן. כמובן, ישו עבר את המבחן. מכיוון שהוא לא נכנע לפיתוי, ישוע היה מסוגל להיות הקורבן הטהור והמושלם לשלם את המחיר הנצחי על חטאינו. הוא יכול גם לעשות זאת כי הוא היה בנו של אלוהים. בגלל כפרת המשיח, כולנו יכולים לסלוח על חטאינו אם נחזור בתשובה ונשתדל לעשות טוב יותר. אם נחזור בתשובה, וגם נקבל את תקנות הישועה, נוכל לחזור לגור עם הורינו השמימיים ואחינו הבכור-ישוע.

ציור זה מייצג את שלושת חברי האלוהות. יש את הקול והאור שמגיעים מהשמיים. זה אלוהים האב. ישו עומד על פסגת ההר. ואת רוח הקודש נראה בצורה של יונה. האב שבשמים, ישוע המשיח ורוח הקודש-המכונה גם רוח הקודש, הם שלושה אנשים נפרדים ומובחנים. יש לנו גם אמא שמימית.

הערה: ציור זה, בצורה להדפסה, נמצא על ידי לחיצה על הכפתור שכותרתו: "דתי."ואז גלול מטה לתחתית הרשימה. רישומים חדשים נמצאים בתחתית הרשימה. אז, כמו שאמרתי קודם. לחץ על " דתי."Religious"

Jesus på en bjergtop beder til sin far (Danish) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Jesus på en bjergtop beder til sin far

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

Det Nye Testamente i Den Hellige Bibel fortæller om, hvordan Jesus, Guds Søn, ofte gik ud i naturen for at være sammen med Gud eller for at kommunisere med Gud. Han gik op i bjergene for at bede hele natten-lige før han kaldte sine 12 disciple. Han gik også op i bjergene i 40 dage, hvor han kommuniserer med sin far. I slutningen af de 40 dage blev han fristet af Satan. Selvfølgelig bestod Jesus testen. Fordi han ikke gav efter for fristelsen, var Jesus i stand til at være det rene og perfekte offer for at betale den evige pris for vores synder. Han kunne også gøre dette, fordi han var Guds Søn. På grund af Kristi forsoning kan vi alle blive tilgivet for vores synder, hvis vi omvender os og stræber efter at gøre det bedre. Hvis vi omvender os og også modtager frelsens ordinancer, kan vi vende tilbage for at bo hos vores himmelske forældre og vores ældre bror - Jesus.

Denne tegning repræsenterer de tre medlemmer af Guddommen. Der er stemmen og lyset, der kommer fra himlen. Det er Gud Faderen. Der står Jesus på bjergtoppen. Og Helligånden ses i form af en due. Fader i himlen, Jesus Kristus og Helligånden - også kaldet Helligånden, er tre adskilte og adskilte individer. Vi har også en himmelsk Mor.

Bemærk: denne tegning, i udskrivbar form, findes ved at klikke på knappen mærket: "religiøs."Rul derefter ned til bunden af listen. Nye tegninger findes nederst på listen. Så som jeg sagde før. Klik på "Religious."

Иисус на вершине горы молится Своему Отцу (Russian) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Иисус на вершине горы молится Своему Отцу

Jesus on a Mountain praying to His Father

Новый Завет в Святой Библии рассказывает о том, как Иисус, Сын Божий, часто выходил на природу, чтобы быть с Богом или общаться с Богом. Он поднялся в горы, чтобы молиться всю ночь - прямо перед тем, как созвать своих 12 учеников. Он также поднялся в горы на 40 дней, где общался со Своим Отцом. В конце этих 40 дней Он был искушаем сатаной. Конечно, Иисус прошел испытание. Поскольку Он не поддался искушению, Иисус смог стать чистой и совершенной жертвой, чтобы заплатить вечную цену за наши грехи. Он также мог сделать это, потому что Он был Сыном Божьим. Благодаря искуплению Христа мы все можем получить прощение наших грехов, если покаемся и будем стремиться поступать лучше. Если мы действительно покаемся, а также примем таинства Спасения, мы сможем вернуться, чтобы жить с нашими Небесными Родителями и нашим Старшим Братом - Иисусом.

На этом рисунке изображены три члена Божества. Есть голос и свет, исходящие с Небес. Это и есть Бог-Отец. Там Иисус стоит на вершине горы. И Святой Дух виден в виде Голубя. Отец Небесный, Иисус Христос и Святой Дух, также называемый Святым Духом, - это три отдельные личности. У нас также есть Небесная Мать.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Этот рисунок в печатной форме можно найти, нажав на кнопку с надписью: "Религиозный". Затем прокрутите вниз до конца списка. Новые чертежи находятся в нижней части списка. Итак, как я уже говорил. Нажмите на "Религиозный"..."Religious"

Jesus på En Fjelltopp som ber Til Sin Far (Norwegian) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Jesus på En Fjelltopp som ber Til Sin Far

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

Det Nye Testamente i Den Hellige Bibelen forteller om Hvordan Jesus, Guds Sønn, ofte gikk Ut I Naturen for å være sammen med Gud eller for å kommunisere med Gud. Han gikk opp i fjellet for å be hele natten-rett før han kalte sine 12 Disipler. Han gikk også opp i fjellet i 40 dager hvor han kommuniserte med Sin Far. På slutten av de 40 dagene ble Han fristet Av Satan. Selvfølgelig besto Jesus testen. Fordi Han ikke ga etter for fristelse, Var Jesus i stand til å være det rene og fullkomne offer for å betale den evige prisen for våre synder. Han kunne også gjøre dette fordi Han var Guds Sønn. På Grunn Av Kristi Forsoning kan vi alle få tilgivelse for våre synder HVIS vi omvender oss og streber etter å gjøre det bedre. Hvis vi omvender oss og også mottar Frelsens ordinanser, kan Vi vende tilbake for å bo hos Våre Himmelske Foreldre Og Vår Eldre Bror - Jesus.

Denne tegningen representerer De tre medlemmene av Guddommen. Det er røsten og lyset som kommer Fra Himmelen. Det er Gud Fader. Jesus står på fjelltoppen. Og Den Hellige Ånd blir sett i Form av En Due. Fader I Himmelen, Jesus Kristus og Den Hellige Ånd-også kalt Den Hellige Ånd, er tre separate og forskjellige individer. Vi har Også En Himmelsk Mor.

MERK: denne tegningen, i utskrivbar form, finner du ved å klikke på knappen merket: "Religiøs."Rull deretter ned til bunnen av listen. Nye tegninger finnes nederst på listen. Så, som jeg sa før. Klikk på " Religious."

Ісус на вершині гори молиться своєму Отцю (Ukrainian) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Ісус на вершині гори молиться своєму Отцю

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

Новий Завіт у Святій Біблії розповідає про те, як Ісус, Син Божий, часто виходив на природу, щоб бути з Богом або спілкуватися з Богом. Він піднявся в гори, щоб молитися всю ніч - безпосередньо перед тим, як скликати своїх 12 учнів. Він також піднявся в гори на 40 днів, де спілкувався зі своїм батьком. Наприкінці цих 40 днів він був спокушений Сатаною. Звичайно, Ісус пройшов випробування. Оскільки він не піддався спокусі, Ісус зміг стати чистою і досконалою жертвою, щоб заплатити вічну ціну за наші гріхи. Він також міг це зробити, бо був Сином Божим. Завдяки спокутуванню Христа ми всі можемо отримати прощення наших гріхів, якщо покаємося і будемо прагнути чинити краще. Якщо ми дійсно покаємося, а також приймемо таїнства спасіння, ми зможемо повернутися, щоб жити з нашими небесними батьками і нашим Старшим Братом - Ісусом.

На цьому малюнку зображені три члени Божества. Є голос і світло, що виходять з Небес. Це і є Бог-Отець. Там Ісус стоїть на вершині гори. І Святий Дух видно у вигляді голуба. Отець Небесний, Ісус Христос і Святий Дух, який також називають Святим Духом, - це три окремі особи. У нас також є Небесна мати.

Примітка: цей малюнок в друкованій формі можна знайти, натиснувши на кнопку з написом: "релігійний". Потім прокрутіть вниз до кінця списку. Нові креслення знаходяться в нижній частині списку. Отже, як я вже говорив. Натисніть на "Релігійний"... "Religious"

Gesù sulla cima di una montagna pregando suo Padre (Itallian) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Gesù sulla cima di una montagna pregando suo Padre

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

Il Nuovo Testamento nella Sacra Bibbia racconta di come Gesù, il Figlio di Dio, spesso usciva nella Natura per stare con Dio o per comunicare con Dio. Salì sulle montagne per pregare tutta la notte, proprio prima di chiamare i suoi 12 Discepoli. Salì anche sulle montagne per 40 giorni dove comunicò con Suo Padre. Alla fine di quei 40 giorni, fu tentato da Satana. Gesù ha superato il test. Poiché non cedette alla tentazione, Gesù poté essere il sacrificio puro e perfetto per pagare il prezzo eterno dei nostri peccati. Poteva farlo anche perché era il Figlio di Dio. Grazie all'Espiazione di Cristo, tutti noi possiamo essere perdonati dei nostri peccati SE ci pentiamo e ci sforziamo di fare meglio. Se ci pentiamo e riceviamo anche le ordinanze di Salvezza, possiamo tornare a vivere con i nostri Genitori celesti e il nostro Fratello maggiore - Gesù.

Questo disegno rappresenta i tre membri della Divinità. C'è la voce e la luce che vengono dal Cielo. Questo è Dio Padre. C'è Gesù in piedi sulla cima della montagna. E lo Spirito Santo è visto sotto forma di Colomba. Padre in Cielo, Gesù Cristo , e lo Spirito Santo-chiamato anche lo Spirito Santo, sono tre individui separati e distinti. Abbiamo anche una Madre celeste.

NOTA: Questo disegno, in forma stampabile, si trova cliccando sul pulsante etichettato: "Religioso."Quindi scorrere verso il basso fino in fondo alla lista. I nuovi disegni si trovano in fondo all'elenco. Quindi, come ho detto prima. Clicca su "Religious."

彼の父に祈って山頂にイエス (Japanese) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father



Jesus on a Mountain praying to His Father

聖書の新約聖書は、神の御子であるイエスが、しばしば神と一緒にいたり、神と交わりをするために自然に出て行った方法を伝えています。 彼は一晩中祈るために山に上って行きました-彼は彼の12人の弟子たちを呼び出す前に。 彼はまた、彼は彼の父とコミューン40日間の山に上がりました。 その40日の終わりに、彼はサタンに誘惑されました。 もちろん、イエスはテストに合格しました。 彼は誘惑に屈しなかったので、イエスは私たちの罪のために永遠の代価を支払うために純粋で完全な犠牲になることができました。 彼は神の子だったので、彼はまた、これを行うことができます。 キリストの贖罪のおかげで,悔い改めてより良いことをしようと努力するならば,わたしたちは皆罪を赦されることができます。 悔い改め,また救いの儀式を受けるならば,天の両親と兄であるイエスと一緒に暮らすことができます。

この図は神会の三人のメンバーを表しています。 天から来る声と光があります。 それが父なる神です。 山頂にはイエスが立っています。 そして聖霊は鳩の形で見られます。 天の御父,イエス-キリスト,聖霊,すなわち聖霊とも呼ばれる聖霊は,三つの別個の別個の個人です。 わたしたちにも天の母がいます。

注:この図面は、印刷可能な形式で、ラベル付けされたボタンをクリックすることによって発見された:"宗教。"その後、リストの一番下までスクロールダウンします。 新しい図面は、リストの一番下にあります。 だから、私は前に言ったように。 "宗教"をクリックします。"Religious"

耶稣在山顶上向他的父亲祈祷 (Chinese) Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father


Jesus on a Mountaintop Praying to His Father

圣经中的新约讲述了耶稣,神的儿子,经常走出大自然与神同在或与神交流。 他到山上彻夜祷告--就在他叫他的12个门徒来之前。 他又到山上去了40天,在那里与父亲交流。 在那40天结束的时候,他受到了撒但的诱惑。 当然,耶稣通过了考验。 因为他没有屈服于诱惑,耶稣能够成为纯洁而完美的牺牲,为我们的罪付出永恒的代价。 他也能这样做,因为他是神的儿子。 因为基督的赎罪,如果我们悔改并努力做得更好,我们都可以得到罪的赦免。 如果我们悔改,并且接受救恩的教仪,我们就可以回到天上的父母和我们的哥哥耶稣那里住。

这幅画代表了神格的三个成员. 有来自天堂的声音和光。 那是父神。 有耶稣站在山顶上。 圣灵以鸽子的形式出现。 在天上的父,耶稣基督和圣灵-也称为圣灵,是三个独立和不同的个体。 我们也有一个天上的母亲。

注意:这幅画以可打印的形式,是通过点击标有"宗教"的按钮找到的。"然后向下滚动到列表的底部。 新的图纸在列表的底部找到。 所以,就像我之前说的。 点击"宗教。"Religious"

Jesus auf einem Berggipfel betet zu seinem Vater (German) Jesus on a Mountaintop prays to His Father


Jesus auf einem Berggipfel betet zu seinem Vater

Das Neue Testament in der Heiligen Bibel erzählt, wie Jesus, der Sohn Gottes, oft in die Natur hinausging, um bei Gott zu sein oder mit Gott zu kommunizieren. Er ging in die Berge, um die ganze Nacht zu beten - kurz bevor Er seine 12 Jünger rief. Er ging auch für 40 Tage in die Berge, wo er mit seinem Vater kommunizierte. Am Ende dieser 40 Tage wurde er von Satan versucht. Natürlich hat Jesus die Prüfung bestanden. Weil er der Versuchung nicht nachgab, konnte Jesus das reine und vollkommene Opfer sein, um den ewigen Preis für unsere Sünden zu zahlen. Er konnte dies auch tun, weil er der Sohn Gottes war. Durch das Sühnopfer Christi können uns allen unsere Sünden vergeben werden, wenn wir umkehren und uns bemühen, es besser zu machen. Wenn wir umkehren und auch die heiligen Handlungen der Errettung empfangen, können wir zurückkehren, um bei unseren himmlischen Eltern und unserem älteren Bruder Jesus zu leben.

Diese Zeichnung stellt die drei Mitglieder der Gottheit dar. Da ist die Stimme und das Licht, die vom Himmel kommen. Das ist Gott der Vater. Jesus steht auf dem Gipfel des Berges. Und der Heilige Geist wird in Form einer Taube gesehen. Der Vater im Himmel, Jesus Christus und der Heilige Geist - auch Heiliger Geist genannt - sind drei getrennte und unterschiedliche Individuen. Wir haben auch eine himmlische Mutter.

HINWEIS: Diese Zeichnung in druckbarer Form finden Sie durch Klicken auf die Schaltfläche mit der Aufschrift: "Religiös." Scrollen Sie dann zum Ende der Liste. Neue Zeichnungen finden Sie am Ende der Liste. Also, wie ich schon sagte. Klicken Sie auf "Religiös."

Jésus au sommet d'une Montagne priant Son Père (French) Jesus on a Mountaintop prays to His Father


Jésus au sommet d'une Montagne priant Son Père

Jesus on a Mountaintop Praying to His Father

Le Nouveau Testament dans la Sainte Bible raconte comment Jésus, le Fils de Dieu, est souvent sorti dans la Nature pour être avec Dieu ou pour communier avec Dieu. Il est monté dans les montagnes pour prier toute la nuit-juste avant d'appeler ses 12 disciples. Il est également monté dans les montagnes pendant 40 jours où il communie avec Son Père. Au bout de ces 40 jours, Il a été tenté par Satan. Bien sûr, Jésus a passé le test. Parce qu'Il n'a pas cédé à la tentation, Jésus a pu être le sacrifice pur et parfait pour payer le prix éternel de nos péchés. Il pouvait aussi le faire parce qu'Il était le Fils de Dieu. Grâce à l'Expiation du Christ, nous pouvons tous être pardonnés de nos péchés SI nous nous repentons et nous efforçons de faire mieux. Si nous nous repentons et recevons également les ordonnances du Salut, nous pouvons retourner vivre avec nos Parents célestes et notre Frère aîné - Jésus.

Ce dessin représente les trois membres de la Divinité. Il y a la voix et la lumière qui viennent du Ciel. C'est Dieu le Père. Il y a Jésus debout au sommet de la montagne. Et le Saint-Esprit est vu sous la forme d'une Colombe. Le Père céleste, Jésus-Christ et le Saint-Esprit-également appelé le Saint-Esprit, sont trois individus distincts et distincts. Nous avons aussi une Mère céleste.

REMARQUE: Ce dessin, sous forme imprimable, se trouve en cliquant sur le bouton intitulé: "Religieux."Ensuite, faites défiler vers le bas de la liste. De nouveaux dessins se trouvent au bas de la liste. Donc, comme je l'ai déjà dit. Cliquez sur " Religious."

Jesus no topo de uma montanha orando a seu pai (Portuguese) Jesus prays on a Mountaintop prays to His Father

 Jesus no topo de uma montanha orando a seu pai

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

O Novo Testamento na Bíblia Sagrada fala de como Jesus, O Filho de Deus, muitas vezes saiu para a natureza para estar com Deus ou para comungar com Deus. Ele subiu às montanhas para orar a noite toda-logo antes de chamar seus 12 discípulos. Ele também subiu às montanhas por 40 dias, onde comunga com seu pai. No final desses 40 dias, ele foi tentado por Satanás. Claro, Jesus passou no teste. Porque ele não cedeu à tentação, Jesus foi capaz de ser o sacrifício puro e perfeito para pagar o preço eterno pelos nossos pecados. Ele também poderia fazer isso porque ele era o Filho de Deus. Por causa da Expiação de Cristo, todos nós podemos ser perdoados de nossos pecados se nos arrependermos e nos esforçarmos para fazer melhor. Se nos arrependermos e também recebermos as ordenanças da salvação, poderemos voltar a viver com nossos Pais Celestiais e nosso irmão mais velho - Jesus.

Este desenho representa os três membros da divindade. A voz e a luz vêm do céu. Isso é Deus Pai. Jesus está de pé no topo da montanha. E o Espírito Santo é visto na forma de uma pomba. O Pai Celestial, Jesus Cristo e o Espírito Santo - também chamado de Espírito Santo, são três indivíduos separados e distintos. Temos também uma Mãe Celeste.

Nota: Este desenho, em forma de impressão, é encontrado clicando no botão rotulado: "religioso."Em seguida, role para baixo até o final da lista. Na parte inferior da lista encontram-se novos desenhos. Então, como eu disse antes. Clique em "Religion."

Jesús en la cima de una montaña orando a su Padre (Spanish) Jesus praying on a Mountaintop prays to His Father

 Jesús en la cima de una montaña orando a su Padre

Jesus on a Mountaintop prays to His Father

El Nuevo Testamento en la Santa Biblia habla de cómo Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, a menudo salía a la Naturaleza para estar con Dios o para comulgar con Dios. Subió a las montañas a orar toda la noche, justo antes de llamar a sus 12 discípulos. También subió a las montañas durante 40 días, donde comulgó con su Padre. Al final de esos 40 días, fue tentado por Satanás. Por supuesto, Jesús pasó la prueba. Debido a que no cedió a la tentación, Jesús pudo ser el sacrificio puro y perfecto para pagar el precio eterno por nuestros pecados. También podía hacer esto porque era el Hijo de Dios. Debido a la Expiación de Cristo, todos podemos ser perdonados de nuestros pecados SI nos arrepentimos y nos esforzamos por hacerlo mejor. Si nos arrepentimos y también recibimos las ordenanzas de Salvación, podemos volver a vivir con nuestros Padres Celestiales y con nuestro Hermano Mayor, Jesús.

Este dibujo representa a los tres miembros de la Deidad. Está la voz y la luz que viene del cielo. Ese es Dios el Padre. Está Jesús de pie en la cima de la montaña. Y el Espíritu Santo es visto en forma de paloma. El Padre Celestial, Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo, también llamado Espíritu Santo, son tres personas separadas y distintas. También tenemos una Madre Celestial.

NOTA: Este dibujo, en forma imprimible, se encuentra haciendo clic en el botón etiquetado: "Religioso."A continuación, desplácese hacia abajo hasta la parte inferior de la lista. Los nuevos dibujos se encuentran en la parte inferior de la lista. Entonces, como dije antes. Haga clic en " Religious."

Jesus Praying on a Mountaintop to His Father

 This is my free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 2200 drawings here for you to print and color.

Today's new drawing is of Jesus praying.

Jesus on a Mountaintop praying to His Father

The New Testament in the Holy Bible tells of how Jesus, the Son of God, often went out into Nature to be with God or to commune with God.  He went up into the mountains to pray all night - right before He called his 12 Disciples.  He also went up into the mountains for 40 days where he commune with His Father.  At the end of that 40 days, He was tempted by Satan.  Of course, Jesus passed the test.  Because He did not yield to temptation, Jesus was able to be the pure and perfect sacrifice to pay the eternal price for our sins.  He could also do this because He was the Son of God.  Because of the Atonement of Christ, we can all be forgiven of our sins IF we repent and strive to do better.  If we do repent, and also receive the ordinances of Salvation, we can return to live with our Heavenly Parents and our Elder Brother - Jesus. 

This drawing represents the three members of the Godhead.  There is the voice and light coming from Heaven.  That is God the Father.  There is Jesus standing on the mountaintop.  And the Holy Ghost is seen in the form of a Dove. Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost - also called the Holy Spirit, are three separate and distinct individuals.  We also have a Heavenly Mother.  

NOTE:  English Readers:  I will be posting this in other languages as well.  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled:  "Religious." Then scroll down to the bottom of the list.  New drawings are found at the bottom of the list. So, as I said before.  Click on "Religious."

Friday, October 28, 2022

Nikalo the Warrior Elf

 Welcome or welcome back to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of a Warrior Elf.

Nikalo the Warrior Elf

Not all Elves are warriors.  But some are.  All Elves can defend themselves, but Nikalo is one of the specialists with extensive training and experience in self-defense and offensive fighting.  He is particularly skilled with the sword.  Some Warrior Elves are gifted with the bow.  

In this drawing, we see Nikalo in the forest.  He is brandishing his sword while standing behind some bushes.  He was on patrol duty and he is confronting an orc spy. Nikalo was watching the orc approach while he, Nikalo was in hiding.  He popped up and caught the orc by surprise and the orc was unable to draw his sword... so you can guess what happened next.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled, "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings to find this one.  Have fun coloring. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

McKennia the Seagull Mermaid with a California Gull - coloring page

 This is a free coloring pages blog with over 2300 drawings to print and color. 

Today's new drawing is of a Seagull Mermaid.

McKennia the Seagull Mermaid with a California Gull

Mekennia is a Seagull Fairy.  She is also a Speed Fairy.  Since she likes to keep up with the airborne seagulls she has a type of tail that allows for high speed.  Notice how thin her tail is.  She can actually outpace a seagull.  A typical seagull can fly at 28 miles per hour.  Mekennia has a tail like a tuna,   Some species of tuna can swim at 43 mph.  McKennia can actually swim at 44 mph.  To be able to see ahead both underwater and when she jumps like a dolphin, Besides speed, all Waterfowl Mermaids have excellent vision both above and under the water. 

In this drawing, McKennia is resting on a rock so she can talk with her seagull friend. She is a beautiful and kind-hearted Mermaid with a love of all seabirds, but she especially loves seagulls.  If you look closely you will see that she is holding a book.  This is, of course, a waterproof book that is printed in the Merpeople's undersea kingdom.  Also, notice that there are some Frigate Birds in the area. AND there is a cruise ship in the distance. 

McKennia is wearing an opaque blouse that is similar to a mortal swim-shirt... with a translucent long shrug as an outer covering.  Remember that Mermaids have some magical powers and thus can magically go into mortal form and have legs like a human.  (FYI the Little Mermaid didn't need the Sea Witch to get legs.)  Some merpeople actually go on land and fall in love with a human AKA mortals.  The offspring of such a union have their choice of a life on land or a life in the sea. OR they can do both if they keep their merpeople ancestry a secret from uninformed mortals. 

NOTE:  To print this drawing click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" OR click on the button labeled "Birds."  In either case scroll to the bottom of the drop-down menu.  Then click on the title to print your coloring page. 

Dania the Native American Fairy coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog or welcome back to my blog.

Today's new drawing is of a beautiful Native American Fairy named Dania.

Dania the Native American Fairy

Dania is one of the Native American Fairies.  There are Fairies in every culture.  Dania is a Woodland Fairy.  She is attached to a tribe of mortal Native Americans.  That tribe is a woodland tribe from the Appalachian mountains of the USA.  Most Native American tribes are very aware of the local Fairies.  Fairies prefer to live in a well-lit underground village.  These villages are almost always under a tree.  

All Fairies can transform to mortal size and sometimes they choose a mortal life and marry a mortal.  The children of these unions can choose a Fairy Life or a mortal life.  If they choose a mortal life they can still visit friends and family in the Fairy village. Dania is actually a descendant of a mortal man and a female Fairy.  She chose the Fairy Life.  She loves the beauty of streams and ponds.  This pond, which is in the forest, is one of her favorites.  I suppose she could be called one of the Stream Fairies. 

NOTE:  This drawing, if you look closely, shows that Dania has feathers in her hair.  To get to the printable version of this drawing just click on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button and scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  By the way, I drew Dania's sister previously.  Her name is Daniellia and she is a Stream Fairy. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Frigate and Frigate Bird

 Welcome to my Free Coloring Pages blog!

Today's new drawings are of an Old Time Sailing Ship, called a Frigate; and a drawing of Frigate Birds.

Old Time Sailing Ship

(A Frigate)

Frigate Birds

The age of wooden sailing ships actually went on for thousands of years.  The Egyptian culture has the first record of sailing ships.  That dates to around 4000 BC.  The Polynesians appear to have begun sailing about 1000 BC.  The Greeks and Romans also sailed.  The Chinese were sailing around 200 AD.  

Then there is the mystery of the Australian Aborigines.  They came to Australia in one group around 50,000 - 70,000 years ago.  And it appears that they must have come over on boats or some kind of sailing vessels... possibly from Africa.    

THIS sailing ship is from the "Age of Sail," which was roughly between 1470 to 1860.  This ship is also a small type of armed ship, meaning it has cannons, not armor.  It is a small frigate or a sloop or a corvette.  These were small ships with fast square-rigged sails.  They were used for the escort of unarmed ships and for patrol or scouting.  This ship is a small frigate and it has only 14 guns (or cannons) on the main deck with 6 additional guns on the back or poop deck.  (I did not make that up.)  The poop deck has two guns or cannons on each side and two guns facing back on the stern.  These poop deck cannons are smaller than the cannon on the main deck.  A Man O War ship had 124 cannons on three decks.  So a frigate was much smaller. 

Can you find the forked tail "Frigate Bird" in the drawing of the Old Time Ship (Frigate)?  Since this ship is a small type of frigate I thought it would be cool to add a drawing of Frigate Birds.  So, I originally drew this drawing of the ship, then afterward I drew the Frigate Birds.  Frigate birds are large seabirds yet they can't swim.  They get all their food in the form of fish.  Yet they can't land on the water.  Frigate birds can also fly for months on end with little or no rest.  They are black with a red gular pouch on the males.  The males inflate their red gular pouch to attract females during the breeding season.  Frigate birds have a wingspan of around 7.5 feet or 2.3 meters wide.  My wife and I have seen Frigate Birds in the Galapagos Islands.  They are so big that they look like Pterosaurs. 

NOTE:  To get to the printable version of the ship drawing click on the button labeled "Vehicles and Military Vehicles." Then scroll to the bottom of the list of vehicle drawings.  Technically a ship IS a vehicle.  To get to the drawing of the Frigate Birds click on the button labeled "Birds."  Then again scroll down to the bottom of the list.  New drawings are always at the bottom of the lists. Finally, if you want to color these birds the correct color, remember they are black with some white near the neck and a red pouch at the throat if it is a male. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Hannaniah la Fée Monarque et autres dessins récents de Fées (French) Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy etc.

Scroll down for this post in English.

Hannania the Monarch Fairy

 Hannaniah la Fée Monarque 

Les fées monarques sont uniques. Ce sont en fait des Fées Royales. Ils sont soit un prince, une princesse, une reine ou un roi. Ils peuvent également descendre de la royauté des fées. Ils ont le don spécial de trouver de l'asclépiade, puis la Fée Monarque utilise sa baguette pour appeler tous les papillons Monarques à proximité. C'est la raison pour laquelle les papillons monarques peuvent migrer et ne pas mourir de faim. Il y a des milliers de descendants de la Royauté féerique qui s'occupent en été en laissant les papillons monarques savoir où trouver de la nourriture.

Les fées peuvent voler, mais pour parcourir de longues distances - à la recherche d'asclépiades - les Fées Monarques utilisent un Balteum Volantum ou une ceinture volante. Cela leur permet de parcourir de longues distances à grande vitesse. La Ceinture volante de la Fée a un symbole de Fée dessus.

Les papillons monarques sont absolument incroyables. Ils migrent du Mexique vers le nord. Ils pondent des œufs puis meurent en chemin. Mais les nouveaux papillons adultes savent comment continuer à migrer vers le nord. Puis, après plusieurs générations, les papillons monarques les plus récents savent où aller lorsqu'ils volent vers le sud vers le centre du Mexique. Et CE vol qu'ils effectuent en un seul voyage sans s'arrêter pour se reproduire.

Le nombre de papillons monarques diminue en raison de l'utilisation populaire d'herbicides dans les terres agricoles rurales. Les herbicides tuent l'asclépiade. Les chenilles du monarque ne mangent que de l'asclépiade. L'asclépiade est la seule plante sur laquelle les papillons monarques femelles adultes pondent leurs œufs. Il existe plus de 100 espèces d'asclépiades indigènes en Amérique du Nord et AUCUNE d'entre elles n'est une mauvaise herbe nocive non indigène.

Nous plantons de l'asclépiade et nous plantons de l'asclépiade dans notre jardin au printemps prochain pour aider les papillons monarques.

Ceci est un lien vers un musée impliqué dans la préservation des papillons Monarques:

REMARQUE: Pour obtenir la page de coloriage imprimable gratuite, vous devez cliquer sur le lien intitulé: "Animaux."Ensuite, faites défiler vers le bas de la page. Les modèles de ces trois dessins sont trois jeunes femmes belles et intelligentes qui sont toutes employées dans le même bureau. Bien sûr, ce ne sont pas leurs noms réels.

Je publierai également ceci en français et en espagnol - les deux autres langues qui sont généralement parlées en Amérique du Nord. Au Québec, au Canada et au Mexique. Il y a aussi de nombreux hispanophones aux États-Unis. Je sais, je les rencontre et je leur parle fréquemment. Et j'ai déjà enseigné à beaucoup d'étudiants hispanophones. En fait, j'étais une Enseignante Bilingue au Primaire, une Enseignante d'Anglais Langue Seconde (ALS)et, plus tard, une Enseignante Bilingue de Sciences au Collège. Et mon collège ou collège avait beaucoup d'élèves hispanophones.

Je connais l'espagnol parce que je suis allé à une partie de la première année au Guatemala et j'ai commencé à apprendre l'espagnol. En tant que jeune adulte, j'ai servi une mission hispanophone pour l'Église de Jésus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours au Nouveau-Mexique, au Texas et au Colorado, aux États-Unis.

Voici les deux autres dessins de fées, qui ont été réalisés très récemment. Si vous faites défiler cette page et cliquez sur" Anciens messages", vous finirez par accéder aux messages avec ces deux fées et pourrez lire à leur sujet. Pour accéder à la version imprimable de cette page, cliquez simplement sur le bouton intitulé "Fantaisie, Mythes et Cirque."

Natalia the Night Fairy with a Flying Squirrel

Natalia la Fée de la Nuit avec un Écureuil Volant

Ranianna the Artist Fairy

Ranianna la Fée Artiste

Hannaniah el Hada Monarca y otros dibujos recientes de Hadas (Spanish) Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy and other drawings of Fairies

Scroll down for this post in English.

Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy

 Hannaniah el Hada Monarca 

Las hadas monarca son únicas. En realidad son Realeza de Hadas. Son un príncipe, una princesa, una reina o un rey. También pueden ser descendientes de la Realeza de hadas. Tienen el don especial de encontrar algodoncillo y luego el Hada Monarca usa su varita para llamar a todas las mariposas Monarca cercanas. Esta es la razón por la que las mariposas monarca pueden migrar y no morir de hambre. Hay miles de descendientes de la Realeza de Hadas que se mantienen ocupados en el verano al dejar que las mariposas Monarca sepan dónde encontrar comida.

Las hadas pueden volar, pero para volar largas distancias , en busca de algodoncillo, las Hadas Monarcas usan un Balteum Volantum o cinturón volador. Esto les permite volar largas distancias a gran velocidad. El Cinturón Volador del Hada tiene un Símbolo de Hada en él.

Las mariposas monarca son absolutamente increíbles. Migran desde México hacia el norte. Ponen huevos y luego mueren en el camino. Pero las nuevas mariposas adultas conocen la manera de seguir migrando hacia el norte. Luego, después de varias generaciones, las mariposas monarca emergidas más nuevas saben a dónde ir cuando vuelan hacia el sur hasta el centro de México. Y ese vuelo lo hacen en un solo viaje sin parar de reproducirse.

El número de mariposas monarca está disminuyendo debido al uso popular de herbicidas en las tierras de cultivo rurales. Los herbicidas están matando el algodoncillo. Las orugas monarca solo comen algodoncillo. El algodoncillo es la única planta en la que las mariposas monarcas adultas ponen sus huevos. Hay más de 100 especies de algodoncillo nativas de América del Norte y NINGUNA de ellas es una maleza nociva no nativa.

Plantamos algodoncillo y la próxima primavera plantaremos algodoncillo en nuestro jardín para ayudar a las mariposas monarca.

Este es un enlace a un museo que participa en la preservación de las mariposas Monarca:

NOTA: Para obtener el dibujo para colorear imprimible gratuito debe hacer clic en el enlace etiquetado: "Animales."A continuación, desplácese hacia abajo hasta la parte inferior de la página. Los modelos para estos tres dibujos son tres mujeres jóvenes hermosas e inteligentes que trabajan en la misma oficina. Por supuesto, estos no son sus nombres reales.

También publicaré esto en francés y español , los otros dos idiomas que generalmente se hablan en América del Norte. Quebec, Canadá, y en el país de México. También hay muchos hispanohablantes en los Estados Unidos. Lo sé, los conozco y hablo con ellos con frecuencia. Y una vez enseñé a muchos estudiantes de habla hispana. De hecho, fui Maestra Bilingüe de Primaria, Maestra de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL)y más tarde fui Maestra Bilingüe de Ciencias de Secundaria. Y mi escuela intermedia o secundaria tenía muchos estudiantes que hablaban español.

Sé español porque estudié parte del primer grado en Guatemala y comencé a aprender español. Como adulto joven, serví en una misión de habla hispana para La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días en Nuevo México, Texas y Colorado, EE.

Aquí están los otros dos dibujos de hadas, que se hicieron muy recientemente. Si te desplazas hacia abajo en esta página y haces clic en" Publicaciones antiguas", eventualmente llegarás a las publicaciones con estas dos Hadas y podrás leer sobre ellas. Para acceder a la versión imprimible de esta página, simplemente haga clic en el botón con la etiqueta "Fantasía, Mitos y Circo." - "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."

Natalia the Night Fairy with a Flying Squirrel

Natalia el Hada de la Noche con una ardilla Voladora

Raniannah the Artist Fairy

Rani anna el Hada Artista

Old Time Sailing Ship coloring page

 Welcome to my Free Coloring Pages blog!

Today's new drawing is of an Old Time Sailing Ship.

Old Time Sailing Ship

The age of wooden sailing ships actually went on for thousands of years.  The Egyptian culture has the first record of sailing ships.  That dates to around 4000 BC.  The Polynesians appear to have begun sailing about 1000 BC.  The Greeks and Romans also sailed.  The Chinese were sailing around 200 AD.  

Then there is the mystery of the Australian Aborigines.  They came to Australia in one group around 50,000 - 70,000 years ago.  And it appears that they must have come over on boats or some kind of sailing vessels... possibly from Africa.    

THIS sailing ship is from the "Age of Sail," which was roughly between 1470 to 1860.  This ship is also a small type of armed ship, meaning it has cannons, not armor.  It is a small frigate or a sloop or a corvette.  These were small ships with fast square-rigged sails.  They were used for the escort of unarmed ships and for patrol or scouting.  This ship has 14 guns (or cannons) on the main deck with 6 additional guns on the back or poop deck.  (I did not make that up.)  The poop deck has two guns or cannons on each side and two guns facing back on the stern.  These poop deck cannons are smaller than the cannon on the main deck.  In comparison, a Man O War ship had 124 cannons on three decks. 

NOTE:  To get to the printable version of this just click on the button that says "Vehicles & Military Vehicles," then scroll to the bottom of the list of vehicle drawings.  Technically a ship IS a vehicle. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy and other recent drawings of Fairies

Welcome back to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of a Monarch Fairy.

Hannaniah the Monarch Fairy and other recent drawings of Fairies

Monarch Fairies are unique.  They are actually Fairy Royalty.  They are either a prince, princess, queen or king.  They can also be descended from Fairy Royalty.  They have a special gift of finding milkweed and then the Monarch Fairy uses their wand to call all nearby Monarch Butterflies.  This is the reason Monarch Butterflies can migrate and not starve to death.  There are thousands of descendants of Fairy Royalty who keep busy in the summer by letting Monarch Butterflies know where to find food. 

Fairies can fly, but to fly long distances - in search of milkweed - the Monarch Fairies use a Balteum Volantum or Flying belt.  This allows them to fly far distances at speed.  The Fairy's Flying Belt has a Fairy Symbol on it.  

Monarch butterflies are absolutely amazing.  They migrate from Mexico up further north.  They lay eggs and then die on the way. But the new adult butterflies know the way to keep migrating north.  Then after several generations, the newest emerged monarch butterflies know where to go when they fly south to Central Mexico.  And THAT flight they make in one trip with no stopping to breed. 

Monarch Butterfly numbers are dwindling due to the popular use of herbicides in rural farmland. The herbicides are killing the milkweed.  Monarch caterpillars will only eat milkweed.  Milkweed is the only plant adult female Monarch Butterflies will lay their eggs on.  There are over 100 species of milkweed native to North America and NONE of them is a noxious non-native weed.  

We plant milkweed and we are planting milkweed in our yard next spring to help the monarch butterflies.  

This is a link to a museum that is involved in preserving Monarch Butterflies:

NOTE:  To get the free printable coloring page must click on the link labeled: "Animals."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the page. The models for these three drawings are three beautiful and intelligent young women who all are employed in the same office.  Of course, these are not their actual names.    

I will also be posting this in French and Spanish - the other two languages that are generally spoken in North America. Quebec, Canada, and in the country of Mexico.  There are also many Spanish speakers in the United States.  I know, I meet them and talk to them frequently.  And I once taught lots of Spanish-speaking students.  In fact, I was a Bilingual Elementary School Teacher, an English as a Second Language (ESL)Teacher, and later I was a Bilingual Middle School Science Teacher. And my middle school or junior high school had many Spanish-speaking students.  

I know Spanish because I went to part of first grade in Guatemala and began to learn Spanish.  As a young adult, I served a Spanish-speaking mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado, USA.  

Here are the other two Fairy drawings, that were done very recently.  If you scroll down on this page and click on "Older Posts" you will eventually get to the posts with these two Fairies and be able to read about them.  To get to the printable version of this page just click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."

Natalia the Night Fairy with a Flying Squirrel

(Scroll down some to see the post for Natalia.)

Ranianna the Artist Fairy

(Scroll down some to see the post for Ranianna.)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Mighty Angel declares that there shall be Time No Longer - reposting -This is a coloring page inspired by Revelations 10: 1-6.

                 This is my free coloring pages blog with over 2000 drawings to print and color.

There are no ads and no fees on this blog. 

Today's new drawing is from the Bible book of Revelations.

Note to English Readers, this post was translated into several other languages. 

This is a reposting of the English version.


Angel Swears that there shall be Time No Longer

(Revelations 10: 1-6)

The Book of Revelations, in the Holy Bible, tells of a mighty angel with a little book.  John the Revelator is asked to eat the book.  It tastes sweet but then gives him a bitter stomach.  The angel swears that there shall be time no longer.  

It seems to me that this means that we mortals are sorely lacking in our understanding of how time works.  That is an intriguing thought.  One that is beyond mortal understanding.  But it IS clear that our Savior Jesus Christ will return in clouds of glory with great power.  He will put a stop to the wickedness on Earth.  There will be no more war or evil behavior.  He will also bring peace and joy to the righteous people here on Earth.  

Let me explain this as I believe it.  Jesus will spare all the good people of the Earth and that includes most of those who have had faith in Him. I also believe that the good people who are not Christians will still be spared. SOME of the good people of the Earth WILL be killed by the wicked before Jesus returns.  Those people will be resurrected and return with Jesus Christ at his second coming.  

After any mortal dies we go to the Spirit World.  There we are at peace if we were good on Earth.  People who did not have the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have the opportunity to accept it in the Spirit World.  All those who have repented of their sins will be able to be resurrected at the start of the Millennium or at some time during the Millenium.  The Millennium is a term that means 1000 years of peace. 

Before Jesus comes back the very wicked will be destroyed.  In fact, the very wicked will probably mostly destroy each other before Christ arrives.  The rest of the very wicked will be destroyed by fire - possibly fire from heaven in the form of a meteorite shower. 

The survivors, or the more righteous people, will rise to greet Jesus and the resurrected people.  Then the good people of the Earth will be able to live on the Earth for 1000 years of peace.  During the 1000 years of the Millennium, the wicked who have died will live as spirits in the Spirit Prison side of the Spirit World.  On Earth, during the Millennium, everyone will be able to learn about and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about how there is an eternal price to pay for our sins - and we all sin.  So we can not return to live with our Father and Mother in Heaven.  But Jesus suffered and died on the cross to pay that eternal price for our sins. So because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can repent and return one day to live with our Eternal Parents and our Elder Brother Jesus. 

So after the Millennium, I think, is the time when the Mighty Angel will swear that there will be time no longer.  Then the time will come when we all go to final judgment and we will go to either the Celestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom, or the Telestial Kingdom.  The VERY VERY wicked will go to Outer Darkness.  

The best place to go to live for eternity is the Celestial Kingdom.  There we can live in glory with our spouse and our family for all eternity.  We also can be able to experience Eternal Progression.  That means that we can continue to learn and progress for all eternity and one day become gods ourselves.  By the way, after the Millennium, the Earth will be burned and sort of resurrected into a ball of glass-like Celestial material that will become the Celestial Kingdom.  

 The next place is the Terrestrial Kingdom.  This is the place good people who were misled on Earth will go.  They are honest people but did not fully accept the Gospel and receive the ordinances of salvation like baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and being sealed in God's temple for Time and All Eternity. 

The lowest kingdom of glory is the Telestial Kingdom.  Wicked people who paid the price for their sins in Spirit Prison will go there.  The absolute worse place is Outer Darkness.  Some people think that might be a Black Hole.  I don't really know.  Satan and his angels will go to Outer Darkness along with very very wicked people who knew the truth but openly rejected the Savior and did very very wicked things in their lives.

Of course we all sin, but when we repent the Lord, AKA Jesus Christ has performed His atonement to make our forgiveness possible. So we will all be able to seek forgiveness and do our best to do better.  Our Heavenly Parents will welcome all who repent.  Of course, receiving the ordinances of Salvation is also necessary to enter the Celestial Kingdom and live with them, and live with our Elder Brother Jesus, and live with our spouse & worthy family members.

NOTE:  To print this drawing just click on the "Religion" button and scroll down to the bottom of the "New Testament" section.  Then click on this drawing to get a printable page. And to learn more contact representatives or missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Or/And learn more at the following website:

Engel Sverger at Det ikke Skal Være Tid Lenger (Norwegian) Angel swears there will be Time No Longer


Engel Sverger at Det ikke Skal Være Tid Lenger

(Åpenbaringen 10: 1-6)

Dette er en fargeleggingsside.

Åpenbaringsboken, i Den Hellige Bibel, forteller om en mektig engel med en liten bok. Johannes Åpenbaring blir bedt om å spise boken. Det smaker søtt, men gir ham en bitter mage. Engelen sverger at det ikke skal være tid lenger.

Det ser ut til at dette betyr at vi dødelige mangler veldig i vår forståelse av hvordan tiden fungerer. Det er en spennende tanke. En som er utenfor dødelig forståelse. Men det er klart at Vår Frelser Jesus Kristus vil komme tilbake i herlighetens skyer med stor kraft. Han vil sette en stopper for ugudelighet på Jorden. Det vil ikke være mer krig eller ond oppførsel. Han vil også bringe fred og glede til de rettferdige menneskene her På Jorden.

La meg forklare dette slik jeg tror det. Jesus vil spare Alle de gode menneskene På Jorden, og det inkluderer de fleste av dem som har hatt tro på Ham. Jeg tror også at de gode menneskene som ikke Er Kristne, fortsatt vil bli spart. NOEN av De gode menneskene På Jorden vil bli drept av de onde før Jesus kommer tilbake. Disse menneskene vil bli oppreist og komme tilbake med Jesus Kristus ved hans annet komme.

Etter at noen dødelige dør, går vi til Åndeverdenen. Der er vi i fred hvis vi var gode på Jorden. Mennesker som ikke hadde Jesu Kristi Evangelium, vil få muligheten til å akseptere det i Åndeverdenen. Alle de som har omvendt seg fra sine synder, vil kunne gjenoppstå ved Begynnelsen av Årtusenet eller på et tidspunkt i Løpet av Årtusenet. Tusenårsriket er et begrep som betyr 1000 år med fred.

Før Jesus kommer tilbake, vil de veldig onde bli ødelagt. Faktisk vil de veldig onde sannsynligvis for det meste ødelegge hverandre før Kristus kommer. Resten av de veldig onde vil bli ødelagt av ild-muligens ild fra himmelen i form av en meteorittdusj.

De overlevende, eller de mer rettferdige menneskene, vil reise Seg for Å hilse På Jesus og de oppstandne menneskene. Da vil de gode menneskene På Jorden kunne leve på Jorden i 1000 års fred. I Løpet Av De 1000 Årene Av Årtusenet vil de ugudelige som har dødd leve som ånder i Åndsfengselssiden av Åndeverdenen. På Jorden, i Løpet Av Årtusenet, vil alle kunne lære om Og akseptere Jesu Kristi Evangelium.

Jesu Kristi Evangelium handler om hvordan det er en evig pris å betale for våre synder - og vi alle synder. Så vi kan ikke vende tilbake for å leve med Vår Far Og Mor I Himmelen. Men Jesus led og døde på korset for å betale den evige prisen for våre synder. Så på grunn Av Jesu Kristi Forsoning kan vi omvende oss og vende tilbake en dag for å bo hos Våre Evige Foreldre og Vår Eldre Bror Jesus.

Så etter Årtusenet, tror jeg, er tiden da Den Mektige Engelen vil sverge at det ikke vil være tid lenger. Da vil tiden komme da vi alle går til endelig dom, og vi vil gå til Enten Det Celestiale Rike, Det Jordiske Rike eller Det Telestiale Rike. De veldig veldig onde vil gå til Det Ytre Mørket.

Det beste stedet å gå for å leve for evigheten er Det Celestiale Rike. Der kan vi leve i herlighet med vår ektefelle og vår familie i all evighet. Vi kan også være I Stand til Å oppleve Evig Progresjon. Det betyr at vi kan fortsette å lære og utvikle oss i all evighet og en dag bli guder selv. Forresten, Etter Årtusenet, Vil Jorden bli brent og liksom gjenoppstått til en ball av glasslignende Himmelsk materiale som vil bli Det Himmelske Rike.

Det neste stedet er Det Jordiske Rike. Dette er stedet gode mennesker som ble villedet På Jorden vil gå. De er ærlige mennesker, men aksepterte ikke Fullt Ut Evangeliet og mottok frelsesordinansene som dåp, mottok Den Hellige Ånds Gave og ble beseglet I Guds tempel for Tid og All Evighet.

Det laveste rike av herlighet er Det Telestiale Rike. Onde mennesker som betalte prisen for sine synder I Åndsfengsel, vil dra dit. Det absolutt verste stedet er Det Ytre Mørket. Noen tror det kan være Et Svart Hull. Jeg vet ikke helt. Satan og hans engler vil gå Til Det Ytterste Mørke sammen med veldig veldig onde mennesker som kjente sannheten, men åpent avviste Frelseren og gjorde veldig veldig onde ting i deres liv.

Selvfølgelig synder vi alle, men når Vi omvender Herren, AKA Jesus Kristus, har utført sin forsoning for å gjøre vår tilgivelse mulig. Så vi vil alle kunne søke tilgivelse og gjøre vårt beste for å gjøre det bedre. Våre Himmelske Foreldre vil ønske alle som omvender seg, velkommen. Selvfølgelig er det også nødvendig å motta Frelsesordinansene for å komme Inn I Det Celestiale Rike og leve med dem, og leve med Vår Eldre Bror Jesus, og leve med vår ektefelle og verdige familiemedlemmer.

MERK: For å skrive ut denne tegningen klikker du bare på" Religion "- knappen og blar ned til bunnen av" Det Nye Testamente " - delen. Klikk deretter på denne tegningen for å få en utskrivbar side. Og for å lære mer, kontakt representanter eller misjonærer for Jesu Kristi Kirke av Siste Dagers Hellige. Eller / og lær mer på følgende nettsted:

天使发誓不再有时间 - 这是一个着色页。(Chinese) Angel swears there will be Time No Longer





《圣经》中的《启示录》讲述了一位强大的天使带着一本小书。 狂欢者约翰被要求吃这本书. 它尝起来很甜,但却给了他一个苦涩的胃. 天使发誓,将不再有时间。

在我看来,这意味着我们人类对时间如何运作的理解非常缺乏。 这是一个有趣的想法。 这是凡人无法理解的。 但很明显,我们的救主耶稣基督将以极大的能力在荣耀的云层中回归。 他要制止地上的邪恶. 不会有更多的战争或邪恶的行为。 他也会给地上的义人带来平安和喜乐。

让我解释一下,因为我相信它。 耶稣会饶恕地上所有的好人,包括那些对他有信心的人。 我也相信,那些不是基督徒的好人仍然会幸免于难。 在耶稣回来之前,地上的一些好人会被恶人杀死。 这些人将复活,并在耶稣基督第二次降临时与他一起回来。

任何凡人死后,我们都会去灵界。 如果我们在地球上是好的,我们就能和平共处。 没有耶稣基督福音的人将有机会在灵界接受它。 所有那些为自己的罪悔改的人将能够在千禧年之初或千禧年期间的某个时间复活。 千年是一个意味着1000年和平的术语。

在耶稣回来之前,恶人将被消灭。 事实上,非常邪恶的人很可能会在基督到来之前互相毁灭。 其余的非常邪恶的人将被火摧毁-可能是来自天堂的火以陨石阵雨的形式。

幸存者,或者更正义的人,会起来迎接耶稣和复活的人。 然后地球上的好人将能够在地球上生活1000年的和平。 在千年的1000年里,死去的恶人将作为灵魂生活在精神世界的精神监狱一边。 在地球上,在千禧年期间,每个人都将能够学习和接受耶稣基督的福音。

耶稣基督的福音是关于如何有一个永恒的代价来支付我们的罪-我们都犯了罪。 所以我们不能回到天堂与我们的父亲和母亲一起生活。 但耶稣在十字架上受苦受难,死在十字架上,为我们的罪付出永恒的代价。 因此,由于耶稣基督的赎罪,我们可以悔改,有一天回来与我们永恒的父母和我们的哥哥耶稣一起生活。

所以千年之后,我想,是强大的天使发誓不再有时间的时候了。 那时,我们都要去最后的审判,我们要去天上的王国,地上的王国,或者电视的王国。 非常邪恶的人会去外面的黑暗。

最好的地方去住永恒的是天体王国。 在那里,我们可以永远与我们的配偶和家人一起生活在荣耀中。 我们也可以体验到永恒的进步。 这意味着我们可以继续学习和进步,直到永远,有一天我们自己成为神。 顺便说一句,在千禧年之后,地球将被烧毁,并复活成一个玻璃般的天体材料球,将成为天体王国。

接下来的地方是陆地王国。 这是在地球上被误导的好人会去的地方。 他们是诚实的人,但没有完全接受福音,接受救恩的教仪,就像洗礼一样,接受圣灵的恩赐,被封在神的殿里,直到时间和永恒。

最低的荣耀王国是Telestial王国。 在灵狱中为自己的罪付出代价的恶人会去那里。 绝对更糟糕的地方是外部黑暗。 有些人认为这可能是一个黑洞。 我真的不知道。 撒旦和他的天使会和非常非常邪恶的人一起去外面的黑暗,他们知道真相,但公开拒绝了救主,并在他们的生活中做了非常非常邪恶的事情。

当然,我们都犯了罪,但是当我们悔改主的时候,也就是耶稣基督已经完成了他的赎罪,使我们的宽恕成为可能。 因此,我们都将能够寻求宽恕,并尽最大努力做得更好。 我们天上的父母会欢迎所有悔改的人。 当然,接受救恩的教仪也是进入天国并与他们一起生活的必要,与我们的哥哥耶稣一起生活,与我们的配偶和配称的家庭成员一起生活。

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