Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 2023 coloring page

It is almost New Year here where we live in the Mountain Time Zone. 

I am aware that many of you already have experienced the new year hours ago. 

Happy New Year 2023

(The Old Year is beginning to disappear in magical sparkles.)

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the "Holiday" 

button and scrolling down.  

Friday, December 30, 2022

Maip macrothorax el Dinosaurio Rapaz más Grande (Spanish) Maip macrothorax the Biggest Raptor Dinosaur página para colorear

Bienvenidos a mi blog de dibujos para colorear gratis.

El nuevo dibujo de hoy es de un enorme dinosaurio rapaz de Argentina.

Se llama macrotórax de Mapa.

Soy un profesor de ciencias discapacitado.

Dibujar me ayuda a distraerme del dolor frecuente en el que me encuentro.

Hay más de 2500 dibujos para imprimir y colorear.

Haga clic en la categoría para ver un menú desplegable de dibujos.

Los dibujos más recientes se encuentran al final de la lista.

Maip macrothorax el Dinosaurio Rapaz más Grande

Maip macrothorax era un dinosaurio rapaz gigantesco, el rapaz más grande jamás encontrado. Se encontró en América del Sur en el país de Argentina. Vivió hace 70 millones de años. Creció hasta 10 metros o 33 pies de largo y pesaba aorund 5 toneladas. Este dinosaurio tenía un hocico más largo que los alosaurios de tamaño similar. Pero vivió mucho después de los alosaurios.

Cuando el tipo superior de depredador terópodo, los Ablisaurios, se extinguió en América del Sur, se plantea la hipótesis de que las rapaces anteriormente pequeñas pudieron, con el tiempo, evolucionar para convertirse en los depredadores ápice más grandes de América del Sur.

Repenomamus fue el mamífero más grande del período Cretácico. Medía aproximadamente 3 pies y 3 pulgadas de largo y pesaba hasta 31 libras o 14 kilogramos. ESTE mamífero en la imagen es posiblemente un descendiente de Repenomamus porque Reponmamus vivió millones de años antes de Maip. El descubrimiento de Repenomamus muestra que los mamíferos no se hicieron enormes en la Era Mesozoica, pero tampoco todos eran del tamaño de pequeños roedores.

Maip PUEDE haber tenido plumas, o tal vez no. Sabemos que las rapaces más pequeñas e incluso un tiranosaurio de tamaño mediano tenían plumas. De hecho, un paleontólogo de la Universidad de Utah me dijo una vez que pensaba que todos los tiranosaurios tenían plumas. Quizás todos los dinosaurios rapaces también tenían plumas.

NOTA: La versión imprimible de este dibujo se encuentra haciendo clic en el botón etiquetado "Paleontología" y luego desplazándose hasta la parte inferior de la parte de la Vida Mesozoica de la lista. Luego haga clic en el título para obtener su página imprimible. De nuevo, primero haga clic en el botón etiquetado...  Paleontology.

BIGGEST Raptor Dinosaur - Like a Velociraptor on Steroids - Maip macrothorax coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.  

Today's new drawing is of a huge raptor dinosaur from Argentina. 

It is called Maip macrothorax.

I am a disabled science teacher. 

Drawing helps distract me from the frequent pain I am in. 

There are over 2,500 drawings to print and color. 

Click on the category for a drop-down menu of drawings. 

The newer drawings are at the bottom of the list. 

Maip macrothorax the Biggest Raptor Dinosaur

Maip macrothorax was a gigantic raptor dinosaur - the biggest raptor ever found.  It was found in South America in the country of Argentina.  It lived 70 million years ago.  It grew up to 10 meters or 33 feet long and weighed aorund 5 tons. This dinosaur had a longer snout than similar sized Allosaurs.  But it lived WAY after the Allosaurs.

When the top type of Theropod predator, the Ablisaurs, went extinct in South America it is hypothesized that the previously small raptors were able, over time, to evolve to be the largest apex predators in South America. 

Repenomamus was the biggest mammal of the Cretaceous period. It was about 3 feet 3 inches long and weighed up to 31 pounds or 14 kilograms.  THIS mammal in the picture is possibly a descendant of Repenomamus because Reponmamus lived millions of years before Maip.   The discovery of Repenomamus shows that mammals did not get huge in the Mesozoic Era, but they were not all the size of small rodents either. 

Maip MAY have had feathers, or maybe not.  We DO know that the smaller raptors and even one medium sized Tyrannosaur had feathers.  In fact, a paleontologist at the University of Utah once told me that he thought all Tyrannosaurs had feathers.  Perhaps all raptor dinosaurs had feathers too. 

Since this dinosaur was found in Argentina I will be posting it in Spanish as well. 

NOTE:  The printable version of this drawing is found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology" and then scrolling to the bottom of the Mesozoic Life part of the list.  Then click on the title to get your printable page.  Again, first click on the button labeled... Paleontology. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Marine Reptiles from Australia coloring pages

 This is a free coloring pages blog. 

There are over 2,500 free-to-print coloring pages. 

Kronosaurus vs Plesiosaur

First of all, I want to make some terms clear.  Plesiosaurs were a type of many of Marine Reptiles from the Mesozoic Era. They did live with the dinosaurs, but they were NOT dinosaurs.  There were two main types of Plesiosaurs.  The ones with long necks were just called Plesiosaurs or Long-Neck Plesiosaurs.  Then the Plesiosaurs with short necks and huge heads were called Pliosaurs. In the drawing, the huge animal is the Pliosaur called Kronosaurus.  The Long-Neck animal is a type of Pliosaur with a particularly long neck called an Elasmosaur.  

This scene represents a recent find in Australia.  An Elasmosaur, a type of Plesiosaur was apparently attacked and had its back half bitten off.  What was found was a young Elasmosaur skeleton, including the head.  The back half of the marine reptile was missing.  It has been assumed that a Kronosaurus, a large short-necked marine reptile had bitten the poor young Elasmosaur in half.  

Many Plesiosaurr fossilized skeletons are found without a head.  It is thought that a Plesiosaur would bloat and feel with gas after death and thus float.  The result is scavengers would eat it and usually bite off the head.  But this Plesiosaur, (an Elsasmosaur to be specific) was bitten in half, and the air and other gasses in the young Plesiosaur (AKA Elasmosaur) thus sank immediately to the bottom of the ocean.  

100 million years ago the majority of Australia was underwater and thus part of the Southern Ocean.  But the Earth was warmer than with no polar ice packs.  Global cooling created the ice packs and the sea level worldwide went down.  So this fossil was found on what now is land.  

The Pterosaur is the largest Pterosaur found in Australia.  It is Thapunngaka shawi. It had a wingspan of 23 feet or 7 meters wide.  It is assumed that Thapunngaka was a piscivore or fish eater.  It had a crest on both the top and bottom of the end of its snout.  It had many sharp teeth for catching and eating fish. 

Kronosaurus was around 36 feet or about 11 meters long.  It had a huge head of around 8 feet or 2 1/2 
meters long.  It certainly was a top predator in ancient Australian waters. It was also a type of Plesiosaur but short-neck Plesiosaurs are called Pliosaurs.  

The new type of Elasmosaur or Plesiosaur has not yet been named.  It actually had a much longer neck than I drew here. (Sorry.)   This fossilized specimen that was bitten in half is estimated to have been 20 feet or around 6 meters long. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Paleontology" button.  Then scroll to the bottom of the "Mesozoic Life" part of the list.  Click on the title and you'll get the printable page. 
Below is another similar drawing from a previous post. . . and a drawing of some Elasmosaurs with the correct portion of neck to body length.  

Kronosaurus hunting Plesiosaurs

Elasmosaurs Mother and Calf

Monday, December 26, 2022

Elf Mother coloring page

The buttons above give you access to printable coloring pages. New drawings are at the bottom of the correct list. Today's free coloring page is of a lovely Elvish or Elf mother and her son.  

Hanawyn an Elf Mother with Her Son Glenoraborn

Yes, Elves have mothers.  This is one of those beautiful Elf Mothers with her son.  The Elvish mother is named Hanawyn and her son is Glenoraborn.  She has other children as well.  These are Wood Elves so they live in the forest.  Here we see mother and child after the son has been swimming in the river.  He is wrapped in a type of Elvish towel that has the charm to warm him up after swimming in the cool river water.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list for this new drawing. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Singing Angel coloring page

Merry Christmas!  

Today's latest coloring page that you can print for coloring

is of a member of the Angelic Choir that announced the birth of our Savior.

 Christmas Singing Angel

Today at our Christmas Sunday service a beautiful young sister, with a beautiful voice and a kind spirit, sang a solo.  We were touched!  All the choir music was also very beautiful.  I love Christmas carols!  With the permission of the young sister and her parents, I drew her as a Christmas Singing Angel!  Appropriately she sang:  Angels We Have Heard On High. She SOUNDED like a Christmas Angel!

Christmas Angels would be the Heavenly Choir that sang to the shepherds to announce the birth of the Savior.  It is quite possible that those shepherds were raising sheep and Passover Lambs.  This is very interesting because Jesus was to be the ultimate sacrifice.  He died so that we could be forgiven for our sins on the conditions of repentance.  I love Him and I testify that he was and IS our Savior!

NOTE:  This drawing is of a lovely young woman.  I always want to point out that this "coloring page" type of drawing will not capture their true physical beauty.  But of course, true beauty is on the inside... in how they have nurtured a kind spirit in their life.  I briefly spoke with this young sister and she was very kind to me.  So she obviously is doing life right.  To get to the printable version of this drawing just click on the "Holidays" button and scroll to the bottom of the "Christmas" drawings section of that list.  Also, this drawing will be posted, in printable form, in the "Religious" drawings.  So click on the button labeled "Religious" and scroll to the bottom of the "New Testament" section.  New drawings are always at the bottom of the correct list.  Have fun coloring and I hope you had a very 

Merry Christmas! 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Santa at Night cartoon coloring page

Welcome to my free coloring pages blog! 

Today's new drawing is a cartoon picture of Santa at Night.

Santa at Night

I was in a copy shop many years ago.  I was an unemployed teacher at the time and I was running off copies of my resume.  I was feeling a little down.  A 4-year-old was in there with his mom.  It was December and there was a picture of Santa on the window. 

To understand why this is funny and rather touching is that we members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe that John the Beloved, the disciple of Jesus, was granted the gift to stay on Earth until the Savior's second coming. 

 The little boy tugged on his mother's coat and said, enthusiastically, "Mommy, I've got it!  Santa is John the Beloved."

I chuckled and then I thought about it and I was touched.  What nice thought for John the Beloved to be involved in giving gifts to good children... and even to good adults. 

This drawing is of Santa, in a cartoon form.  He is standing in the snow before his big trip.  He has his bag of toys... (magical bag of toys).  There is a wreath hanging from a tree and two small Christmas trees.  One has a star as the tree-topper and the other has a Christmas star. 

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the "Holidays" button and then scrolling to the bottom of the Christmas section.  Have fun coloring and Merry Christmas!   Oh, by the way, there are a lot of other Christmas drawings there.  


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Nativity 2022 coloring page

 Welcome or welcome back to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is a Nativity drawing of 

Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

Nativity 2022

This is my latest Nativity drawing.  It depicts the infant Jesus, who was and is the Son of God lying in a manger.   A manger is where you put feed for large animals.  Jesus was the creator of the Earth!  And he came to Earth in somewhat mortal form in the humblest of ways.  It is amazing that a god would come to Earth in such a humble way.   

Yet, our Savior Jesus Christ came to Earth to teach us His ways of kindness and generosity and faith.  Then He did His most important work, He was a 'willing sacrifice for our sins.  You see, if we sin (and we all do) then there is an eternal punishment that will keep us from ever returning to our Heavenly Parents.  We lived with them as spirits before we came to Earth.  But we can't go back because we have all been sinners in our mortal lives.  To one degree or another we all have sinned.  However, because of the Atonement of Christ we can return to live with our Heavenly Parents in the next life.  Jesus paid the eternal price for our sins so we can be clean and worthy if we repent.  

By the way, Baby Jesus, in this drawing, is wrapped in swaddling clothes.  I have read that this included bands of cloth wrapped around the baby's arms and legs.  Although swaddling clothes were more commonly bands of cloth or blankets that wrapped around the baby's entire body so that the baby could not use his or her limbs.  I also read that sacrificial lambs were wrapped in swaddling clothes and Jesus was the ultimate sacrificial lamb. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found  by clicking on the button labeled "Religious" or "Holidays."  This is the last drawing on the Christmas section of the Holidays list.  It is the last picture on the New Testament section of the Religious list.  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Cache Valley Civic Ballet Nutacracker 2022 coloring pages of May & the Rose Fairy, Sugar Plum Fairy, & Arabian Dancer reposting of coloring pages

 Hello everyone.  This is my free coloring pages blog.    

I have been working on different drawings, including these drawings from the 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet production of The Nutcracker.  This is a reposting of that post because

I finally finished the drawing of May and the Arabian Dancer.

This ballet was a wonderful production.  I had never been to The Nutcracker, but I always wanted to. T

This production did not disappoint! 

At the reception, the dancers were taking pictures with kids and some adults. 

I took a beautiful little girl named May. We got a photo of her with

The Rose Fairy, The Sugar Plum Fairy, and the Arabian Dancer.

The dancers were so sweet to May and she was thrilled to meet them. 

A note:  These are coloring pages so I can not capture the true beauty of these 

beautiful and talented dancers, nor the beauty and sweetness of May

in this coloring page format.  But I did my best. 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Rose Fairy

I realized that I forgot to put wings on the Rose Fairy so below is 

May and the Rose Fairy - with the Rose Fairy having wings. 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Rose Fairy 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Sugar Plum Fairy

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Arabian Dancer

(the female Arabian Dancer)

NOTE:  I have finished the drawing of May and the Arabian Dancer.  These drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see and print these new drawings.  By the way, the small table in the last drawing is of sugarplums.  .  . even though this is the Arabian Dancer.  I will be reposting this now that I have all the drawings done and posted.   

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tal vez el dinosaurio más grande página para colorear

Bienvenido de nuevo o bienvenido a mi blog de dibujos para colorear gratis.

El nuevo dibujo de hoy es de dos de los animales más grandes de su clase

en lo que ahora se conoce como el pais de Argentina en sudamerica.

 Notocollos y Aerotitan de sudamerica

Notocollosus era un titanosaurio más grande. Eran animales enormes. Tenían una masa estimada cercana a las 75 toneladas y tal vez incluso más grande. Tenían el hueso del húmero más grande de cualquier otro titanosaurio. Así que tal vez era incluso más grande que Argentinosaurus. El nombre del género Notocollosus significa " Gigante del Viento del Sur."El nombre específico o nombre de la especie honra a un paleontólogo sudamericano: Jorge Gonzales Parejas, quien ha estudiado ampliamente los dinosaurios del norte de Argentina.

La longitud del Notocollo no es segura debido a un esqueleto incompleto. Pero algunas estimaciones de longitud son de hasta 92 pies o 28 metros. Pero ese enorme húmero puede indicar que Notocollosus fue el titanosaurio más grande y tal vez el animal terrestre más grande de todos los tiempos. Para determinar que se debe encontrar más evidencia fósil. También está Patagotitan, que reclama el título de Dinosaurio más Grande. Algunos paleontólogos piensan que Argentinosaurus fue el dinosaurio más grande.

Aerotitan sudamericanas significa Gigante terrestre de América del Sur. Es un tipo de azdárquido por lo que era pariente de Quetzalcóatlus. Pero Aerotitan es de América del Sur y Quetzalcoatlus es de América del Norte. Aerotitan tenía una envergadura de 16 pies o 5 metros. (Quetzalcoatlus tenía una envergadura el doble de ancha.)

Personalmente, me gustan los nombres que se les da a estos dos increíbles animales Mesozoicos.

NOTA: Este dibujo se puede encontrar en forma imprimible haciendo clic en el botón" Paleontología"y desplazándose hacia abajo hasta la parte inferior de la página" Vida Mesozoica". Los dibujos nuevos se encuentran al final de la lista correcta. A continuación se muestran algunos otros dibujos de publicaciones anteriores de otros enormes titanosaurios de América del Sur. Estos dinosaurios se encuentran más arriba en la lista. Mi esposa y yo hemos visto exhibiciones de Argentinosaurus y Patagotitan. Ver el tamaño de estos enormes titanosaurios es absolutamente asombroso.  Recuerde hacer clic en "Paleontology."

Diviértete coloreando!!!

Argentinosaurus and Argentinadraco

Patagotitan mayorum the Biggest Dinosaur

Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site


New Discovery - Maybe the Biggest Dinosaur - Notocollosus - coloring pages

 Welcome back or welcome to my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of two of the largest animals in their class

in what is now known as South America.

Notocollosus and Aerotitan from South America

Notocollosus was a larger Titanosaur.  They were huge animals.  They had an estimated mass approaching 75 tons and maybe even larger. They had the biggest humerus bone of any other Titanosaur.  So perhaps it was even larger than Argentinosaurus.  The Genus name Notocollosus means "South Wind Giant."  The specific name or species name honors a South American Paleontologist:  Jorge Gonzales Parejas, who has extensively studied the dinosaurs of Northern Argentina. 

The length of Notocollosus is not certain due to an incomplete skeleton.  But some estimates of length are up to 92 feet or 28 meters.  But that huge humerus may indicate that Notocollosus was the biggest Titanosaur and maybe the biggest land animal of all time!  To determine that more fossil evidence must be found.  There is also Patagotitan which claims the title of Biggest Dinosaur.  Some paleontologists think that Argentinosaurus was the largest dinosaur. 

Aerotitan sudamericanas means Airial giant of South America. It is a type of Azhdarchid so it was a relative of Quetzalcoatlus.  But Aerotitan is from South America and Quetzalcoatlus is from North America.  Aerotitan had a wingspan of 16 feet or 5 meters. (Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan twice as wide.)  

Personally, I like the names given to these two amazing Mesozoic animals! 

NOTE:  This drawing will be found in printable form by clicking on the "Paleontology" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the"Mesozoic Life" part of the page.  New drawings are at the bottom of the correct list.  Below are some other drawings from previous posts of other huge Titanosaurs from South America.  These dinosaurs will be found further up the list.  My wife and I have seen displays of Argentinosaurus and Patagotitan.  Seeing the size of these huge Titanosaurs is absolutely amazing.   Have fun coloring!!!

Argentinosaurus and Argentinadraco

Patagotitan mayorum the Biggest Dinosaur

Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Breannia the Dirt Bike Elf - coloring page

 Welcome to my Free Coloring Pages Blog.

Today is an unusual drawing of a Dirt Bike Elf.

NOTE:  I added another drawing to the Cache Valley Civic Ballet Nutcracker page.  

Just scroll down past this post and past another post or two.

Breannia the Dirt Bike Elf

Elves have some powerful magic.  They do not use their magic as often as Fairies do.  One thing that Elves do is use their magic to hide their Elvish features like pointed ears.  Of course, they choose to not hide their beautiful features that are so common among the Elves.  We are not talking about diminutive Elves only.  There are the small Elves that work with Santa Claus.  And there are the mortal-sized Elves as well.  

The mortal-sized Elves live among us mortals.  They are extremely brave and they love adventurous sports, like riding competitive dirt bikes.  Breannia is one of those Elves who loves adventure.  Since there are no more orcs, or dragons, or goblins, or trolls in the world to deal with now, these adventure-loving Elves choose to do extreme sports.  

Notice the jewel at the front of the motorcycle.  This is a magical jewel that helps the Elf stay safe and lights the way for riding at night.  However, we mortals would just see a normal motorcycle headlight.  In fact, we mortals would not see Breannia's pointed Elf ears either. 

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the list.  All new drawings are at the bottom of the list. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Consider Your Ways coloring page


Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing comes from the Old Testament book of Haggai.

Consider Your Ways

I recommend reading the very short Biblical book, Haggai.  In that book the prophet, Haggai is reminding the people of the futility of their wealth if they don't build a Temple to the Lord.  

NOTE:  This drawing can be found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Religious" and then scrolling down to the bottom of the Old Testament list of drawings. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Cache Valley Civic Ballet Nutacracker 2022 coloring pages of May & the Rose Fairy, Sugar Plum Fairy, & Arabian Dancer coloring pages

 Hello everyone.  This is my free coloring pages blog.  Sorry I have not posted in a few days. 

I have been working on different drawings, including these drawings from the 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet production of The Nutcracker. 

This was a wonderful production.  I had never been to The Nutcracker, but I always wanted to.  

At the reception, the dancers were taking pictures with kids and some adults. 

I took a beautiful little girl named May. We got a photo of her with

The Rose Fairy, The Sugar Plum Fairy, and the Arabian Dancer.

The dancers were so sweet to May and she was thrilled to meet them. 

A note:  These are coloring pages so I can not capture the true beauty of these 

beautiful and talented dancers, nor the beauty and sweetness of May

in this coloring page format.  But I did my best. 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Rose Fairy

I realized that I forgot to put wings on the Rose Fairy so below is 

May and the Rose Fairy - with the Rose Fairy having wings. 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Rose Fairy 

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Sugar Plum Fairy

Cache Valley Civic Ballet coloring page of May & the Arabian Dancer

(the female Arabian Dancer)

NOTE:  I have finished the drawing of May and the Arabian Dancer.  These drawings can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see and print these new drawings.  By the way, the small table in the last drawing is of sugarplums.  .  . even though this is the Arabian Dancer.  I will be reposting this now that I have all the drawings done and posted.   

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Drawings of Jesus to color

Today's new drawings are all of Jesus. 

Jesus with a Dove

This drawing is rather simple... in that, it has less background.  But the focus is on our Savior.  Because of Him we can repent of our sins and one day be saved in God's Kingdom and be able to live with our family forever!  I drew a dove with Jesus because the dove is the symbol of the Holy Ghost. In fact, most of my drawings of Jesus include a dove... usually in the background.  

Jesus at His Carpentry Shop

Joseph, the husband of Mary and stepfather of Jesus was a carpenter.  So it is likely that Jesus was also a carpenter.  It is implied that when Jesus started His ministry when he was 30 that Joseph had already passed on.  So I drew a picture of Jesus in the carpentry shop that he most likely inherited. 

Jesus begins to call His Disciples

Jesus begin to call His by calling to fishermen who were out on the Sea of Galilee.  He told them where to fish and they caught too many fish so they called to their friends to help land the catch.  The first two fishermen were Simon Peter and his brother Andrew.  They had met the Lord before.  The other two fishermen were the brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee. 

Peter, James, and John became the lead apostles... or as we members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints would say, they were the First Presidency.  

NOTE:  You can find these drawings, in printable form, by clicking on the "Religious" button and scrolling down to the bottom of the New Testament section.  Have fun coloring!  

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Princess Angel coloring page

 Today on my free coloring pages blog there will be more than one post.

This is the first post.  It is a drawing of a Princess Angel.  

Princess Angel

This is a Princess Angel.  These beings are sent from Heaven to guide mortals in their decision-making and to watch over them in their mortal life..  These beings are all former mortals who, during their life on Earth, were at some point princesses.  But they were good and kind princesses, not vain and unkind like some royalty are. 

Princess Angels visit whatever mortal they are assigned to.  They might not ever be seen, but if you are a young girl there is a Guardian Angel who looks out for you.  She might well be a Princess Angel. By the way, boys and adults also have a Guardian Angel. 

Princess Angels love the beauty of Nature.  So if you are a little girl who lives to be outside and exploring the wonders of God's beautiful creation, then you might well have a Princess Angel as your Guardian Angel. Remember that you, as a child of God, are His greatest and most beautiful creation.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled:  "Religious."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the General Religious" list.  New drawings are always on the bottom of the drop-down menu.