Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ella the Alicorn Fairy coloring page

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Ella the Alicorn Fairy
(A young unmarried Female Fairy is called a Diva.)

In this drawing we see Ella the teenage Alicorn Fairy.  She is friendly with Alicorns and hence got the title "Alicorn Fairy."  She is celebrating her birthday and so she just miniaturized her Alicorn friend, named Mavini.  This is the only way Unicorns can visit a Fairy village.  Also, Ella is in her mortal size form.  She will also miniaturize herself in order to go home to her birthday party. 

Alicorns are a flying unicorn.  They are descendants of Pegasus and a female unicorn.  Alicorns are in possession of even more magical power than a regular Unicorn or a regular Pegasus Horse.  There are not a lot of them around.  

Fairies live in our world but they are secretive.  They can use their advanced magic and Fairy technology to keep hidden from we mortals.  Of course, sometimes a mortal will become friendly with Fairies or with a single Fairy.  Sometimes this leads to a Fairy-mortal marriage.  You should also know that there are both male and female Fairies.  

Fairies live underground.  They also tend to live under and inside trees.  They have learned to integrate their magic with very advanced technology.  So, if you look at Ella here, she is wearing a flying belt.  The Fairies call a flying belt a Volantem Balteum.  Of course Fairies can fly without their Volantem Balteum, but they can only fly short distances and at fairly slow speed.  In contrast, with their Volantem Balteum activated they can fly for very far distances at quite high speeds.  

Below is another similar drawing of Ella, when she was more than a few years older.  By the way, Fairies age much differently that mortals.  This drawing below would be Ella at age 40.  She looks to be in her mid 20's to a mortal.  Notice that she now has a different Alicorn visitor.  Ella chose to take this image to see herself at a different phase of her life.

QUESTION:  Can you see what is different about her as an adult Fairy vs as a teen Fairy.   See way below for the answer...

Ella the Alicorn Fairy as an Adult
(A married Female Fairy is called an Alfus.)

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ANSWER TO ABOVE QUESTION:  An older Fairy, if she or he have lacewings, like Ella seen here, have darker areas near each edge or point on their wings.  Ella's face is also longer.  Both humans and Fairy faces elongate as we mature into adulthood.  And, of course, as we mature we get bigger and females tend to become more curvy.  Males tend to become more muscular.  Although with more advanced age some of us men get more curvy in our tummy area.   In the second drawing Ella has hair showing on both sides of her face.  

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