Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dinosaur Planet: Alpha's Egg - Readings and Worksheet Science Lesson

Alpha'a Egg is about a Sauropod dinosaur and her nemesis who is a Theropod.  Sauropods were the long neck herbivores and Theropods were the carnivores.  Theropods were bipedal, they walked on their back two legs.  Sauropods were quadrapeds, they wlaked on four legs.

The video, Alpha's Egg is available on the Internet.

In the video Alpha is a Saltasaurus and she is female. Aucasaurus or Aucasaurus was a medium size Theropod.  Both Alpha and Dragonfly live in South America.  As far as size, Aucasurus was around 20 feet or 6 meters long  and had a weight of around 1 1/2 tons.  Saltosaurus was much larger in size.  They weighed in at 10 tons and were 40 feet or about 12 meters long.

So to be clear, Alpha is a 10 ton, and 40 foot long Saltasaurus and she is a herbivorous Sauropod.
Firefly is a 1.5 ton, 20 feet long Alcausaurus and he is a carnivorous Theropod.  If we look at Theropod dinosaur's sharp teeth and claws then we can infer that they were carnivores.  They ate meat.   On the other hand, if we look at  a Sauropod's blunt teeth then we can infer that they ate plants and therefore were herbivores.

The worksheet talks about egg and sperm cells.  So PARENTS... this is just a little bit of sexual education because the reading and the worksheet talk about fertilization being caused by an egg cell and a sperm cell.  There is also some discussion about how, after hatching, Alpha breathes using the lungs of her respiratory system... where oxygen goes in and carbon dioxide goes out.  Oxygen and carbon dioxide exist in our atmosphere as molecules.  Molecules are two or more atoms bonded together.

It is interesting how we think that Sauropods laid many eggs and then abandoned them.  While we think Theropods, that evolved into birds, were caring parents to their young.  Isn't it amazing to think of a huge predatory killer as being a tender parent.

I also find it interesting that a gigantic Sauropod would start out from an egg about the size of a volleyball.   Sauropods seem to have had a turtle-like reproductive strategy.  Lay em and leave em.  But Theropods were much like most birds today that care for their until the young are fledged and can make it on their own.

NOTE:  All the answers for the worksheets are always included in the reading AKA the article.  I have added some hints in this little article that I just wrote on this blog post.   So here is the reading and the worksheet.  They can be found, in printable form, by clicking on the "Science Reading and Worksheets" button up top.   Come to think of it. . . I will make the above article on this post printable too. 

By the way, next up will be a reading and worksheets on  Pod's Travels.  He is a Pyroraptor!
Alpha's Egg supplemental Rdg.

Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 1

Alpha's Egg Rdg. & Wksheet Pg. 2

NOTE:  The printable versions of these are found by clicking on the Science Readings & Worksheets button up top.   I have not drawn these specific dinosaurs from this video as coloring pages.  But below are some similar dino drawings that are similar animals.  Also, I used to illustrate the supplementary reading.

Argentinosaurus at Nesting Site

Allosaurus fragilis close up

T. rex chick in Nest

T. rex Parent caring for Chicks

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