Monday, May 4, 2020

STAR WARS and Star Trek fan art coloring pages


Star Destroyer by a Gas Giant fan art

Today is May 4, 2020.  So it is STAR WARS Day!!!  As in "May the Fourth be with you!"  This is not actually a STAR WARS Star Destroyer, but it is close. I drew it by a Gas Giant.  I love science fiction and fantasy.  STAR WARS is both science fiction and fantasy.  There is advanced tech, but there is also a form of magic. . . that being the force.   

About Gas Giants. . . . Gas Giants are huge planets like our very own Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus.  Gas Giants have a rocky core, but they have a huge amount of matter in a gas state.  Jupiter is so big that it has as much matter in it as the rest of the planets in our solar system combined.  The interior planets of our solar system are rocky planets.  They include, our Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.  If you looked at Jupiter through a powerful telescope you would see the Great Red Spot.  This is a giant hurricane that is over 3 times the size of Earth.  The gas giant is this drawing has this type of "spot" or hurricane.  By the way, I am an amateur astronomer and retired science teacher.  I have a masters degree in Geoscience and that included studying Planetology.  

About Star Destroyers. . . . IF we ever are able to have interstellar travel on space ships then we will need a star drive, or warp drive, etc.  This is because the stars are actually SO far apart that with our current technology it would take years to get from one star to another.  And another problem is that even if the trip took the people on the space ship 5 years... traveling very fast but not at or above the speed of light, people on Earth would experience the passage of a much longer time than the people on the space ship.  By the way, a star drive or warp drive would be something that allows you to warp or bend space so that you can travel great distances very fast.  

I know that it is Star Wars Day and not Star Trek Day, but since I have never drawn any Star Wars characters, but I HAVE drawn some Star Trek things, I decided to post my older Star Trek drawings too.   (I don't think that there IS a Star Trek day.)  The only other Star Wars thing I have drawn is an AT AT... an Imperial Walker.  These drawings are found by clicking on "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  You can also click on "All Printables."  Remember to scroll down and look for the title of the drawing you want to print.  

I think that STAR WARS has done a great deal of good over the years.  First of all, it is great entertainment for many of us.  But there are other positive things we get from STAR WARS.  It has taught us about how tyrants seize power.  It has also shown the real fight between good and evil.  It has also taught us that our choices can make a difference in the world. . . or make a difference in the Galaxy.   Star Trek has also been Avant guard in how it has tackled racism and shown that we all, whatever our ethnic background, are people of value.  We all have something to contribute.  Of course STAR WARS has taught us that too.  A simple farm boy can turn out to be someone who will change history for the better!  So, May the Fourth be with you!  (And live long and prosper.)

Imperial Walker in the Snow

Starship Enterprise NCC 1701 D

Vulcan Female Starfleet Officer

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