Monday, March 28, 2022

Jesus at Galilee coloring pages


Jesus on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee

Jesus lived in a tropical desert climate.  I think that those of us who live in Temperate Climates sometimes forget that.  Jesus probably was taught to be a carpenter.  I would suspect that he did wonderful furniture.  But he knew about the local shepherds.  He knew about the local fishermen as well.  I would also suspect that he took walks on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to meditate and pray.  We know that he also went up into the mountains to pray and be with God.  

This drawing is of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee with a fishing boat and its reflection in the water - in the background.  I personally think that Jesus had large kind eyes.  So I tried to draw Him that way.  He is our Savior.  He suffered and died for our sins so that when we repent we can return to live one day with our Heavenly Parents.  You see, there is an eternal price for sinning at all - separation from God.  But Jesus paid that debt by proxy with His atonement.  So we need to repent of our sins.  We all sin, (except Jesus). And we need to have faith in Jesus Christ and strive to do better. 

We members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe that you must also be baptized by one who has authority and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.  Jesus was baptized to be an example for us.  HE didn't have any sins to repent of.   We also build Temples where members can go to make more sacred covenants with God.  There in the Temple we can be sealed to our spouse and our children for Time and All Eternity.  We belive that God will do all he can for us, but we also have to do our part.  

One more thing... Because Jesus suffered for our sins He knows what we are going through.  He can succor us in time of need because of what HE went through.  When I was in the hospital after surgery went wrong - way far away in Boston, and my wife and children were back in Utah 2000 miles away... I felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost... the Comforter... and I knew that Jesus knew what it was like to be alone and to suffer terribly.  I also could feel the power of the prayers of my family, my extended family, and my friends in my home congregation at church.  We call the congregations wards.  

NOTE:  This top drawing is the new drawing and it can be found by clicking on the right button and scrolling down to the bottom of the New Testament part of the list.  Below this paragraph are some other older drawings I did of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee.  

Jesus on the Beach by the Sea of Galilee

Jesus by the Sea of Tiberias

(Sea of Tiberias is the Roman name for the Sea of Galilee.)

Jesus calling His Apostles by the Sea of Galilee

Jesus calms the Sea

(It was the Sea of Galilee.)

Jesus walking on the Water

(It was on the Sea of Galilee.)

Jesus walks on Water during a Storm

Jesus in Capernaum

(Capernaum was a city near the Sea of Galilee.)

Jesus at the Sea of Galilee with a Fishing Boat

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