Friday, July 10, 2020

Triceratops coloring pages

Triceratops is one of the best-known 

dinosaurs of our time. . . of course, Triceratops

did NOT live in OUR time. 

Triceratops lived at the end of the 

Mesozoic Era, in the Cretaceous Period. 

Triceratops came in at least two species.

Triceratops horridus had a slightly smaller nose horn.

Triceratops prorsus was the last Triceratops species 

and it had a longer nose horn that pointed more forward... and a 

bigger head than almost any land animal EVER. 

This last Triceratops species, Triceratops prorsus, probably 

evolved from the earlier Triceratops horridus

There WERE other Ceratopsians with at least three 

Pentaceratops, Ceratops Montans, and Diabloceratops.  

All the quadruped horned dinos are Ceratopsians.  

But Triceratops was the biggest and last of the Ceratopsians.

It lived until the meteorite hit the Yucatan peninsula

and ended the dinosaurs' reign on Earth.  

Today's NEW drawing is Triceratops horridus.  

It is drawn with a volcano in the background.  

Geological evidence says that there was an uptick in

volcanic activity that was already leading to a decline in dinosaur

species BEFORE the meteorite strike. 

Triceratops prorsus
(This is the last of the Triceratops or youngest species.  
Notice the bigger nose horn and
the bigger and longer head and skull.)

Triceratops feeding on Ferns near a Volcano
(THIS is Triceratops horridus.  It is the older of the two species.  
Notice the smaller skull and shorter nose horn.)

2 Triceratops species
(Here is a side by side comparison of the two Triceratops species.)

NOTE:  The printable versions of these drawings are found by clicking on the "Paleontology" button at the top of the page and scrolling down.  The new drawing is last on the Cretaceous part of the Paleontology list.  Have fun coloring.  

As a final note... there are a LOT of Triceratops pages to print so if you like this dino as much as I do you are in luck.  Just click on the Paleontology button and scroll down for the printables.  IF you want to read about Triceratops just scroll down on THIS page and click on
"Older Posts" and keep scrolling.  You will have to click on "Older Posts" many times.  Below are a few examples of my Triceratops drawings over the last three years.  They are all in the "Paleontology" list of printable drawings to color. 

Triceratops adult with forward facing Horns

Triceratops coming at You

Triceratops mother and two Calves

Triceratops mother and calf on Hill

Triceratops cartoon fan art

Triceratops Mother feeding the Kids

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