Thursday, July 23, 2020

Laura Wells the Eco Fairy coloring page

This is a free coloring pages blog.  
There are no ads and it is free to print the drawings. 

Laura Wells the Eco Fairy

You may have heard of Laura Wells.  She is, in my opinion, an amazing person.  She is a plus-size model... which is to say, she is normal size (size 14) and not half-starved like some models are. Of course, I think all body types are beautiful in their own way.  I think Laura is very beautiful, but she is more than just her physical beauty.  She is an advocate for positive body image.  

Laura Wells is also highly educated and uses her knowledge to promote environmental issues.  She has a degree in Law and another degree in Biology.  She is now studying for a third degree in Paramedical Science.  She also has studied Environmental Management Systems.  She is a marine biologist.  

Laura is from Australia where she is one of their top plus-size models.  In fact, she is one of the top plus-size models in the world.  I think that she is impressive in her scientific work, her achievements in education, and in her efforts to promote a better world through her environmental work.  

Her efforts to promote positive body image is so important, in my opinion.  We all need to feel comfortable in our own skin.  We should take care of our bodies, but we don't need to always be comparing ourselves with others.  

Now let me tell you about Eco Fairies.  First of all, Fairies live underground or underwater.  They are secretive to keep their existence from we mortals.  Fairies DO have magic, but they also have advanced technology that far outdistances what we mortals possess.  Fairies integrate their magic with their technology.  

Fairies have their own education system.  It is quite advanced.  SOME Fairies choose to also go into the mortal world and get additional education from a mortal perspective.  I think that this is what Laura Wells had done.  Yes, I suspect that she is a Fairy.  Fairies are known for their impressive beauty.  Fairies do not conform to mortal views of only one body type being beautiful. 

Another reason I suspect Laura Wells of being a very well educated Fairy is her Eco Work.  She has traveled to Antarctica and many other places and she is an ambassador for change to help mortals stop doing some of the things we do that harm our planet... such as dumping plastics into the ocean, etc.  Fairies who choose to move into the mortal world always strive to share some of their "Planet Friendly Philosophy" with us mortals.  

In this drawing, Laura is standing in a shallow part of the ocean, near land, and she is holding onto a branch of a mangrove tree.  If you look closely you will notice that there is a Humpback Whale breaching out in the nearby ocean.  Laura has worked with and studied whales in her work as a marine biologist.  

If you wonder about her wings... first of all know that Fairies can internalize their wings and put a concealment charm on their pointed ears.   Laura is from Australia, and she is from near the ocean.  She therefore has wings similar to a Mangrove Buckey Butterfly.  That is a type of butterfly that live among the mangroves of Florida, USA.  

As far as her clothing... she is wearing a bathing suit.  Sometimes she will wear a Fairy outfit or swimwear, or other articles of clothing, made from woven leaves or some other natural, plant-based material, but since she works in the mortal world, Laura needs to wear mortal clothing.  

When I draw a celebrity I prefer to draw someone who is making a difference in the world.  So Laura, if you ever read this, thanks for your contributions!  

Also, drawing a beautiful person for a coloring page will not get even close to capturing their true physical beauty.  But, of course, Laura Wells, understands that true beauty is more than just our body. 

NOTE:  To get to the printable version of this drawing click on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" button at the top of the page.  Then scroll down to the bottom.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list.  There are no fees to print and anyone who wants to print a page to color, they have my permission.  The DON'T have permission to print a coloring book and sell it.  IF you want a little better drawing to color, if you have a snipping tool then copy the drawing from THIS page and paste it into something like Microsoft Word and print it from there.  (You might need to resize it first.)  The problem is that the printable pages had to be done in PDF format and it is not as nice as the PNG format... as far as the quality of the picture.   Have fun cooling!

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