Sunday, July 26, 2020

Night Fairies coloring pages

Night Fairy with Moon Flowers

The above drawing is of a Night Fairy.  They are important pollinators.  They are usually active only at night.  They pollinate flowers that bloom in the evening or at night.  The two flowers you see are part of a vine and they are called "Moon Flowers."  They are also called "White Moon Flower.  Another name for these flowers is "Tropical White Morning-Glory."  The vine is also called a "Moon Vine."  

The White Moon Flower or Moon Vine grows in subtropical and tropical flowers in much of the New World.  So they can be found from Northern Argentina... in South America... up through Central America.  They can bee seen in Mexico and even in Florida.  Since the flower is rather round and white... and blooms at night, it got the name Moon Flower.

Look carefully at this Night Fairy.  She is wearing a flying belt.  Night Fairies... and almost all Fairies, use their advanced tech to be able to fly at faster speeds and for longer distances.  All Fairies CAN fly without a flying belt, but they usually prefer to have the flying belt assistance.

You may have noticed that many of the Night Fairies have wings that resemble a moth's wings.  The other type of wings is lacewings -  that are much like some Mayfly wings.

NOTE:  This free coloring pages blog has no ads and there is no fee to print a drawing.  There are buttons up top to click on to get to the printable drawings.  After clicking on the button labeled
"Fantasy, Myths, and Circus" then scroll down to get to this top drawing.  New drawings are always at the bottom of the list.  Below are a couple of other older Night Fairy drawings.  Finally, if you know how to capture the drawings found on this... the main blog page...and then you can paste it into something like Microsoft Word... you can print it from there... and the drawing quality will be better.  The "printable" versions are saved as a PDF.  The drawings seen on this, the main blog page... are PNG files and they are of a better quality.

Night Fairy

Night Flower Fairy with a Firefly

Maryn the Night Fairy

Kourtney the Night Fairy

Night River Fairy on Pollination Patrol

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