Sunday, July 12, 2020

Stream Fairies and River Fairies

Stream Fairies are a type of River Fairy.  Obviously, because a stream or brook or creek is a small river.  This new drawing, directly below, is a mother and daughter who are Stream Fairies.  These two Fairies are also Traveling Fairies.  They work for the Fairy Queen and travel the Spanish speaking parts of the world to check on the conditions of streams and rivers.  Their specialty is the headwaters of rivers.  Fairies exist among all cultures of the world.  They remain hidden usually from we mortals.  They can change themselves to mortal size, as these two beautiful Latina Fairies have done.  But most of the time they stay around five inches tall.  This mother-daughter pair need to go mortal size to evaluate the rivers and streams they are studying for the Fairy Queen.  

Headwaters of rivers are much smaller than the river will be further downstream.  This pair of Fairies, named Mirandia and Sierria, are at the headwaters of a stream that is located high in the mountains of central Mexico.  One of the best ways to determine stream quality is to turn the rocks over and look at the health and number and types of insect larvae living under the rocks of the stream.  THAT is why the two Fairies have decided to go mortal size.  Although they COULD use a levitation charm to lift the rocks, (and they sometimes do), it takes more energy to use magic and so just turning the rocks over by had makes more sense.  

Another thing you may not know is that some insect larvae, like dragonfly larvae and caddisfly larvae, are predatory.  If Mirandia and Sierraia went to a tiny size, (and they can get as small as a ladybug).... anyway, if the Fairies went to a tiny size and swam under the rocks they would be fighting off dragonfly larvae, and caddisfly larvae... or they could be eaten.  Of course they could hit the insect with a knock-out charm, but that might endanger the insect's life. . . and these two Stream Faires detest taking life unnecessarily.  They are there to evaluate the condition of the waterway, not to make it worse by killing off any of the native life. 

Stream Fairies

This is a free coloring pages blog.  The printable drawings are found by clicking on the
button up top labeled:  "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Scroll down to the
bottom of the list for the above drawing.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list.
Below are some Fairy drawings from previous posts.  All these drawings
involve a Fairy or Fairies near a stream or river.
I plan to add a few more drawings to this post. 
IF you can find a way to print from the pictures on THIS page
you will actually get a better print.  The printable pages had to be
saved in PDF files and they are not as good.  

Stream Fairy with a Robin

Fairy by Stream... diminutive size

Bird Fairy kneeling by a Stream

Tree Nymph protects her Tree in a Flood

Fairy Healer named Brooklyn

Fairy of the River

River Fairy kneeling

River Fairy relaxing

Fairy sitting under a Tree

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