Friday, July 3, 2020

Centaurs coloring page

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Today's NEW drawing is a Centaur Couple.
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Centaurus are amazing sentient beings.  You will notice that I did NOT say amazing creatures.  This is because Centaurs have equivalent intelligence to humans and Fairies.  

Centaurs are also very spiritual beings.  They have a type of sixth sense and they often can accurately predict some future events.  Most Centarus are beings of light... that is, they are good and not evil. 

Even so, Centaurs can also be dangerous.  They are woodland dwellers and they prefer to be left alone.  They generally leave other intelligent beings alone, but if they feel threatened or if they feel that their territory is threatened they will fight back with a scary fury. 

Centaurs marry for life and are very loyal to their mate.  Spouses will often patrol the forest together.  Of course, if all is well in the forest they will play together at racing and marksmanship with the bow.  

Some Centaurs become expert with the sword and spear and that is what Chancitor and Anniah have done.  Chancito can wield a sword with great skill... if that becomes necessary.  Anniah can throw a spear accurately at a target that is 30 yards away.  

Centaurs vary in size and these two pictured today are medium-sized Centarus.  The quadruped part of their bodies would be about the size of an American Quarter Horse.  But don't EVER call a Centaur a horse.  That would be a severe insult and might get you, at the very least, tied to a tree branch up high in the air.  

If you WERE dumb enough to insult a Centaur, you should know that they probably would not kill you if you were obviously too dumb to realize what a stupid thing you were doing.  So they would tie you up high in a tree so that you are punished, but safe.  The next day, early in the morning, they would come and free you.  

Centaurs have some magic in addition to being able to tell the future.  One of those skills is erasing parts of mortal creatures memories.  So if you get tied up by a pair of Centaurs, you will be hit with the Obliviaculator charm and forget what you did to get them so angry.  In fact, you will forget that you ever saw Centarus. 
They like to keep their existence hidden from mortals. 

Just be wise and DON'T insult Centarus.  

Centaur Couple Chancitor and Anniah

I decided to add a drawing of a 
Centaur girl that I did a few years ago. 

Centaur Girl with Satyr

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