Sunday, December 8, 2019

Annunciation of Mary - English

Annunciation of Mary

The Annunciation of Mary was the event recorded in the Bible where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she would bear the Son of God.  Mary, a very brave young and worthy woman DID understand that her being a virgin made this basically impossible.   The Angel Gabriel told her that with God nothing is impossible.  

Mary was so humble and accepting of God's will.  She said, "Behold the handmaid of Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."

What an amazing young woman Mary must have been.  And her fiancé, Joseph, was also amazing.  When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant he was going to privatelty break off the engagement.  But he was told in a dream about what was going on.  So he married his bride but waited to consumate their marriage until after Jesus was born.  Some religions think that Mary and Joseph never consumated their marriage.  The references in the King James Bible (the Bible that we use) about James the brother of the Lord indicates that Joseph and Mary did indeed have children together.  .  .  or at least they had one child together.  

The Annunciation is celebrated on March 25th by several Christian churches.  This is around the Northern Hemisphere's Vernal Equinox.  It is exactly 9 months before Christmas.  

It you want a headache look up the date of Jesus' birth.  It is very debated.  Some evidence exists that put Jesus' birth in the spring instead of the winter.  That would make the Annunciation in June or July.  But to we members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints the exact day of the year that Jesus, our Savior was born is not vague.  We believe that He was born on April 6th.  Yet we don't mind celebrating His birth on December the 25th.  

Celebrating on December the 25th is fine with us.  The Christmas season is a wonderful time and if we do Christmas right, we remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.  It is a time of year to think of giving and of the blessing of our Savior coming to Earth to save us from our sins, upon conditions of our faith and our repentence.  Then His Atomement pays the price for our sins and we can one day return to live with God.

We believe that before we came to Earth we lived with our Heavenly Parents in a premortal life.  Jesus was there and he volunteered to be the Saviour of all the rest of us.  Jesus is our elder spirit brother.  He loved us so much that he volunteered to suffer in Gethsemane and upon the cross to pay the price for our sins so that we could live with Him and our Heavenly Parents again someday.  

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