Sunday, March 24, 2019

Shannon the Fairy with a Unicorn Foal

Fairy Shannon with Unicorn Foal

The Fairies are often friends with animals.  So it stands to reason, since Fairies are magical creatures themselves, that they would be particularly friendly with Unicorns.  After all, Unicorns are magical creatues as well.  This beautiful Fairy is caring for a young Unicorn foal.  

The female Fairy is drawn from the photo of my neighbor and her dog . . . She is the owner of Marley from the post  yesterday.  The Fairy is wearing an outfit made from leaves.  Or the outfit is made to look like leaves.  The Fairies have far more advanced technology than most mortal humans realize.  In fact, Fairies are generally only about 5 or so inches tall.  That would be 12.7 cm or so.  

Fairies have technology (that would look like magic to us) that allows them to change to mortal human size.  This Fairy is obviously not 5 inches tall.  She is basically babysitting the young unicorn foal. . . as a favor to the foal's parents.  In order to be able to babysit the Unicorn Foal successfully the Fairy changed to human mortal size.  

Unicorns are not just horses with horns.  They are actually sentient beings with a high human level of intelligence.  Fairies and Unicorns often live in the same areas and they are often on a first name basis.  

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