Thursday, March 14, 2019

Fairy Couple Meet

Fairy Couple Meets

When a female Fairy meets a Male Fairy she puts her hand on his chest.  If he is a friend he will take her arm or hand in his.  This is a way of saying hello.  As I have said before, Fairies can turn full mortal size. . . or human size.  These two are mortal size when they met.  We don't know a lot about it, but Fairies are often telepathic with each other so while we might see this greeting, we do not know what is being said to each other telepathically.  

By the way, Faires exist in most countries.  They are often of the same race as the local mortals or humans.  They do not always stay in one place though.  Fairies can travel through magical portals to other Fairy villages anywhere in the world.  Because of this, some Fairies live in Montana who may have been born in Africa.  Other Fairies life in Africa who were born in Upstate New York.

Because of this emmigration and immigration the Fairy population has a lot of intermarrying.  A male Fairy from Mexico may marry a female Fairy from Spain or Italy.  This kind of intermarrying also occurs from time to time with mortals.  But a mortal who marries a fairy gets some of the Fairy characteristics.  For example, I know of a male mortal who married a female Fairy and he soon could communicate with her telepathically.  Fairy society understands genetics and so they encourage intermarriage between Fairies from different places and with mortals.  This prevents a stagnant gene pool.

 Fairy population is far less in numbers than mortal population so a stagnant gene pool could easily become a problem.  Many Fairy children come from these marriages of parents from different countries.  One advantage is that the young Fairies are often raised multi-lingual.  They know Latin, the original Fairy language, and the languages of both their parents. 

As far a Fairy dress, some, like both of these, prefer natural clothing that mimmics the environment.  Other Fairies wear less traditional clothing.  They have the technology to make many kinds of fabric.  

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