Sunday, March 24, 2019

Night Fairy with Fireflies

Night Fairy in Grass

Night Fairies are not neccessarily evil.  Many are just a type of Fairy that is active at night.  You might also be interested to know that some of them have moth-like wings.  Night Fairies take care of the forest or desert, or wherever they live.  But of course, they take care of it at night.  Since some of these Fairies live in places with fireflies, the Night Fairies often have friendships or partnerships with fireflies.  Fireflies are also called lightning bugs.  

A male firefly flashes his light and the female responds with her own flashes.  There are several species of fireflies.  Some will actually mimmic the flash patterns of another species.  I am not sure why they would do that.  

Fireflies have what is called bioluminescence which is a living thing that can light up the dark.  Some deep sea animals have this ability.  There is even bioluminescent algae.  Of course those algae live near the surface since they need sunlight.  

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