Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Polar Bears

Polar Bear Mother and Cubs

Polar Bears are the largest land predator on our planet.  The adult boar Polar bear can grow to be over 2,200 lbs or 997 kg. They are predators of seals in particular.  In this drawing the mother Polar Bear is approaching some seaweed or kelp that has washed up on the shore.  Polar bears will sometimes eat kelp if they are starving.  Current climate change is melting the sea ice early or / and reducing the sea ice and that is threatening the Polar Bears.  This is because the Polar Bears hunt seals FROM the sea ice.

My wife and I recently finished a Coursera Class called Mountains 101.  In one lesson they analyzed air trapped in ice cores over the last 800,000 years.  The data showed that CO2 or Carbon Dioxide levels have never been higher than they are right now.  CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes solar heat to be trapped in the atmosphere.

Leaders and we individuals need to be aware of this serious threat.  Sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, and in my opinion we are not doing enough to curb this threat.  

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