Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jesus explains being Born Again to Nicodemus

Jesus sitting on a Wall with Nicodemus

Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews.  He came to Jesus by night and was taught about being born again.  The Latter Day Saint perspective is that being born of the water is baptism and being born of the Spirit kind of has two meanings.  After baptism we believe in being confirmed and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands.  This is the baptism by fire.  

But the baptism by fire is also gaining your testimony about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and committing yourself to try your best to keep His commandments.  This type of conversion experience sometimes happens suddenly, like with Saul or Paul on the road to Damascus.   But for most of us this is a gradual thing.  We do choose to follow the Savior, but being cleansed from all unrighteousness can be a gradual process.  

Sometimes we have a spiritual experience where we feel the Holy Ghost confirming our beliefs.  It can be one of those baptisms by fire.   Yet often we rely on the calming influence of the Holy Ghost to guide and help us in our lives.  This is still a baptism by fire.  

I drew this scene of Jesus with Nicodemus a couple of years ago.  I neglected to show that it was nighttime when Nicodemus first came to Jesus.  Later Nicodemus truly converted.  He even was there to help with the burial of Jesus.  I taught my Sunday School Class this story today. 

Below is an older drawing of the scene with Jesus and Nicodemus.  

Jesus with Nicodemus

Also in our lesson for Sunday School today was the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well.    All older drawings are at the bottom of the lists.  The lists of printable drawings are at the top of the blog.  New drawings are at the bottom of the lists. 

It is interesting that Jesus went to everyone.  He did not just teach the wealthy or just the righteous.  He taught the wealthy Nicodemus.  Yet he also taught the Samaritan woman who had been through 5 husbands and was living with a sixth man.  In fact, I think that she was one of if not the first person to whom Jesus declared His divine son-ship.  .   .  and the fact that He was the Savior or Messiah.  

Woman at the well with Jesus

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