Sunday, June 24, 2018

Martin Luther and his Wife

Martin Luther and his Wife Katherine

Martin Luther was one of the bravest men in history.  He went up against pretty much the only church and posted his complaints.  He posted a list of 95 questions and propositions for debate to the door of a church.  He was so brave to do this.  He easily could have been jailed and executed.  He was protected by influential men and he eventually started his own congregation or church.  The new church allowed priests to be married.  At one point he rescued some nuns and married all but one of them off.  One of the former nuns would not accept any of the men Martin Luther suggested.  She wanted HIM.   So he married her and by all accounts they had a great marriage. He name was Katherine Von Bora.  Martin Luther helped her escape the nunnery in an empty fish barrel.  Many of Martin's friends were opposed to the marriage.  They feared it would lead to the end of the reformation.  Katherine was 16 years younger than Martin.  But they went ahead with a small private ceremony with a few witnesses and later had a more formal ceremony.  The marriage brought peace to Martin Luther. 

They were an amazing couple.  They had six children and adopted four orphans who were relatives.  Martin had to adapt to being a husband and father.  He became more cautious.  But together they were very happy.  They started out in poverty and Katherine. . . who Martin called Katie...worked the farmland and slaughtered the animals for dinner etc.  Even on their wedding night at eleven pm they took in a friend who was fleeing for his life. 

Martin Luther's bravery led to more people willing to worship how they felt they should.  This lead eventually to religious freedom.   But it was not an easy road.  The world became a better place because Martin Luther was willing to challenge practices that he felt were not Biblical and were against his own personal beliefs.   

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