Sunday, March 25, 2018

Zentangles to Color

A Zentangle is an unplanned piece of art in black ink usually.  It is not really planned and it is not really supposed to be anything, although sometimes it appears to be something.  It is a kind of doodle.  (I keep thinking that they should be called "Zendoodles.)  Traditionally they are done on a 3.5 square inch or 89 mm square paper.  Most of these Zentangles on my blog today are not really traditional because they are larger.  This larger size makes them better coloring pages.  In order to color them you might do better with colored pencils or new or sharpened crayons.

NOTE:  All printable versions of my drawings are found by clicking the buttons at the top of the page.  The Zentagles will be found under the "Zentangles" button.    Zentangles are also found at the bottom of "All Printables."  All new drawings with new posts are at the bottom of the correct lists.  

Zentangle 4 Hearts
(Each of the above 4 Zentangles are more traditional in size.  I guess you could cut the
 individual drawings out in order to color them individually.)

All of these Zentangles are done by my grand-niece Jadyn.  I had admired her doodles or Zentangles when she showed them to me so I asked her to make these for me to post for you to color.  (I still want to call them Zendoodles.)  Some do look rather like flowers. . . some look like scenery, and some look like paisley patterns.  Still, they are not really meant to be a planned picture.  I wonder if the ones that look like flowers are based on the Fibonacci sequence or Fibonacci numbers.  Maybe not these, but some of the Zentangles I have seen LOOK like they are.  Just so you know, some plants and flowers and even parts of some animals have structures that match the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is based on a sequence of numbers starting at 0 or 1.  Then the next numbers are based on the sum of the preceding two numbers.  Such as:  0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on...   Get it?  0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34,
21+34=55... etc. etc. 

Now if you look closely at the Zentangle Flower down below you see at one point 4 petals + 4 petals = 8 petals at the next level.  Interesting Jadyn...sort of a short Fibonacci sequence. 

Zentangle Seaside View

Zentangle Paisleys

Zentangle Flower

Three more Zentangles coming tomorrow...

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