Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Butterfly Fairies and Bird Fairies coloring pages

Welcome to my free printable coloring pages blog!

Today's drawings are unique in that one Fairy was drawn 

while I was in the 

Operating Room prep room.  

The second was done while I was in the recovery room after my surgery. 

Bird Fairy named Robin with a robin

(new drawing)

Bird Fairies often will choose a specific species of bird to care for and befriend.  This Fairy is named Robin, so you can imagine what species the bird is.  The bird is a Turdis americana or an American Robin.  There are many types of robins in other parts of the world.  

IF you are wondering about the size of this Fairy then you need to remember that Fairy magic, working with advanced Fairy technology, can allow all Fairies to change to any number of sizes... within reasonable limits.  The robin seen here is about 10 inches long or about 25.4 cm long.  So, Robin, the Bird Fairy is 43 inches or 109.2 cm tall.  She could choose to be her natural height of around 5 inches or 12.7 cm.  But she likes this size for interacting with her bird friends.  Notice that this Bird Fairy actually has bird-like wings.  

I drew this picture while waiting for surgery at the University of Utah Hospital.  My inspired surgeon was able to get me fixed up.  I even was able to come home that afternoon.  In fact, it was just yesterday. 

Butterfly Fairy named Zinnia

(new drawing)

Butterfly Fairies can also be Flower Fairies.  Zinnia is one of those types of Fairies.  Zinnia flowers are in the Daisy Family. These flowers in the drawing are Zinnias.  Of course, Butterfly Fairies are friendly with butterflies.  Here we see Zinnia communicating with a butterfly.  Understand that animals do not have human or Fairy intelligence, but most Fairies can communicate with animals.  

Fairies have both intelligence and magic... not to mention advanced Fairy Technology.  With that technology, they live quite comfortably and keep hidden from most mortals' view.  However, some Fairies choose to come to the mortal realm and live among us mortals.  They will often marry a mortal and raise a family of children who can then choose which world to spend the majority of their lives... either the mortal realm or the Fairy realm.  

Notice that in both of these new drawings the Fairies have on a Balteum Volantes or Flying Belt.  This is a piece of advanced Fairy tech that links with Fairy Magic.  With a flying belt on a Fairy can fly much farther and faster than they can with only their wings.  

This drawing was done while I was in recovery yesterday, after my surgery.  My doctor (or a nurse) told me that if I kept asking for pain meds via my IV my oxygen concentration would not go up and I'd have to stay the night in the hospital.  So I asked for a piece of paper and I drew.  This distracted me from the pain in my throat where scar tissue had been cut out.  I did not ask for any more pain meds.  For me, drawing is a drug of choice.  I started this coloring pages blog around the time I gave up pain pills that I had been on for 10 years.  I found that drawing could distract me from the pain in my trachea.  That explains why there are over 1500 coloring pages on this blog.  

NOTE:  These drawings are found, in printable form, by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then just scroll down to the bottom of the list for these drawings.  New drawings are at the bottom of the list.  Below are some posts from previous times.  They are also Bird or Butterfly Fairies.  Their printable pages are found further up the list.  

Fairy Family with Hummingbird

Bird Fairy named Violeta

Bird Fairy named Jocylinia

Bird Fairy named Charlania

Bird Fairy kneeling by a Stream

Fairy with a Cardinal

Fairy by a stream Diminutive Sized

Fairy on a Leaf with a Butterfly and Caterpillar

Chick Fairy in a Tree caring for Chicks

(Chick Fairies are a type of Bird Fairy.)

Chick Fairy with a Cockatoo

Chick Fairy with a Little Corella

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