Monday, March 22, 2021

Adam and Eve Walking in the Garden of Eden coloring page

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Today's new religious drawing is of Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve walking in the Garden of Eden 

Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on Earth, according to the Bible.  I have no idea how their bodies were created.  As a retired science teacher, I am aware of the paleontological and archeological evidence of human evolution.  So,  again, I have no CERTAIN idea but I have one idea.  

If this type of conjecture offends you then don't read on.

I think this is a possibility.  Maybe, just maybe, God had waited up to a certain point in human evolution and then he began to place His spirit children in Man.  So that would mean that Adam and Eve were plucked from their caveman village and placed in the Garden of Eden... which would have been a protected part of the Earth where the normal violence of predator on prey did not take place.  Adam and Eve would then have been the first people to have divine "child of God" spirits in their bodies. 

Another idea is that maybe Adam and Eve are OUR ancestors, but God had other people before them for a couple of hundred thousand years.  Maybe God went through several stages of primitive civilizations.   And finally, He took Adam and Eve, as the last survivors of the previous civilization, and they became our first parents... that are mentioned in our Bible.  

Do I BELIEVE these ideas?  NO, I'm just thinking.  What actually happened will be revealed one day... probably when Jesus comes to Earth in all his Glory.  

What I DO believe is that Adam and Eve were our first parents.  And when they partook of the forbidden fruit they were given the consequences of their behavior.  God did not chew them out.  He did not get angry, he just gave them the consequences of a mortal life and being kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  We all could study that event to help us in OUR parenting of our kids.  God Gave Adam and Eve the commandment and told them the consequences and then when they broke the commandment He, God calmly gave them the consequences.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious."  Then scroll down to the Old Testament part and the title of this drawing will be at the bottom of that section.  Click on the title and you will get the printable copy of the drawing.  

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