Monday, March 15, 2021

Pterodaustro the Filter Feeder coloring page

 Welcome to my free coloring pages blog!

Today's new drawing is an unusual Pterosaur called Pterodaustro.


Pterodaustro was a large, but not huge Pterosaur with a very unusual feature.  It had thin and long flexible teeth that acted like baleen to help it feed on plankton.  Baleen is what the huge whales have to capture plankton and krill.  Pterodaustro probably skimmed the water with its beak dipped into the water as it captured plankton and probably krill, jellyfish, and maybe even small squid.  Since we think Pterodaustro had webbed feet, it is possible it could dive into the water and swim to catch its tiny prey.

Pterodaustro had a wingspan of 8 feet. . . that is 2.5 meters wide.  It probably was covered in a covering of fuzz.  It was not a bird.  It was not a dinosaur.  It was a flying reptile.  Flying reptiles are called Pterosaurs and sometimes they are called Pterodactyls.  (Pterosaurs is the more correct name.)

We think that most Pterosaurs fed on fish.  If Pterodaustro caught a fish it was either a tiny one or it was an accident.  It was built to capture tiny creatures, not larger ones.  

Pterodaustro lived between 112 million and 100 million years ago.  It had so many of those thin teeth that we think it had around 1000 in its mouth.  Those teeth resembled flattened noodles or pasta... like: linguini.

You might notice that ONE of the Pterodaustro does not have dark tips on its wings.  So, I left it for YOU to color in the black tips.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled: "Paleontology."   Then scroll down because the new drawings are on the bottom of the correct list.  So look for the "Mesozoic Life" section of the "Paleontology" list.  Then click on the title and you will have a printable drawing to print and then color. 

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