This is my free coloring pages blog.
Today's newest drawing is one that was difficult for me to do.
It is of our Savior suffering for us.
Jesus before Pilate - Behold the Man
Jesus was accused by the Jewish leaders of His day. They brought Him before Pilate because only the Romans could pronounce a death sentence. Pilate had Jesus beaten, flogged, made fun of and then presented Him before the crowd. He possibly thought that the crowd would feel sympathy for Him, but they called for Jesus to be crucified. This drawing is of the presentation of Jesus to the mob. He, Jesus has been beaten and flogged. His beard hairs have been partially plucked out. He has a gorgeous robe on that the soldiers put on Him.
The soldiers made a braided crown of thorns and bowed down to Him and called Him King of the Jews. They put a rod in His hand like it was a scepter. Then they took the scepter from Him and used it to beat Him. This would have driven the thorns into his scalp. So that is why Jesus is bleeding in this drawing. Of course, He would also be bleeding on His back and the robe would make the pain of the flogging worse. The beating could have possibly given Jesus a black eye or even two black eyes. He also would have had bruises.
So Jesus looks terrible in the drawing. I think it is evidence of how much He loved us. He had the divine power to stop the torture and even His execution. But He was a willing sacrifice. He did not want to do it but He wanted to obey and follow His Father's will. Jesus knew that He would be paying the price that had to be paid for the sins of all mankind. Jesus also knew that His resurrection would make our resurrections possible after our spirit's time in the Spirit world or Paradise.
So even though Jesus looks terrible, in this picture he is, believe it or not, showing His love for us. There is an eternal penalty for sinning and we all sin in our mortal life. Only Jesus never sinned. He loved us enough to suffer terribly and die for us. Then three days later He was resurrected.
So remember, death is not the end. Our eternal spirit goes to Paradise and awaits our resurrection when one day our glorified immortal body will be united with our spirit. So, I can tell you that I have surgery in two days. If I pass on I will be fine. I HOPE I am here to stay for quite some time. I love my mortal life in spite of some pretty difficult health issues. I love my wife, kids, grandkids, extended family and friends. This surgery is usually routine but one time my trachea tore and I was a mess for a long time. So if you believe in God, please pray for me... that my surgery will go well. It is nice to know that one day I will be resurrected with a perfect body - one with no trach tube, nor a bad heart, etc., etc. But I still am willing to live with this messed up mortal body for a while Lord!
NOTE: This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Religious." Then scroll down to the bottom of the New Testament section. Click on the title and you will get your printable coloring page. I know that many people will not want to color this but it seemed appropriate to show just how much our Savior loved us.
By the way, there is symbolism in this drawing. A dove is seen in the distance representing the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. There is a tree representing the Tree of Life. Jesus loved the mountains and went there to pray. Those are all are seen out of the window on the left. The other symbols are of Rome and the worldly power of Rome. That power of nations is insignificant compared to the Power of God.
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