Thursday, January 9, 2025

Constellation Starship orbiting a Ringed Planet - fan art coloring page

 Here you are! Hi!  This is my free coloring pages blog with over 3000 coloring pages to color.

I have drawn them for you to print and color.  

Today there are two new posts.  The first one is a Starship. 

Constellation Class Starship

So, I am a huge Star Trek fan.  That makes me a Trekkie or Trekker.  In fact, as I write this post I am wearing a Star Trek The Original Series T-shirt.  And I am wearing a Star Trek The Next Generation lanyard.  Plus I have a pair of Captain Kirk socks on.  And today I wore my Borg hat that I made.

So, I am a bit of a fanatic.  This drawing is not exactly like the Constellation Class starships in the Star Trek franchise, but it is similar.  I have been doodling by drawing Star Trek spaceships for around 55 years.  I love the franchise so THANK YOU Gene Roddenberry and all those who have kept the franchise going.  Its message of hope and equality is very important in the 1960s, now, and every day in between,

It is orbiting a ringed planet similar to Saturn, but it is NOT the planet Saturn.  You know this because of where the shadow is on the planet.  The shadow on Saturn would have been on one side, no the bottom of the planet.  So this is a ringed gas giant exoplanet. 

  In reality, science fiction is a type of fantasy with advanced technology that is unknown to us in our current situation.  However, Star Trek has led to the development of real technologies like cell phones and electronic tablets.  Think about it, Captain Kirk was signing on an electronic tablet in the 1960s and now electronic tablets are a real thing.  Some of the first cell phones were flip phones, like the Star Trek communicator.  My iPhone 14 can already connect to satellites for text messaging.  I predict that one day all or most cell phones will use satellites instead of cell phone towers.  Or at the least, they will be able to use satellites when they are off the grid. 

NOTE:  This drawing in its printable form will be found by clicking on the "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus button.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawing titles.  If you are accessing this near the beginning of 2025 then this title will be at or near the bottom of the list of drawings. Have fun coloring and "Live long and prosper!"

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