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Today's new drawing is of Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay.
Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay
Tundra Swans migrate through the Great Salt Lake area. Farmington Bay is a Freshwater portion of that area. Usually, they migrate in the spring and fall, but we saw a flock of Tundra Swans at Farmington Bay THIS WEEK. And this week is mid-winter. So it appears that some Tundra Swans might overwinter here in Utah. . . unless they are just migrating through. The Tundra Swans breed in the spring up in remote regions of the Arctic.
Some Tundra Swans migrate from Alaska clear to Virginia. Others head for Northern California in the winter, or Utah, or Oregon, or Washington, or other western states in the USA. They breed so far north that it IS often a tundra so hence the name Tundra Swans.
When Lewis and Clark saw them they heard a whistling noise that was made by their wings so they named them Whistling Swans. There are around 75,000 that migrate through the Great Salt Lake area, here in Utah.
Tundra Swans are very large birds. They have a wingspan of 5 feet or 1.5 meters. There are few sights in the world, in my opinion, that are more beautiful than a swan.
There is a Pie-Billed Grebe and a California Gull in the drawing. These smaller birds are also resting on the ice. There was some ice and some open areas on Farmington Bay yesterday.
NOTE: This drawing is not quite accurate. I could draw the necks of the swans thinner and they would be more accurate, but I decided to draw them this thickness so that kids could color them easier. The drawing is based on some photos that I took yesterday at Farmington Bay. This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the Bird button or the Animals button... that are located at the top of this blog page. NEW drawings are always at the bottom of the printable drawings lists. I am also adding some other drawings I have done of swans. I am posting them below. These older drawings are also available in printable form in the same place... but further up the list. By the way, I will also post a couple of my photos. I don't have a fancy camera with a telescopic lens. What I did was photograph the swans with my telescope and my iPhone. The swans were quite a ways away, out on the water and some were walking on the ice. (Tundra Swans prefer sleeping on land in the summer and sleeping in the water in the winter.) By the way, I have drawn a LOT of swans over the years. I draw a lot of them for kids to color that never make it to this blog. The kids get the original drawings.

All Three Photos by Robin Lyman 1/8/2021
Swan on Lake flapping Wings
Ugly Duckling being yelled at by Foster Mom |
(The Ugly Duckling was actually a cygnet or baby swan.)
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