Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Tree Fairies - Lindy the Oak Fairy coloring page

Lindy the Oak Fairy

(Lindy was the beautiful model for this drawing.)  

About Oak Fairies.  They are about 6 inches tall.  That is 15.24 cm.  This makes Oak Fairies about an inch taller than most Fairies.  Of course, like all Fairies, Oak Fairies can transform themselves to pretty much any size from mortal (human) size to the size of a gnat.  Oak Fairies gather acorns for food for their Fairy village. Fairy Villages are under trees and sometimes partially IN a big tree.  You can see Lindy at one of the hidden entrances to a Fairy village.  

Oak Fairies are also unique in that they like to wear beautiful iridescent cloaks.  These cloaks are kind of a long sweater and they are multicolored because they refract light.  In fact, Oak Fairies are sometimes called "Rainbow Fairies."  Sometimes, on a good harvest day, they will remove their cloak and fill it with acorns.  Oak Fairies are also some of the most athletic of all Fairies.  They can fly or even climb up to the top of an oak tree in just a few seconds.  Often they choose to go to mortal size in order to collect the acorns.  They can collect more in this way.  The female Oak Fairies also are unique because they wear short pants and rarely wear a skirt.  Although they ARE very athletic, Oak Fairies still wear and use a flying belt for flying long distances and for flying at high speed. 

Out here in Utah, we have a native oak tree that is more or less a bush.  It is fairly low to the ground and the "tree" rarely grows taller than 20 feet tall. That is 6 meters.  If you look closely at the necklace that Lindy is wearing you will see that it is an Oak Leaf.  When a young Oak Fairy proves themselves they are awarded the oak leaf pendant that they wear always.  

I apologize that you can not see more of Lindy's beautiful wings, but she was just exiting the door to the Oak Tree entrance to her village.  So I draw what I see.  But, I should add, in my defense, that a quick drawing like this can not capture the true beauty of lovely Fairy... or human for that matter.  AND... true beauty is more than just appearance.  Lindy is a lovely Fairy that my wife and I casually met and she was very helpful and friendly to us and so she has true inward beauty as well as striking external beauty. We were hiking in the Utah mountains and we had not brought along enough water.  Lindy was secretly shadowing us and made herself known to us.  She sensed that we could be trusted and she took us over to a nearby tree or Gambel's Oak.  She went inside and came out with water for us to fill our water bottles.  This drawing is based on our last view of her as she was standing at the hidden entrance to her village.  

Artist Note:   This is the first of a series of Tree Fairy drawings. 

These are inspired by the class I took years ago

at Utah Valley University.  The class was Field Botany

Kudos to my awesome Botany professor.  She was

absolutely amazing!  

Nearly every class period we were out in the mountains,

or out in the desert valleys, or hiking a canyon,

or at the edge of the Bonneville Salt Flats.  

We learned to identify 50 different woody plants 

that are native to Utah and several more

non-native species.  It was my favorite 

college class of all time!  I will 

endeavor to draw all the leaves and fruit of

each plant accurately.  

You will find this drawing, 

in printable form, 

 by clicking on the button 

up top labeled 

Fantasy, Myths, and Circus. 

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