Friday, October 4, 2019

Kamuysaurus japonicus

Kamuysaurus japonicus

Kamuysaurus japonicus was a Hadrosaur or Duck-billed Dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period.  It was recently discovered in Japan.  It is the largest dinosaur ever found in Japan.  It was 26 feet or 8 meters long.  It weighed around 5 metrci tons or about 11,000 lbs.   It was a hebivore, like all Hadrosaurs.  It appeared to prefer to live near the ocean.  Perhaps they ate kelp that washed up on the shore.  The near complete skeleton that was found was imbedded in what WAS shallow ocean bottom.  

Now, we are going to do something different today.  Try to identify the organisms in the ocean with the dead or dying Kamuysaurus.  Can you identify  ALL the different organisms that are in the picture.  They all are organisms that lived in the Cretaceous Period.  Can you guess which organism is not extinct.  Hint:  It is not a plant but it LOOKS like a plant.   The organisms are:  

Ammonite x 2...... related to modern Nautoloids
Kelp x 2
Tylosaurus the Mosasaur marine reptile x 2
Anomotodon an extinct shark related to Goblin Sharks

By the way, although kelp LOOKS like a plant, it does not reproduce sexually.  They reproduce with spores.  Kelp DO do photosynthesis like a plant but they are in Kingdom:  Protista.

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