Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Ouranosaurus The Sail-Back Dinoaur.

 `Welcome to my free coloring pages blog.  

Today I am posting a drawing of a unique dinosaur 

called Ouranosaurus.  The drawing also includes

a relatively unknown Pterosaur. 

Ouranosaurus and Camposipterus

Let me tell you something that may surprise you:  A few years ago we found the skeleton of this large Hadrosaur or Duck-billed dinosaur Ouranosaurus in Venice, of all places.  

Ouranosaurus from Venice Museum

Ouranosaurus was 27 feet or around 8 meters long. It lived in the early Cretaceous Period in what is now Nigeria, and Cameroon.  It may have been prey for Spinosaurus since both lived in Africa, however, Spinosaurus ate primarily fish and would only go after land prey when the fishing was poor.  Both Ouranosaurs and Spinosaurus had what is called a "sailback"   They may have used the sail as temperature control.  So they may have turned to face one large and flat side of their sail into the sun to warm up and turned their tail or face to the sun for the air to cool their blood via using the sail like a kind of radiator. 

The  Pterosaur in the drawing is a lesser-known Pterosaur with a wingspan of around 10 feet or 3 meters.   This Pterosaur's Genus is Camposipterus.  SOME of its fossilized bones were found in England of the United Kingdom.  Most of the fossils were skull pieces and pieces of the jaw.  So the wingspan is an estimate.  The teeth were still in a lot of the jaws and the teeth in the front were protruding for snagging fish.  So Camposipterus was a fishing Pterosaur like all or most Pterosaurs were.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology" and scrolling to the bottom of the list of drawings.  I will also include 2 drawings of Ouranosaurus from previous posts.  The second was drawn and posted back when we got back from our trip to Europe 4 years ago. 

Ouranosaurus and Cronopia


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