Sunday, January 28, 2018

Goliath with a Philistine Helmet

We traveled to Europe late last year.  We went to many museums.  In the British Museum I saw a carving of a Philistine helmet.

Philistine with Helmet

This let me know that my previous drawing of Goliath was incorrect.  Not wanting to be historically incorrect I am adding this modified drawing with a correct Philistine helmet.

Goliath with a Philistine Helmet

I think it important to point out that David was not a great proven warrior, but he was a shepherd boy...of course he was a shepherd boy who had killed a lion and a bear that tried to raid his father's flock.  But he was still a shepherd boy, not a trained warrior.  His great skill with a sling can not be discounted, but his great faith in God was his greatest ally.  He went to face a giant that was at least 9 feet or 3 meters or so tall.  .  . yet David did not hesitate.  He got 5 smooth stones from the brook or creek and walked out to face Goliath's taunting and of course Goliath's huge spear and sword.  David appears to have calmly used his sling to knock Goliath out by targeting one of the only places there was no armor...Goliath's forehead.   Then David used Golaith's own skull to slay him.  The Philistine army fled in terror. 

 David would go on to be a great warrior and a great king.  David's psalms or songs are beautifully written.  He was also skilled at the harp.  David was not perfect and made some mistakes but it is important to realize that he did great things to help Israel conquer her enemies.  He also showed mercy to King Saul (before David became king) and spared Saul's life when Saul was in his hands.   The Lord, later in the Bible talks about David and it shows how much the Lord loved David.  

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