Sunday, January 7, 2018

Apostle Peter and the Unclean Beasts

Peter and the vision of Unclean Beasts
Peter was the lead apostle which in my religion means he was the prophet after Jesus ascended to heaven.  Peter was staying at a friend's house when a good man, a non-Jew or Gentile...sent his servants to see him.  Peter did not know it but the man had had a vision and had been told to go get Peter.   This man was a Roman Centurion or officer.  He was a good man who feared God and gave much to the poor. 

Peter was taking a nap in the day, on the roof of his friend's house.  He saw a vision in a dream.  He saw many unclean or common beasts in a huge sheet let down from heaven.  He was told to rise and kill and eat them.  Peter protested that he had never broke Jewish law and eaten unclean beasts.  But the voice from heaven told him, "What God hath cleansed call thou not common."  

This was a message to Peter to start spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles.  Peter was told that the men were at the door and to go with them.  Peter taught Cornelius and his household and many of his friends.  Peter told them that God had told him to not call any man common or unclean.  Many Gentiles, including Cornelius and his family and friends accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   This goes to show that God is no respecter of persons or that can be said by saying that God loves us all as His children.

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