Jesus Calls his Apostles by the Sea of Galilee
What does Jesus look like. If you are a Christian you would say this in a present tense. That is because those of us who believe that Jesus was the Son of God believe that yes he was killed, but he was resurrected and is now alive. I think Jesus has large kind eyes, long wavy hair, a somewhat triangular face with a full beard. This drawing is of Jesus calling some of his Apostles...the ones that were fishermen. He told them that he would make them fishers of men. This drawing is of Jesus' time on Earth living like a mortal. But He was the creator of the Earth. He really had to step down to come to Earth and live as a mortal. But, he had to get a body too, just like us. We often read the Bible and think of ordinary things like the scenes of Jesus calling his Apostles, but consider that He was an all powerful god. He existed before the Earth was made and He created the Earth. He is our Spirit brother and I am sure we were so happy in our pre-mortal life when we heard that the Earth was being created for us to live on as mortals. Our Heavenly Parents sent us here to be tested.

Jesus Creates the Earth and fills the Seas with Comets
Since He created the Earth, Jesus was and is the greatest scientists. His Father, who is our Father in Heaven would also be the greatest scientist. Jesus created the Earth under His direction. One theory on how the Earth was created has accumulation of meteors hitting the Earth to increase the mass. Another theory is that comets hit the Earth to provide the water for the oceans. Comets are basically dirty snowballs or dirty ice-balls. I am a scientists who believes in Heavenly Father and Jesus so I can picture Jesus creating the Earth. Of course my drawing could not possibly do justice to the event.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We believe that because Jesus allowed the Romans to kill him and He died for our sins and then was resurrected, we will all one day be resurrected. We believe that when we are alive our spirit is inside our bodies. When we die our spirit or our essence including our memories and developed personality continues in our spirit form. Resurrection means that one day we will get our bodies back even though we had died. We believe that when we die our spirit or soul goes to a place called the Spirit World. The Spirit World exists here on Earth but in a different dimension or in a different kind of matter.
Jesus in the Spirit World
In fact, Jesus visited the Spirit World to start the preaching of His Gospel to the Spirits there. The wicked spirits who had been bad when they were mortals, live in a part of the Spirit World called Spirit Prison. Jesus visited the righteous Spirits and organized the preaching of the Gospel to those who did not hear it when they were on Earth as mortals. After three days in the Spirit World Jesus was resurrected. His Spirit returned to His body. Because Jesus broke the bands of death we one day all will be resurrected. Our resurrected bodies will not have flaws. (Jesus kept the wounds from his crucifixion as a sign for those who would see Him.) We will not have physical or health problems, which is a great source of hope for me, because I have multiple problems including some from a severe birth defect. For example, for me, it will be nice to no longer have a tracheotomy.
Resurrection of Jesus
Together Forever in the Celestial Kingdom
We will not be subject to pain or illness ever again as resurrected beings. We will get to live for eternity with our elder brother Jesus, our Heavenly Parents, and our Eternal Companion (husband or wife) and all of our loved ones. Of course we have to pass Heavenly Father's mortality test here on Earth to get that privilege.
The following is not doctrine but I am an amateur astronomer so I wanted to mention something I have thought about. When we look through telescopes at galaxies we see that they rotate at a speed that should not be possible if they are only made of the known matter of stars, planets, nebulae etc.
The universe is expanding at an increased rate too. This indicates the presence of what they call dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy are called dark because our knowledge of them is dark. They are not made of protons, neutrons, electrons etc. that makes up known matter. They are made up of WIMPS or
Particles. It is estimated that only about 5% of matter is the known matter and the rest is dark matter or dark energy. So, I have wondered if some of or all of the dark matter and or dark energy might be Spirit Matter. We believe that Spirit Matter is finer and more pure than ordinary matter.
Some of the above drawings were posted previously. You can find all of the drawings by hitting the Free Printable Downloads button at the top of the page. The most recent drawings are at the bottom of the list of drawings. By scrolling way down on the blog page you can see the button for previous posts.
All drawings and content Copyright 2017 or earlier by Robin Andrew Lyman