Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018

In honor of our veterans who have served our country I am posting some new and some older drawings of military aircraft and land vehicles.   Thank you to all those who have served and thank you also to their families who have made so many sacrifices.  Also, thank you to the civilian workers who support the soldiers.  
Deuce and a Half
2.5 Ton Military Truck called a Deuce and a Half

The military uses lots of trucks.  This is a large 5 ton truck.  My mother drove a truck during World War II.  She drove soldiers around the Salt Lake City area.  So, she served during World War II but not in combat.

B-24J Liberator
(new drawing)

My father served in combat.  He was a bomber pilot.  He flew a B-24J  Liberator four engine bomber.  On the way to England he crashed in Newfoundland.  I am very grateful that he was not injured or killed or I may not be here right now.  After the war I think he felt bad about having to bomb people so he became a doctor and delivered something like 4,000 babies and saved many lives as a small town surgeon and general practitioner physician.  More of B-24 series of planes were built than any other plane in World War II.,,over 19,000.   It was a long range bomber and could fly to targets 1,600 miles away.  It could carry over 5,000 lbs of bombs on high altitude missions.  It was used by several allied countries.  As you can see it had twin rudders and its engines were in FRONT of the wing instead of under the wing.

  My father was in command of a squadron of B-24 J bombers in 1945.  He felt the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit talk to him and tell him to spread the planes out as they approached a \bank of clouds.  He gave the order and all planed emerged from the \other side of the cloud with no problems.  Dad was reprimanded for this.  But he survived the war.  A friend of his was killed in another squadron when his plane was ran into by another bomber as they flew into some clouds.  So, it pays to listen to the Spirit.  In fact, because he would not go out and carouse and get drunk with the other pilots (Dad was an active Mormon)...because he would not party Dad's pilot nickname was "Preacher."   One last thing. . . Dad's two best friends went to enlist with him and volunteer as pilots on the same day. . . the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed.  Both of those friends died in crashes during training in four engine bombers.  They gave their lives to serve their country. 

Military Fort and M-60 Tank
(new drawing)

My grandnephew made a fort out of a cardboard box and he had me draw it.  So here it is.  The tank is a M-60 Patton Battle Tank.  The real Patton tanks were named after the World War II US General George Patton.  But Patton was never in one of these tanks.  They came into operation in 1960 about 15 years after General Patton died.   The tank in the drawing is drawn from my young grandnephew's  toy tank.  He also had me make soldiers out of small plastic cups.  

F-16 Fighter Bomber
Recently has begun to be phased out of US Military use.  This is my favorite jet. 
(drawing from previous post)

F-4F Fighter
Mostly carrier based and used during World War II . . . mostly in the Pacific Theater
(drawing from previous post)

David and Goliath before the battle
(drawing from previous post)

David and Goliath
If you think about it,  David was a veteran. 
 He served the army of Israel when he killed the giant and  for years after he killed Goliath.
  (drawing from previous post)

Star Spangled Banner inspiration
(drawing from previous post)


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