Monday, May 7, 2018

Jesus ministering to Individuals

Jesus with the woman who touched His Robe

Jesus was a great example to us of ministering to the individual.  He was once in one of the narrow streets of Jerusalem when he felt power (the Bible says virtue) go out of him and He asked,
"Who touched me?"  There were many people around so He was not referring to being bumped or jostled by the crowd.  He was referring to a deliberate touch to be healed.

The woman who touched him was probably begging.  She had been suffering for years with an issue of blood.  This meant that she was considered unclean in the then Jewish culture.  We don't know her age, but if she was young that meant that this poor woman could not marry.  She had spent a great deal of money on doctors to no avail.   She was destitute apparently.  Jesus recognized her faith and she was healed.  It is amazing to me that she had that kind of faith to the point where she could believe that she could touch the hem of Jesus' robe and be healed.   She was such an example to us.

Jesus with Nicodemus

Later on in his ministry a leader of the Jews named Nicodemus wanted to know about what Jesus had been teaching and so he, Nicodemus, came to see Jesus at night.   Jesus took the time to explain to Nicodemus all about being born again of the water (baptism) and being born of the Spirit.

Woman at the Well with Jesus

When he was traveling through Samaria Jesus spoke with a woman at the local well.  Many Jews would have nothing to do with the Samaritans but Jesus did not believe in that kind of prejudice.  The woman had a very different type of life.  She had had several husbands and she was living with a man who was not her husband, but Jesus cared about her.  He did not condone her behavior but he did, by his kindness to her, show that he cared about her.  She was the first person who heard Jesus declare that He was the Messiah.   Jesus did not chose to tell this first to the leaders or even his disciples, but he told it to this Samaritan woman. 

 In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints our prophet, Russel M. Nelson,  has been teaching us how to minister to one another.  Jesus took the time to meet the needs of others and we all need to reach out to others.  This means reach out to EVERYONE and not  necessarily those of our own faith, our own political persuasion, our own socioeconomic status, or of our own race... etc. etc.

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