Saturday, October 5, 2024

2 New Pictures of Jesus to Color

Here is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new free drawings are of Jesus.

They are of Jesus in the Old World and one is of Him in the New World. 

I am posting these drawings, especially for those of you who are watching the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.   Your kids, or even you, could print some of my Religious drawings to color as you watch or listen to conference.  

Jesus begins His Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane

In the Garden of Gethsemane, outside of Jerusalem, Jesus began his Atonement.  He began to pay the price for our sins.  Eternal law says that when we sin we can not return to live with our Heavenly Parents.  Jesus, our elder Spirit Brother, volunteered to be the Savior to cleanse us from our sins so we could repent and return to live with our Heavenly Parents, and with Him, and with our worthy family and friends.  

Jesus praying during His Visit to the Americas

Jesus visited the Americas. In fact, pretty much every tribe or civilization of Native Americans has legends of that visit.  The story of Him visiting the Nephites and Lamanites in one part of the Americas is found in the Book of Mormon.  Jesus Christ taught these people of His newly performed Atonement.  He taught them to be kind and loving to one another and the result was 200 years of peace.  Read all about it in 3rd Nephi in the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ. 

As I write this Elder Bednar, a modern apostle, is talking in the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints... about the Book of Mormon.  That book has given me great faith and comfort over the years, including when I was suffering after a major failed trachea surgery.  I was expected to die yet here I still am.  And that was 19 years ago!  

God can speak to us today and give us personal revelation via His Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.  In fact, when the doctor came into my hospital room he said, "I'm very sorry Mr. Lyman, you're not going to make it."  Then, after he walked out, the Holy Ghost spoke to my soul and said, "It's OK to go, but if you want to stay I will help you but it won't be easy."  

A week or so later my wife had to return home to Utah, USA.  I was in the hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. That was over 2000 miles away.  I felt so sad and lonely yet the Book of Mormon gave me hope and peace.  I knew that Jesus knew how I felt.  Jesus suffered so much in Gethsemane that He even took upon himself ALL our sorrows and the eternal price of all our sins.  Hence He DID know how I felt. And again, that 3 months in the hospital in Boston was 19 years ago.  And I still feel His Holy Spirit when I read the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

While Jesus visited the Americas He was a resurrected and glorified Celestial being with an Eternal body.  And he DID pray during His visit.  He was the Son of God and he prayed to His Heavenly Father.  Because of His resurrection, we all will be resurrected.  The glory of the body we get in the resurrection depends on our repentance and faithfulness here on Earth. 

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious" and scrolling down to the title.  The first picture's title will be at the bottom of the New Testament list.  The second will be at the bottom of the Restoration of the Gospel list.  

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