Monday, October 14, 2024

Council in Heaven coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing is of the Council in Heaven.

Council in Heaven

This is a drawing depicting part of the great Council in Heaven.  This took place probably 4.6 billion years ago.  I say that because the Earth is 4.6 billion years old.  Our Heavenly Parents had created our spirits.  They wanted us to be able to get physical bodies like they had.  In this drawing, you see Heavenly Father with his wife Heavenly Mother.  Jesus is the other person in the drawing.  He has just volunteered and been chosen to be the Christ or Savior.  Jesus was the first to volunteer. He was still a Spirit at this point in His existence.  We all had been intelligences and our Heavenly Parents created our Spirit bodies.  The next step was for us to get our mortal bodies. 

Jesus was and is our older Spirit Brother.  In the Great Council in Heaven, He agreed to suffer and pay the eternal price for our sins.  This means that we can repent of our sins and return, one day, to live as glorified resurrected beings with our spouse, family, and of course our Heavenly Parents. 

By the way, Lucifer or Satan wanted to be chosen instead.  Lucifer volunteered second to be the Savior. But he wanted to take away the agency of Man... in other words, Lucifer wanted to MAKE us all be good.  That would have meant that life wouldn't have been a test. That is NOT our Heavenly Parents' plan.  So Lucifer and his plan were rejected.  He was so angry that he led one-third of the Spirits in Heaven to follow him in his rebellion.  Therefore Lucifer was cast out down to Earth.  He and his billions of followers did not go through the veil of forgetfulness.  On Earth Lucifer became Satan or the Devil and his minions are demons or devils as well.  

At birth, we mortals all go through the veil of forgetfulness so we can't remember our pre-mortal life.  That is what this time before our life on Earth was called, our pre-mortal life.  Some people call it our pre-existence.  But that is not the best name for it, because we existed as Intelligences before we had a Spirit body.  

I'll admit that I have never seen a drawing or painting of our Heavenly Mother.  But our doctrine in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints says that she is indeed as real as Heavenly Father.  Now this is conjecture on my part, but I have wondered if when we say "Heavenly Father" as 1/3 of the Godhead that "Heavenly Father" is actually both of our Heavenly Parents.  After all, in marriage, we are to be one.  We say that the Godhead consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  

We have a saying, "As Man is, God once was.  As God is, Man may become."  

By the way, many billions of our Heavenly Parents' Sprit Children were there in the Great Council in Heaven.  But I imagined that our Heavenly Parents and Jesus (then called Jehovah) are seen in this drawing elevated on like a cloud a cloud or podium cloud for all the Spirit Children to see when Heavenly Father (Elohim) said, "I will choose the first."

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the Religious button and scrolling down to the bottom of the Restoration or Latter-Day Saints section.  IF you access this in October of 2024 then this drawing's title will be there at or near the bottom of the list of drawings.  Click on the title to get the free coloring page.  

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