Thursday, October 17, 2024

Oakleigh the Oak Fairy

This is my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing... and I did all 3000+ drawings, is of 

an Oak Fairy named Oakleigh.

Tree Fairies - Oakleigh the Oak Fairy

This is another drawing in my series of Tree Fairies.  

Oakleigh is a Tree Fairy.  Obviously, she is an Oak Tree Fairy.  Oak Tree Fairies harvest the acorns.  Fairies, like squirrels, store acorns for winter food.  Of course, a Fairy is far smaller than a squirrel or chipmunk.  Fairies have advanced hidden villages under trees so of course Oakleigh's village is under an oak tree.  

Fairies have advanced technology that is integrated with Fairy Magic.  Oakleigh is wearing a Fairy Flying Belt that she can use to fly great distances at speed.  Without the flying belt, she can still fly, of course.  But without the flying belt, she can not fly long distances at great speed,. 

Oakleigh is a very kind Fairy.  She is known to seek out the elderly in mortal villages and cheer them up.  She often does this by secretly helping them.  Although a few mortals HAVE seen her in her Fairy Form, she usually transforms into her mortal form to help mortal seniors.  

You might notice that Oakleigh has a cute crooked smile.  She wears clothing made of leaves but oak leaves are such an unusual shape that she has a smock and knickers made of woven ash leaves. By the way, the name "Oakleigh" means "meadow of oak trees" or "oak clearing."  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus," and then scrolling down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  IF you are accessing this on or around October 2024 then this title will be at or near the bottom of the list. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Plesiosaurus Mommy with Calf

 You have found my free coloring pages blog.

There are over 3000 drawings that I have drawn that you can print to color.

Today's new drawings are of Plesiosaur Mommies. 

Spotted Plesiosaur Mommy with Male Calf

Striped Plesiosaur Mommy with Female Calf

Plesiosaurs had live birth and fossil evidence also indicates that they were probably social creatures and like whales, cared for their young.  These are two sub-species that I imagined.  One is spotted and one is striped.  They are both swimming over a coral reef.  Plesiosaurs include many species but this one is specifically Plesiosaurus. Plesiosaurus grew to up to almost 12 feet or about 4 meters long.   It most likely ate fish and swimming invertebrates if the invertebrates were not shelled.  The shelled invertebrates like ammonites were preyed upon by marine reptiles with stronger jaws... like the Ichthyosaur you see jumping out of the sea... in the distance. 

NOTE:  To get to the printable coloring page just click on the button labeled Palentology.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic Life section of drawings.  IF you are accessing this in October 2024 then you will find this drawing at or near the bottom of that section. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Council in Heaven coloring page

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new drawing is of the Council in Heaven.

Council in Heaven

This is a drawing depicting part of the great Council in Heaven.  This took place probably 4.6 billion years ago.  I say that because the Earth is 4.6 billion years old.  Our Heavenly Parents had created our spirits.  They wanted us to be able to get physical bodies like they had.  In this drawing, you see Heavenly Father with his wife Heavenly Mother.  Jesus is the other person in the drawing.  He has just volunteered and been chosen to be the Christ or Savior.  Jesus was the first to volunteer. He was still a Spirit at this point in His existence.  We all had been intelligences and our Heavenly Parents created our Spirit bodies.  The next step was for us to get our mortal bodies. 

Jesus was and is our older Spirit Brother.  In the Great Council in Heaven, He agreed to suffer and pay the eternal price for our sins.  This means that we can repent of our sins and return, one day, to live as glorified resurrected beings with our spouse, family, and of course our Heavenly Parents. 

By the way, Lucifer or Satan wanted to be chosen instead.  Lucifer volunteered second to be the Savior. But he wanted to take away the agency of Man... in other words, Lucifer wanted to MAKE us all be good.  That would have meant that life wouldn't have been a test. That is NOT our Heavenly Parents' plan.  So Lucifer and his plan were rejected.  He was so angry that he led one-third of the Spirits in Heaven to follow him in his rebellion.  Therefore Lucifer was cast out down to Earth.  He and his billions of followers did not go through the veil of forgetfulness.  On Earth Lucifer became Satan or the Devil and his minions are demons or devils as well.  

At birth, we mortals all go through the veil of forgetfulness so we can't remember our pre-mortal life.  That is what this time before our life on Earth was called, our pre-mortal life.  Some people call it our pre-existence.  But that is not the best name for it, because we existed as Intelligences before we had a Spirit body.  

I'll admit that I have never seen a drawing or painting of our Heavenly Mother.  But our doctrine in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints says that she is indeed as real as Heavenly Father.  Now this is conjecture on my part, but I have wondered if when we say "Heavenly Father" as 1/3 of the Godhead that "Heavenly Father" is actually both of our Heavenly Parents.  After all, in marriage, we are to be one.  We say that the Godhead consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  

We have a saying, "As Man is, God once was.  As God is, Man may become."  

By the way, many billions of our Heavenly Parents' Sprit Children were there in the Great Council in Heaven.  But I imagined that our Heavenly Parents and Jesus (then called Jehovah) are seen in this drawing elevated on like a cloud a cloud or podium cloud for all the Spirit Children to see when Heavenly Father (Elohim) said, "I will choose the first."

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the Religious button and scrolling down to the bottom of the Restoration or Latter-Day Saints section.  IF you access this in October of 2024 then this drawing's title will be there at or near the bottom of the list of drawings.  Click on the title to get the free coloring page.  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Mini-Dragon Fairy

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are a LOT of drawings that you can print to color or print for a kid to color.

Today's newest drawing is of a Dragon Fairy.  A Mini-Dragon Fairy.

Min-Dragon Fairy

This is not a Mini-Fairy.  She IS small, around five inches tall.  She is actually a Fairy that is particularly friendly with Mini-Dragons.  Here she has been caring for a Mother Dragon's egg... while the mother was out hunting rodents.  Mini-Dragons vary in size from a few inches to three feet long.  

Mini-Dragons are important to many ecosystems because they feed on rodents.  Of course, Mini-Dragons have Dragon Magic so you can almost never see them.  That is, if you are a mortal you will rarely or never see any kind of dragon.  But know that without the many many Mini-Dragons, the Earth would quite likely be overrun by rodents.  

NOTE:  This drawing is found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled Fantasy, Myths, and Circus.  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list. This will work if you access this page around October 2024. If you are accessing it later then this drawing will be further up the list of drawings,  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Escargot and the Search for Spring book review and fan art coloring page

Today on this free coloring pages blog I am writing a book review on an excellent

children's book called Escargot and the Search for Spring.  

I am also posting a fan-art coloring page of the main character from this book. 

Escargot and Plush Bunny

I recently purchased a book called Escargot and the Search for Spring.  It was written by Dashka Slater.  The awesome illustrations were done by Sydney Hanson. (I hope she's OK with my fan-art effort here.) What a great storybook!  I have purchased two of the other Escargot books in the past!  I read these to my 4-year-old granddaughter.  She LOVES the stories!  I have fun reading the books with what is probably a terrible fake French accent.  It really is fun!  It kind of makes me hoarse when I talk that way.

In THIS Escargot book the snail (Escargot is actually a living snail) is trapped in his home.  He THINKS he has a big snowbank blocking his door but it is a bunny.  The story is so cute.  Our granddaughter loves bunnies so this was the PERFECT Escargot book for her.  

The bunny in my drawing here is NOT the bunny from the book.  It is our granddaughter's plush or stuffed bunny.  She also has a plush Escargot snail.  I highly recommend this series of books!  They are the ultimate fun read-aloud picture books!  By the way, my drawing of the snail IS based on Escargot, however it is not exactly the same.  

NOTE:  To print this fan-art drawing in order to color it, just click on the "Animals" button and scroll down.  IF you are accessing this around Oct. 2024 then this drawing will be near or at the bottom of the list.  I hope you read these Escargot books and I hope you enjoy coloring the drawing.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

Walrus Mother and Calf coloring page

This is myn free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing for you to print and color

is of a Mother Walrus and her Calf.

Walrus Mother and Calf

Walruses are a huge marine mammal.  They often live on sea ice so global warming is affecting them quite a lot.  A mother walrus might weigh as much as 2700 lbs or 907 kg... and be up to 10 feet or 3 meters long.  A male walrus could be up to 12 feet long or 3.7 meters and weigh up to 5000 lbs or 2268 kg.

Both female and male walrus have huge tusks.  A male could have tusks up to 39 inches or 100 cm.  A female walrus may have a pair tusks up to 31.8 or 80 cm.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Animals."  Then scroll down to near or at the bottom of the list  IF you are accessing this page during Oct. 2024 then the title of this drawing will be found there.  Just click on the title and print the drawing for you or your child/children to color.   Have fun coloring!!!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

2 New Pictures of Jesus to Color

Here is my free coloring pages blog.

Today's new free drawings are of Jesus.

They are of Jesus in the Old World and one is of Him in the New World. 

I am posting these drawings, especially for those of you who are watching the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.   Your kids, or even you, could print some of my Religious drawings to color as you watch or listen to conference.  

Jesus begins His Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane

In the Garden of Gethsemane, outside of Jerusalem, Jesus began his Atonement.  He began to pay the price for our sins.  Eternal law says that when we sin we can not return to live with our Heavenly Parents.  Jesus, our elder Spirit Brother, volunteered to be the Savior to cleanse us from our sins so we could repent and return to live with our Heavenly Parents, and with Him, and with our worthy family and friends.  

Jesus praying during His Visit to the Americas

Jesus visited the Americas. In fact, pretty much every tribe or civilization of Native Americans has legends of that visit.  The story of Him visiting the Nephites and Lamanites in one part of the Americas is found in the Book of Mormon.  Jesus Christ taught these people of His newly performed Atonement.  He taught them to be kind and loving to one another and the result was 200 years of peace.  Read all about it in 3rd Nephi in the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ. 

As I write this Elder Bednar, a modern apostle, is talking in the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints... about the Book of Mormon.  That book has given me great faith and comfort over the years, including when I was suffering after a major failed trachea surgery.  I was expected to die yet here I still am.  And that was 19 years ago!  

God can speak to us today and give us personal revelation via His Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.  In fact, when the doctor came into my hospital room he said, "I'm very sorry Mr. Lyman, you're not going to make it."  Then, after he walked out, the Holy Ghost spoke to my soul and said, "It's OK to go, but if you want to stay I will help you but it won't be easy."  

A week or so later my wife had to return home to Utah, USA.  I was in the hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. That was over 2000 miles away.  I felt so sad and lonely yet the Book of Mormon gave me hope and peace.  I knew that Jesus knew how I felt.  Jesus suffered so much in Gethsemane that He even took upon himself ALL our sorrows and the eternal price of all our sins.  Hence He DID know how I felt. And again, that 3 months in the hospital in Boston was 19 years ago.  And I still feel His Holy Spirit when I read the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

While Jesus visited the Americas He was a resurrected and glorified Celestial being with an Eternal body.  And he DID pray during His visit.  He was the Son of God and he prayed to His Heavenly Father.  Because of His resurrection, we all will be resurrected.  The glory of the body we get in the resurrection depends on our repentance and faithfulness here on Earth. 

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, are found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious" and scrolling down to the title.  The first picture's title will be at the bottom of the New Testament list.  The second will be at the bottom of the Restoration of the Gospel list.  

Friday, October 4, 2024

Unicorn Stallion and Mare with Squirrel

 Today on this, my free coloring pages blog...

I am posting two simple Unicorn drawings.  

These are simple drawings for kids to color. 

Unicorn Mare with Squirrel Doe Friend

Unicorn Stallion with Buck Squirrel

This is a pair of rather simple Unicorn drawings.  Unicorns are magical creatures of light.  They have human-like or Fairy-like or Mermaid-like intelligence.  They are friendly with less intelligent non-magical animals like squirrels.  In fact, they are especially friendly with squirrels.  I am not sure why that is but it is the truth.  

NOTE:  This pair of drawings are found by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of drawings.  IF you are accessing this page during October 2024 then these drawings will be found at or near the bottom of the Fantasy titles.  Have fun coloring these rather simple and quickly-done drawings of mine.   

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Alamosaurus the Huge North American Sauropod

 Here you have found my free coloring pages blog. 

Today's new drawing is of a huge North American Sauropod called Alamosaurus.

Alamosaurus feeding on Cycad Tree
(Alamosaurus sanjuanensis)

Alamosaurus was a gigantic Sauropod dinosaur.  It appeared in North America after a 30 million-year lack of any Sauropods on the continent.  It was closely related to the giant Titanosaurs of South America.  So it is thought that it must have migrated up into North America FROM South America.  It was the biggest land animal ever to live in North America.  It was possibly 100 feet or 30.5 meters long and possibly weighed up to 88 tons.  Of course, estimates vary.  Initially, it was thought that Alamosaurus was only around 52 feet long.  But in 2011 vertebrae were found that showed that Alamosaurus was possibly twice that size.  

One fossilized bone of an Alamosaurus had a T. rex tooth embedded inside it.  This may indicate that T. rex preyed on this Sauropod.  However, with its enormous size, a healthy Alamosaurus would not be threatened by an adult T. rex... or even by a pack of Tyrannosaurs.  Alamosaurs were one of the few Sauropods that we know had osteoderms or armor to protect it from predators.  Although there is some thought that possible all or most Sauropods had defensive armor that just did not fossilize... thus leaving us not knowing about their ostedermal armor.  

Although Aregentinosaurus is thought to have been larger, it was not by much.  In fact, we may one day find Alamosaurus fossils that indicate that IT was larger.  So far Alamosaurus fossils have been found in New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and as far north as Wyoming.  It clearly was a successful animal that lived in many parts of North America.  

By the way, the genus name Alamosaurus has nothing to do with the Alamo in Texas.  Alamo actually is the Spanish word for poplar trees like the cottonweed tree and it was found in a place with that name.  Specifically, the dinosaur was named for the Ojo Alamo Sandstone where it was first found in 1921 in New Mexico.  Its species name is sanjuanensis after the county in New Mexico where it was found.  So the full scientific classification name is Alamosaurus sanjuanensis.

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then, IF you are accessing this page during October of 2024 then this title will be at or near the bottom of the Mesozoic Animals titles.  Have fun coloring!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Blue-Footed Boobies Doing Mating Dance coloring pages

 This is my free coloring pages blog.

I have drawn over 3000 coloring page drawings.

Feel free to print them for kids to color. 

Today's new drawing is of Blue-Footed Boobies. 

We saw these birds several years ago on a trip to the Galapagos Islands.

Blue-Footed Boobies Doing Mating Dance

Blue-footed boobies live in the Galapagos Islands.  They have unique blue feet and a cute mating dance.  This dance is part of their courtship ritual.  These two boobies are on a rock near the shore.  Another amazing thing that blue-footed boobies do is dive into the ocean at high speed when they're fishing.  It is really quite amazing to watch.  

Boobies drink seawater.  Then they excrete the excess salt out of their nostrils.  So boobies are mouth breathers.  There are other species of boobies:  Red-footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies, Masked Boobies, Brown Boobies, etc. etc.  There are actually 6  distinct species of boobies.  

The ship in the distance is from National Geographic/Linblad.  We went to the Galapagos with them and it was an absolutely AMAZING experience!!  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, is found by clicking on the button labeled "Birds."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of bird drawings.  If you are accessing this page around October 2024 then the drawing title will be at or near the bottom of the list of bird drawings.  Below is an older drawing I did of two Blue-footed boobies.   Have fun coloring!

Blue-Footed Boobies

This is an older drawing so it is found in printable form further up the list of bird drawings. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Two Fairy Princesses, a She-Elf Warrior, and a Hobbit coloring pages

This is my free coloring pages blog.

There are around 3000 pictures that I have drawn that you can print to color.

Today I am posting several Fantasy Drawings.  

Posting these will take a couple of hours tonight. 

Niya the Fairy Princess

Niya is a beautiful but kind Fairy Princess.  She knows that true beauty is more than skin deep.  Yes, she IS very beautiful to look at.  But if you got to know her you would come to know that she is much much more.  She is kind and serves others.  Oh that all physically beautiful people were as kind as Niya!

By the way, please realize that this medium of coloring pages can capture the visual beauty of a beautiful person.  But I do the best I can.  In case you are wondering, Niya has bright beautiful blonde hair.  But, of course you can color this drawing any way you would like.  AND I have met her and she was obviously very intelligent and very kind.  

Caytlynia She-Elf in Willow Tree

Not all Elf Warriors are male.  Some are She-Elves.  Being particularly nimble they are good at climbing trees.  In fact, this is particularly true of Wood Elf females.  They are a force to be reckoned with as they hide in trees and pick off orcs from on high.  Caytlynia is very beautiful on many levels, both spiritually and physically.  But she is also a deadly foe when defending the Wood Elf Realm.

Cydnia the Elven Princess

Cydnia IS an Elven Princess, however she is also an expert on medicinal plants.  Here we see her in the Canyon near her home.  She is gathering medicinal plants to help the other Elves.  

Woodie the Hobbit Warrior

It is true that Hobbits are not usually known for fighting.  But SOME did become warriors.  They rode horses and fought with Men who were knights.  Of course, Hobbits were much smaller than the men.  But they were ferocious warriors.  Don't let their size fool you.  In fact, in a battle, one of the things Hobbits were very good at was throwing stones.  They were deadly accurate.  OK. Hobbit-thrown stones were not always deadly, but their hits were WERE impactful because a Hobbit could aim at any body part they wished to clobber with the rock. They could give an Orc a concussion or blind it in one eye with a deadly accurate throw of a fist-sized rock.  

NOTE:  These drawings can be found in printable form by clicking on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus."  Then scroll down and find these titles.  This will work IF you are accessing this page in October of 2024.  If you are accessing it later than that then the drawing titles will be further up the list.  I will be posting more drawings today.