Friday, May 26, 2023

Repenomamus and Sauropod are Friends coloring page

 THIS post on this free coloring pages blog is a re-posting of a previous post 

that I then posted in Chinese (since Repenomamus was from China).

The new drawing is 

of a pair of Mesozoic animals.  

The big one is a Sauropod and 

the little one is one of the largest mammal

of the Mesozoic Era.  

The mammal was named Repenomamus.

Repenomamus and Sauropod are Freinds 

Sauropods were the largest land animals ever to live.  They lived in the Mesozoic Era.  So they were the biggest dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era. This Sauropod would have to be a younger one.  OR some Sauropods were only the size of a couple of elephants.  Some were as heavy as 17 African elephants. 

Repenomamus was the largest mammal of the Mesozoic Era.  It was about the size of a badger.  It was about a yard or around a meter long and weighed 31 pounds at most.  That is 14 kilograms.  Mammals in the Mesozoic Era were successful, but they had a niche of being rather small.  In fact VERY small.  Most were smaller than Repenomamus.  By the way, Reepnomamus was a predator.  It probably fed on smaller mammals and lizards etc.  It might have targeted untended dinosaur nests and small or very young dinosaurs as well.  Repenomamus lived in the early Cretaceous Period about 125 million -130 million years ago.  It lived in China.  So I will post this in Chinese as well. 

This cartoon drawing shows the two species as friends.  In fact, some species in the wild today will have a symbiotic relationship where essentially they are friends.  Ravens and Wolves come to mind. Ravens will find a wounded animal and guide the wolf pack to the meal.  AND wolves and ravens have been filmed playing together.  That sounds like friendship to me.  

NOTE:  This drawing, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Paleontology."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the Mesozoic Life section.  Click the title and you get a printable version of this drawing.  Have fun coloring!!!

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