Sunday, May 7, 2023

Jesus as the Good Shepherd or Parable of the Good Shepherd and Jesus Heals a Blind Man coloring pages

 Today's new drawings on this free coloring pages blog were 

both drawn partly in church today and last Sunday. 

I just put on the finishing touches. 

The first one is of 

Jesus as the Good Shepherd and it also illustrates 

the Parable of the Lost Sheep.

The second drawing is of when Jesus healed the blind man by anointing his eyes with clay.

Jesus as the Good Shepherd or Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep.  It is a parable story so it teaches a lesson to those who are willing to learn from the parable.  Jesus tells of how the good shepherd will go after a lost sheep.  He also says that in Heaven there is much rejoicing over the one soul that repents!  This tells us that God WILL forgive and we will be welcomed back into His fold.  

I am personally grateful for forgiveness.  God gave us His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to teach us and to pay the eternal price for our sins so that we all could return to live with our Heavenly Parents one day.  I am soooooo grateful for this!

My wife (Laurel) looked at this picture and told me to add the flock of sheep in the distance and I realized that it was a very good idea.  I know my drawings are not perfect but I use the talent that I have to hopefully serve others.  We should never be afraid to share our talents and we should NOT worry about there being someone else who is better at it than us.  I know that there are many better artists but I choose to use my talent to bless others and myself... because drawing distracts me from the pain I often am in.  

The parable of the lost sheep to me also says that each and every one of us is VALUABLE as a child of God.  We all can contribute in our own way toward making the world a better place.  The lost sheep of the world have talents and skills that they can use to benefit others.  They are NEEDED in God's flock!

Jesus heals a Blind Man by anointing his Eyes with Clay

This depicts an amazing story.  Jesus heals a man who was blind since birth.  Jesus makes clay and anoints the blind man's eyes and tells him to go wash his eyes.  When the man does this he is healed and can see for the first time in his life.  

His parents are taken before (presumably) the Sanhedrin Council and then healed man is dragged before the Sanhedrin Council as well.  In front of the council, this formerly blind man who was a former beggar stands up for Jesus.  The Pharisees are upset that Jesus healed on the Sabbath. One accuser says that Jesus is a sinner and the man says basically that a sinner can't open the eyes of a blind man.  The council throws the formally blind man out but Jesus finds him and tells him that He, Jesus, is the Messiah.  It is an amazing experience... and an amazing true story.  I think that the blind man was probably fairly young.  And as a beggar, he had been at the very bottom of the social ladder.  Yet he stood up to the council (who were at the top of the social ladder) and the healed young man defended Jesus.  The man was so very brave. 

In a way, the blind man had been a lost sheep.  He had to beg for his living.  He was at the bottom of the social ladder.  Jesus was the Good Shepherd that healed him.  I have been blessed by blessings that have prolonged my life well past my expiration date.  I am so grateful for the power of priesthood blessings.  Yet remember that the Parable of the Lost Sheep is more about Jesus healing us from our sins and welcoming us back into the fold.    

NOTE:  These drawings, in printable form, can be found by clicking on the button labeled "Religious."  Then scroll down to the bottom of the "New Testament" section to find these titles.  Click on the title and you will get your printable page for each drawing.  

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