Sunday, February 23, 2020

Jesus gives Comfort and Great Promises

Resurrected Jesus greets a Little Boy

After His resurrection Jesus appeared to many people.  This could be one of them.  Jesus appearing to a very young little boy who needed comfort.  Maybe this is one of the little children who Jesus was talking about when He said, 

      "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the 
       kingdom of God."  Luke 18:15-17  

In that story in the Bible, Jesus' disciples tried to keep children away from the Lord.  But Jesus WANTED the children near him so He could bless them.  Little children are alive in Christ.  We members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe that children who die before reaching the age of accountability (8 years old)are saved by the Atonement of Christ.  They are not capable of committing sin so they are Alive in Christ and if they die while so young they are saved in the Kingdom of Heaven.  They need no baptism for the remission of sins because they never sinned.  

The Fall of Man or Adam's and Eve's transgression in the Garden of Eden is taken care of by the Atonement of Christ.  So, again, little children are pure.  If they have died young then they go to the Paradise of God and their eternal prospects are  wonderful.  When Jesus Christ comes to Earth again all those little children who died young will be will be resurrected and saved in the Kingdom of God.

Maybe you could think of this top drawing being a drawing of Jesus greeting a very young child who has died young.  If that were the case then this is Jesus and the Little Boy in the Paradise part of the Spirit World. I would bet that Jesus does greet many children who have died while very young.  I think he greets many of us who have tried to serve Him in mortality. 

When someone who dies young, even a good person who was older than 8 years old, we sometimes mourn terribly at the things they missed in life.  We mourn that they had no marriage, no children, no career etc.  But this life is only a temporary part of our existence.  We lived as Spirits Children of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before this life and we have the chance to return to them IF we keep God's commandments and serve others and repent of our sins when we mess up.  We all sin and mess up at some point so the Atonement of Christ takes care of the eternal consequences of our sins.  A good person, who was denied a long life, will have the chance in the eternities to do lots of amazing things including finding an eternal companion and being sealed to them for time and all eternity.  This would include the many good people who have died young in war such as countless young soldiers and civilians. 

Early leader of our church named George Q. Cannon, said the following: 

         “If God deprives His children of any present blessing, it is so that He may bestow upon them
          a  greater and more glorious one by and by.” 

The point is that really, this life is only a short time in our eternal existence.  This mortal life  IS important.  But it is only temporary.  The eternities are a long long time.  We will be able to make up for anything we missed in mortality.  If you always wanted to do something, and it was a righteous desire, then I think that you will be able to do it in the eternities.  Maybe we'll get to do those things in the Millennium.  The Millennium is 1000 years of peace where all the righteous will dwell on the Earth with Jesus.  After the Millennium the good people who have kept the commandments and received the ordinances of salvation will be able to go to the Celestial Kingdom where we will again live with our Heavenly Parents.  We also will be with our righteous loved ones for time and all eternity.  But I want to reiterate that little children who have died young do not need repentance and baptism.  They never sinned in mortal life so they are fine.  They are saved in God's Kingdom and are not suffering in any way.  So if you have lost a child be comforted.  They are waiting to see you one day in God's Paradise.  

These drawings can be found in printable form by clicking on the correct top buttons.  Those buttons are. . . . . . . . . 

Note to my English readers:  I posted this once before, then I translated it into several languages.  This is a re-posting. 

Here are some older drawings of Jesus mostly with individuals or groups of His people.  

Jesus with a pair of Children

Jesus comforts a Man

Jesus comforts a Young Woman

Jesus ordains Nephi... One of His Disciples in the New World

Jesus appears to His Apostles

Jesus with light haired Little Girl

Jesus with dark haired Little Girl

Jesus with a Young Boy

Jesus and the Resurrection of Soldiers

Jesus at His Resurrection

Jesus in the Celestial Kingdom

Together in the Celestial Kingdom

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