Friday, March 14, 2025

Alicia the Sea Lion Mermaid

This is another drawing on my free coloring pages blog. 

This is my third post today. 

The first two posts were of Alicia the Whale Mermaid.

But Alicia also loves Sea Lions - hence this modified drawing of her with a sea lion.

Alicia the Sea Lion Mermaid

Sea lions are earred seals. But they are also Sea Lions, not regular seals.  A  sea lion is much larger than a seal. Sea lions have an ear flap on each year.  Sea lions can walk on their four flippers when on land.  Male sea lions are much larger than females.  There are six species of sea lions.  A male California sea lion can weigh up to 850 pounds.  A female California sea lion weighs up to only 250 pounds.  

The sea lion with Alicia is a California sea lion.  They live all along the west coast of North America. Their range is from Northern British Columbia in Canada to Baja California in Mexico.  They feed mostly on fish, squid, and octopus.  

By the way, in Spanish, these animals can be called either "sea lions" or "leones marinos," or they can be called "sea wolves" or "lobos marinos." 

Abandoned commercial fishing gear is a hazard for all species of sea lions.  They can get tangled up in the old fishing lines or nets and drown.  Remember that sea lions are mammals and need to breathe air.  They don't have gills like fish, so sea lions have to come to the surface for air.  

Sea lions hang out on coastal rocks and sand.  The beachmaster is the head male who has a harem of females during the breeding season.  They will defend their portion of the beach.  We saw this with Galapagos sea lions.  

Alicia the Sea Lion Mermaid absolutely loves sea lions, and they love her too.  She knows so much about them.  In this drawing, we see a male California Sea Lion coming to greet Alicia while Alicia is sitting on a coastal rock. 

NOTE:  To print this drawing, click on the button labeled "Fantasy, Myths, and Circus," or click on the button labeled "Animals."  Then scroll down to the drawing's title.  This drawing will be at or near the bottom of the lists of drawings. Have fun coloring!

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